Essene Prayer

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Given by Joshua Emmanuel the Christ, in the synagogue of the Essene Brotherhood,
to His disciples before sending them into the world to work as teachers and hea

All of you, listen. You are my children, my off spring. I am in you as God, as A
bsolute Beingness, your real Self, and you are always in me as gods. And I am al
so with you as a human being, as your loving father, within our loving Father.
Every breath you take, sustaining the life of your material body, is a fatherly
kiss of mine for you. My beloved ones, I will not only speak to you in words of
any language, but will also come to you as inspiration and as sensation.
I am the heat which keeps your body alive. I am the breeze, the fresh air, that
caresses your face. I am in your eyes - as sight - allowing you to enjoy my work
s around you, as phenomena of life. I am the sight and I see all.
I am continuously creating Mind substance for you, to keep your bodies thriving.
I am the living "bread of life" [John 6:48]. And I am the living water which yo
u will drink and never thirst again [cf. John 4:10-14]. I am the Mind vitality e
verywhere in the world. I am Spirit and I am form. You are my Omnipresence.
I am the wise voice in your minds that speaks to you when you are doing somethin
g which is not right; not rebuking but awakening you. For I am reason in your th
oughts and I am love in your heart.
Cast away from your heart every bitter emotion, all enmity, and any cruelty you
may harbor ... I am the Life in you. Enjoy my Life. You are my offspring, you ar
e my flesh and blood, part of myself.
I love you. Love all my expressions, love all other human beings as your own sel
f, and love all of life "as I have loved you", and as I will always love you. [J
ohn 13:34]
Note: the background image on this page is the Prayer hand written in the origin
al language of the Essenes (Aramaic) by Daskalos.

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