22 MARCH 1990: Vibrations. We Said Everything Is The Mind. Matter Is The Mind. So, What
22 MARCH 1990: Vibrations. We Said Everything Is The Mind. Matter Is The Mind. So, What
22 MARCH 1990: Vibrations. We Said Everything Is The Mind. Matter Is The Mind. So, What
22 MARCH 1990
I'll give you a rough example (as we don't have any better). If we see a
human being working, doing it skillfully, all we can see is the hands
moving and the work being done. Can you see his thought (unless you
are an advanced mystic)? Of course not. Nobody can see the thought,
but, you can see the hands moving and you can see what comes out of
them, the two hands. Likewise, as we have the two hands, we have the
Logos and the Holy Spirit. Yet, the work done by the hands is in the
head. The head is the Absolute Beingness. So, we should not see what
the church calls God the Father as something hypothetical. Everything is
there. Its nature is the Total Wisdom, Total Power and Total Love. He
is the Omnipresent and the Omnipotent. You must have that in mind.
But, again, we don't have three Gods as we don't have three men
because we see a man working with his hands. So, we see only one
Absolute Beingness in Its Totality. In Its Totality—the Absolute Beingness
and, what you call, the groups expressing themselves in a special way
(which give them certain characteristics), the individuals, the Beings,
separately (just as in the body of a man you have thousands of cells).
So, we, each one of us, every human being as a Spirit-Ego-Self-
Superconsciousness, everlasting, eternal, is a Being in the Multiplicity
of the Absolute Beingness, and classified in one of the classes we
recognize by the expression of their work. Nature of all the Beings in the
Absolute Beingness is the same, yet, their work (building the universes
and everything in them) is giving them certain characteristics. This
means: it makes them the Lords of the Elements.
What are the Elements now? Elements are Mind in different rates of
vibrations. We said everything is the Mind. Matter is the Mind. So, what
is, is the Absolute Beingness in Its Multiplicity, and what is and exists is
the Creation (and by saying creation I mean all the universes and
everything existing in these universes). We, human beings, are logoic and
holy spiritual. Both. The animals, the animal life all around us,
everything in the animal kingdom, in the vegetable kingdom, are holy
spiritual—not logoic. Not that, of course, the Logos is not the one
creating everything, but, is not expressed in this kind of life and this
kind of manifestation. Because, what we believe is that everything that
existed is and exists, is both by the Logos and the Holy Spirit. Everything
we see done by a human being we see done by both of his hands, yet,
one hand is doing different work from the other, and both of them are
completing the work.
Now, what's the work of the Logos, Christos, and what's the work of the
Holy Spirit (as we can understand it)? Through the work of the Logos are
passing those Beings (eternal Beings, Spirit-Ego-Superconscious Beings)
which express what you call the Self, a self-consciousness, and that is
only the human beings on the planet now. What is the work of the Holy
Spirit on the planet (and even in the other worlds of other dimensions) is
Life, again, expressing a kind of sub-consciousness, even consciousness
—but, not self-consciousness. This is the difference between the work of
the Logos and the Holy Spirit. We see all around us that all the living
beings, living forms, are expressing a kind of sub-consciousness you call
instinct, sensitivity, or many, many other names, but, not self-
consciousness. Only a human being expresses self-consciousness.
Because, a human being is a God. A human being is a Being in the
Multiplicity of the Absolute Beingness. A human being is a Spirit-Ego-
Self-Superconsciousness. All the animal life around us is the expression
of the Will of the Infinite Beingness as Motion and Mind, Energy and they
are supervised by Angels and Archangels. But, every human being is an
Archangel as a Self-conscious Being. Now, do Archangels express Self-
consciousness? Yes, but an archangelic consciousness. So, we have to
study what I would say the difference in the self-consciousnesses. In the
same way, we have to study the various differences in the sub-
consciousnesses and the consciousnesses all around us in the living
forms. And what do we find by serious study? Every living form all
around us is expressing the Total Wisdom, Total Love and Total Force of
Might of the Absolute Beingness. No living form around us escapes from
this Total Wisdom, Total Love and Total Energy or Force. This we call the
Circle of Possibilities—a law no living thing can escape. So, we see that
this Circle of the Possibilities (and, later, we shall study the Circle of
Existence and the Circle of Probabilities), we see that everything existing,
from the galaxy to the amoeba, obeys this Circle of Possibilities (and of
Existence and Probabilities). Yes, this Law of Probabilities we study by
studying all the living forms around us. And, this is giving us the
conviction of the Total Wisdom of the Infinite Beingness.
