The Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire As A Predictor of Road Traffic Accidents
The Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire As A Predictor of Road Traffic Accidents
The Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire As A Predictor of Road Traffic Accidents
a. Department of Psychology
Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
c. University of Calgary
Calgary, Canada
* e-mail: [email protected]
The Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) has mainly been used as predictor of self-
reported road traffic accidents. The associations between crashes and the violation and
error factors of the DBQ however, may be spuriously high due to reporting bias. In the
present study, the DBQ was tested as predictor of self-reported and recorded accidents in
four samples of private and professional drivers. The findings show that the DBQ scale
only predicts self-reported accidents, not recorded crashes, despite the higher validity of
company data, and the higher means of the recorded data across these samples. The
results can be explained by a common method variance bias. In our review of the DBQ
research, the use of the instrument was found to be heterogeneous concerning the number
of items, scales used, and factor analytic methods applied. Thus, the DBQ may not be as
Keywords: DBQ, questionnaire, traffic accident, crash, driver, common method variance
Road traffic accidents are a major health and economical problem throughout the
world, and research within traffic psychology has largely centered on this problem.
One of the main approaches has been the use of individual differences to predict their
later accident involvement (for reviews, see Signori & Bowman, 1974; McGuire,
1976; Golding, 1983; Hansen, 1988; Lester, 1991; Arthur, Barrett & Alexander, 1991;
Elander, West & French, 1993; Peck, 1993; af Wåhlberg, 2003). If this could be done
training or other interventions. However, for practical use, the measurement technique
typically behave, effectively using individuals as their own monitoring devices. In this
way, any behaviour, thought, attitude and experience can, in principle, be canvassed
very cheaply, for any time period. Other methods, which have been tried for traffic
example, are mainly about the current somatic state of the individual (unless
measurements are similarly restricted to the, usually very short, period of data
very popular for many decades within traffic research. However, few of the many
suggested variants have reached wider acceptance. On the contrary, many inventories
seem to have been constructed specifically for a single study, or possibly used a few
times by a research group. This would seem to be the case for the Driving Behavior
Questionnaire (Arthur, Strong & Williams, 1994), the Driving Habits Questionnaire
(Schwebel, Severson, Ball & Rizzo, in press), the Driving Behavior Rating Scale
(Barkley, Murphy, Du Paul & Bush, 2002), the Driving History Survey (Knouse,
Bagwell, Barkley & Murphy, 2005) as well as a number of others without specific
names (e.g. Gumpper & Smith, 1968; McGuire, 1972; Smith & Kirkham, 1982;
(Reason, Manstead, Stradling, Baxter & Campbell, 1990) has gained wide acceptance
(e.g. Blockey & Hartley, 1995; Parker, Reason, Manstead & Stradling, 1995; Rimmö
& Åberg, 1999; Westerman & Haigney, 2000; Sullman, Meadows & Pajo, 2002). So
far, at least fifty-four published studies have used at least parts of this instrument in
various ways (list available upon request from first author). The DBQ has its origins
in Reason‟s error theory (Reason, 1987; Reason, Manstead, Stradling, Baxter &
Campbell, 1990) and measures what is called aberrant driving behaviours (errors1,
lapses and violations). One of its basic intended uses is the prediction of (individual
differences in) traffic accidents. Although a number of studies have tested this (thirty-
one of the above-mentioned fifty-four), and reported some success, there is one
feature about the DBQ reports that should be noted; they have almost exclusively
used self-reported accidents as the dependent variable. The only known exception in
the use of recorded accidents (Caird & Kline, 2004) found no significant effects.
been shown to have dubious validity (e.g. Arthur, 1991; Szlyk, Seiple & Viana, 1995;
McGwin, Owsley & Ball, 1998) due to memory loss (Maycock, Lockwood & Lester,
1991; Maycock & Lester, 1995; Chapman & Underwood, 2000) and possibly other
The terminology has changed somewhat; other terms used include mistakes, slips, aggressive
violations etc.
