Computer Networks: Ola Salman, Imad Elhajj, Ali Chehab, Ayman Kayssi
Computer Networks: Ola Salman, Imad Elhajj, Ali Chehab, Ayman Kayssi
Computer Networks: Ola Salman, Imad Elhajj, Ali Chehab, Ayman Kayssi
Computer Networks
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Review article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the Internet of Things (IoT). While some analysts dis-
Received 18 January 2018 value the IoT hype, several technology leaders, governments, and researchers are putting serious efforts
Revised 21 June 2018
to develop solutions enabling wide IoT deployment. Thus, the huge amount of generated data, the high
Accepted 12 July 2018
network scale, the security and privacy concerns, the new requirements in terms of QoS, and the hetero-
Available online 17 July 2018
geneity in this ubiquitous network of networks make its implementation a very challenging task. SDN, a
Keywords: new networking paradigm, has revealed its usefulness in reducing the management complexities in to-
IoT day’s networks. Additionally, SDN, having a global view of the network, has presented effective security
Survey solutions. On the other hand, fog computing, a new data service platform, consists of pushing the data to
SDN the network edge reducing the cost (in terms of bandwidth consumption and high latency) of “big data”
Fog transportation through the core network. In this paper, we critically review the SDN and fog computing-
based solutions to overcome the IoT main challenges, highlighting their advantages, and exposing their
weaknesses. Thus, we make recommendations at the end of this paper for the upcoming research work.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction develop IoT solutions has resulted in proposing disjoint ones. Lack-
ing interoperability between the different IoT platforms limits their
One of the all-time most impactful innovations is the Internet. potential. We all know that the root enabler of the Internet suc-
Internet has permitted the interconnection of all traditional com- cess and wide adoption is its openness and its standardized archi-
puting devices and it was natural for this desire for access and tecture. Having different IoT architectures and platform resulted in
control to extend to non-traditional devices. Here came the evo- having heterogeneous silos of networks. In addition to this kind
lution into Internet of Things (IoT). Mentioned seventeen years ago of heterogeneity, different formats of data are used, and different
by Kevin Ashton [1], IoT draws the lines of the second digital revo- types of communication technologies are invoked. This makes the
lution [2,3]. Cisco expected that, by 2020, 50 billion objects would IoT a vertically fragmented network. Therefore, the heterogeneity
be connected to the Internet [4]. This large scale is one of the un- is another important challenge facing IoT.
avoidable challenges for the IoT domain. The high scalability is ac- Moreover, the large number of connected devices will naturally
companied with an increased complexity in the management of result in enormous amount of data, which challenges the ability
this large number of things/gateways, and network devices. Man- of today’s networks to handle. The current centralized paradigm of
aging all these devices in the traditional way (manually and each data processing and storage is not feasible. New ways to analyze,
device separately) is no longer viable. filter and aggregate this data at the network edges will be essential
As the Metcalfe’s law states, the importance of a communi- in any upcoming IoT solution. The IoT “Big Data” is not only about
cation network increases exponentially with the number of con- the size of the generated data, but it is more about the variety of
nected devices [5]. Therefore, with billions of connected things in this data in terms of type, semantic, frequency, place and time.
the future network, the IoT value is extremely high [6]. In addi- Finally, security and privacy guarantees present one of the
tion, IoT is depicted as one of the most disruptive technologies most important challenges that effectively hinders any real IoT
[7,8]. Many firms and technology leaders (Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, wide deployment. In addition to the current security vulnerabili-
InterDigital, etc.) have taken note of the IoT economical value [9], ties, IoT poses new ones.
and put serious efforts to enable IoT real deployment (Table 1 lists In the light of the cited challenges, there is a need for new
some of the important ongoing projects). However, this drive to approach to networking. Software Defined Networking (SDN), a
new networking paradigm, aims to separate the control and data
planes. This separation provides the network controller with a
Corresponding author.
global view of the network, facilitating traffic engineering and net-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (O. Salman), [email protected] (I. Elhajj),
[email protected] (A. Chehab), [email protected] (A. Kayssi). work management at runtime [10]. On the other hand, fog comput-
1389-1286/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
222 O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246
Table 1
IoT commercial projects.
Company Project
Table 2
IoT surveys summary.
IoT applications, challenges, and opportunities [21–31] The main IoT benefits, applications The challenges are just mentioned
(smart home, healthcare, connected without presenting the enabling
cars), and challenges are presented. technologies and solutions.
IoT frameworks [32–37] The different proposed IoT frameworks The SDN and fog-based frameworks are
are presented. not included.
IoT Security [38–43] The IoT security challenges and the The SDN benefits in terms of security
proposed protocols are presented. are not considered.
IoT Standardization [44–48] The standardization efforts in the IoT The standardization efforts for the new
domain are reviewed. emerging technologies like SDN and
fog computing are not presented.
SDN application in IoT [49–54] The SDN application at different IoT The role of SDN in alleviating the IoT
levels are presented. challenges is not included.
Cloud/Edge computing for IoT [55,56] The cloud related application to enable The focus is on the big data related
different IoT applications are presented. challenge. However, the networking
aspect of the different data nodes is
not considered (the application of SDN
for data networking).
Table 3
IoT challenges, benefits, and limitations.
Security and Privacy • Enabling innovative applications using • New types of attacks
sensitive data
• Private data inspection
the things are connected through the Internet and have their col- 3. Enabling technologies
lected data pushed to it. Web data analysis, and user interfaces are
keys to provide services that enable innovative applications. The In this section, we present the recent technologies designated
web can be used to access data but the communication between to play an essential role in the IoT realization.
devices, automation, auto-configuration, and management capabil-
ities are outside the scope of the existing web.
SIoT, which allows the things to have their social networks 3.1. SDN & NFV
[73,74], is a related concept to WoT. Inheriting the success of so-
cial networks (e.g. Facebook), that can be considered as “banks of SDN, an emerging technology in the network domain, aims
data”, the socialization concept can be employed in the IoT con- at separating control and data planes. The control plane consists
text. The projection of the IoT world in the social one results in of the SDN controller (Network Operating System (NOS)) which
the projection of the things into the social world, which requires has the role of network orchestration; most of the computations
new things’ definitions (social objects) [75]. are done there, which gives it a special importance being the
The Future Internet (FI) is a global network that will encompass network brain. The data plane consists of the network devices
all the above-mentioned networks. Six principles (C6) will enable (routers/switches) being responsible for simple matching opera-
this innovation. The C6 annotation refers to: Connectivity, Content, tions to know how to forward the packets. These simple devices
Cloud, Context, Collaboration, and Cognition [76]. In such a net- forward to the controller every packet they do not know how to
work, mobile and constrained things will be connected to the In- act upon.
ternet generating huge amount of data. This data, handled by ad- SDN is not the first attempt towards separating data forwarding
vanced cloud based technologies, will shift context-aware behavior and network strategical computation, and it is not the first trial
into a collaborative environment between the different things. The to softwarize the network functions. The history of programmable
analysis of this data will result in a cognitive world. Effectively, IoT networks dates back to the early 90s. Several attempts to ap-
is an essential part of the Future Internet [77]. ply programmability and automation in the network domain have
Accordingly, it is important to show the distinction between been conceived (e.g. ATM) [79]. However, SDN is the most promis-
these concepts in the aim to solve their specific problems and to ing one. OpenFlow, the first standardized southbound interface, has
allow their realization in the near future [78]. presented a primary insight onto the network programmability ef-
224 O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246
3.3.1. Fog
Inspired by the natural phenomenon of having fog and clouds
where fog are closer to the ground [113], fog computing is meant
to be the cloud at the network edge in the IoT networks [114–116].
Fog computing, coined by Cisco in 2012, is an extension of the
cloud to the network edge [117]. The fog related characteristics
such as low latency, geo-distribution, location awareness, support
for mobility, support for ubiquitous access, and support for het-
Fig. 4. Common Fog/MEC/Cloudlet features. erogeneity, present basic requirements for a wide range of IoT ser-
vices and applications [118]. Additionally, the IoT high scalability
imposes federated network management and thus call for new net-
vided services. Three main services were provided by the cloud: work and data technologies to enable IoT data processing at the
SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS network edge [119–121].
