Sanathan Sarathi December - 2019 PDF
Sanathan Sarathi December - 2019 PDF
Sanathan Sarathi December - 2019 PDF
Sanathana Sarathi
Devoted to the Moral and Spiritual Uplift of Humanity through
Vol.: 62 Issue No. 12 Date of Publication: 1st December
hat is Jnana? Advaita There is nothing like Japanese breath,
Darshanam Jnanam (experience German breath or Indian breath. People
of non-dualism is wisdom). call God by many Names. But God is one.
There are many people There is no second. People are many, but
assembled here God is in everyone. What is the difference?
but they have The difference is in names and forms only.
the same Jnana Yoga
breath. The same sun is seen by the Germans,
Beings the Indians, the Americans and the
a r e Chinese though not at the same time, but
many, at different times. Different people see
b u t the sun at different times. But we do not
breath say that there are several suns. We say
is one. that there is only one sun. Likewise, when
we realise that we get the light of Jnana
from the same Godhead, it becomes Atma
Jnana (knowledge of the Self).
Swami told the students this evening
that there are many rivers like Ganga,
Yamuna, Saraswati and Kaveri which
flow in different regions. They have
different names. But once they merge
into the ocean, they will have only one
name, they will have only one form,
they will stay in the same place. We
may see them as different before
they merge into the ocean. How
can we see them as different after
they merge into the ocean? It is not
possible. They become limitless,
immeasurable ocean. This is true
to control the mind. In fact, man has been that we are not able to achieve equal-
misusing his mind. Man has infinite power mindedness. We should be firm in our mind
but he wastes it by following wrong ways. that we can do this. With determination,
Man can exercise control over the mind, we should proclaim, “I shall definitely do
senses and desires by the practice of this”. On the other hand, if we doubt our
silence. That is why Rishis of yore went capacity, we cannot even walk.
to the forest in order to practise silence.
First and foremost, have faith in your
They experienced peace there. Even wild
ability. Life is a continuous flow. It flows
animals became their friends. What was
endlessly. What is its end? Merging
the reason? The hearts of the Rishis were
with the ocean is its end. This river of
full of love. That was reflected in the hearts
life has two banks: steadfastness and
of the animals also. Suppose, you keep
faith. Sraddhavan Labhate Jnanam (one
jasmine flowers on a table. Their fragrance
with steadfast faith attains wisdom). The
will spread all around. The love of noble
river of life should flow within the two
souls also spreads like that. Love is God.
banks of steadfastness and faith. Out of
That is Brahman. Similarly, the fragrance of
steadfastness comes wisdom. Therefore,
rose flower will spread all around, whether
you hold it in right hand or left hand. We do not have doubt about yourself in your
get refreshed by this fragrance. mind. You will be ruined if you have doubt.
A doubting person can never succeed in
Students should acquire the knowledge
any endeavour. So, do not give room to
of yoga to inculcate the qualities of
doubt. The aim of your life is to develop
devotion, discipline and discrimination.
love for God. Recognise this and lead your
True education is that which teaches these
life in this sacred manner.
values to students. We are not educated
when we are born. We cannot even walk (Bhagavan brought His Discourse to
when we are born. We learn to walk by a close with the Bhajans, “Chitta Chora
practice. By practice, one can develop all Yashoda Ke Baal…” and “Vahe Guru,
virtues. Vahe Guru, Vahe Guruji Bolo…”)
We need not worry that our mind is not – Bhagavan’s Discourse in Sai Sruthi,
steady. We need not feel disappointed Kodaikanal on 17th April 1996.
The letters that you write will appear blue when the pen is filled with blue ink
and red when it is filled with red ink. Likewise, all that you see, hear and
say will become negative when your heart is filled with negative feelings. So,
first of all fill your heart with love. Then all that you see, hear, say and do
will be suffused with love.
– Baba
he weeklong celebrations also Sri Sathya Sai Narayana were brought
of Bhagavan’s 94th Birthday out in a ceremonial procession from the
comprised a number of Bhajan Mandir to Sai Kulwant Hall, where
educational, spiritual and social welfare a beautiful platform was set up in front of
programmes of far reaching significance. A Bhagavan’s Samadhi. Thereafter, worship
mammoth gathering of devotees thronged
Prasanthi Nilayam to participate in these
grand celebrations. The dignitaries who
came to offer their tributes to Bhagavan
included Union Transport Minister, Sri Nitin
Gadkari and Governor of Telangana, Dr.
(Smt.) Tamilisai Soundarajan. Many new
initiatives were undertaken and several
new projects were launched during the
period of these celebrations. Sai Kulwant
Hall, the venue of these celebrations, was
beautifully bedecked on this occasion.
Sri Sathya Sai Narayana Vratam.
Besides, there was an attractive display of
illuminations on the hall and the adjoining of Sri Sathya Sai Narayana was conducted
Yajur Mandir at night. Free food was served by the priests amidst chanting of Vedic
to all the devotees during the weeklong Mantras accompanied by the performance
celebrations in a specially erected Pandal of rituals and offering of Arati which was
from 18th to 24th November 2019. followed by recitation of Sri Sathya Sai
Ashtottarashata Namavali (chanting 108
SRI SATHYA SAI Names of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba).
NARAYANA VRATAM AND As part of Sri Sathya Sai Narayana Vratam,
RATHOTSAVAM Sri Sathya Sai Narayana Katha was then
The celebrations of 94th Birthday of narrated in Sanskrit with its translation
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba started on in English which comprised the Divine
18th November 2019 with the auspicious Advent of Lord Sai Narayana and His life
Sri Sathya Sai Narayana Vratam and story. This marked the conclusion of Sri
Rathotsavam. Sathya Sai Narayana Vratam.