biases, like over-reporting (af Wåhlberg, 2002a) and selective under-reporting (Brown
& Beardie, 1960). Furthermore, archival sources of accidents (state and company
various predictors (e.g. Owsley et al, 1991; Arthur et al, 2001; af Wåhlberg, 2002a).
likely that at least some part of the significant associations reported between one or
two of the factors and accidents is due to the problem of common method variance
(Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee & Podsakoff, 2003). Common method variance refers to
(in part) people‟s tendency to want to respond consistently across related measures. In
regions of a scale such as at one end, or the middle. When these responses are
analysed they tend to create a correlation that is artificially inflated. Although the
widespread existence of this problem has been questioned, even a critic such as
Spector (2006) acknowledges that there are many situations where this type of
problem might occur. Other researchers have shown effects that can be traced to
common methods of gathering data within studies (e.g. Williams, Cote & Buckley,
self-congruent manner about their accidents and behaviours, when the latter are
perceived as relevant for traffic safety. This mechanism is a slight extension of the
„consistency motif‟ suggested for cognitions and attitudes (Osgood & Tannenbaum,
1955), in which respondents search for similarities between items and respond in
ways that are more consistent than is actually the case in real life. For traffic
behaviour and its link with accidents, it could be that there is an artifactual
involved in and the behaviours they believe may have had an impact on their accident
record. If this hypothesis is applied to the DBQ, it can, for example, be predicted that
associations between these factors and accidents will be stronger if the accidents are
The present study was undertaken to test the specific hypothesis that the
DBQ can predict self-reported accidents, but not recorded crashes. The two main
sources for objective accident data are state records and transport company data.
There are two methodological problems that emanate from this hypothesis. First, state
records typically have lower means (and variability) than self-reported accident data
for the same drivers over short time periods (Schuster & Guilford, 1962; McGuire,
1973; Sobel & Underhill, 1976), and any comparison of predictive power between
the present study, it was possible to use self-reported and transportation company
data. Although the evidence regarding the validity of such data is sparse, it has been
shown for one of the companies used here that the records contain more accidents
than the drivers themselves reported for a three-year period (af Wåhlberg, 2002a).
The second problem to consider is that the DBQ was not developed for
bus drivers or other professional driver groups, and it could be argued that the DBQ is
not applicable for such samples. However, it is possible to adapt the DBQ for bus
driving, deleting items that are not suitable (car specific), and replacing them with
similar ones that are pertinent to bus driving. If the general principle of aberrant
driving behaviour predicting accident involvement is robust, then the DBQ should
withstand minor alterations to the surface content of some items and still be able to
predict accidents. It should also be remembered that a few studies have made these
kinds of alterations for specific populations other than normal car drivers (e.g. older
people (Parker, 1999), truck drivers (Sullman, Meadows & Pajo, 2002) and various
other professional drivers (Sümer, 2003)), yet managed to predict their self-reported
accident involvement.
