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 Scientific name of Aloe vera is Aloe barbadansis miller belonging to family

Asphodelaceae (liliaceae)
 Aloe vera is widely used in treatment of many disease and also used in
cosmetic prepration .
 Aloe vera plant has health benefits also and astounding that hardly any
part of human body remain un influenced by its healing touch .
 It is being used as a medical value for thousands of year.
 Its application has been recorded in ancient culture of India, Rome,
China and Egypt.
 Some of its common names are Aloe barbadansis mill,
Aloe officinalis forsk, Aloe indica royale and etc.
 It grows wild on the island Cyprus, Sicily, Cape veroe and has spread
over arids trats of India.
 In India the average growth of Aloe vera is about 12 tonnes.
 Out of 275 species 42 belong to Madagascar region (Africa).


 Aloe barbadansis var. Chinensis Haw

 Aloe Chinensis (Haw) baker
 Aloe flava pers
 Aloe rubescens DC
 Aloe lanzae Tod.
 Aloe vera mill
 Aloe vera var. lan zae baker
 Aloe vulgaris Lam





Dried juice of the leves of Aloe barbadansis belonging to family Liliacae.

These are the solid residue obtained by the evaporating the liquid which drain from the transversely cut leaves of various
Aloe species.
The juice usually concentrated by boiling and solidify on cooling.

 Aloe vera are mainly found in East and South Africa, West Indies and into topical nations.
 Aloe vera will even thrive in the nations verging on the Mediterranena.
 In India, it is found in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttra Khand, Himachal
Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.
 It is economically developed in India, South Africa, the United of America, China and Venezula .
 It has turned into a typical family solution for assortment of uses.

Taste :- Bitter

Odour :- None

Size & Shape :- Plant growing to 60-100cm in lance-shaped with elongated strands

Colour :- Leaves are green to grey- green flower

Flower :- Yellow tubular in 25-35cm in a slender loose staments

Root :- Root fibers that can reach 30-40 cm in length


I. Kingdom: Plantae
II. Clade: Traceophytes
III. Clade: Angiosperms
IV. Clade: Monocots
V. Ordere Asparagales
VI. Family: Asphodelaceae
VII. Sub family: Asphodeloideae
VIII. Genus: Aloe
IX. Species: A.vera


1. Leaves: These are thick leaves grow in rosette shaped. It contain large
quantity of pulp in its parenchyma. it grow 30 to 50 cm long
and has 10 cm width at the base.
The leaves with serrated edges that aries from a central base.
It has spines of various rigidity along the edge of succulent

2. Flowers: These are produced in summer at a height of 90cm (35”),

Its flower begains pendulous, yellow tubular corolla 2 to 3cm
long. The colour range come from white to yellow to orange to
near red. These are held on height on single or branched stalks.
And the resulting seeds are in dry capsule there is no calyx.

3. Roots: The roots of aloe tends to grow wide but not so deep into the soil.
These are grow in little rainfall. Its important feature is it forms
Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungus that goes inside the roots to allow
The plant quite good entrance to mineral nutrients in the soil.

4. Fruit: It produce capsules, dry fruits that split open at maturity to relese the
Soil. The fruits are triangular capsule containing numerous seeds.

Aloe vera contain more than 200 different types of molecule the 10 main chemical constituents are:
Amino acid anthra quinines, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, sugar, harmones, salicylic acid, saponins
and steroids
Salicylic acid Anthraquinones

A.vera is anthelmintic, aperients, carminative, diuretic, stomachic and emmenagogue. Juice is used in skin care medicine,
dyspepsia, burns. juice of this plant, is used for helminthiasis in children and is a purgative, anthelmintic & emmenagogue.
It also has anti tumor, anti ulcer effect. The gel is used in both tropical internally to treat dibities immune deficiency syndroms
and contibation etc.
In ayurvedic system used for the treatment of asthma, cough, cold and piles and also for moisturing purpose, soothing purpose

Aloin and its gel are used as skin for pimples. Aloe vera is also used for soothing as well as keeping the skin moist
to help avoid flaky scalp and skin in harsh and dry weather. It makes an excellent skin smoothing moisturizer,
sun’s cream. The plant is widely used in skin care and gel has been used to have a protective affect to reduce
radiation. It protect from UV rays.