So, how can we study all that? By reflection. And, by reflection, in the
end, I can find my real Self. The reflected one on the surface of reflection.
Reflection—that means observation of everything taking place outside
through the five senses. To have a reflection I must have a mirror. How
shall I find the reflection if I don't have a mirror to see the things
reflected? We can never understand what is light unless we have the
reflected light through a mirror. In our case we have a threefold mirror
distorting the reality. And, in that mirror we see our self as an entity
existing in time and space. What is this threefold mirror that we can see
our selves in? The threefold mirror is Mind matter, Mind as psychical (as
we say it) substance, and Mind as thought in its purer nature. I will
explain it more. We can see ourselves reflected in this threefold mirror as
our material body, as our psychical body, and as our noetical body.
See how distorted you see yourself in this threefold mirror. Distorted?
Definitely! Especially seeing yourselves in the surface of the mirror,
which is the emotional sight of your existence, the Present-Day-
Personality of a man. What do we see in this mirror? The phenomenon of
life. What's real in the reflections within the mirror? Our I-ness, our Ego.
But now, how do we see through the reflection on this material,
psychical and noetical mirror as a Present-day-Personality? Looking in
this mirror you make the mistake that your image in the mirror, your little
self in the material, psychical and noetical body, is your Self. We stand
before this mirror, or rather, we enter this mirror, we enter in the
material body, we dress ourselves with our emotions and our thoughts
and we see our selves greatly distorted. Standing before the mirror, I say
that you make the mistake to think that the reflection, the image, in the
mirror is your Self. You smile and the image there smiles. You cry and
you see the reflection as a face crying. But, if I stand in front of that
mirror and see you looking in the mirror making the mistake that your
reflection in the mirror is your Self and I break the mirror, you won't see
your reflection any more, yet, nothing happens to you. You are you -
even without your reflection on that mirror! And what do you think is the
Infinite Beingness doing all the time when you are enchanted by your
image on the mirror? This is a phenomenon we call death. You have to
leave the material body, leave the reflection of the first mirror, leave the
reflection of the second mirror also, and even the third mirror. You are
not your self-reflected in the mirror (distorted)!
Now, you can see yourself by introspection, from within. You can touch
the reality to see who you really are. So, before breaking the mirrors we
must study our reflection. While living in this world of forms, the
material world, you must study your behavior as a Present-Day-
Personality of a man or a woman. Your Self is not male or female (yet,
now you exist as a male or as female person). That is your reflection. So,
what is the first thing we observe? That we are living through the
reflection. Is Life outside of the body’s conscious of itself? If we are self-
conscious in the mud, are we not conscious then as Life (Selves)?
Definitely, we are. But, now it is a different expression of self-
consciousness. What is the difference between these self-
consciousnesses? We can understand this by studying and living,
extending our self-consciousness to what we call the Self-
Superconsciousness. So, it is by becoming and living that we know and
understand. By using the Mind as thought we cannot always know the
truth, because, thoughts are very weak wings for such a high flight.
So, what do we find? That we, dormant and dreaming as Present-Day
self-consciousnesses, have to wake up to the reality of who we are. As
long as we are dreaming and being under the time and space illusions we
cannot see ourselves in introspection, in looking within. Looking within?
Christ said that the Kingdom of the Heavens, which is in us, is our own
So, how do we start? There is no quick way! You must have that in mind.
And, it needs sincerity with yourself. Sometimes, people who are coming
from Switzerland, Germany, France and everywhere, ask: "Yes sir,
Daskale, we want and we came for our spiritual development." Others
say psychical upliftment. Using words without really understanding what
they are asking for. What do you mean by spiritual development? Who is
supposed to develop himself so high to feel that he attains "spiritual
development"? What does it mean psychical upliftment? You must
analyze these words and really ask for something you understand what
you want. When you hear these words ask what they should mean.
Spiritual upliftment? I say, you should better ask: "How shall we reach
our Self-realization, understanding who we are?" What about the
psychical development, meaning getting psychical powers? Christ says,
"Seek the Kingdom of the Heavens within you and everything will be
added to you." All those things will come! So, have in your minds, what is
really worth having is the Self-realization. Knowing not by theory and
by, what people say around us, admitting blindly that it is true, but by
living it. Living this Truth!