creates a skewed distribution in most populations for the time periods used for
calculations. This means that statistical power will be low, and the range of suitable
methods somewhat restricted. At the same time, it should be remembered that many
different statistical analyses have been used by various researchers, and there is some
virtue in using certain tests even when they have sub-optimal power, given the
concerns what kind of accidents should be used as the dependent variable. Most
researchers take all accident data recorded, without further consideration (af
passive and similar concepts. The differences between the first two terms (and several
other, such as „avoidable‟) would seem to be slight, although it is most often hard to
know exactly what is meant by any of these terms, as they have seldom been defined
(af Wåhlberg, 2003). They all concern whether a driver has been partly responsible
for the cause of an accident, and mainly seem to differ in their degree of severity of
their criterion; the percentage of collisions that are ascribed as at least partly a driver‟s
fault differ rather strongly between studies (from 35 percent (Brandaleone & Flamm,
1955) to 85 percent (Drummer et al, 2004)). The active-passive notion (West, 1997),
however, is different from the various culpability terms, and mainly concerns which
party was moving faster before the collision. Exactly what active-passive means is
hard to determine (af Wåhlberg, 2002b), but there is probably a good degree of
overlap with between this term and culpability. The problem is whether there is such a
daunting issue that has so far not been resolved. It is not the purpose of this study,
The originators of the DBQ did not state explicitly which factors may
relate to the concept of culpability, but the notion of active/passive accidents has at
times been used in DBQ studies (e.g. Parker, McDonald, Rabbitt & Sutcliffe, 2000;
Fergusson, Horwood & Boden, in press). As the whole concept of aberrant driving
would seem to imply that the drivers with these behaviours cause accidents, it would
dependent variable. Yet most DBQ studies have not considered, or even discussed the
issue. For the present study then, different variants of the dependent variable were
Summing up, the present study compared the predictive power of the
DBQ using traffic accidents from different sources as dependent variables, with the
main consideration being self-reported versus recorded ones. To make the results
Data from four different research projects were analyzed in this study. The first was
undertaken in the United States, the second in the United Kingdom, the third in
Sweden, and the fourth in Canada. For the first two samples, a DBQ for car drivers
was distributed, in the third, respondents completed a DBQ modified for bus driving,
and in the fourth a DBQ for professional truck drivers was used. Each study had its
own unique combination of sample, materials and dependent variables, but all
administration of the DBQ. Descriptive data for the four samples are shown in Table
The DBQ exists in many different versions, where each researcher, or even study,
seems to have used a unique combination of number and type of items (see further
information in the discussion). In the present report, the original 50-item version was
used (Reason, Manstead, Stradling, Baxter & Campbell, 1990; Blockey & Hartley,
1995) in the U.S. and U.K. studies (see Appendices 1 and 2), but with a six-point
Likert-type response scale instead of the original five (see further information in the
results section). The U.S. study DBQ also had a code for 'Not applicable'.
Appendix 1), where fourteen were newly created to be bus driver specific, and the
others were taken from the Swedish version of the DBQ (Åberg & Rimmö, 1998;
Rimmö & Åberg, 1999). The aim was to include similar numbers of violations, errors,
Manstead & Stradling, 1995) and an additional item on using cellular phones were
used to assess general driving errors and violations (see Appendix 4). The items were
The U.S. sample consisted of older adults without diagnosis of dementia, Parkinson‟s
disease, psychosis, eye conditions other than refractive error or cataract, or any
as described in (Owsley et al., 2002; Owsley, Stalvey, Wells, & Sloane, 1999;
Owsley, Stalvey, Wells, Sloane, & McGwin, 2001). All were licensed to drive in
Alabama and were active drivers. Drivers had been recruited through eye care clinics
in the Birmingham, Alabama area. The questionnaire was distributed at the third
annual follow-up visit for the ICOM study. They were asked to complete the DBQ
All U.K. drivers were employees of a major U.K. bus company. Two
hundred and forty-eight drivers returned the questionnaire, but ten of them had to be
discarded due to missing data, and the final sample consisted of 238 respondents. The
questionnaire contained items about name and payroll number, so all respondents
could be identified.
about 350 drivers2 at the bus company Gamla Uppsalabuss (GUB) through their
personal mailboxes at the bus garage. Each questionnaire was marked with the
ticket to the movies was sent to each respondent. After three weeks, a reminder was
sent to drivers that had not responded. Finally, a few drivers were contacted in person
and asked to complete the questionnaire. A total of 127 questionnaires were returned
with complete data for the analyses undertaken here (a somewhat larger number was
used for factor analysis and some accident calculations using all available data).
A higher number of questionnaires were distributed to mail slots, but several of these were probably
vacant, due to the employment numbers not having been updated on slots of drivers who had quit or
were on long-term sick leave.
In Canada, all participants were professional drivers for a single oil and
contact during January and February of 1998. To ensure confidentiality of the data
collection procedure, surveys were sent directly to the researchers. A total of 330
surveys were distributed and 190 of them were returned (58% response rate).