(Infrastructure as a Service). In [122], the authors shed light on the relation between fog and
In the IoT case, the limitations in terms of processing and com- cloud. Fog and cloud are complementary technologies and none of
puting capabilities are more pronounced. Employing cloud com- them replaces the other. The differentiation between fog and cloud
puting, in the IoT domain, is beneficial having limited storage and is meant to be in the type of required data and the speed with
computational power devices. These two revolutionary technolo- which data must be processed. Local information can be served
gies (cloud and IoT) are fundamental and complementary for the by fog nodes and global information can be served by the cloud.
future network era [98]. Different IoT functions have been pro- The short distance to end users makes the fog distributed platform
posed to be part of the cloud services such as: sensing and ac- more suitable for IoT applications while the cloud is relatively far-
tuating as a service [99], sensing cloud [100], sensing as a service ther away [123].
[101], building the environment for the Internet of Things as a ser- “Why Fog and Why Now?” delay, cognition, agility, and effi-
vice (BETaaS) [102], etc. ciency are defined to be the main reasons for the fog invocation
Another complementary aspect of cloud and IoT is the fact that [122]. Additionally, reliability, fault tolerance, and privacy are pre-
IoT calls for computation, storage, and communication resources sented to be fog related benefits [124]. Essentially, cognitive assis-
remedy due to the constrained nature of things. On the other hand, tance gives rise to distinctive services to be provided by IoT. Cog-
the cloud providers need new market domains [103]. Combining nitive assistance will be the “killer app” for mobile computing in
IoT and cloud computing brings benefits as well as challenges. Two the next decade. However, human perception is sensitive to la-
angles of convergence are presented in [104]: cloud-based and IoT- tency. To gain user satisfaction, such applications have to benefit
based. While most of the work discusses cloud-based IoT services, from fog computing emergence to deliver low latency and high-
the idea of IoT-centric approach was new. The IoT-centric cloud performance processing [125]. Additionally, other innovative appli-
aims to push cloud functionalities to IoT network edge. This is sim- cations (e.g. healthcare, smart cars, etc.) will benefit from the fog
ilar to what is called “fog computing”. However, the cloud centric computing emergence [126,127].
model presents some challenges regarding the cost of transporting However, the fog nodes distributed pattern imposes new net-
the data through the core network, the high latency, and the single working issues [128,129]. While the data is centralized at one point
point of failure (reliability). Thus, a new way to manage the data in the cloud case, the data nodes are distributed in the fog case.
is needed while keeping the cloud as a backend. Inducing ways to optimize data correlation between these nodes
is critical. Other issues are also encountered in the fog domain
such as security and privacy, provisioning and resource manage-
3.3. Fog computing/MEC/Cloudlet ment, offloading, charging and accounting, and QoS guarantees in
terms of capacity, storage, bandwidth, connectivity, and reliability
Rapid mobility patterns, high throughput, reliable sensing, re- [130–133].
liable control and actuation, very low latency, big data manage-
ment, different levels of real-time analytics, and data aggregation 3.3.2. MEC
are main IoT requirements that cannot be met concurrently by An ETSI white paper introduced its Industry Specification Group
the cloud technology [105]. Low latency, low jitter, mobility sup- (ISG) intended to create MEC specifications [134]. This initiative
port, location awareness, augmented reality, geo-distributiveness, aims at merging the IT and telecom domains to provide cloud-
and multi-tenancy applications support (IaaS) are common char- based services at the mobile network edge. In [134], sketches for
acteristics provided by edge computing in its different flavors (fog, possible MEC scenarios are presented after listing their benefits
MEC, and cloudlet) as shown in Fig. 4. and use cases. ETSI is involved in many initiatives such as: NFV,
In this context, edge cloud computing was proposed to push 3GPP, OneM2M, etc. So, it has the incentive to relate new technolo-
the data collection, processing, and analysis to the network edge gies to old ones taking advantage of mature old techniques and
[106,107]. These edges will not be very powerful nodes; they providing backward compatibility. In this context, MEC uses cases
would just complement the cloud. Essentially, edge computing is have been applied to the 3GPP mobile architecture. More recently,
about to know which data has to be analyzed at which point (i.e. MEC solutions have been proposed in the 5G domain [135–137].
which data has to stay at the edge and which data has to be Consequently, MEC is one the IoT enablers [138].
226 O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246
MEC consists of leveraging edge nodes to enhance mobile de- was applied mainly within the datacenters. SDN provided agility
vices capabilities. The developers of mobile applications have to and flexibility in deploying and managing the needed network re-
account for screen sizes, memory capacity and processing power sources for VMs allocation. The need for SDN is more pronounced
of different devices, and they must consider the different situations in the case of distributed cloud nodes (edge computing). In this
when the processing is done locally or remotely. Handling connec- case, the interconnection and management of the distributed edge
tion (mobility management) is another issue to deal with. Addi- nodes call for the SDN manageability. Thus, SDN, NFV, and edge
tionally, while content providers can benefit from giving the MEC’s computing can together be employed to handle both IoT data and
providers insights about users’ preferences, it is critical for applica- networks.
tion developers to protect users’ anonymity and privacy. The data
synchronization and the mutual trust are the main challenges in 3.4. Cellular IoT (5G)
this case [139]. Additionally, computation offloading is one of the
main MEC challenges having processing and memory limitations The communication era has witnessed a distinctive evolution;
[140–143]. from networks handling analog voice services to fully IP-enabled
mobile networks. The first mobile generation (1G) was a revo-
3.3.3. Cloudlet lution supporting user mobility after the fixed telecom network.
Known also as follow me cloud [144], mobile micro-cloud [145], New services have emerged with newer versions. With the sec-
and mobile cloud computing (MCC), cloudlet, coined by a research ond digital mobile generation (2G), new services and applications
group at Carnegie Mellon University, is defined as a small datacen- have emerged (i.e. text messaging). However, with the third and
ter at the Internet edge [146]. fourth generations (3G and 4G), distinctive applications have ap-
In [147], the mobile edge clouds or cloudlets are considered peared (apple Siri, google glass, etc.) paving the way towards new
collocated with the base stations. The authors search to optimize mobile telecommunication epoch. Cell phones will dominate the
the service migration decision. Their approach is based on the future Internet [149]. “Horizon 2020 and beyond” is the tag of the
distance between user and base station for simplicity. The opti- upcoming new era in the telecommunication domain. 5G is not de-
mization problem is formulated using the Markov Decision Process picted to be an evolution of the previous mobile network genera-
(MDP). tions (2G/3G/4G (LTE)). It is more of a revolution that will change
Thus, the main differences between cloudlet and cloud are the our way of life. 5G is supposed to be the second industrial revo-
rapid provisioning, the fast hand-off, and the cloudlet discovery lution. Very low latency, high throughput, reliability, security, and
[148]. Additionally, cloudlets are dispersed at the network edges high mobility are the characteristics of this upcoming technology
while the cloud servers are centralized at the core. The cloudlets [150]. This revolution will enable the cellular IoT paradigm [151].
are managed in an autonomic way while the cloud is managed Main IoT requirements are to be met by this new mobile network.
in an administrative central way. The local edge nodes serve a IoT is expected to be integrated in the 5G mobile network [152].
few number of users giving them augmented reality experience The no cell communication pattern will be supported encompass-
while the cloud case connects a huge number of users [146]. While ing the Device-to-Device (D2D) direct communication reducing the
Cloudlet and MEC were conceived in the mobile domain, the fog signaling and connection time. There is an effort to integrate Ma-
computing term is used in the IoT domain. chine Type Communication (MTC) into the 3GPP mobile network
While cloud computing and edge computing are mainly in- architecture supporting essentially Human-to-Human (H2H) com-
tended for IoT data processing, storage, and management, there munication. The mobile network capacity to handle mobile wire-
is a need for new networking paradigm to manage the intercon- less communication makes it suitable for the new emerged com-
nection between the datacenters and/or edge nodes. SDN initially munication type. However, the high number of connected devices
O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246 227
The security and privacy issues hinder the IoT realization. Al-
though, some of the IoT security breaches/vulnerabilities are com-
mon with the current Internet network [172], IoT presents new se-
curity concerns that make it the “Internet of Vulnerabilities” [173].
Some analysts argue that the security concerns in IoT outweigh its
benefits. DY intruder, DoS/DDoS, physical attacks, privacy attacks,
eavesdropping, data mining, and traffic analysis are primary IoT at-
tacks [174]. Additionally, new types of attacks related to the con-
strained things characteristics (low power, low processing, etc.) are
IoT specific [175]. Such constraints expose devices to new type of
attacks (running out of power, running out of memory, etc.) [176].
Thus, there is a need to propose security solutions that limit the
effects of these attacks [177].