In preparation for the performance As Bhajans started in Sai Kulwant
of these sacred festivities, the idols of Hall, the idols of Venugopala Swami as
Venugopala Swami along with those of Lord well as those of Rama, Lakshmana, Sita
Rama, Lakshmana, Sita and Hanuman as and Hanuman were taken out of the hall
had with Bhagavan during His visits to a number of beautiful dances in their
Ooty. He also narrated how Bhagavan colourful costumes.
treated a group of 500 tribals as divine
guests when they came to visit Prasanthi
Nilayam in 2005.
Release of a brochure “Sri Sathya Sai National launch of Vahini Swadhyaya
Tribal Development Programme” followed (self study), a programme of far reaching
this, which outlined the programme of tribal spiritual significance, was initiated by Sri
development initiated by Sri Sathya Sai Sathya Sai Seva Organisation (India) on
Seva Organisation (India). the evening of 20th November 2019 which
on Bhagavan’s famous saying, “Start the 2019 when a noted Hindustani classical
day with love, fill the day with love, end musician, Pandit Narasimhalu Vadavati
the day with love”. Elucidating the first presented an instrumental music concert
part of Bhagavan’s saying, ‘start the day on clarinet. Accompanied by his team
with love’, the first speaker Sri Sundar of fellow musicians, the artiste made a
Anantharaman stated that true love was superb presentation of classical numbers
Paramartha Prema or love for God which and Bhajans, which included “Vatapi
illuminates the entire universe. He not only Ganapatim Bhajeham” (I worship Lord
spoke about the Sadhana for inculcating Ganapati of Vatapi), “Prema Mudita
love but also prompted the devotees to Manase Kaho Rama Rama Ram” (recite
practise mass chanting of the Mantras the Name of Rama with your heart full of
like Om and Soham. The second speaker love) and Gandhiji’s dear song “Vaishnav
was Sri Vijay Krishnan who spoke about Jan To Tene Kahiye Je Peed Paraaye
‘fill the day with love’, which according to Jaane Re” (One who knows the pain of
him meant being constantly in the state of others is the true devotee of God).
love. Narrating an incident from the life of BHAGAVAN’S 94TH
Prof. N. Kasturi, the speaker emphasised BIRTHDAY FUNCTION
that doing the work of God and following
His command amounted to filling the day Bhagavan’s 94th Birthday function
with love. The third talk was delivered by was held in fabulously decorated and
Sri Brijesh Bamalwa who spoke on ‘end brilliantly lit Sai Kulwant Hall on 23rd
the day with love’. Quoting the saying, November 2019. The programme began
‘Love is the Source, Love is the Path, Love with chanting of Vedic hymns by the
is the Goal’, the speaker observed that the students of Bhagavan from 8.00 to 9.00
devotees of Bhagavan were very fortunate a.m. Auspicious musical notes by the
that they had Avatar Himself with them Nadaswaram and Panchavadyam groups
who was the goal they sought to attain in of students followed next.
their life. These talks were followed by a Devotional Music Offering by the
summary presentation in Hindi which was Students
done by Sri Murali Jaju. Stating that love A soulful devotional music offering at
only gives, Sri Jaju cautioned that if man Bhagavan’s Lotus Feet was then made
had only narrow love so that he loved
himself, he could not love God. So, man
should love all and serve all, he added.
After this, a group of singers presented the
theme song, which marked the conclusion
of this elevating programme.
Instrumental Music
Presentation on Clarinet
The devotees in Sai Kulwant Hall
had a rich treat of Hindustani classical Devotional music offering by
Bhagavan’s students.
music on the morning of 22nd November
by the students who extolled His Divine The Chief Guest of the function, Sri Nitin
glory. Beginning with the devotional song, Gadkari, Union Transport Minister, then
“Namo Sathya Sai Anandadayi” (salutation released the Annual Report of Sri Sathya
to Sathya Sai who showers bliss), the Sai Central Trust. He also launched the
singers presented a bouquet of devotional new version of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust
numbers which included “Aao Sab Milkar website.
Gaayen” (let us sing together), “Why Fear Address by the Chief Guest
when I am Here”, “Tere Darbar Mein Sai
The Chief Guest, Sri Nitin Gadkari then
Khushiyaan Khushiyaan Chhaayin (there
addressed the gathering. Referring to the
is a flood of happiness in Your Presence),
teachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,
“Madhura Mohana Ghanashyama Sundara
the eminent speaker stated that Bhagavan
Sai” (Sai is the embodiment of beauty and
bliss). They concluded their presentation
with the evergreen Prasanthi number,
“Hum Ko Tum Se Pyaar Kitna” (how much
we love You).
Release of Annual Report of the
Central Trust
Presenting the Annual Report of
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Sri S.S.
Naganand, Trustee, Sri Sathya Sai Central
Trust referred to the sayings of Bhagavan
“Love All Serve All”, “Help Ever Hurt Never”
The Chief Guest Sri Nitin Gadkari addressing
as His Mission statements and stated that the huge concourse of devotees.
Bhagavan set up Sri Sathya Sai Central
showed to mankind the path of truth and
Trust for the service of mankind. He then
service and inspired one and all to serve
cited statistics to underline the enormous
society. Bhagavan set up free educational
magnitude of work done by the Central
Trust in the fields of education, healthcare institutions to give education to students
and social welfare in the last year as along with human values and established
outlined in the Annual Report. hospitals to provide free healthcare to the
needy, Sri Gadkari added. Appreciating
the work being done by Sri Sathya Sai
Central Trust, Sri Gadkari observed that
Bhagavan’s Mission was being taken
forward by the Central Trust even after the
physical departure of Bhagavan.