However, only 115 cases had complete data for all variables used in the present study.
These data were used in Caird and Kline (2004), but the present analysis was more
Accident data
Questions concerning the number of traffic accidents the driver had been involved in
during the last year and how many of these instances the police had been called to
scene were included in the U.S. DBQ study, while recorded accident data was
supplied by the Alabama Department of Public Safety for a period of ten years (before
and after the collection of the self-report data). The recorded accident data included
information about culpability for each crash, assigned by the reporting police officer.
In a few cases (nine), culpability had not been recorded. These cases were treated as
culpable accidents, as it was more probable that some blame could have been allotted,
than no blame given the findings of af Wåhlberg and Dorn (2007). Therefore, four
different dependent variables were available for this sample, two self-reported
(number of crashes and number of police attended crashes) and two recorded
(culpable and All) with the latter variables differing as to culpability, while the first
A major British bus company supplied recorded traffic accident data for
the U.K. study. This company‟s reporting system records incidents occurring during
work after each shift according to a strict vehicle check policy before handing over
the vehicle to the driver on the next shift. Data recorded included all damage and
injuries involving the bus and due to bus driver behaviour or other road users.
Culpability for traffic accidents (including falls in the bus) was assigned by the
information as the driver's report, photographs, witness reports etc. Three levels of
responsibility for the accident were used; none, some and sole. Therefore, in the U.K.
number of All accidents, All responsible accidents, and Solely responsible accidents.
In the Swedish study, bus accident data were gathered from the archives
of GUB (af Wåhlberg, 2002b; 2004). For the present study, number of accidents for
the three years before the questionnaire was distributed was used as the dependent
variable, regardless of culpability. This was for two reasons. First, DBQ studies have
paid little attention to culpability, and instead canvass all accidents (e.g. Blockey &
Hartley, 1995; Rimmö & Åberg, 1999; Gras et al, 2006). Possible exceptions to this
include Dobson, Brown, Ball, Powers and McFadden (1999), and Parker, West,
Stradling and Manstead (1995). Second, the project that generated the data was partly
designed to investigate whether there was any difference between number of self-
reported accidents and archival data (af Wåhlberg, 2002a); adding culpability could
have confounded this issue. Separate questions on number of bus and car accidents,
regardless of culpability, for the last three years were included in the questionnaire.
Therefore, the Swedish Bus-DBQ could be tested against three accident variables (self
reported bus crashes, company recorded bus crashes and self reported car crashes).
driven in the past two years on the job. In addition, participants also reported the
number of „near misses‟ they experienced over the past month. Not all of these
variables can be said to be valid measures of safety, but they are commonly used
within traffic safety research. Drivers indicated whether or not the researchers could
see their personnel records for research purposes. The names of these individuals
were faxed to the company contact person who provided the information. Of the 190
respondents, 153 (80.5%) allowed access their driving records for the number of
accidents and the number of kilometers driven accident free (total-to-date with the
company). No more information about their driving records, such as the number of
accidents or the number of kilometers driven accident free over just the past two
years, nor any information about the accidents (e.g., severity, culpability), could be
unusual criterion measure, the company was tracking this information in particular so
Statistical methods
to derive DBQ factors; for example principal axis factor or principal components
analysis with direct oblimin (Özkan & Lajunen, 2005; Özkan, Lajunen & Summala,
rotation, direct summing of scores (Dobson, Brown, Ball, Powers & McFadden, 1999;
Lajunen & Summala, 2003), or no report of the analysis used (Parker, West, Stradling
& Manstead, 1995; Parker, 1999). However, principal components analysis with
varimax (e.g. Reason, Manstead, Stradling, Baxter & Campbell, 1990; Blockey &
Hartley, 1995; Parker, Reason, Manstead & Stradling, 1995; Rimmö & Åberg, 1999;
Sullman, Meadows & Pajo, 2002; Gras et al, 2006) or oblimin (Parker, Lajunen &
Stradling, 1998; Parker, McDonald, Rabbitt & Sutcliffe, 2000) rotation seems to be
the most common choice. Thus, in the present study, principal components analysis
was selected for data reduction, with varimax rotation if more than one relevant
Given the somewhat small samples used, component solutions might not
simply unit-weight the items on the pre-defined factors (e.g., violation) creating a
„forced‟ scale. It should be remembered that violations of the kind included in the
DBQ do not really need to form a reliable scale (i.e., a person is high or low on most
speeding violations is still a dangerous driver and could accumulate accidents by this
behaviour alone. Therefore, summing the violation items was deemed a valid method
under the present circumstances. This approach has also been used by other authors
(e.g. Lajunen & Summala, 2003; Schwebel, Severson, Ball & Rizzo, in press; King &
Parker, in press).