In this section, we will review the work done in the IoT security
Fig. 6. IoT Protocol stack. domain. four main security aspects are considered: identity man-
agement, authentication, access control, and trustworthiness and
privacy. At the end of this section, we will show how SDN/NFV
802.15.4, which covers the physical and MAC layers of the TCP/IP (SDNv2) can be employed to overcome the security challenges in
stack. The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), is another radio communi- IoT and how it serves in the development of a security embedded
cation standard based on IEEE 802.15.1; it is characterized by its architectural solution for IoT.
low energy and fair data rate, which makes it suitable for some of
the IoT applications [170]. The ZigBee alliance builds on top of the 5.1. Identity management
IEEE 802.15.4 its own architecture for low power communication
network. Practically, what we refer to as being thing identities in IoT, are
However, integrating these protocols in the current Internet in- precisely things identifiers; the identities are more subject-related
frastructure will not help in overcoming the cited IoT challenges. characteristics (in analogy with the human being case, the identity
Perhaps, they will add complexity in terms of management and is the name, last name, birthday, etc.). Usually, in the online sys-
protocols interoperability. Furthermore, The IoT challenges need to tems, we employ identifiers that are a set of uniquely identifiable
be considered profoundly and correspondent solutions must be en- strings [178,179].
gineered harmoniously in one IoT architecture. As mentioned before, heterogeneity is one of the IoT challenges.
One aspect of this heterogeneity is the presence of different iden-
4.2. SDN and NFV standardization tity schemes in the IoT domain. Device identification is straight-
forward with RFID; it is performed via the Electronic Product Code
The standardization efforts in the SDN and NFV domains are not (EPC) scheme, which can distinctively recognize “things” from their
conducted by a single entity. However, many Standards-Developing tags [180]. In ZigBee, devices are identified by their network ad-
Organizations (SDOs), industry consortium, and open development dress, a 16-bit local unique identifier within one ZigBee network.
organizations have participated in developing SDN and NFV related ZigBee also assigns identities to networks via the Personal Area
standards. The Internet Society (ISOC) has two working groups: Network Identifier (PAN ID) and the Extended PAN ID(EPID), which
IETF and IRTF, that are working on SDN related standards. Inter- are used to refine the identification process [181]. In Bluetooth,
face to routing systems (I2RS) and service function chaining are devices possess unique UUID identities that are hardcoded into
two groups under the IFTF organization that are working on SDN them at manufacturing. The UUID relate to the Device Identifica-
related specifications. Additionally, IRTF has published an RFC ti- tion (DI) service record, and a device can have many DIs if it as-
tled “Software-Defined Networking (SDN): Layers and Architecture sumes many logical functions. In Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), device iden-
Terminology” (RFC 7426, January 2015) [80]. The ITU-T has four tification is based on a shared network identifier (SSID) at the ac-
groups (SG11, SG13, SG15, SG16) working on SDN related projects. cess point level on one hand, and on the unique MAC address of
Additionally, ETSI was the leader in proposing an NFV standardized the station on the other. As for UMTS, identification is based on
architecture. Other open development initiatives like OpenDaylight the User Services Identity Module, which contains the permanent
(under the Linux foundation directory) and Open Platform for NFV user’s identity (IMSI) and the temporary identifier (TMSI). Finally,
(OPNFV) are working on open standards and open source projects in WSN, device identification shifts from being device ID centric
that are designed to play an essential role in the business domain to data content identification. The nodes may no longer be identi-
[171]. fied by their own IDs, but through the data they possess or require.
This scheme is referred to as content-based names/addresses [182].
4.3. Edge computing standardization In the Internet, the devices are identified by their IP address (IPv4
or IPv6). In the telecommunication domain, the user equipment is
The Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) initiative is an In- identified by its embedded IMSI code, and the user has a phone
dustry Specification Group (ISG) within ETSI that is working on number. A summary of the most known device identity schemes is
MEC standardization. This initiative aims at developing MEC re- presented in Table 5.
lated specifications mainly the mobile network domain. Doing so, Therefore, having a unified identity scheme is critical to over-
it works to unite the telecom and IT-cloud efforts to enable new come the identity fragmentation in these vertical silos of networks.
applications at the RAN level. On the other hand, the OpenFog IPv6 is argued to be the most suitable solution for identification.
consortium, founded by high tech companies and academic insti- IPv6 based protocols such GloWBAL, 6LoWPAN, IPsec, and MIPv6
tutions (Cisco Systems, Intel, Microsoft, Princeton University, Dell, are proposed as solutions to the power related and mobility chal-
ARM Holdings), aims at creating a reference architecture to apply lenges. Though IP has been the Internet oxygen, it is not obvious
fog in the IoT domain. that IPv6 will have the same role in the IoT domain. Already, IPv4
O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246 229
Table 5 themselves directly and not through a gateway. The scheme was
Device identity schemes.
presented in a wireless sensor network context, where most of the
Domain of use Description nodes are of low performance and only few of them are gateway
IPv4 Internet 32 bits nodes (GWNs) with higher memory and capacity. The GWNs store
IPv6 Internet 128 bits IDs and keys of all other WSN nodes, and shared keys with users
IMSI Mobile Network 15 digits equipped with some sort of a smart card. The authentication step
Mac Address Internet 64 bits is launched only after the user logs-in and it requests a connec-
Bluetooth Address Bluetooth Network 48 bits
tion to the node directly. The two parties then share a secret key
ZigBee-PAN ID ZigBee Network 16 bits for subsequent exchanges. Mutual authentication for all three par-
OneM2M identity M2M Network URL ties is needed in order to safeguard the key exchange session. This
scheme is a lightweight yet robust scheme; the authors prove that
it provides mutual authentication and key agreement, and secu-
has been depleted and IPv6 adoption is still encumbered in the rity of all passwords. However, the GWNs are required to store IDs
current Internet. Benefiting from the IP established protocols is key, and passwords of all WSN nodes and all users, which constitutes a
but we might need to apply new architectural designs and man- scalability issue for the method, especially that the GWNs are rel-
agement paradigms [183,184]. atively limited in performance and memory.
In [185], Zhi-Kai Zhang presents a new IoT naming scheme, In [191], a permit code authentication method is proposed. This
proceeding from the IoT ITU definition that is based on the abil- method is lightweight and can be applied to constrained devices.
ity to connect anything, at any time, from anywhere. There is a In [192], a novel continuous authentication scheme is proposed.
proposition of a property-aware name service (PNS). PNS mixes This scheme uses a public key scheme due to its efficiency in terms
the “what”, “where”, and “when” aspects of the IoT ITU defini- of scalability and memory use despite its computational overhead.
tion in the object name conception. The object name provided con- The public keys are used to generate symmetric keys used as au-
sists of two parts: object name and object location (NV.Obj_Name:: thentication token. The main concept that the proposed scheme
LV.Obj_Location), both containing time stamp information. This introduced is the time factor. So, the generated key is a function
scheme needs name resolution and location resolution servers of time and the two invoked parties can communicate over a cer-
(NRS and LRS), which resembles DNS. The NV and LV parts which tain period without having to pass into the authentication phase
provide time-validity checking are compared to the DNSSEC proto- at each time they want to send/receive messages in a short time,
col for name based authentication mechanism. The overhead and which will reduce the overhead in terms of processing, delay and
delay added by the DNSSEC certificates queries make it unsuitable bandwidth consumption.
for real-time object name and location resolution. Besides the pro- In [193], there is a proposition of an authentication scheme
posed scheme presents flexibility and interoperability and authen- which relies on an asymmetric authentication method. The ECC
tication facilities. In [186], there is a focus on the relation between algorithm is chosen to generate the private/public keys. In this
things and users (owners). Therefore, upon connecting to certain method, things have their keys generated at the certificate author-
device, you have to be permitted by the devices’ owner. In this ity (CA) via a secure channel, which is impossible in the ubiquitous
case, the identity of the thing is related to its owner’s identity. IoT network access. The node has to know the public key of each
Friese et al. in [187] introduce the Kantara initiative’s IDentities node that it wants to communicate with, and a combination of the
of Things (IDoT) discussion group. The discussion group’s mission other node public key, its private key, and a random nonce are ex-
is to identify and analyze the main things identity related issues changed to do mutual authentication.
