Code For Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments (ACI 359-92)

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Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels

and Containments (ACI 359-92)

Reported by ACI-ASME Committee 359

Christian A. Sanna
Bryan A. Erler Secretary

Doyle G. Adams Ronald D. Kulchak

James P. Allen, III D.P. Moore
Joseph F. Artuso Gerald R. Murphy
Ray M. Attar Ralph G. Oesterle
Sam Bhuyan Scott F. Putman
T.M. Brown Barry B. Scott
Joe Gutierrez Robert E. Shewmaker
Douglas J. Haavik C.P. Siess
David C. Jeng John D. Stevenson
Theodore E. Johnson Richard N. White

Constitutes the requirements for the design, construction, and use of concrete reactor
vessels and concrete containment structures for nuclear power plants. The document
forms Division 2 of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 111. ACI 359-92 con-
tains rules for design, fabrication, construction, and testing of concrete reactor vessels
and concrete containments.

Keywords: building codes; deformation; elastic properties; nuclear power plants; nuclear
reactor containment; nuclear reactors; pressure control; prestressed concrete; quality control;
reinforced concrete; relief valves; shells (structural forms); vacuum; welded wire fabric.

ACI 359-92 is available either in a loose-leaf or bound twice a year and have been incorporated to make ACI
edition. Both include automatic addenda service up to 359-92.
the 1995 edition. ACI 359-92 is Section III, Division 2, of the ASME
This standard of the American Concrete Institute was Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and is available from:
published in July 1992, to supersede ACI 359-89, which American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United En-
was revised from time to time by the expedited pro- gineering Center, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017.
cedure. The revisions were published by supplement


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