used in this study. Use of the Pearson correlation with accident data as one of the
variables has been questioned, due to the restriction of range on this variable. This
argument is particularly problematic if accident data are collected over short time
periods and with and low-accident risk populations. In most of the present samples
range restriction was not problematic for the recorded data as is evinced by the high
mean values (see Tables 2, 4-6). The main reason for using correlational analyses is
however, t-tests were used for analyses of differences between accident-involved and
accident-free drivers.
When analysing the U.S. DBQ data, two items concerning gear shifting were deleted
due to very low response rates, as most U.S. cars have automatic gearboxes. All item
responses were strongly skewed, with very low means. This was probably due to the
homogeneous sample of elderly drivers. The remaining U.S. data of forty-eight items
was analysed using a principal components analysis (various rotated versions yielded
very similar results to the unrotated solution). There were fifteen components with
eigenvalues above 1, but the screeplot indicated that a solution of only one component
The fourteen items (all were errors) that loaded above .50 on this first
component with an eigenvalue of 4.8 explaining 34.5 percent of the variance. Twelve
of the 14 items loaded at .50 or higher. These items then were summed and used as an
“error” predictor. In addition, a violation scale was created by summing across the
seventeen violation items. These variables were then correlated with crashes, with the
results presented in Table 2. It can be seen that the self-reported variables had
stronger effects for the DBQ error variable, while the situation was reversed for the
The associations between the criterion variables were then investigated.
As there were two variants of each of these two data sources, a total of six
correlations could be computed. Spearman‟s rho was selected for these tests, due to
the low means for these variables. These associations are shown in Table 3. It can be
seen that within each source the correlations were positive and strong. Between
The fifty items of the U.K. DBQ were analysed using principal components with a
varimax rotation3. Although there were fifteen factors with an eigenvalue above 1, the
screeplot indicated that a three-factor solution was acceptable in this data set.
The factor-based scores for these three components were created and a violation scale
based on the 16 violation items was generated. These were correlated using the
Pearson product-moment coefficient with all U.K. accident variables. These results
are shown in Table 4. T-tests of the differences in means on the DBQ factors and
scale were conducted with accidents/no accidents as the grouping variable, and are
also shown in Table 4. As can be seen, no significant results were found. We re-ran
the principal components analysis resulting in a three-factor solution, and left the
It might be argued that this DBQ version (an early model) was not
optimal for accident prediction. However, exactly what version/which items should be
In an unrotated solution, forty-three items loaded most strongly on the first factor.
used cannot be ascertained, as there are so many of them (see further information
presented in the Discussion). Therefore, to provide the most liberal test of the DBQ in
predicting accidents, we conducted yet another components analysis. Starting with the
previous components analyses results, all items with a loading below .50 were
deleted, leaving twenty-five items. A principal components analysis with varimax raw
rotation yielded five components with eigenvalues above 1, but, again, the screeplot
nine slips, three mistakes and two violations (31.4 percent explained variance, alpha
.88), the second seven violations and one slip (9.6%), and the third two violations and
a slip (7.3%). Only one item loaded below .50. The correlations between these
component-based and the original ones were >.89 for each, and the associations for
the new ones with accidents very similar to those presented in Table 4, (i.e. weak and
not significant). Thus, regardless of how these items were pulled together, they were
The thirty-two items of the Bus-DBQ were analysed (N=146), using principal
solution was most appropriate, where the first explained 33.4 percent of the variance,
and the second accounted for 8.1 percent of the variance. The component loadings are
shown in Appendix 3. The results suggest that the first component was a general
based scales constructed using these results were uncorrelated. The alphas were
somewhat higher than most in DBQ research (e.g. Sullman, Meadows & Pajo, 2002).
