TDS MK CP-WP-02 - 2017
TDS MK CP-WP-02 - 2017
TDS MK CP-WP-02 - 2017
Product : CP/WP/02
Multikem CP/WP/02 is a high thickness adhesive which is blender polyvinyl acetate homo
polymer. It is specially developed for use as adhesive for Paper core manufacturing, multiwall
sack manufacturing, bonding of board surface and other general purposes application.
Technical Specifications
Polymer type vinyl acetate homo-polymer
Appearance : Milky white
Visosity 6,000-10,000 cps (SP#3/12 rpm/280C)
Solid Content: 33-35 %
PH : 4.5-5.5
Paste Clarity: Opaque
Bonding High
Flexibility of film fair
Coverage Uniform
Toxicity: No
Cleaning agent Water
Diluting agent Water
Storage & handling
Storage tank should be corrosion resistant & stainless steel. Product should be keep at tightly
closed container, protect from freezing and storage heat and it should be used within six month.
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