Devotees were thereafter blessed with
Divine Discourse of Bhagavan, in which He
exhorted the devotees to follow God with
full faith and develop unity of thought, word
Release of Annual Report of the Central Trust by and deed. He called upon the devotees to
Sri Nitin Gadkari, Union Transport Minister. fill their heart with love and stated that there
aving enjoyed and Inscrutable are the Ways of Swami
experienced the ecstasy of I did not attend the Bhajan. Next day, I
Sivarathri celebrations at sat for the Prasadam of Vibhuti. Swami saw
the Nilayam in 1968, I joined a group to it that He avoided the line where I sat. I
of devotees who were going in a bus got very angry and requested Kishtappa
to Prasanthi Nilayam for the Sivarathri to give me Vibhuti packets, and I would
of 1969. No sooner did I step into the leave. As Kishtappa was about to give the
Nilayam, Swami sent word that I should packets, Swami came from nowhere and
prevented him from giving the packets!
I could not understand why Swami was
trying to avoid me, while it was only the
previous year, I was entrusted with many
responsibilities. That day, I felt I should not
come to Prasanthi Nilayam any more.
Swami came several times to Chennai
and stayed in Sundaram, but I did not go
there, while other members of my family
went. Curiously, all the relatives who
criticised and derided me when I was
in Prasanthi Nilayam, later on became
staunch devotees of Swami. When Swami
was in Hyderabad, I used to make courtesy
calls to my relatives. Swami would call
me and say, “Vallu Bandhuvulu Kaaru,
Raabandulu” (they are not relatives, they
are vultures).
I started a book shop in 1970 and
later converted it into lending library. I got
busy with distribution of magazines and
newspapers and forgot all about Swami. I
be sent back. I was stunned! What a was told about the massive improvements
difference between 1968 and 1969? While in the Nilayam. Just as He predicted, good
I was watching the Vibhuti Abhishekam, roads were laid, multistoreyed buildings
sitting in the Hall, Swami once again sent came up all around the Nilayam, a super
word that I should leave. I felt dejected and speciality hospital was built, railway line
frustrated and started roaming the streets was laid, and trains halted at Prasanthi
of Puttaparthi. Nilayam station. Airport was built and
flights were operated during the function Then, my family doctor in Bengaluru
times. Many foreigners started coming and asked me to come and I was treated for
some even settled down in the Nilayam. about three months. I stayed in my sister’s
An ultra-modern canteen was built. All this house. Powerful medicines were given,
happened as predicted to me by Swami. I which made me completely sedated.
did not go to see these developments, still Around this time, my mother was in
Prasanthi Nilayam and it was reported that
smarting under His refusal to see me.
Swami would look into her face daily and
One night in September 1975, I was go away smilingly! Finally, when I was in
diagnosed with heart attack. I was sedated Bengaluru, Swami permitted my mother
and told to consult a cardiologist. Dr. to go. She was shocked at what had
Cherian was a leading cardiologist and I happened to me and why Swami had not
was taken there by my brother and uncle. given her permission to leave.
Being Sunday, Cherian had gone to church For the next three months, I was in my
and I was waiting in the car from 10 a.m. sister’s place, recuperating. In January
As soon as Dr. Cherian saw me at around 1976, my brother-in-law and sister were
12 noon, he immediately directed that I going to Brindavan for the Darshan
should be admitted. I was admitted into of Swami, who had come to stay for
K.J. Hospital. By evening, I was strapped Sankranti. They asked me, if I was willing
and connected to various wires and saline to come. Reluctantly, I agreed, as Swami
had appeared in my dream, while I was in
drip was administered. I was kept in the
the hospital.
corridor of the ICU, because they felt that
Bengaluru those days, in January was
my condition was so serious that I may not
very cold. I was having a vest, over which,
I wore a thick sweater and was sitting
In the night, I could sense the aroma in a corner on a stone, since I was very
of Vibhuti and knew Swami had come! weak and was not able to stand to respect
I heard His clear voice, asking me to Swami. Slowly navigating His way through
leave the hospital immediately! I then the assembled devotees, Swami came
lost consciousness. In the morning, the very close to me and looked smilingly at
doctors were shocked to see that all the me. I started sweating profusely and my
connections were disconnected and the vest was wet! What sort of blessing Swami
straps on my feet and hands were also sent to me, I was not aware. He turned
removed! I believe, Dr. Jagadeesan, the back and directed Bhagavantam, who
was accompanying Him, to give a fistful of
Chief was very furious and was shouting
Vibhuti packets. The same Swami refused
for explanations. Immediately, I was
to give even one packet of Vibhuti in 1969
shifted into the ICU and again connected
and now, unasked, I get a fistful! Strange
with all tubes. Once again in the night, are His ways! No one can fathom His
Swami appeared and asked me to leave thinking! I fully recovered by February and
the hospital immediately. On the third day, even started playing cricket!
my brother and uncle took me away from A Heavy Burden of Family
the hospital; they gave an undertaking that Responsibilities
the hospital would not be held responsible As prophesied by Swami, so many
if anything untoward happened to me. issues cropped up in the family. My eldest
brother, who did not have children for was from Spain, and Swami talked to him in
16 years, was blessed with a son and a Spanish! What can you make out of it? To
daughter. When my father passed away, the groups of foreigners who came to have
he made me promise that I should look Darshan of Swami, He is reported to have
after my mother. My mother became a talked to them in their native languages!