and to report the existing platforms used or proposed in this con- Kalra et al. introduced a new feature to cloud server/devices
text. The authors claim that the name-based scheme (DNS) is not mutual authentication that relies on HTTP cookies and ECC. The
suitable to the IoT case. Regarding the authentication, they stress protocol is divided into 3 steps. The first step is the registration,
the importance of context-based authentication and concerning where devices subscribe to the server in the cloud by sending their
the authorization, they introduce the user-managed access proto- unique identifier. The server would have chosen an elliptic curve,
col (UMA) on top of the access control framework OAuth. a point G on that curve and a private key. When it receives the
The work done in [188] presents an IoT architecture and identifier, it computes a cookie that is a hash of the unique identi-
includes the most important technologies used at each level. fier and the server’s private key, encrypts it using ECC and sends it
OpenIDM is proposed for identity management, OpenAM for au- to the device. Whenever a device wants to connect to the server,
thentication management, OpenIG for authorization and OpenDG it sends a hash of the cookie, used by the server to authenticate
for data accessibility. JSON, REST, OAuth2, LWM2M, DTLS, JS are the device. The server then sends a security parameter to authen-
some of the proposed technologies referred to in this work. ticate itself to the device in order to establish the connection. Con-
sequently, they decide on a secret key to be used to encrypt sub-
5.2. Authentication sequent message exchanges. This is a new technique that relies on
cookies and that is independent of device type. However, all de-
Authentication consists of exchanging identity based informa- vices need to support TCP/IP protocol and HTTP. Furthermore, the
tion (or credentials) between two parties to confirm the identity secret key is simply XOR-ed with the messages to encrypt them,
authenticity. This service is intended to prevent masquerade and which is a weak and breakable encryption technique [194].
identity spoofing. Cryptography based methods have been estab- The RFID technology motivated Kevin Ashton, the British en-
lished to perform authentication (one way and mutual authentica- gineer at MIT lab, to launch the Internet of Things term. How-
tion). However, strong authentication schemes invoke complicated ever, this technology does not provide any kind of authentication
cryptographic operations being computationally expensive. Apply- and presents many security vulnerabilities. Many authentication
ing these methods in the IoT domain encompassing a huge set of schemes have been proposed as shown in [195]. The ECC is cho-
constrained devices is critical [189]. Some work has considered the sen for being the most convenient one. This paper surveys the
emergence of IoT gateways able to handle the computational oper- RFID based authentication schemes in IoT in the aim of identi-
ations instead of the devices. fying the best schemes for healthcare environments. The authors
In [190], Turkavonic et al. introduce a different perspective compared the performance and the security robustness of differ-
of IoT authentication, where the user and the node authenticate ent authentication schemes in the literature. The comparison was
230 O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246
done using elliptic curves over F (2163) for key generation. Results same party might have security issues. The proposed scheme tries
showed that all the studied schemes are prone to many attacks. to separate data and encryption keys. This method provides high
However, three proposals [196–198] were judged to meet the min- security. The need to have smart cards makes this method imprac-
imum requirements for healthcare IoT applications. The lack of se- tical.
curity problem in the RFID domain is tackled in [199]. The EPC The authors in [204] present a dynamic adaptive authentication
code which is widely used in IoT and which is embedded in low scheme for IoT (DAoT). This scheme switches between key estab-
power and constrained devices, does not use any cryptographic lishment (KE), message authentication code and the TLS handshake
method, and codes are transmitted in plain text which exposes the based on the energy level of the constrained device. This scheme
authentication process to counterfeit attacks. A lightweight pass- allows energy saving. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the pro-
word generation based on XoR is proposed giving some level of posed scheme is done using the Crypto++, a TestCrypt benchmark
security. The RFID technology proved to be efficient in IoT concern- tool. The energy consumption is measured using an energy cost
ing object tagging and identification; especially that it supports all model that gives an estimation of the energy cost of each cycle.
types of objects. Although it offers an edge to IoT, it suffers from The results show that ideal amount of energy cost savings by DAoT.
many drawbacks, most importantly the lack of security. Aggarwal And even if the state of devices changes, DAoT can adjust the cost
et al. study this issue in [20], showing advantages and disadvan- gap in stabilized state by feedback control scheme. Dynamic adap-
tages of RFID, and propose an improved RFID scheme for IoT. Their tation of the authentication method to the energy level of the de-
method performs authentication at the tag level. The reader sends vice.
its ID XOR-ed with a 128-bit random number R and then shifted The architecture proposed in [205] lacks the autonomy of
by the weight of R. The tag used the received value to recover R, things, which is a main concept in the Internet of Things. Bai et al.
apply transformation on it and XOR it with its ID. The resulting revisit the issue of the integration of IoT in Cloud computing, in the
value is sent via the reader to the backbone server that is able to aim of providing data online that can be accessed anywhere at any
authenticate the tag by recovering it from the received value and time. The architecture is composed of three islands connected via
comparing it to the stored ID. A system is as strong as its weakest MPLs tunnels. The first island consists of users; IoT enabled smart
link. Therefore, in order to ensure a secure IoT network with RFID, card (ISC) per user, and readers. The ISC assigns a unique iden-
security should be enforced even on the tag reading level. Further- tifier to each user and transmits data to readers periodically. The
more, the authors show that the scheme is resistant to many at- information collected by the readers is relayed to a smart gateway
tacks such as replay and disclosure [200]. that filters data and sends it to the authentication island. The lat-
Shivraj et al. review different techniques used for IoT authen- ter is in charge of verifying the identity of users and integrity of
tication. They also set forward their own authentication process data. The authors use X.509 version 3 certificates based on ECC to
that relies on the One Time Password (OTP) technique developed achieve authentication at four levels: user’s authentication, mobile
with Elliptic Curves Cryptography (ECC). In their design, a PKG unit device authentication, smart card and cloud server authentication.
holds the IDs of all devices and applications in the network. At this When authentication is complete, data is sent to the cloud server
stage, nodes acquire their public Keys from PKG and compute their and stored in the cloud. This technique works with different IoT
respective private keys. When a connection is to be established be- applications and devices and overcomes the protocol/vendor spe-
tween an application and a device, the latter sends the ID of the cific limitations. Furthermore, the different levels of authentication
node they wish to connect to the PKG. The PK automatically gen- provide a robust security design. The ISC card is attached to users,
erates the corresponding private key out of which it computes a however, this scheme might not scale if identities were given to all
one-time key. This key is sent to both nodes, which validate the things [205].
connection by comparing the key with each other. The scheme was In [206], Sungchul et al. propose an authentication scheme for
shown to be more efficient than other existing methods when it RESTful web services in the IoT. This approach considers that each
comes to the size of the key and the security robustness. The KDC IoT object is presented by a unique URI. The REST being state-
does not store Private and Public keys of devices, it only stores less presents some issues at the authentication level. The proposed
their IDs. Consequently, hacking the KDC does not incur compro- method utilizes the ID-based encryption.
mising the keys of all devices in the network. However, the OTP A comparison of the most used authentication methods: pass-
adds computational overhead since the KDC is required to com- word, token, smart card and biometric is done in [207]. The com-
pute a new one-time key every time a new connection between parison shows that although the biometric based one is the most
devices and applications is to be created [201]. secure one to authenticate human beings, it lacks applicability in
The authors in [202] combined IoT concept with the Federated the IoT domain. The smart card based method is the second se-
Identity and Access Management (FIAM) technique to address de- cure one to authenticate its owner based on different applications.
vice authentication. The method was inspired from the web. It is Then, the token-based authentication scheme is more secure than
composed of four agents: the device or the thing that was im- the password based one that is considered as the least secure one.
plemented with Arduino, the authorization server implemented in The authors stated that there is a need to investigate the impact
WSO2 that allows the creation of users and OAuth applications, and the challenges in adopting any of the existing authentication
the authorization tool to enable timely access, and the MQTT unit schemes in the IoT domain. Table 6 summarizes the advantages
that supports plugins for authorization services. In this scheme, the and disadvantages of these methods.
nodes and the MQTT unit verify each other via the OAuth plat-
form. The proposed framework is a compilation of many existing 5.3. Access control
standards. This system is built with specialized components, which
makes it more robust and secure. However, integrating these com- Access control is a very critical part of the IoT security scheme.
ponents might be problematic, which is why the authors faced Guaranteeing authorized access to the collected data is an impor-
many concerns during implementation. tant task. Access control was mainly tackled in the web of things
The work done in [203] approaches the two-steps authentica- context [208]. Frameworks such as: OAuth [209], Shiro [210], and
tion scheme used in today’s business transactions. Instead of using LDAP [211] have been proposed to manage the things roles descrip-
a verification code sent to the mobile phone, the authors propose tion and access rights. Access management in IoT is a strongly re-
the use of a smart card for generating keys on the devices directly. lated task to the identity management one. Having a unique iden-
Having credentials and keys at the same place and issued by the tity, the thing can be granted access to the appropriate resources.
