Rizal Chapter 22
Rizal Chapter 22
Rizal Chapter 22
Achievements of Rizal:
practiced medicine Captain Juan Sitges - succeeded Cap. Carnicero on May 4,
Pursued scientific studies 1893; ordered the arrest of Pablo Mercado & instructed
continued his artistic and literary works Anastacio Adriatico to investigate him
widened his knowledge in languages
established a school for boys Bibliotica Ncional in Madrid - where the transcripts of
promoted community development projects investigation of the friar’s spy were declassified and
invented a wooden machine for making bricks preserved
engaged in farming and commerce These available documents on the failed mission of the
friar’s spy have been quoted by 3 Rizalist biographers:
Steamer “Cebu” - brought Rizal to Dapitan Retana, Palma, & Jose Baron Fernandez
- carried a letter from Fr. Pablo Pastells (Superior of Jesuit
Society in PH) to Fr. Antonio Obach (Jesuit parish priest of Manuel T. HIdalgo - Rizal’s brother-in-law: “Maneng”
*August 1893 - his mother and sister Maria arrived in
Fr. Pastells informed Fr. Obach that Rizal could live at the Dapitan; he operated on his mother’s right eye
parish convent on the ff. conditions:
1. That Rizal publicly retract his errors concerning religion, and Don Ignacio Tumarong - rich Filipino ophthalmic patient of
make statements that were clearly pro-Spanish and against Rizal; paid 3,000
revolution Don Florencio Azacarraga - rich hacendero of Aklan; patient
2. That he perform the church rites and make a general of Rizal which paid him a cargo of sugar
confession of his past life
3. That he conduct himself in an exemplary manner as a Perito Agrimensor (expert surveyor) - Rizal’s title which he
Spanish subject and a man of religion obtained in Ateneo
Captain Carnicero - the Spanish commandant/warden of Rizal; Community Projects for Dapitan:
where Rizal used to live in town’s first water system
“A Don Ricardo Carnicero” - poem by Rizal for the Captain’s drained the marshes to get rid of malaria
birthday (Aug. 26, 1982) lighting system
remodelled the town plaza
Butuan - mail boat which brought the Lottery Ticket no. 9736 made a huge relief map of Mindanao - out of earth,
owned by Cap. Carnicero, Rizal, & Francisco Equilior winning stones, and grass
2nd prize of 20,000 (Sept. 21, 1892)
*In 1893, Rizal established a school which existed until the
Fr. Pablo Pastells - whom Rizal had a scholarly debate with on end of his exile in July 1896. It began with 3 pupils, then 16
religion through exchange of letters; gave Rizal a copy of: and later became 21.
“Imitacion de Cristo” - a famous Catholic book by Fr. Thomas *Formal classes where conducted bet. 2pm-4pm
a Kempis *”Emperor” - what the best pupil was called
*Rizal taught his boys the ff:
“Catholicisim of Renan and Teilhard de Chardin” - Catholicism reading
of Rizal that inquires and enlightens writing
languages - Spanish and English
Juan Lardet - a French acquaintance of Rizal which he geography
challenged to a duel history
mathematics - arithmetic and geometry
Fr, Francisco de Paula Sanchez - Rizal’s favorite teacher at industrial work
ADMU; Rizal gave him a manuscript on his birthday entitled nature study
“Estudios sobre la lengua tagala” (Studies on the Tagalog morals
Language) - a Tagalog grammar gymnastics
*He trained them how “to collect specimen of plants and
Talisay - where Rizal built his house by the seashore animals, to love work, and to behave like men.”
“Pablo Mercado” - assumed name of the friar’s spy posing as “Himno a Talisay” (Hymn to Talisay) - a poem Rizal wrote in
a relative; secretly visited Rizal at his house on the night of honor of Talisay and for his pupils to sing
November 3, 1893.
Dresden Museum - museum of Europe where Rizal sent sent Dapitan
the specimens of some animals and plants *Raymundo Mata - a blind man brought by Dr. Valenzuela
*Rizal discovered some rare specimens which were named in to solicit Rizal’s medical advice to camouflage his real
his honor by the scientists: mission
Draco rizali - flying dragon *Rizal believed that Bonifacio’s project was premature for
Apogonia rizali - small beetle the ff. reasons:
Rhacophorus rizali - rare frog 1. the people are not ready for a revolution
*Languages Rizal learned in Dapitan: 2. arms and funds must first be collected before raising
Bisayan the cry of revolution
Malay Gov. Gen. Ramon Blanco - Despujol’s successor; where Rizal
wrote to offer his services a military doctor in Cuba
*22 languages known by Rizal:
Tagalog, Ilokano, Bisayan, Subanum, Spanish, Latin, Greek, “El Canto del Viajero” (The Song of the Traveller) - poem
English, French, German, Arabic, Malay, Hebrew, Sanskrit, written by Rizal as he was going to travel to Europe then
Dutch, Catalan, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Cuba
Portuguese, Swedish, and Russian
July 31, 1896 - Rizal’s exile came to an end (4 years, 13 days)
“The Mother’s Revenge” - a statuette modeled by Rizal *He embarked on board the steamer “España”.
representing the mother-dog killing the crocodile *He was accompanied by Josephine, Narcisa, Angelica
(Narcisa’s daughter), 3 nephews, 6 pupils
Ramon Carreon - a Dapitan merchant; business partner of *”Funeral March” of Chopin - a farewell music the town
Rizal where he made profitable business ventures in: fishing, brass band played
copra, and hemp industries
*To break the Chinese monopoly on business in Dapitan, Rizal
organized on Jan. 1, 1895 the “Cooperative Association of
Dapitan Farmers” with the ff. purposes:
to improve the farm products
to obtain better outlets for them
to collect funds for their purchases
to help the producers & workers by establishing a store
wherein they can buy prime commodities at moderate
Inventions of Rizal:
“sulpukan” - wooden cigarette lighter
wooden machine for making bricks