Commande Test

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Command of test Mode:


display Display information

ont <Group> ont command group

pots Analog subscriber test

quit Exit from current mode and enter prior mode

return Enter the privileged mode

switch Switch language mode

undo Negate a command or set its defaults

wetting-current Wetting-current

xdsl MELT

09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#ont ?


Command of test Mode:


emulational Emulation test

pots-test ONT POTS test

pots-test-threshold ONT POTS test threshold


{ emulational<K>|pots-test-threshold<K>|pots-test<K> }:pots-test-threshol

ont pots-test-threshold ?


Command of test Mode:


restore Restore threshold value

set Set ONT POTS test threshold

09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#ont pots-test-threshold q

% Unknown command, the error locates at '^'


09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#display ont pots-test-threshold ?


Command of test Mode:


<cr> Please press ENTER to execute command

09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#display ont pots-test-threshold


ont pots test threshold item Value


Dial tone: T1 slow dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: T2 no dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: T3 slow break dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: T4 no break dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: Dial type(0:DTMF(default),1:pulse) :default

Dial tone: Dial digit(0-9:'0'-'9',10:'*',11:'#',12:default) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone frequency 1 (Hz) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone frequency 2 (Hz) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone frequency 3 (Hz) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone power

threshold (0x01-0xFD:-0.1~-25.3(step:0.1dBm0)) :default

Dial tone: Idle channel power

threshold(0x01-0x5A:-1~-90(step:1dBm0)) :default

DC hazardous voltage threshold(Volt) :default

AC hazardous voltage threshold(Volt) :default

DC foreign voltage threshold(Volt) :default

AC foreign voltage threshold(Volt) :default

Tip-ground and ring-ground resistance threshold(kilohm) :default

Tip-ring resistance threshold(kilohm) :default

Ringer equivalence minimum threshold(REN) :default



Command of test Mode:


display Display information

ont <Group> ont command group

pots Analog subscriber test

quit Exit from current mode and enter prior mode

return Enter the privileged mode

switch Switch language mode

undo Negate a command or set its defaults

wetting-current Wetting-current

xdsl MELT

09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#ont ?


Command of test Mode:


emulational Emulation test

pots-test ONT POTS test

pots-test-threshold ONT POTS test threshold


{ emulational<K>|pots-test-threshold<K>|pots-test<K> }:pots-test-threshol


ont pots-test-threshold ?


Command of test Mode:


restore Restore threshold value

set Set ONT POTS test threshold

09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#ont pots-test-threshold q

% Unknown command, the error locates at '^'


09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#display ont pots-test-threshold ?


Command of test Mode:


<cr> Please press ENTER to execute command

09_M_ERT_02(config-test)#display ont pots-test-threshold


ont pots test threshold item Value


Dial tone: T1 slow dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: T2 no dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: T3 slow break dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: T4 no break dial tone threshold(ms) :default

Dial tone: Dial type(0:DTMF(default),1:pulse) :default

Dial tone: Dial digit(0-9:'0'-'9',10:'*',11:'#',12:default) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone frequency 1 (Hz) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone frequency 2 (Hz) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone frequency 3 (Hz) :default

Dial tone: Dial tone power

threshold (0x01-0xFD:-0.1~-25.3(step:0.1dBm0)) :default

Dial tone: Idle channel power

threshold(0x01-0x5A:-1~-90(step:1dBm0)) :default

DC hazardous voltage threshold(Volt) :default

AC hazardous voltage threshold(Volt) :default

DC foreign voltage threshold(Volt) :default

AC foreign voltage threshold(Volt) :default

Tip-ground and ring-ground resistance threshold(kilohm) :default

Tip-ring resistance threshold(kilohm) :default

Ringer equivalence minimum threshold(REN) :default



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