diabetic and was shifted to Bengaluru. My father was keen on knowing my
While leaving Chennai, she wanted me to future and he suggested that I visit an
take care of my brother, his wife and his astrologer in Bengaluru who was reputed
children! The passing away of my mother to be very accurate and famous. He was a
in 1997, my sister-in-law in 1998, my Tantric Upasaka (a person who practises
brother in 2005 burdened me with the care esoteric doctrines and undertakes certain
of his two young children. Subsequently, vows) and had got some powers. When
I was saddled with the job of winding up he saw me, he flew into a rage and asked
of my brother’s business and settling all me to come after two days after performing
outstanding work. The marriages of my a Puja in a temple. Accordingly, I did as
brother’s children were also done by me. told by him and asked about my future. He
Truly, I had tremendous and complicated shouted angrily at me and said that there is
work as predicted by Swami! Curiosity nothing to tell about my future! When I told
dragged me to Prasanthi Nilayam in 2014, Swami about this, He laughed and said,
after 45 years! I did not go even after His “Nee Tala Raatha Nenu Marchesanu”
physical departure. He was physically no (I have altered your fate). After leaving
more, but subconsciously, He commanded Swami in 1969, out of curiosity, I met a
that I should visit! couple of astrologers to tell me what I was
Some Memorable Experiences of doing between 1959 and 1969. Everyone
Swami’s Divinity said I must have gone through horrible
Once when I went to Dharmakshetra time indulging in many immoral acts!
for an audience with Swami, I was waiting After about 50 years, my acidity in the
along with a big group of devotees in stomach reappeared and was troubling
the Hall. Swami came and talked to the me a lot. One day, the famous film script
assembled people. There were some in writer, Bhuvanachandra gave me a packet
wheelchair. Swami, with a wave of His hand of Vibhuti of Swami and I hesitatingly
materialised Vibhuti and made the persons swallowed a pinch of it because I was
in wheelchair to swallow. After some time, doubting if Swami still remembers me.
He commanded them to walk. And lo! what Lo! I was relieved of the discomfort and I
a miracle! They started walking! I was a began to meditate on Swami for His grace,
witness to this miracle. which was evident even after 60 years of
While I was on Dwarapalaka duty, my leaving Him. It only reassured me that
many foreigners used to come, and had Swami protects His ardent devotees at all
interviews with Swami. One such person times.
was a ship owner from Netherlands. I – The author Sri Srivilas Suri is
asked this gentlemen, in what language an old-time devotee of Bhagavan,
Swami communicated. He said, it was in having spent many years of his life in
Dutch language! Amazing! Another person Bhagavan’s proximity.
t was festival season
1947-1948, and Dasara was fast
approaching. Having taken part
in several festivals after the Mandir was
constructed in 1945, the enthusiasm and
the participation in the festivals became
more, and the devotees wanted to give their
best to their Lord and Master in all aspects
like decoration, Bhajans, Archanas, meals
and the processions of our Swami during
nights in Puttaparthi village.
For this particular Dasara festival, our
group did not like to miss any aspect, for
whatever reason, of the whole Dasara
festival, called Navaratri, the festival of
nine nights. The members of our group
worked out an elaborate schedule. They
decided to pack all the groceries to avoid
facing shortage or getting them at Parthi.
Another brainwave they got was to fix up mounting, some suggested taking some
a cook so that the botheration of getting sweets and savouries well packed to meet
meals ready too could be avoided. Going the needs of the children.
to Parthi together was their practice. So, So, they worked out a schedule to stay in
a contingent of nearly 50 to 55 people the Divine Presence for full ten days. They
formed the group. The group consisted wanted to be smart too, so they planned to
of only three gentlemen. One was my travel up to Makkajipalli, the station which
grandfather Sri Seshagiri Rao, the second comes after Penukonda. The plan was to
was an uncle of mine, Sri Ananda Sagar, engage bullock carts, may be 8 or 9, to
and the third happened to be the cook (I travel up to Parthi, thereby avoiding Jutka
forget his name). The rest of the group were and bus travel on way. The idea appealed
women and children. The enthusiasm was to all. They fixed up the day previous to the
commencement of Dasara which happens members were tensed, not knowing what to
to be Amavasya (new moon day), which do. Meanwhile, the cook wanted to check
is considered to be inauspicious generally the depth of water. In spite of warning by
for any good undertaking or journey. the cart men, he tried to get into water. The
But Swami alone knows why our people first step he took, the water went up to his
decided to take up Parthi Yatra on such knees; the second step, the water came up
a day. Perhaps He wanted our people to to his chest and he was saved from being
understand and realise the blessings of carried away by the gushing water by the
our Guru, guide and God one more time. timely help of the cart men. Our people had
“Antha Mana Manchike” is an oft quoted one word or Mantra or chant, whatever you
phrase, which means, everything that call it, and that was “Swami” on their lips.
happens is for our own good. Time was running out, tension was rising.
Anyway, this big group set out on And our folks were tensed. Right at that
its journey and met at the City Railway time, we heard some loud voices coming
Station in the morning. They all had high from our right side. Naturally, all heads
expectations; they were all in their happiest turned in that direction. We saw eight men
mood. Throughout the journey they sang, sitting and smoking Beedis. They were
recalled their earlier experiences and went sturdy, dark and had a ‘don’t care’ attitude.
on planning as to how they were going On seeing us, they asked the cart men as
to go through the ten-day festival. The to what was the problem. The cart men
train reached Makkajipalli where they all explained to them our plight and added
got down; they were quite lucky as they that we wanted to go to Puttaparthi at the
got a good deal in fixing up the bullock earliest. First, they suggested we should
carts to take them right up to the Mandir give up such a thought but on learning that
in Parthi. So, they started their upward we were determined to go, they asked how
journey. Around 4 o’clock, they reached much we would give per cart if they helped
Kothacheruvu area. They had to cross a to cross the river in spate. Well, there was
rivulet to reach Kothacheruvu village. Then some bargaining and they finally agreed
the drama started. to help us cross on payment of rupees ten
The sky that was bright up till then, per cart. Though our elders felt the strain
suddenly became dark. Thick rain-bearing on their purse, they had to agree.