Now, what is the Self-realization? If I ask you: "Who are you?" If I put this
question to a young man (or a young woman) he will say "Andrew,
George (or the girl will say Mary, Alexandra)". What do you think, is that
you, really you? "Of course, don't I know who I am?" Well, you are
making the mistake of taking your reflection in matter and in mind as
your Self. You would answer better by "I am I", but, knowing what's that
I—becoming self-conscious. How can we reach that stage of realizing
what we are in the first steps of the scale "I am I"? I said, first by
acknowledging that I have the power and the authority to use the Mind
as Super-substance (as thought and reason). The first thing you'll find
out is that you can do that. Then, the second: "I was using this power
subconsciously. Using the Mind without knowing what it is. Living in a
subconscious way until now by liking, disliking and all that." Then,
seriously, you'll say: "Let me analyze this self of mine," as a young girl or
a young boy, "what am I in reality, what is common to both sexes? Is
there really any difference between a man and a woman?" I am telling
you: no. Both are Gods, Eternal Beings, having in front of them both the
same road towards the Self-realization. So, what a young man can do
(and you call him clever and wise) any woman can do. All human beings,
male or female, have the same rights in living, breathing, thinking and
reaching what I call Self-realization.
So, how do we start now? By studying what is going on around us. Start
studying the material body. Anatomy and science know much nowadays.
You can read it in books. And, we see that every human being, male, has
the same body (taller or shorter doesn't matter) as any other male being;
any female has the same body as any other woman. Now, what's
common? The Form. The living form. Nothing can exist in various worlds
of various dimensions without a form. For us is the human form. But, is
our Self, our I-ness, really the human form? Is Life itself depending on a
human form, or on any other form around us in the universes? No. Life
is, even without any human form. Those of the Innermost Circle of our
Circles are taught how to discard even the human form, use any other
form around them, and even feel living self-consciously without any
form. This is the last step. When they reach that stage (very, very few,
believe me, have succeeded even in our Circles or in other circles, far
from even imagining such a thing.) at the beginning they have a fear.
"But, are we not lost? Annihilated?" Some, who studied Buddhism, which
speaks about Nirvana (a hypothetical annihilation), are also frightened.
But, when they can get any form they like, live in it, know everything
about it; returning to their own (human) form they say that now they are
the masters of the Forms. So, leaving aside something you are not loosing
it. You can get it any time you like. Because, your nature as an Ego I-
ness is the Will and the Self Abundance. Have this in mind.
We make the mistake to think that our egoism is our Ego, our Self. That
means, studying the shadow of the mirrors I must understand that I am
not that shadow. I am something else. Then, you start thinking: "But,
who am I who can do all that?" This is the most important step. Reach it
through observation: "Who am I who can do all that, who can
concentrate, meditate, analyze and know what is that and what is that?"
This is your first contact with introspection - looking within. In the
course of time, after reaching decisions through observation,
concentration and meditation (that means - changing your character, de-
energizing the egoism) you will find out that "Oh, I am not what I thought
I was". Yet, again, Helen is Helen and George is George. But, Helen and
George are different persons now. Not different in the bodies, but
different now in knowledge, developing something they didn't know
So, Helen and George are still the same, yet, they are different persons
now. If you ask them "Who are you?" Helen will say "Helen". Yes, you are
Helen, of course, but what was "Helen" a year before? Maybe a harlot,
and today a saint. Magdalena was the same Magdalena before meeting
Christ and afterwards when she became Saint Magdalena. Again, she
was the same Magdalena. And George? George will be George. But, if I
ask him "Now, look behind you in time, you were a thief, a drunkard, a
gambler, a liar, causing so much pain all around you." He will be the first
to deny this about himself. Now, he will be ready just to say, "Oh, yes,
really, I am feeling ashamed of what I was." What's the difference now?
Do you need all those things around you in life? You will find out that
now your I-ness, your Ego, reaching even the last steps of Self-
consciousness, that Self-realization, is a master of emotions and of
thoughts and not the slave of it. Reasoning, what will you find? You'll
know the nature of desires, wishes, and where are they leading. And,
you'll find the quality of a wish, a desire. Analyze it and see: when it is
realized and you have what you wanted having, then you'll find that by
having it, it looses of what you thought was its value. Then you are after
something else, and then, after something else. Or, if it really pleased
you to have it, and you have it again, that pleasure makes you feel tired.