O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246 231
Table 6
Authentication schemes.
Thus, the gateway layer in the IoT architecture will play a key role
in the identity and access management process [212].
However, the high scalability of the IoT network makes the dis-
cretionary access control (DAC) configured per user or device used
in today’s web based applications not suitable to the IoT case. This
calls for alternative scalable solutions. Mandatory access control
(MAC) which was used in Operating system domains can be ap-
plied with the SDN integration in the IoT domain.
6.3. Challenges
will have an impact on the networking functions deployment and providing data without caring about devices ’identity. IoT-A,
[281]. Now, the current IP packets are processed by multiple mid- SENSEI, FI-WARE, BETaaS, IoT6, etc.: all these projects aim to pro-
dle boxes (e.g. load balancer, firewalls, etc.), if special forward- vide IoT cloud based architectures where the main scope is the
ing paradigm has to take place. However, the middle boxes closed data (data-centric). However, in [100], the purpose is to provide
infrastructure incur complicated management and configuration or deploy sensing and actuating cloud services. So, the user can
tasks. SDN & NFV are coming to hide these complexities making provision services despite of asking for data (service-centric).
the networking functions software based tasks, that can be de- Table 7 shows the different approaches used in conceiving an
ployed anywhere and on any hardware. Thus, the management IoT middle ware. These approaches can be categorized in four
and configuration tasks become easier and maintainable [282]. IoT types: device centric (where the focus is on the device itself, so
gateways, meant to be deployed in big numbers, have to benefit it has its own identity), user centric (where the device identity is
from the SDN & NFV paradigm to be easily manageable. Intelli- related to the owner identity), data centric (where the data has to
gence and service chaining are other features acquired integrating be identified), and service centric (where everything is served as
SDN & NFV in the IoT gateway layer. The smart IoT gateways have a service (XaaS)). Each of these approaches has its advantages and
to perform networking and data related functions. The integration disadvantages.
of all functions in hyper-convergent smart boxes with SDN & NFV
and cloud integration is proposed in [283]. Open vSwitch is pro- 7.2. Challenges
posed as being an intelligent edge in [284]. The proposition of an
intelligent gateway is done in [285,286]. An extended MQTT queu- Applying SDN and NFV to design an IoT gateway presents many
ing method is integrated into this gateway to support an enhanced advantages: programmability, management flexibility, configurabil-
QoS management mechanism. ity, etc. However, being controlled by an SDN controller, the gate-
With the introduction of these revolutionary technologies, ser- way needs to communicate with the controller to populate its for-
vice chaining becomes a straightforward task [287]. Dynamic net- warding table which makes the controller a single point of fail-
work service chaining built on top of software-defined edges is ure. In case of connection failure, the gateway cannot operate in
tackled in [288]. These edges are deployed in a datacenter as soft- standalone mode for an extended period of time while maintaining
ware engines running on virtual machines. An emulation is done correctness of the rules. This hints at the need for hybrid gateways
using Mininet as proof of concept; Pox (SDN controller) is used to that can operate in two modes (SDN and/or non SDN).
configure the switches/routers edge nodes with the correspondent Furthermore, employing cloud/edge computing techniques for
rules. In this setup, the authors use hybrid switches which support data management at the gateway level pose new challenges.
both SDN and legacy network functionalities. The data distributiveness calls for new data-based networking
In [289], an edge-computing platform for IoT gateways, called paradigm. Taking the decision of which data need to be processed
Paradrop, is presented. This platform is characterized by the dy- and analyzed at the gateway level and which need to be trans-
namicity, the management through OpenFlow, the supported APIs ported to the cloud is another challenge that calls for data classifi-
and security functions. In [290], the SDG-pro (software-defined cation and tagging at the device level.
gateways programming framework) for cloud IoT system is pre-
sented. In this framework, software defined gateways are provi- 8. IoT scalability: an architectural perspective
sioned and deployed dynamically on edge nodes by IoT controller
units in the cloud. This approach allows the “everything as code” Having billions of things connected to the Internet in the future
paradigm to deal with the IoT network dynamicity and scalability. network, the network architecture needs to be rethought. Many IoT
The work done in [291] tackles the IoT gateway problems. architectures have been proposed in the literature (Table 8). This
The authors claim that today’s IoT solutions depend on closed situation is similar to have multiple remote controls (for managing
application-layer gateways. The authors compare the today’s IoT different types of devices the DVD, TV, AC, etc.) all functioning the
application specific gateway to having a browser for each web- same way, but no one can replace the other [303]. For enabling
site, which is not an intelligible solution. Their proposed archi- the IoT wide deployment, we need a common agreed upon archi-
tecture consists of having a smartphone as an IoT gateway. The tecture as the case of the TCP/IP Internet architecture. The architec-
used communication technology is BLE where the smartphone is tural diversity and heterogeneity and the absence of interoperabil-
the master node and the peripheral things are the slaves’ nodes. ity between these different architectures devalorized their utility
Each slave node sends beacons periodically to notice its presence [304]. SDN is intended to overcome this heterogeneity providing
to the nearer master and the master has the role to establish the a common control layer on top of these different IoT architectural
connection between slaves. The smartphone can forward the IPv6 silos. In the following, we will review the most known IoT architec-
packets from the peripheral nodes, if supported. If not, it has to act tures and the most recent work applying SDN & NFV in a general-
as a proxy to translate the different packets to IPv6 format. Several ized IoT architecture. The layered representation of these different
questions can be posed concerning the security, privacy, trust, user architectures is summarized in Fig. 10.
incentive, and reliability.
In [292], different approaches used for conceptualizing an IoT 8.1. iCore
middleware have been presented. These approaches are compared
in terms of the challenges that can overcome; these challenges are The iCore project defines three main levels in its framework:
mainly: interoperability, trust, scalability, mobility, heterogeneity the virtual object level (VO), the composite virtual object level
abstraction, spontaneous events, random topology, multiplicity, un- (CVO), and the service logic level. These levels aim at abstracting
known data-point availability, security/privacy, actuation conflicts, the heterogeneity at the physical object layer and provide cognitive
bootstrapping, extensibility, modularity, and real-world integration. services to ensure reliability [305].
The analysis shows that there is no approach that can tackle and As part of the iCore project, [306] presents a distributed frame-
overcome all the challenges. Additionally, some challenges: trust, work for IoT. This framework consists of four modules embedded
actuation conflicts, and bootstrapping, are not solved yet by any in IoT daemon: the virtual object layer (VOL), the composite virtual
middleware approach. object layer (CVOL), the service layer (SL) and the security man-
The work done in [100] introduces the device-centric approach agement (SM) module. This framework tends to provide interop-
comparing it to the data-centric approach that relies on collecting erability between different IoT application domains. Mainly, each
O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246 235
Table 7
Middleware IoT approaches.
Device-centric The devices are identified and Connectivity and security management Scalability and heterogeneity
connected to the network.
User-centric The focus is on the device-user Scalability and management facility Lack of M2M type of communications
relationship; the device’s identity is
based on the owner’s identity.
Data-centric The focus is on data; the data will be Big data handling and Interoperability Added complexity (e.g. data classification)
identified, labeled, and classified
without caring about user or device
Service-centric The focus is on the services; services Scalability and interoperability Reliability
are provided to registered users upon
Table 8
IoT Architectures Initiatives.
IoT-A [293] A proposed IoT Architecture Reference Model (ARM) under Alcatel Lucent (Belgium, France), CEA (France), CFR (Italy),
the F7 European project. CSE (Greece), FhG IML (Germany), Hitachi (UK), IBM
(Switzerland), NEC (UK), NXP (Germany, Belgium), SAP
(Germany), Siemens (Germany), Sapienza University of
Rome (Italy), University of St. Gallen (Switzerland),
University of Surrey (UK), University of Würzburg
(Germany), VDI/VDE-IT (Germany), VTT (Finland).