clouds gathered. By the time they reached Those eight men distributed the
the rivulet, the cart drivers appeared to members equally in the carts. Then they
be tensed. They could see the tributary of asked the first cart to go to the edge of the
Chitravathi in flood. The water was gushing bank. They set themselves four on each
really forcefully. The height of the flowing side of the cart. Our people had to be
water appeared to have risen. We were passive onlookers. Their plan turned out
far from any village around. The situation to be, support the cart four on each side,
was rather fearsome. Neither could we swim across and all the while shouting as
go forward nor backward. We were at the loud as ever. We thought we were done
mercy of the rain god, as they say. All the with. But their strategy was to help the
bullocks to swim across the river fast. Their hour journey to reach Parthi. Our worry
shouting was only to scare the bullocks to seemed to be, we missed the first day
swim fast. With the force of the river the morning celebrations, but could not help
cart could not go straight, rather it went though.
diagonally. The sight of the cart being led By about 10.30 a.m., we reached Parthi.
was frightful. But on seeing the first cart There was no sign of a festival anywhere.
safe on the other bank brought some hope Even before we could get down from the
to the onlookers. Friends, so our journey cart, Swami was standing at the entrance
across the river got over finally. After the of the Mandir, as though to receive us.
last cart reached the other bank, those We were perplexed. He said, with all the
men collected the money and even as we concern, “Vachchaara? Chaala Thondara
were watching they “disappeared into thin Ayinda”? (You have all come. Did you
air” as they say. We did not think further suffer much)? He then asked the people
because we still had a long way to go. around to help us unload the luggage. The
It was getting darker and finally we people were staring at us.
reached Kothacheruvu. Believe me, the We felt relieved for having reached our
village was dark, no lights visible anywhere, Sai Dham (abode of Sai) at last, but we did
all houses had shut their doors. Well, as not know the preamble for our Parthi Yatra
though things were not enough, it started that had taken place the previous day, we
pouring, not raining. You can imagine our were told later. Right from the afternoon
plight. Now, what next? Again, will there the previous day, Swami went on saying,
be Swami to end our plight? This was on “My devotees are coming for Dasara”. But
everybody’s lips. As Swami used to say later He said, “Naa Bhaktulu Thondaralo
“Nenunnaaga” (I am there you know), a Chikkukonnaru (My devotees have got
young man dressed in white pyjama kurta into trouble). A little later, He went into a
walked up to us. He had a lantern in his trance… (a feature where Swami would
hand. He walked up to our elders and appear to become unconscious outwardly
enquired about us. Then he suggested and go out to help devotees). But we would
we should not continue the journey, that come to know later that He had gone to
he would arrange something for us, and stand by, help His devotees in need. Being
he went back. It continued to pour but he exposed to this feature earlier, we were
came back with the keys of the school and alerted. The devotees who were at Parthi
helped us all to settle down for the night in then were alerted and became curious to
the school. He charged back and got a can know those devotees whom Swami kept
full of milk and a kerosene stove too. We on mentioning. Swami went on to say that
were spellbound. The phrase “God like” Dasara would start on the second day,
came to our mind. that is Vidiya, instead of Padyami which is
We spent the night in that school normal. Coming back to the developments
building. The next morning, he came again in Parthi the previous day, Swami came out
to help us and see us continue our journey. of trance after nearly an hour and a half but
We had to continue for another three-four continued to be moody. Again after some
time, He went into a trance. The devotees Needless to say, the programme went off
were becoming concerned too, so there very well and our group had all the joy and
was an atmosphere of anxiety around. satisfaction in participating in the festival.
The second time Swami was in trance for What is really important and relevant here
nearly an hour. Then the Bhajan started is, the extent to which the assurance,
and things fell into normal. In the morning Yogakshemam Vahamyaham (I take upon
that day also Swami kept on saying His myself the responsibility to look after their
devotees were coming. He was all smiles material and spiritual welfare), can go.
when we reached Sai Dham. Friends, we The help we got from nowhere and from
remembered the strange drama we went unknown sources to cross the river in
through, two times the previous day – the spate and to brave through torrential rain
eight men who helped us cross the swirling was really God sent. We were and even
waters of the stream, and the young man now we are touched by His concern for
who came to help us with the lantern, keys, His devotees anywhere, anytime, and for
milk, etc. On putting the facts together, we anyone. How true are the words, “Nenu
understood how Swami stood by us both Yeppudoo Mee Intane, Ventane, Kantane,
the times and looked after our safety and Jantane, Untaanu” (He is with us, above us,
comfort the previous day. below us, behind us, before us, inside us
We took an hour to settle down. But and outside us)! Friends, our only prayer to
Swami called our elders and very soon Him is to help us deserve His help always.
started allocating the duties on all areas – Excerpted from “Sri Sathya Sai
in preparation for the Dasara celebrations. Madhura Smriti” by C. Sucharitha.
hy does God descend on Bhagavan had come to Madras (now
earth? God’s descent is for the Chennai) and was staying in our house.
ascent of man. The purpose of Swami had decided to take my grandfather
life is to learn how not to be born again. The and my father to Kodaikanal along with
advent of an Avatar acts as a great catalyst Him. The entire group had a blissful stay
in turning souls to the Godward path of in the hills of Kodaikanal with Swami.
wisdom and devotion and also guiding Later, Bhagavan decided to return to
them to attain the final consummation. He Chennai through Madurai. They travelled
bestows on us not only life but also a way of from Kodaikanal to Madurai by car and
life that propels us towards our redemption. arranged for an overnight stay at Madurai.