The fulfillment of any desire is giving you satisfaction—temporarily.
Then, you get accustomed to it and you think you want something else,
and, something else, and there is no end in wishing and desiring, and in
the thought of feeling the necessity of having it.
I mentioned killing the egoism. How can you do it? By de-energizing the
elementals torturing you. And, by doing so, the egoism will die. It has to.
So, all those elementals composing the egoism will be de-energized. Now,
what's the nature of egoism? Fighting. What should be your nature now
(by using what I call reasoning)? Fighting? No. By fighting you
surrender. You get another mantle of egoism mistaking your self again as
the egoism. That means that you have never been free from egoism. To
survive the egoism doubles itself, yet, being the same. So, you should be
very careful with that. Reasoning is not fighting. Why should you fight?
By neglecting, not caring any more about that elemental (any of the
elementals that make the egoism) you de-energize it. There is no other
way. By fighting it you straighten it.
So, one of the aims of that real I-ness, the Ego, the Self, is to know the
nature of matter, how matter is influencing you in composing the egoism.
You have to study and learn the nature of emotions and desires. And,
before knowing the nature of those desires, how will you be able to de-
energize the elementals born out of them? You have to learn this—
through the nature of thought.
So, the de-energizing of the elementals torturing you needs much work.
You have to enter sincerely in that jungle we call the sub-consciousness,
and learn its nature, again, of the Present-Day-Personality, of your egoism.
What will you find out then? The more fertile the ground, the stronger
the thorny bushes. Yes, but when you burn them or destroy them, the
more fertile the ground in which those thorny bushes have been growing,
the better trees will be produced. Because, the fertility is there. So, don't
be in despair! The harder the lesson taken by faults the most precious
lesson acquired. Have that in mind, because, if that was not the case the
Absolute Beingness in Its Absolute Wisdom would not leave us free to get
our lessons. Even in transgressions. So, have that in your mind and
don't despair.
Now, what will you find out after Self-realization? Whether I knew it or
not, subconsciously or even consciously, and now self-consciously, I was
using the Mind, making very bad use of it. Making myself the slave of my
emotions. Now, it's up to me to change and make new decisions. I can
use the Mind. It's our "daily bread" given to us by the Father. We ask
Him: "Give us this day our daily bread." Yet, no need to ask for it.
Because, whether we ask it or not it will be given to us. But, by asking it
we reach a kind of self-realization that we need to have it by authority.
And, that we should not make bad use of it. Because, if a hungry child
with bad manners comes to you, to your house, and says, "I am hungry",
you'll say, "Yes, wait". He may continue "But I am hungry". "All right."
And you give him some bread. Looking at you he breaks the bread in
pieces and throws it down stepping all over it. Definitely, you'll give him a
slap. Won't you? "You said you are hungry and I gave you some bread.
What are you doing with it?" Then he may ask you again "But I am
hungry". "Yes, have another piece." Then, he does the same thing again.
As a human being, loving your child, you'll slap him. But, the Heavenly
Father is not doing that. He is giving you, and giving you, and giving you
most patiently until you come back to senses. To realize that bread is for
eating and satisfying our hunger, not for wasting it in this way. When we
say: "Give us this day our daily bread", what do we really mean? Bread?
Just a loaf of bread? We can get it from a bakery. No need to ask it from
Him. What is it? The Mind and the authority to use it—to live
The other day I gave an example. Definitely, feeling pain (the Hindus call
it Karma) is not a punishment, it is a lesson to learn. As a law on the
material plane we have the law of gravity, it is keeping everything
existing on the planet in a natural and proper condition. It is here—the
law of gravity. We feel it by walking the way we do. Whether we know it
or not we have to respect it. If you take a stone and, thoughtlessly, throw
it up, the law of gravity will bring it down. Any transgression must come
to harmony with this physical law. When that stone falls on top of your
head and you see your hand full of blood, that's not a punishment from
God. You have thrown that stone up. It would be stupid to ask from God
to violate the law of gravity (and for everything to be destroyed) so that
the stone won't fall on your head.
So, in the Total Wisdom of the Absolute Beingness, the Laws of Order
are there, in the material, the psychical and the noetical world. And, you
have to know them, respect them, and live with them. Now, for the
transgressions on the material plane we can see the effects very easily.
