The Reconstruction of Pink and White Esthetics: Clinical
The Reconstruction of Pink and White Esthetics: Clinical
The Reconstruction of Pink and White Esthetics: Clinical
Surgical procedures to re-establish the three dimensional then be used in the reconstruction of the gingiva in order
architecture of hard and soft tissue ridge deformities have to ensure harmony, balance, and continuity of form
been developed and performed successfully throughout between the patient’s natural gingiva and the prosthetic
the past 15 years. In some cases, however, the results are gingiva.13,16,19-24 Usually, dentists and technicians are well
still unpredictable and unsatisfactory in terms of esthetics versed when it comes to reconstructing the white
and function, even if state-of-the-art regenerative component of a smile, the teeth. However, restoring
procedures such as bone graft, soft tissue graft and challenging cases in the anterior area involves a more
orthodontic relocation are employed (Figures 1 and 2). comprehensive approach and requires a deeper
Creating a prosthetic gingiva can represent an esthetic understanding of the pink component of the smile, the
and functional alternative for the predictable gingiva. The gingival architecture represents the frame for
reconstruction of ridge deformities in fixed partial implant the teeth. If it is not restored correctly, either surgically or
restorations,2,8,9-17 particularly in patients who do not want prosthetically, it will impair the final three dimensional
to undergo any surgical procedure. By opting for such a esthetic outcome. Just as the astute technician learns how
procedure from the very beginning, dental professionals to pay attention to the minute details of the tooth
are in a position to choose a design and/or use adjunctive anatomy, shade variations and textures, he or she should
measures that produce better results than if this do the same with regard to the various types or designs of
procedure were to be used as the last resource or as a the gingiva. Gingival anatomy, shade and texture should
form of repair. 2,10 -13,15,18-21 be analysed and learned to be restored in the best
Teamwork and an interdisciplinary treatment plan are possible way. If the patient has a high lip line, this problem
paramount for the long-term success of this kind of will be even more evident.
restoration. The dental technician should have the skills to
analyse the three-dimensional shape of the tooth, to Case presentation
determine the correct position of the implant and to A 37-year-old male patient presented with a history of
understand the principles of gingival esthetics and also tooth loss in regions 11 and 21. Of the implants placed in
the need for soft tissue management. This knowledge can these regions, the implant in region 11 had failed (Figure
2). The patient was very dissatisfied with the esthetics and
phonetics of his anterior teeth, did not feel comfortable
1 CDT, DDS (acting in the capacity of dental technician in the
about smiling and had a low self-esteem. When he was
present case)
2 DDS, MSD, PhD, both São Paulo/Brazil informed about the different treatment options such as
orthodontic relocation combined with hard and/or soft
Corresponding author: Dr Christian Coachman tissue grafts, he chose the easiest and fastest option: the
Well Clinic / Unitade São Paulo, R Bento de Andrade, 116
São Paulo SP 04503-000, Brazil restoration of the dentogingival complex by means of the
[email protected] pink hybrid technique. In region 11, a new implant was
Figure 1: Preoperative situation. Figure 2: Loss of the implant in region 11. Placement of a new
Figure 7: Implant restoration prior to … Figure 8: … and after the intraoral reconstruction of the gingival
portion using composite.
In spite of all the recent developments in periodontal
and peri-implant surgical regenerative procedures,
comprehensively and esthetically re-establishing the hard
and soft tissue contours still represents a challenge.
The prosthetic restoration of the pink esthetics offers a
reliable and consistent alternative to resolving cases with
uncertain surgical outcome or cases in which patients do
not want to undergo regenerative surgical procedures. The
understanding of the indications and procedures involved
in this technique requires a paradigm shift for the whole
interdisciplinary team to maximize the biological, functional
and esthetic results and to surpass the patients’
expectations (Figures 10 and 11).
Figure 9: Extraoral finishing of the gingival portion. The design of
the restoration should ensure both ideal hygiene capabilities and an
Reprinted with permission Reflect 01/10.
esthetic appearance.
Figures 10 and 11: IPS e.max restoration completed with the pink hybrid technique.