On 13th June 1966, after dinner, all were
assembled on the terrace along with
Swami. Suddenly, my grandfather got up
and told Swami that he was not feeling well.
Swami told my grandfather to sit on the bed
and Himself also sat alongside with him.
Swami told him to lie down and keep his
head on His lap. My grandfather hesitated
but Swami pressed my grandfather’s head
on to His lap and assured him, “Do not
worry”. My grandfather placed his head
on Bhagavan’s lap and breathed his last,
thereby merging with the Lord. It is said
that one’s entire life is a preparation for the
moment of death; how we are born is not as
important as how we die. My grandfather
had the greatest good fortune of dying on
the lap of the Lord of the universe. Even
King Dasaratha, the father of Lord Rama,
did not get this blessing. Only a chosen
few get such an end.
That same night Swami left for
Chennai, along with my grandfather’s
body. My father was just thirteen years old
at that time. Swami sat next to my father in
the car so that he would not feel mentally there with us, in us, around us, and ever
depressed. The next day, they reached protecting us.
Chennai. For the next twelve days, Swami Swami is ‘Aapadbandhava’, our
stayed with our family and left only after protector at the time of calamities. He
the funeral ceremonies were over. Such is ever ready to take upon Himself the
is the love of our compassionate Lord for pains of His devotees and save them
His devotees. I feel grateful that God had from calamities. My uncle had gone to
allowed me to take birth in such a noble Brindavan to have Bhagavan’s Darshan.
family steeped in devotion to Him. After my While talking to him, Swami asked him to
grandfather’s death, Swami commented, touch His hand. My uncle was alarmed to
“Such a death was not granted to anybody find that Bhagavan’s hand was burning
in the past nor will it be given to anybody hot. Bhagavan in His mercy revealed to my
in the future”. My grandfather had the uncle that He had just then saved the life
greatest of Anaayasa Maranam., i.e., of his mother. Later, my uncle contacted
blissful death leading to Sayujya, merger my grandmother and enquired about the
in the Divine. incident. My grandmother was performing
her daily Puja when her Sari came in
“Why fear when I am here,” declares contact with the lighted lamp and instantly
Bhagavan. This is not an empty assurance. caught fire. Her frantic efforts to put out
It is being proved time and again by the the fire were in vain but suddenly, to her
experience of thousands of Swami’s surprise, the fire extinguished. This is what
devotees all over the world. In the early Swami had meant when He had spoken
1970’s, when one day my father was going to my uncle! The ever helping ‘Abhaya
to college by scooter, a car collided with Hasta’ (protective hand) of Bhagavan had
his scooter and he was thrown off onto the performed the miracle of saving her.
pavement. My father did not remember To earn Bhagavan’s grace, we must
exactly what had happened after the have firm and unconditional faith in Him
collision. He just found himself sprawled and also cultivate pure love towards Him.
on the pavement with only some minor Swami is like our own family member
injuries. My father was convinced that it was and without Him our life will come to a
only due to the invisible protective hand of standstill. Our life has no meaning without
Bhagavan that he did not suffer any major Bhagavan’s presence. ‘Without Swami,
injuries. The very next day, unexpectedly, life is a hopeless end. With Swami life is
we received a communication in the form endless hope’. Come what may, we must
of a letter from Bhagavan conveying His hold on to Swami and love Him from the
blessings and reassuring us of His divine bottom of our hearts. Only by following His
proximity. In those days, a letter from teachings and by our good conduct can we
Prasanthi Nilayam used to take a minimum offer our gratitude to Him.
of four to five days to reach Chennai. (Courtesy: “Hridaya Brindavan 2005”.)
However, Bhagavan’s letter reached us – The author did his B.Com (Hons)
in just one day. This miracle reminded from the Brindavan Campus of Sri
us that our Divine Mother Sai is always Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.
“Human life is for the purpose of investigating the supreme reality and not merely for
eating, drinking and procreation. Every human being must make an effort to know his
inner nature and understand his true identity. Jesus was preaching such sacred truths,
so he became very popular among his contemporaries. Becoming popular in the world
automatically creates jealousy and envy in others. Jealousy, pomposity and egoism
are evil traits, which will ultimately lead to ruin. None will pardon people with such
traits,” said Bhagavan in His Christmas Discourse on 25th December 2002.
ur a n c i e n t s a ge s
undertook deep investigations and
enquiry in order to understand
Divinity. Ultimately, they declared to
the world, Vedahametam Purusham
Mahantam Adityavarnam Tamasa Parastat
(I have visualised the Supreme Being who
shines with the effulgence of a billion suns
and who is beyond Tamas – the darkness
of ignorance). They exhorted man to make
efforts to have the vision of Divinity. From
then on, man started believing in God.
But, with the passage of time, his faith
started diminishing. He is subjected to
grief because of his disbelief in God. God
is one, He has many names. Different
three royal wise men from the east were
religions have come into existence, but all
guided by a star to a cowshed in Bethlehem
of them lead to the same divinity.
where the baby Jesus lay in a manger. He
Realise the Principle of Unity to was radiating divine effulgence. The first of
Become One with God them said, “This child will love God”. The
Jesus was a noble soul. He declared that second said, “He will be loved by God”.
he was the son of God, but he never said The third said, “He will love one and all.
that he was God. When Jesus was born, He is not different from God”. The one who
loves God is the messenger of God; the thoughts on these ephemeral things. The
one whom God loves is the son of God; Indweller who lives inside this body is the
the one who understands the principle of true divinity”.
unity becomes one with God. This is the In this manner, Jesus preached and
inner meaning of the statements given in instilled faith in the people around him.
the Bible.