We can also see the effects in the psychical plane. In the psychical
planes, the world of emotions, through our sub-consciousness, we also
have to deal with the existing laws. In the psychical planes (not one,
many planes). What's the result of playing stupidly with emotions and
with thoughts? What's the end? The mental hospitals. So, as you have
hospitals for transgressions concerning the material body, you have also
hospitals for the transgressions of our emotions and the way of feeling,
thinking and behaving. A psychotherapist should have these laws in
mind for he is supposed to work with them. We also have the laws on the
noetical plane. By studying these laws we get to understand the Total
Wisdom of the Infinite Beingness and the Total Power, or Force in It, and
the Total Love.
Now, back again to elementals. We said that every thought, every
emotion creates an elemental, whether we see it or not. It is the Divine
Mercy that we don't see the elementals we are creating. Because, we
would be ashamed and feel the fear as their creator. Sometimes, children
see the elementals created by their parents while shouting, quarreling,
hating each other, and, they shriek at night seeing them in nightmares.
All nightmares seen by children or by grownups are elementals. Those
who see them are those who have the same vibrations as those
elementals. So, every thought and every emotion creates an elemental.
Every elemental has in it an emotion or thought, though, the proportions
of emotion and thought are different, and, this is what makes us classify
So, without seeing the elementals, we can know their nature by the effect
they have on us. All the elementals from our emotions and thoughts,
composing our Present-Day-Personality, our egoism, are our torturers.
You can easily trace and find these elementals or any other elemental in
your sub-consciousness. So, now, even finding yourself on the lowest
step of Self-realization you can make the decisions and become the
masters of all your emotions, knowing now the way to create and use,
instead of emotional thought forms, pure thoughts. Creative. What are
people doing day and night? This is what I have seen by examining
various sick persons all around me. You'll see how strong these emotions
I had a woman who had an innocent growth on the breast. Not a tumor.
Gland. In every ten women at least six have it. She went to a doctor who
suspected cancer. By telling her so he created the cancer thought in her
mind with the fear: "Oh, it is cancer". That woman had it. And, that
fellow had it. So, see how the egoism is forcing you to create elementals.
"It's cancer!" So, they removed the breast. They suggested to her that
these kinds of cancer usually come to metastasis. "Oh, no!" she became
afraid of metastasis. Another innocent gland under the arm was to be
operated as metastasis. She was operated on. It was not. It was the fear
of it. She came to me and I told her: "Don't be stupid. These things
happen. Let nature cure it." "Don't I have a cancer now?" "Of course, you
have one in your mind, and unless you take it out it will come again." So,
where is the danger? It is in your mind! In your sub-consciousness. Can
you take it out of your mind? Yes. She was wondering: "Yes, but is that
easy?" "Of course it's easy once you decide to do it, to take it away from
your mind." If she does that she will live a long life (and she has to live
because she has three children to bring up).
So, the elementals, or our sub-consciousness, can be our best friend or
our worst enemy. They cure everything ("Your faith has healed you" said
Christ), or bury us in the ground, kill us. Thirty or more years ago, there
was a woman, an English woman, who was teaching in a school in
Nicosia. She gave birth to a son. Then, they told her that she had cancer,
malignant cancer. They removed one breast. After six months she went
to England carrying her six months old child. There they said: a
metastasis in the uterus. They removed everything. Her husband came to
me and said, "I cannot approach my woman any more. She has cancer." I
said "All right. You want a divorce? I'll give you a divorce. Done. But,
believe me my son there is no need to give you a divorce. She told me she
would die after some time. The doctors in London gave her three months
of life, because, by then the metastasis will be down in the liver. She will
be vomiting and all that." That woman who was teaching (she was a
teacher) came to me and said, "Look here, I have a six months old child. I
want to live to bring him up. Here are the papers by the doctors,
confirming that I have malignant cancer. From a biopsy in London and
everywhere. I saw that. Tell me, do I have cancer?" I started laughing "If
you tear those papers and say 'I don't have cancer' you won’t have it."
She said "I know what you tell me. I want to live." I said "Then, let us
make a prayer together." So she did. Her husband died. She? She is still
living! On her knees she has her grandchildren now and comes to visit
me sometimes. There was a cancer, malignant cancer. So, you must have
this in mind.
Don't allow your egoism (I suggested you to kill it) play tricks on you,
becoming a deadly enemy. Nowadays, they are making some tests by
hypnosis on how the sub-consciousness works. They put a fellow in a
semi-trance (not properly asleep) and come to him smoking a cigarette.