IoT6 [294] A 3-year F7 European research project for researching the Mandat International (Switzerland), Ericsson (Serbia),
IPv6 potential for IoT. RunMyProcess (France), University College of London (UK),
University of Murcia (Spain), Vienna University of
Technology (Austria), University for Applied Sciences
Western Switzerland (Switzerland), University of
Luxembourg (Luxembourg), KAIST (S. Korea).
iCore [295] An IoT project aiming at abstracting the heterogeneity and 12 industrial partners from which 8 are leading ICT
representing the different user/stakeholders view. Cognitive manufacturers (Alcatel, Bell labs, Atos, Fiat, Siemens,
context awareness, reliability, and energy efficiency are Software AG, Telecom Italia, Thales), 5 SMEs (Zigpos,
main goals of the conceived solution. Ambient, Arago, Innotec, M3S, Trilogis), 4 universities
(Delft University of Technology, University of Surrey,
University of Piraeus, KAIST), and 5 research centers
(Create-Net, JRC, TNO, VTT, Wuxi SensingNet
Industrialization Research institute)
OneM2M [296] A service layer abstraction to overcome the vertical 8 of the world leading ICT’s companies (Arib, ETSI, Atis,
heterogeneity while ensuring compatibility with older CCSA, TIA, TSDSI, TTA, TTC), 6 global fora and SDOs
M2M architectures. (Broadband Forum, CEN, CENELEC, Global Platform, Next
Generation M2M Consortium, OMA) and over 200
companies in all industry sectors.
IoTDM [297] IoT data Broker for oneM2M based infrastructure Committed by Cisco, ETRI, Echelon, Technicolor (it is part
of the Lithium ODL version)
FIWARE [298] Provides a set of APIs to develop IoT applications Independent Open Community
BUTLER [299] uBiquitous, secUre inTernet-of-things with Location and INNO, Ericsson (Spain), Telecom Italia, GEMALTO, CEA,
contExt-awaReness project to enable development of CWC, FBConsulting, ISMB, I Home Lab, ST, University of
secure and assistant life applications. Luxembourg, K.U. Leuven, TST, Jacobs University, ZIGPOS,
Maya Technologies, Banco Santander, Santander City
Council, Tecnalia
COMPOSE [300] Collaborative Open Market to Place Objects at your Service 5 Industrial partners (IBM (Israel), INNOVA (Italy),
U-HOPPER (Italy), CELLNEX (Spain), EVRYTHNG (UK)), 4
research Institutes (BDIGITAL (Spain), BSC-CNS (Spain),
Fokus (Germany), Create-Net (Italy)), 2 universities (Open
University (UK), University of Passau (Germany)), and one
standardization body (W3C).
IEEE Project P2413 [301] No new architecture but a high-level description to enable BroadBand Tower, Cisco Systems, Emerson, EPRI, Finger
cross-domain applications and compatibility between Food Studios, Hitach, Honeywell International, Huawei
different architectures. Technologies, Infocomm Development Authority (IDA),
Intel, Kaspersky Lab, Korea Electronics Technology Institute
(KETI), NIST, Qualcomm Inc., Renesas, Rockwell
Automation, Schneider Electric, Senslytics, Siemens AG,
SIGFOX, STMicroelectronics, Toshiba Corporation, Wipro,
Yokogawa Electric Corporation, ZTE.
TRESCIMO [302] Testbeds for Reliable Smart City Machine to Machine EUR, TUB, Fraunhofer, CSIR, UCT, ABS, ESKOM, I2CAT
Communications (TRESCIMO) is a project under the
European Union’s FP7, Future Internet Research and
Experimentation initiative.
236 O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246
object must run this daemon and some layers can be omitted due new capabilities will be added as this new network provides revo-
to power and processing limitations. lutionary features [310].
The fact that an integration of the proposed layers has to be
performed in the IoT devices, this architecture presents scalability 8.3. OneM2M
and interoperability limitations. IoT solutions are already there, so
imposing change in the present devices is an impractical solution. OneM2M is an M2M based architecture aiming to provide an
IoT middleware [311]. OneM2M intends to combat the fragmen-
8.2. 3GPP MTC architecture tation by implementing a horizontally deployed middleware ser-
vice layer above the different vertical M2M silos networks and
Taleb et al. in [307] present the 3GPP MTC architecture. 3GPP applications. Swetina et al. in [312] introduce the OneM2M stan-
is the 3rd Generation Partnership Project alliance grouping the dard. Essentially, the OneM2M architecture consists of three lay-
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), the ers: Network Service Layer (NSL), Common Service Layer (CSL),
China Communications Standards Association (CCSA), the Open and the Application Service Layer (ASL). These layers are presented
Mobile Alliance (OMA), IEEE and the European Telecommunica- by three types of entities: Network Service Entity (NSE), Com-
tion Standards Institute (ETSI), the Association of Radio Industries mon Service Entity (CSE), and the Application Service Entity (ASE).
and Businesses (ARIB), the Telecommunications Standards Devel- Five node types are included in the OneM2M functional archi-
opment Society (TSDSI), the Telecommunications Technology Asso- tecture: Infrastructure Node (IN), Middle Node (MN), Application
ciation (TTA), and the Telecommunication Technology Committee Service Node (ASN), Application Dedicated Node (ADN), and Non-
(TTC) as organizational partners. This Machine Type Communica- OneM2M Node (NoN). These nodes are separated into two cate-
tion (MTC) initiative aims at introducing the M2M communication gories: CSE enabled and Non CSE enabled. These nodes essentially
into the mobile network supporting initially the Human-to-Human reside in two domains; The field domain contains the IN which
(H2H) communication. The presented architecture consists mainly presents the provider services and in the field domain reside the
of three domains: the device domain, the network domain, and MN which is typically a gateway, the ASN which is oneM2M de-
the user application domain. The device domain is where hetero- vice, the ADN which is a constrained oneM2M device not pre-
geneity resides; this heterogeneity is in terms of supported com- senting service providing capability, and the non OneM2M device
munication protocols, device capabilities (power, processing, and which is normally a network device providing the underlying net-
storage), and supported security measures. The network domain is work services (location service, management service, and trigger-
mainly the mobile core network (e.g. EPS in the LTE case) [308]. ing service) [313].
Kunz et al. in [309] present the main requirements, use cases, In a myriad of M2M architectures and solutions, there is a need
and key issues over the successive 3GPP MTC releases (10, 11, and to retrieve a common middleware layer to combat the fragmen-
12). New features are intended to be added with new releases. Es- tation and provide interoperability between these different silos.
sentially, in the 5G era, the MTC surely has to be supported and The global standardization initiative is launched in July 2012. Then,
O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246 237
the first version is released in December 2014 with ten specifica- 8.5. IoT6
tions published online. These specifications tackle the main ser-
vices provided by the CSL such as: registration, security, service The IoT6 architecture focuses on three groups of the IoT-A ar-
charging and accounting, subscription and notification, discovery, chitecture: the communication group, the business process man-
group management, location, network service exposure and service agement group, and the security group. In [321], the IoT6 architec-
triggering, application and service layer management, communi- ture is presented. This architecture consists of six groups: the com-
cation management, data management and repository, and device munication group, the resources and services group, the process
management [314]. automation group, the applications group, the management group,
Husain et al. in [315] describe how the OneM2M architecture and the security group. This IPv6 based architecture employs the
is meant to use the underlying networks services (and more pre- IPv6 inherited benefits (unique addressing, no need for NAT, etc.)
cisely when the underlying network is a 3GPP mobile one). Three and standards (6LowPAN, CoAP, GloWbal). It provides functionali-
services mainly can be provided by underlying networks through ties such as: mobility, multi-protocols interoperability among het-
the network service entities (NSE): triggering, discovery, and man- erogeneous things, intelligence distribution, cloud computing and
agement. One of the standardized infrastructures is the 3GPP one. mobile phone network integration, ubiquitous access, and manage-
Mainly an AE in the field domain has to have an IP connection ment capabilities. This architecture is not detached from previous
with the AE in the infrastructure domain to establish a connection IoT architectures (IoT-A, FI-WARE, OneM2M, etc.) but it extends
and performs one of the four operations: Create, Retrieve, Update, them. Focusing on the communication layer, it provides functional-
Notify, and Delete. This IP connectivity can be served by the 3GPP ities provided at higher layers in other architectures in a complex
MTC network. The ASN in the field domain is similar to a user way. It complements the existing architectures supporting IPv6 to
equipment in the user plane and the infrastructure node is simi- resolve the IoT identification challenge. This architecture consists of
lar to an SCS in the control plane. The MTC architecture presents three domains: the IPv6 compliant and non-compliant things (the
some services that can overlap with those provided by OneM2M. non-compliant things have to be connected to proxy or gateway)
Therefore, it is necessary to do the mapping between these ser- domain, the IPv6 local area network domain, and the IPv6 wide
vices and one of them is the identification one. The used identi- area network domain for connecting different LANs. The discovery
fiers in the MTC case are the external ID (M2M-Ext-ID or MSISDN) service is provided through “digrectories”; these digrectories have
and the Trigger-Recipient-ID of the target CSE. multiple interfaces: JSON, DNS, etc. and have to be connected to
The work done in [316] aims at integrating the lightweight a digcovery core that applies the ontology principles to overcome
management protocol (LWOMA) into the OneM2M architecture. the heterogeneity challenge.