Faith is indispensable for humanity. Thus,
Jesus Instilled Faith in Common the fishermen community was spending
People its time happily in the company of Jesus.
One day, young Jesus went to a lonely At that time, one Mathew, who was a tax
hilltop. His mother was very much worried, collector for the Romans, used to visit
nay, depressed due to the absence of them on official work and, during his visits,
her son. Jesus was sitting and meditating he also used to listen to Jesus and take
on God all the while. After some time, he notes of his teachings. Finally, he became
returned. As he was returning, he ran into
a disciple of Jesus.
a group of worried men on the coast of the
sea of Galilee. When young Jesus asked After a while, Jesus started facing
them the cause of their worry, they said obstacles and opposition to his preachings.
that they were fishermen and that for quite Anyone donning a physical body cannot
some time past, they were not able to catch escape such vicissitudes of life. Without
any fish in their nets. Jesus said, “Follow hardships man cannot exist. Death
me; are there any waters that do not have follows birth, and, with the same certainty,
fish”? He took them along with him in their misery follows happiness. Sukhadukhe
boats to the middle of the sea and asked Samekruthwa Labhalabhau Jayajayau (one
them to cast their nets at a particular spot. should remain equal-minded in happiness
To their utter astonishment and great joy, and sorrow, gain and loss, victory and
the fishermen found that their nets were full defeat). Pleasure is an interval between
with fish. This event created a lot of faith in two pains. Human life is for the purpose of
the minds of the fishermen. investigating the supreme reality and not
Jesus could instil such great faith in merely for eating, drinking and procreation.
those people. One of those fishermen was Every human being must make an effort to
named by Jesus as Peter. He developed know his inner nature and understand his
intense love and faith towards Jesus. From true identity. Jesus was preaching such
then on, the fisherman regularly used to sacred truths, so he became very popular
take Jesus out on their fishing expeditions, among his contemporaries. Becoming
and, after their return in the evening, Jesus
popular in the world automatically creates
used to expound spiritual matters to them.
jealousy and envy in others. Jealousy,
When Peter’s father passed away, his
pomposity and egoism are evil traits, which
mother was filled with sorrow, but Jesus
will ultimately lead to ruin. None will pardon
consoled her by telling, “Death is but
a dress of life. Wherefore do you shed people with such traits.
tears? Death is like changing one’s dress. – Excerpted from Bhagavan’s
Therefore, stop grieving. These physical Christmas Discourse on 25th December
bodies come and go. Do not waste your 2002.
ri Sathya Sai
Institute of Higher
Learning (SSSIHL),
Deemed to be University, held
its 38th Annual Convocation
in Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi
Nilayam on 22nd November
The grand ceremony
saw the Chancellor of the
Institute, Sri K Chakravarthi,
admit 470 candidates to
their degrees. This included
277 undergraduate, 97 The grand Convocation procession.
postgraduate, 86 professional
Vice Chancellor, Deans and the Heads of
and 10 Ph.D. awardees.
Departments along with the Chief Guest,
The Chief Guest of the Convocation members of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
was Dr. G Satheesh Reddy, Secretary, Higher Learning Trust, Academic Council
Department of Defence R&D, Government and the Board of Management.
of India, Chairman, Defence Research
Following the invocatory Veda chanting,
and Development Organisation (DRDO)
the Vice Chancellor, Prof. K.B.R. Varma
and Director General, Aeronautical
prayed to the Revered Founder Chancellor
Development Agency (ADA). A native of
to declare the Convocation open. The
Andhra Pradesh, Dr. Reddy has made
significant contributions to indigenous Convocation was then declared open in
design and development of missile the Divine voice of the Founder Chancellor,
technologies and avionics, such as Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
complete self-sufficiency in missiles and Vice Chancellor’s Address
pioneering technological developments for In his Convocation Address, the Vice
Indian missiles including the country’s first Chancellor emphasised how the residential
intercontinental ballistic missile, Agni-V. culture, the student-teacher ratio of
The event began at 3.30 p.m. when 8:1, excellent infrastructural facilities,
the convocation ceremonial procession, highly qualified and dedicated faculty
led by the University brass band, and two members teaching high quality academic
students carrying the University Standards programmes in Sciences, Management &
on either side of the Registrar (who Commence and Economics & Humanities,
carried the Ceremonial Mace) entered Sai has led to excellent academic performance
Kulwant Hall. The dignitaries who formed of the Institute. This was reflected in the fact
the procession included the Chancellor, that SSSIHL had an overall examination
large contingent of when Narada told them that this dust could
devotees came to Prasanthi cure Krishna’s headache. Commemorating
Nilayam on a pilgrimage from the golden jubilee of Bal Vikas, Bal Vikas
Gujarat to celebrate the festivals of children of Gujarat presented the next
Deepavali and Gujarati New Year and
also to commemorate the golden jubilee of
Bhagavan’s visit to Dwaraka on 15th May
1970. As part of this pilgrimage, devotees
presented music and cultural programmes
on 27th and 28th October 2019.
The programme on 27th October 2019
began with a symbolic Dwaraka Parthi
procession which entered Sai Kulwant
Hall at 8.00 a.m. participated by a large
number of devotees from Gujarat carrying
Bhagavan’s palanquin. This was followed
by a soulful rendition of devotional songs
The drama “Sai Sanathana
by the singers of Gujarat. The programme Samraksha” showcased the real life
in the evening comprised two dramas. story of a Bal Vikas student.