They go behind him and say "Now I'll burn you with this cigarette. I'll put
it on your arm." Then, they touch the arm with a pencil. What happens is
that the fellow shrieks. When they remove the pencil - the burn is there.
They make all these kinds of experiments now. How does it happen? How
does the burn appear there?
So, one of the lessons everyone should learn is the nature of his sub-
consciousness and the nature of the elementals creating their sum-total
(which is one side of the sub-consciousness), the Present-Day-
Personality of a man. Everyone has a duty to make a self-analysis, know
the self of the Present-Day-Personality, (knowing the truth) master it and
control it. So, we should be very, very careful in creating elementals.
Though people cannot see them, they are under the influence and the
burden of them, sometimes crushing them. Have it in mind.
Tomorrow we will give more on these elementals. How to avoid creating,
or re-creating, revitalizing such elementals and how to use the Holy Mind
as Super-substance, our daily bread, to live properly in the right way.
Now, I'll put you a question. Why are we down on this planet? Why are
we living as human beings on the planet? This question was put to me
many, many times after the people have put this question to themselves
without having an answer. "But why are we here? Nobody asked us if we
wanted to be here." So, why are we here on this planet?
Did you read the parable of the prodigal son? What was the guard of the
swine before asking his father to give him his fortune and leave? A
Prince? The son of a King? So says the parable. Yes, even becoming the
guard of the swine (of the elementals - these are the swine) wasn't he a
Prince? He was. And, after realizing (Self-realization), leaving the swine
and returning back home, he made one step towards the father, and the
father nine steps towards him, embracing him.
- I don't understand because some people say we were in the spirit world
before we came to the earth. We were living beings. And we came
voluntarily to learn lessons.
Of course, the prodigal son voluntarily asks the father to give him his
fortune (that means—the use of the Mind) and comes down. Of course,
the father could stop him if he wanted to do that, but, the first virtue in
the Infinite Beingness is—freedom. This is the blessing. Then, in the
parable of the prodigal son (after the Self-realization), when he returned
back he was in a far better condition then his brothers (the Archangels),
as we read in the Bible. How? When he came back the father gave him
the first dress of a Prince. And, he gave him a ring. What is this ring? A
circle is the symbol of eternity. As God is Motion, you start moving on a
ring where there is no beginning and no end. So, a human being, the
prodigal son, going back, knows with his experience in the illusions of
time and space what is the eternal now, that means—Eternity. Many
times, coming in a self-conscious contact with the Archangels (our
brothers) I put them the question: "What's time?" They don't know.
"What's eternity?" They don't know. When I ask them "What's Life?" they
know: "I". "You?" "We." "What are we?" "We." "What is life?” “Now.” This
they know because, with the word 'now' they mean the eternal now,
which is not an illusion (because, time and space are illusions, the
eternal now is not).
- So, before we were the same as we are now and when we pass over we
are still the same?
Yes. What did I say? Your I-ness, your Ego, even as a little self-
consciousness, is your Self-consciousness. You are God seeing your
reflection as a man or as a woman (doesn't matter). You live Life as God.
Now, I'll put you a question. Where do you suppose you'll go in what you
call Self-realization? Moving in space? In place? Where is this Self-
realization? Everywhere and now. You are not going to return
somewhere, away from where you are now. So, you are now, already, in
the Infinite Beingness.
- So, I have to progress a lot or to wait and be in the same condition, and
I don't like that.
You don't like that? Weather you want it or not you will progress because
that's your nature—in one of the two ways. There are two ways to
change: The Whip of Destiny you know under the word of Karma, or, by
reasoning. You can learn your lesson by observation and meditation. No
need to undergo certain circumstances to learn the lesson. Or, if you
don't want this, being under the fascination and the enchantment of
events and things, making the same mistake, getting the same experience
(I don't call it punishment), still you have to learn the lesson by one of
these two ways. Cause and effect, or by reasoning, we have to return
back home, that means, within us. We are out and we must get back in.
Now, by getting in you are also—out. But, by getting out, you are not
getting in. This is very difficult to understand. Getting within you are
also out by getting the powers I call the Super-Self-consciousness. But,
by concentrating outside you are not within. This needs much experience
to know the truth of it. So, we are not going to become something we
are not already now.