The antiseptic property of Aloe vera is due to presence of six antiseptic agents namely lupeol, salicylic acid, urea
nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenols and sulphur. These compounds have inhibitory action on fungi, bacteria and
viruses. Though most of these uses are interesting con- trolled trials are essential to determine its effectiveness in
all diseases.


Glycoproteins and polysaccharides present in Aloe vera make it a potent chemo-preventive agent that is useful
against various types of cancers (Reynolds and Dweck, 1999). These agents increase the immune system to fight
against cancer . Barbaloin, aloe-emodin and aloesin extracted from Aloe vera have shown cytotoxicity against
acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphocytes leukemia cancerous cells. Administration of these active
compounds have been reported to significantly extend the life span of tumor transplanted animals.


Aloe vera contains polysaccharides which increase the insulin level and show hypoglycemic properties.
Extracts of Aloe gum increases glucose tolerance in both normal and diabetic rats. Aloe vera gel is used in
reducing sugar in diabetes. Traditional anti-diabetic plants might provide new oral anti-diabetic compounds,
which can counter the high cost and poor availability of the current medicines for many rural populations in
developing countries.



Wound healing is a dynamic process, occurring in 3 phases.

1st phase is inflammation, hyperaemia andleukocyte infiltration.
2nd phase consists of removal of dead tissue.
3rd phase of proliferation consisting of epithelial regeneration and formation of fibrous tissue

Aloe vera is used for the healing of first to second degree burns
Mannose-6-phosphate of aloe vera has the property of wound healing
Anti-Inflammatory Action

Aloe vera gel has been revealed by a number of in vitro and in vivo studies for anti inflammatory activity through
bradykinase activity. C-glucosyl chromone is isolated from the gel of aloe vera as a noval inflammatory compound.
In croton oil-induced oedema in mice, three Aloe vera gel sterols were able to reduce inflammation by up to 37%.
Lupeol, the most active antiinflamatory sterol, reduced inflammation in a dose dependent manner.
Other aspirine like component present in aloe.

Moisturizing and Anti-Aging Agent

The Aloe gel gives cooling effect and also acts as a moisturizing agent. It also has role in gerontology and
rejuvenation of aging skin. This property of Aloe is be- cause it’s biogenic material. Aloe vera is used as skin tonic
in cosmetic industry.

Laxative Effects

Anthraquinones present in latex stimulate mucus secretion, increase intestinal water content and intestinal
peristalsis. Primarily aloe are the 1, 8-dihydroxyanthracene glycosides, aloin A and B. After oral administration
aloin A and B, are it hydrolysed in the colon by intestinal bacteria because of the unabsorption in upper intestine
and then reduced to the active metabolites which acts as a stimulant and irritant to the gastrointestinal tract.

Antimicrobial Activities

Anti-bacterial Activity

Aloe vera gel was bactericidal against pseudomonas aeruginosa and acemannan kept it from holding fast to human
lungs epithelial cells in a monolayer society. A took care of Aloe vera gel prepration ruined the improvement of
development Candida albicans. The gel contains 99.3%of water, the staying 0.7%is made up of solid with starches
constituting for a sweeping parts. concentrated concentrates of Aloe leaves are used as diuretic and as a haemorrhoid
treatment. Aloe gel can fortify the body's resistant framework Glucomannan and acemannan have been exhibited to
revive wound recuperating, actiuating macrophages. ,bracing safe structure additionally antibacterial and antiviral
effects.The preliminary phytochemistry revealed closeness of terpenoids ,flavonoids and tannins . Aloe secundiflora
could be a rich wellspring of antimicrobial agenstsand its utilization by the neighborhood individuals of need
victroria district of Kenyas

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