The identity management and the object registration are two The focus on IPv6 as IoT enabler is understandable in the iden-
key parts in any IoT management scheme. Mostly, the authors tification context. However, the interoperability between different
approach IoT from a web-based perspective, using unique re- existent identification schemes adds complexity to the IoT ubiqui-
source identifiers (URI) for identifying the things. Additionally, tous network [322].
they extend the CoRE (constrained restful environment) capabili-
ties to legacy devices and integrate the proposed scheme into the
8.6. IoTDM
OneM2M standard architecture. However, URIs used in the web
context present some limitations in the IoT case where we have
This module was integrated firstly in the Lithium OpenDaylight
big number of resources.
version. It consists of applying SDN to the OneM2M architecture.
In [317], there is a proposition of OneM2M based smart city ar-
Having the data collected and analyzed by a central entity coping
chitecture consisting of things as ADN interacting with a gateway
with the different access technology heterogeneity is key to en-
presenting an MN that aggregates data and bridge the non-smart
able the OneM2M deployment. This project consists of integrating
things to the infrastructure node deployed in a cloud system. In a
a OneM2M core in the ODL controller. This core acts as an IoT data
smart city domain, multiple gateways are deployed, and they have
broker. The OneM2M core is connected to different devices using
to be registered to the central smart city central cloud instance.
different protocols.
The integration of the M3 data management framework [318] and
Thus, this project shows that OneM2M and SDN are two com-
crowdsourcing use case for smart city is discussed for providing
plementary concepts. In this context, employing SDN & NFV to de-
smart services.
ploy the OneM2M architecture will accelerate the IoT realization
The work done in [319] tackles the issue of data interoperabil-
ity. Most of the standardization efforts focus on one of the two
aspects of interoperability: data and communication. The current
version of OneM2M does not include the data semantic integration. 8.7. Software defined IoT architectures
The idea in this work was to integrate the data ontology concept
in the OneM2M architecture. “Is SDN the De-Constraining Constraint of the Future Internet?”
[324]. While the current network technologies are considered rev-
olutionary relative to what preceded, their endurance is limited by
the rigidity of the current network infrastructure. In today’s net-
work, the configuration is done through low-level policies config-
8.4. IoT-A ured manually (via CLI). SDN came to hide the management com-
plexity and allow for innovative applications and network services
The IoT-A architecture consists of seven longitudinal groups: de- to meet the IoT requirements [325,326].
vice group, communication group, IoT service group, virtual en- Omnes et al. in [327] discuss the benefits of employing SDN &
tity group, IoT business process management group, and applica- NFV in a general IoT architecture. While SDN permits dynamic con-
tion group, and two transversal groups: security group, and man- figuration of the data plane policies and rules, the NFV allows the
agement group as shown [320]. Thus, IoT-A provides an abstract virtualization of resources lowering CapEx and OpEx. The authors
architecture model and does not define in detail the main func- defined main requirements for a general IoT architecture such as
tionalities. This will conduct in different implementations posing QoS guarantee, common service layer, new access network men-
interoperability issues. tality, and big data management.
238 O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246
A restful software defined IoT architecture is proposed in [328]. paradigm has shown its usefulness in the Wireless Sensor Network
This architecture consists of several modules: northbound Appli- (WSN) case. This data-centric approach makes the data an address-
cation Programming Interfaces (APIs), southbound APIs, processor, able entity. In the IoT domain, this concept is needed because IoT
and database. The southbound interfaces deal with different proto- applications and services rely mostly on the analysis of the col-
cols: HTTP, COAP, etc. The control plane consists of the processor lected data. This architecture consists of three domains: the M2M
and the database where the nodes state and information are col- domain where a gateway connects the heterogeneous set of de-
lected. The southbound interface, which interconnects the control vices, the network domain that includes different access networks
and the application planes, is principally REST based. (3G, LAN, etc.), and the application domain that includes the IoT
Describing the usefulness of SDN to enable agility, flexibility, applications.
and dynamicity to overcome the today’s IT problems, Tadinada in In [333], there is a proposition of a Software Defined Infrastruc-
[329] introduces the Freescale SDN products: VortiQa Open Net- ture (SDI) manager, which consists of two essential components:
work Director and VortiQa Open Network Switch. Two use cases the cloud computing controller (OpenStack), and the network con-
of SDN OF switches are presented. The first use case is where troller (FlowVisor)). The main roles of the cloud computing con-
Open vSwitch acts as an IoT gateway managed by a cloud based troller are the collection of the users’ descriptions and the man-
SDN controller. The second use case is where an Open vSwitch agement of the computing resources. On the other hand, the net-
is mounted on eNodeB to offload data from the Evolved Packet work controller has the role of managing the network resources,
Core (EPC) network, providing better user experience and decreas- collecting network topology information, and interacting with the
ing OpEx and CapEx. The main functions assigned to the IoT gate- Open vSwitches to configure their forwarding tables. The FlowVisor
way are: forwarding data between end devices, protecting devices layer is added to permit slicing of the network and the attachment
from external attacks, providing QoS guarantee, authenticating and of each slice to a certain controller.
authorizing the end devices, transferring data in a secure way The Idea of Network Operating System (NOS) was depicted to
between gateways (IPsec/tunneling), and managing access control hide the heterogeneity in the network domains. NOS allows the de-
and queuing. Therefore, the eNodeB Open vSwitch aims to sepa- ployment of different applications over a set of different network
rate the voice from the data packets making the data packets not devices. In [334], the authors propose an operating system for IoT
traversing the EPC network. extending the ONOS SDN controller to support SDN-WISE, a proto-
In [330], an SDN based architecture for home automation is col that extends the SDN capabilities to WSN. SoftINTERNET a new
proposed. Today, a big number of home devices are connected to initiative for a future software defined Internet. This architecture
the Internet. The management of these devices in a traditional way aims to provide both connectivity and management in a software
is unpractical and unviable in some cases. The authors propose the defined way coping with the heterogeneity and complexity of the
Majord’home management platform. In the proposed architecture: future Internet [335].
CO is the connected object, coCO is the community of connected The trial to invoke SDN in the IoT domain is challenged by the
objects, VO the virtual object, and Avatar is the user representa- delay imposed by the communication between switch and con-
tion to manage its VOs. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) plays troller. A pre-emptive flow installation algorithm is proposed in
the role of the Majordomo: a software that allows managing the [336]. In [337], there is a proposition of a software defined solution
user’s objects (i.e. the client home objects) through virtualization. to overcome the heterogeneity challenge in the IoT networks. This
The Majord’home architecture consists of user manager, VO man- solution consists of having an IoT controller which communicates
ager, coCO manager, network manager, and application manager. with the things that have integrated IoT agents permitting them
Extending the work done in [330], Boussard et al. propose a to request communication. These communication requests are col-
generalization of the CO, VO, Avatar, coCO, and coVO definitions to lected by the IoT controller which builds a full view of the net-
any smart environment: A CO now is not just a home device con- work and calculates the forwarding rules. These forwarding rules
nected to the Internet, it is an entity that can generate, receive or are communicated to the SDN controller which downloads them
impact the data flow in the network, the VO is an abstract view of in the forwarders (switches/routers). This solution builds an over-
this entity, the coCO as before a community of connected objects, lay network on top of the heterogeneous networks and allows
the coVO is a community of the virtual objects in other words it is the interworking between them. However, the proposed solution
an abstraction of the coCO, and Avatar presents the manager of the presents some limitations such as the integration of the IoT agents,
CO through VO. The proposed SDN architecture consists of three the routing protocol, the forwarding rules formulation, the identity
horizontal layers and one vertical layer. The data layer consists of schemes heterogeneity, and the scalability.