Raas dance by the students of Sri Sathya Sai A dance drama by Bal Vikas children and
Vidya Niketan, Navsari. Bal Vikas alumni of Coimbatore.
of dance numbers portraying the Divine the divine glory of Lord Siva through the
Leelas of Krishna. depiction of mythological stories which
The final presentation of the programme included Sagar Manthan (churning of
was a dance drama “Leela Lavanya the ocean) and consumption of Halahala
Krishna” which was performed by the (deadly poison) by Siva, protection of
students of Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat. Markandeya when he hugged Siva Linga
Depicting the childhood Leelas (divine and Parvati Kalyanam (celestial marriage
of Siva and Parvati). Beautiful dances of
play) of Krishna like stealing of butter,
the children added to the richness of the
dance with Gopikas and subjugating the
serpent Kaliya, the drama highlighted how
Krishna showcased His Divinity through GLOBAL AKHANDA BHAJAN
His divine sports to elevate His devotees Global Akhanda Bhajan started by
and help them to realise their divinity. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Himself
Sublime theme and excellent dances of is an event of great spiritual significance
the students in colourful costumes made in the world, in which millions of people
the dance drama a sterling presentation. belonging to all faiths, nationalities and
Chinna Katha
wo college students
entered into a contest. According
to the condition of the contest,
one who consumed more bananas along
with their peels within a period of ten
minutes would be the winner. Both of them
were made of hardcore stuff. They called
§ Candidates should have completed 10 + 2 years
of schooling and scored a minimum of 55% marks B.A. / B.A. (Hons.) in Economics*
in General English, and a minimum of 60% marks B.Com. (Hons.)
(aggregate) in all subjects combined. B.B.A.
POSTGRADUATE & B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science†
PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMES B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics* / Physics* / Chemistry*
§ At the Bachelor’s degree, candidates should
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biosciences* / Chemistry*
have scored a minimum of 50% marks in General B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics* / Economics* / Statistics
English, and a minimum of 60% marks (aggregate) B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics* / Computer Science /
in all subjects combined. Statistics
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Music)
Diploma in Music
All programmes have additional requirements apart
from the ones listed above. For complete details of
Eligibility Criteria for each programme, kindly visit the POSTGRADUATE
Admissions section of
M.A. in Economics
M.Sc. in Mathematics
M.Sc. in Chemistry
M.Sc. in Physics
UNDERGRADUATE M.Sc. in Biosciences
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics* / Physics / Chemistry M.B.A.
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biosciences* / Chemistry M.Tech. in Computer Science
B.Sc. in Food & Nutritional Sciences M.Tech. in Optoelectronics & Communications
About Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Bhagavan besides various spiritual and
Publications Division (SSSSTPD) religious books.
On 1st January, 2009, Sri Sathya Sai Get Sanathana Sarathi
Sadhana Trust (SSSST) commenced On Sanathana Sarathi official website –
operations with four divisions; the Bhakta – subscribe
Sahayak divisions (one in Prasanthi for paperback and e-versions. Single
Nilayam, Puttaparthi and another in monthly editions are also downloadable
Brindavan, Bangalore), the Publications in English and Telugu languages at http://
division, and the Media division. and
The Publications Division (SSSSTPD) sarathitelugu.
caters to: Other Books By SSSSTPD (In English)
1) The publication and distribution of 1. Sai Sathya Sakha
spiritual, religious, and educational 2. Summer Showers In Brindavan, 1972
Sai Literature and the production 3. Satyopanisad I
and distribution of audio and visual 4. Satyopanisad II
multimedia, photographs, calendars, and 5. Gurudev
diaries for the benefit of visiting pilgrims 6. Namasmarana
and devotees all over the world. All the 7. Bhakthi And Health
literature and publications are based on 8. Life Is Love, Enjoy It!
the teachings, philosophy, message, and 9. Life Is A Challenge, Meet It!
values of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 10. Life Is A Dream, Realize It!
2) The publication and distribution of 11. Bhagawan And Bhakta
Bhagavan Baba’s monthly spiritual 12. Body And Mind
journal - Sanathana Sarathi - in English 13. My Dear Ones
and Telugu languages. Since 2011, 14. Sevadal
e-version of the magazine is also released 15. Silence
simultaneously and is available in the 16. Suffering
popular Interactive PDF format on www. 17. Surrender 18. Atma
3) Maintaining a reporting channel www. 19. Do You Know, which covers 20. Gopikas Of Brindavan
all the major activities taking place in 21. Gratitude
Prasanthi Nilayam, and publishing an 22. My Beloved Ones
e-newsletter ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’- for 23. Only Love
free distribution. 24. Purity
4) Providing library and Reading room 25. Memoirs Of A Sai Student
for visiting devotees, with a very large 26. A Journey To Self-Peace
collection of books written by Bhagavan 27. Dharma
Sri Sathya Sai Baba and books on 28. Guru
29. Karma
30. Life
31. Meditation
32. Peace
33. Simple Truths
34. Nama Mahima
35. Divine Vibrations
36. Guidelines To Active Workers
37. Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi
38. Truth, Auspiciousness, Beauty
39. Sai Baba’s Mahavakya On
40. Path To Peace - Prayers for Daily
Connect with SSSSTPD
A scene from the drama “If there present in them also. How can you ever
was a little more Love”.
have problems when you love all? Your
heart will be filled with bliss when you
love everybody”.
– Baba
Printed by K.S. RAJAN Published by K.S. RAJAN On behalf of the owner Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi
Nilayam 515134, Anantapur District (A.P.) And Printed at M/s Rajhans Enterprises, 136, 4th Main Road, Industrial Town, Rajaji Nagar,
Bengaluru - 560044, Karnataka And published at Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam 515134,
Anantapur Dist., Andhra Pradesh.
Editor: G.L. ANAND