© 2013 AEI, University of Oregon, Hochstein/Healey 1
© 2013 AEI, University of Oregon, Hochstein/Healey 1
© 2013 AEI, University of Oregon, Hochstein/Healey 1
Describe any issues related to the principles or cornerstones of assessment that you have
read about this week and last in the Brown and Coombe texts (e.g., practicality, reliability,
washback, validity, security, etc.)
Diagnostic tests must be content valid i. e students need to have a clear picture of what
the teachers want to assess. Considering that fact, they might not be very content valid at
the beginning of the school year, the mid-term diagnostic test can be very content valid.
They are reliable since the more items will be assigned and considering the practice
effect ,the student performance can improve because this test can be taken many times.
They are practical since the diagnostic tests are teacher-friendly( easily administrative,
mark the test and return promptly with the understandable feedback for the student.
These tests can have a positive washback since they are guided learning and students
perceive these diagnostic tests like good markers of their progress toward
accomplishing their learning outcomes.
Summative tests are high-stakes tests .they are very reliable in terms of the formats and
content of the questions, time given and administrative factors.
Writing different texts ( letters, stories, summaries of a given reading text or listening
task) can be content valid, reliable ,authentic because of the Ss’ exposure to the real life
situation, with a positive washback. They can be practical although these item tasks
need more time to be administered and marked , they can be assessed and marked with
good rubrics created by the teacher and with peer or self-assessment.
Comments: So far, so good! The course itself is very reliable ,valid and practical and
authentic in terms of the more we are trained about assessing, the more aware we become of
the importance of a good, reliable, content valid , authentic and practical assessment.