all NE and COs that can receive and generate data without per- Considering the scalability, management, and security IoT is-
forming any forwarding/routing functions, the control layer is com- sues, the proposed architecture in [338] consists of three layers:
posed of two sub-levels; level 1 consists of the network controller the physical layer, the middleware/control layer, and the data ser-
and the CO controller and level 2 consists of the coVO controller, vice layer. The physical layer consists of different types of con-
and on top of these layers resides the application layer. The man- nected devices. The middleware/control layer consists of software
agement layer consists of different managers (network manager, defined blocks: Software Defined Security (SDSec), Software De-
VO manager, application manager), all encompassed in the Oper- fined Storage (SDStore), Internet of Things Controller (IoT-C), and
ation Support System(OSS). The control, application, and manage- Software Defined Controller (SDN-C). When the data is received
ment layers compose the “majordomo”. As proof of concept, they from the network gateway, a data collector process it; authenti-
tested the proposed architecture with two Majord’homes (Bob and cation is performed by the SDSec component, if the authentication
Alice homes). Each one has an Open vSwitch to which the home check succeeds the data is tagged by a positive (P) flag (otherwise
appliances are connected. A coVO controller, residing at the ISP a flag N). Then, the data is passed to the IoT controller that has the
side, controls the Majord’home gateways. Scalability, auto config- role to compute the path to the destination, the forwarding rules
uration, and security and privacy issues are to be tackled in future are forwarded to the SDN-C which downloads them into the net-
work [331]. work switches.
In [332], a proposition of an IoT architecture that employs both Hu in [339] discusses the IIoT need for traffic engineering. Three
SDN and distributed data service (DDS) is presented. While SDN phases of management are implemented in a centralized cloud
is used to guarantee data agility, flexibility, and mobility handling, based controller: topology computation, admission control, and al-
DDS is introduced for big data management. The publish/subscribe location optimization. The centralization of management is shown
O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246 239
to have a good impact in terms of packet loss implementing an do not consider the existing IoT solutions and this makes the adop-
alternative route mechanism. tion of the new solutions a complicated task. Interoperability be-
Employing the SDN concept, Lee et al. in [340] show that is tween the different IoT solutions (devices, architectures, protocols,
feasible to obtain interoperability between devices from different etc.) helps in revealing the IoT value in enabling innovative appli-
manufacturers. Auto configuration and recognition are integrated cations. Therefore, in the network domain, adopting new solutions
into the proposed solution. Using the Open vSwitch as a gateway, is not a straightforward task. Proposing a pure SDN based solutions
this architecture ensures a dynamic configuration and management per example is not realistic and thus the consideration of the hy-
of home networks. The home devices are identified using their brid case is key.
unique MAC addresses. The configuration related information is Lack of Realizability: scalability is one of the IoT main chal-
kept in a database connected and managed by the SDN controller. lenges. Most of the IoT challenges rise from the high scale of the
An implementation of this architecture is done using Mininet and IoT network which introduces new QoS and security issues. How-
OpenDaylight with the home devices as hosts. ever, the realization of the high scale is not easy both from theo-
Two virtualization levels are defined in [341]: the network level retical and practical perspectives.
and the end-user level. At the network level, there are two cases. Lack of Compatibility: having thousands of published papers in
The first case is where physical resources are in the same physical the IoT domain, few of them propose new schemes that can be in-
location; in this case, virtualization aims to partition the resources tegrated in the current network infrastructure. However, other pro-
between different logical functions. The second case is where phys- posals are meant to be standalone solutions that repose on new
ical entities are at different locations; in this case, two virtual- networking schemes.
ization functions are invoked: moving the logical function (migra- Lack of Security: security is not an issue that can be treated
tion) and having the physical resources at different places. Virtu- independently. Security has to be designed and built in each layer
alization at the network and the end-user levels calls for special- of the IoT solutions (from the device layer to the application layer).
ized functions. The virtual sensor, the virtual cell management, and IoT security is not only about securing the network and data it goes
the software defined controlled wireless networks are presented beyond that to attacks which can target the human health or life.
as use cases that implement these virtualizations functionalities.
Thus, SDN coupled with NFV can enable management flexibility in 9.2. Recommendations
the IoT domain [342].
The work done in [343] presents a Web of Things SDN based Based on the presented limitations, we believe that there are
architecture. The web technologies, facilitating the development important directions that have to be considered in the future IoT
mission, have some limitations in terms of security, things man- research studies:
agement (rebooting), and the data management. Therefore, putting Build on top of the existing solutions: one of the most impor-
SDN on top of the resource based Web architecture helps in hid- tant challenges of any new proposed IoT solution is its interoper-
ing the security and management complexities. This architecture is ability with existing solutions. Thus, the future work has to con-
composed of three layers: the access layer where the things are sider the compliance of any new solution with the IoT standards
connected to WoT gateways, the control layer consisting of the and its interoperability with similar existing IoT platforms.
resource databases and the control functions, and the application Consider different challenges when building an IoT solution:
layer. building an IoT solution for a specific challenge might result in a
partial solution. Thus, it is essential for future work to define the
main challenges that have to be considered in any IoT solution.
8.8. Challenges
Real implementation: having plenty of position papers in the
IoT domain, there is a need for real implementations that show the
Many proposals have been established for conceiving a widely
effectiveness of the proposed solutions. Additionally, real testbeds
adopted IoT infrastructure. However, the added functions complex-
need to be implemented to test the correctness and effectiveness
ities prevent their application. Even though the abstraction layers
of the proposed solutions. Simulators that allow to model and
are promising, as the case of the OneM2M architecture, the tech-
test the different proposed architectures, protocols, and algorithms
niques to deploy such layers need to be specified. In this context,
need to be developed.
SDN is a way to re-think the network functions deployment. Soft-
Consider data and network related aspects: when IoT data re-
warization grants the dynamicity and the support of heterogeneity.
lated research focuses on data analysis the network related re-
The deployment of an SDN gateway is the solution to overcome the
search focuses on how to connect things to the Internet. How-
orthogonal diversity of IoT infrastructures. The reviewed architec-
ever, some applications present critical requirements in terms of
tures in this section show the benefits of applying SDN in facili-
network resources; thus, we need to rethink the data networking
tating the management network functions to cope with the high
issue and where data analytics related functions have to be imple-
scalability challenge. Proposing a single central control can cope
with the management issues. However, the centralization poses
Standardization: the interoperability between the different IoT
new challenges in terms of latency, availability, throughput, etc.
solutions call for well-defined IoT standards. Therefore, the IoT
Additionally, when we talk about a network with billions of con-
standardization efforts at different levels (communication proto-
nected things, the data management should be considered as well
cols, architectures, data management, e.g.) need to be correlated.
as the control layer design.
Standards are key not only for compatibility and interoperability
aims. Perhaps, the lack of standardization can invoke many secu-
9. Limitations and future research directions rity issues.
Actually, the IoT devices are not meant to communicate only
9.1. Limitations with one device (i.e. gateway, switch, router). Instead, the IoT de-
vices will communicate with many other IoT devices and thus
Based on the review presented in this paper, we can list some standard D2D communication protocols are required. However, the
of the limitations of the current IoT solutions: standardization need to cover different IoT aspects and not only
Lack of Interoperability: different solutions have been proposed the communication one. The IoT devices will generate different
to overcome the different IoT challenges. However, most of them types of data and thus interoperability at the data level is essential
240 O. Salman et al. / Computer Networks 143 (2018) 221–246
to reduce data analysis complexity and enable innovative IoT ap- no one has gained a global acceptance and adoption. We believe
plications. Besides, new regulations are needed to define the data that SDN is a solution that combats the heterogeneity and can
ownership policies to protect data privacy and security [344]. serve in unifying the vision of a global IoT architecture. While the
SDN, NFV, and cloud/edge computing integration: as discussed work in this domain is still in its early stages, we presented the
in this paper, the application of SDN and NFV can alleviate many most recent work applying SDN & NFV in an SDN based IoT archi-
of the IoT challenges. SDN coupled with NFV provide flexibility and tecture.
dynamicity that help in overcoming the management complexity,
aggravated by the high scalability of the IoT network. Additionally,
SDN, enabling the programmability of the network functions, can
cope with the IoT heterogeneity challenge. Furthermore, SDN and
Research funded by the AUB University Research Board, the
NFV can help in alleviating main IoT security concerns (e.g. DoS,
Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research, and TELUS Corp.,
DDoS, etc.). On the other hand, edge computing coupled with SDN
can help in managing the IoT big data. However, the integration of
these technologies need special consideration. In addition to the
standardization efforts, developing real testbeds of the proposed References
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