The two component-based scores and a violation scale created by summing across all
violation items were correlated with the three available accident variables and the
The fifteen items of the DBQ and the additional cellular telephone use item were
components had eigenvalues greater than 1, the first accounted for most of the
variance (19%) and the screeplot indicated that a one-component solution was most
appropriate. Of the 16 items, eight had loadings above 0.40 on this component (see
Appendix 4). Thus, a component-based DBQ scale was created using the eight items
that loaded on the first component (alpha = .63). This scale was a mix of items that
were mistakes, slips and violations. In addition, a violation scale was created by
summing across all six items of this type. The associations between the accident
significant association between any DBQ factor or scale and accidents was found, it
was with a self-reported variable, not objectively recorded data, despite the higher
means and validities of the latter in all samples. It must be pointed out that there were
values for the recorded accident variables that approached significance at times, and
in a few instances, the effects were slightly stronger for the recorded variables than
for the self-report data. However, this is to be expected, as recorded data had higher
These findings lead to the need to take a closer look at the DBQ, this
instrument and accident predictor. Given the statements of various researchers in this
area (e.g. "...small differences in factor structures have been reported." (Lajunen,
Parker & Summala, 2004, p. 232)), it could be expected that the DBQ should be
homogenous in its content and results. However, the studies using the DBQ actually
Starting with items, these differ both in terms of quantity and content.
For example, the number included by Özkan, Lajunen, Chliaoutakis, Parker and
Summala (in press) was 19, Lajunen and Summala (2003) included 27, Sümer (2003)
used 28, Rimmö and Åberg (1999) had 32, Åberg and Rimmö (1998) 104, while
Kontogiannis, Kossiavelou and Marmaras (2002) included 112 items. Similarly, the
number of factors and their labels differ wildly between studies. The original three
factors of violations, errors and lapses (Reason, Manstead, Stradling, Baxter &
Campbell, 1990) have been split further into, for example, highway code violations
and aggressive violations (Parker, Lajunen & Stradling, 1998 mistakes, inattention
and inexperience (Åberg & Rimmö, 1998), while Blockey and Hartley (1995) found
two error factors; general and dangerous. Parker, McDonald, Rabbitt and Sutcliffe
(2000) reported five factors, and Kontogiannis, Kossiavelou and Marmaras (2002)
seven. See further the discussion about this in Özkan et al (in press).
ways of factoring the DBQ, but none of them have clearly stated why a certain type of
analysis was used. As the various methods differ somewhat in their results on a given
set of data, these unexplained differences are troublesome, as it is possible that results
would not have been the same if a single type of analysis had been used. Still, it is
often claimed that the DBQ factor structure has been replicated many times (e.g.
Rimmö & Åberg, 1999; Parker, Lajunen & Stradling, 1998; Gras et al, 2006). Part of
this replication phenomenon may be due to the use of methods suited to the occasion.
"...mainly violations not errors or lapses Summala, 2004, p. 231; see also Sullman,
Meadows & Pajo, 2002 for the same type of statement). However, counting the
number of studies with different results indicate that errors and lapses, taken together,
have been significant predictors of accidents about as many times as the various
violation factors (Parker, Reason, Manstead & Stradling, 1995; Parker, West,
Stradling & Manstead, 1995; Lawton, Parker, Stradling & Manstead, 1997; Meadows,
Stradling & Lawson, 1998; Dobson, Brown, Ball, Powers & McFadden, 1999 Rimmö
& Åberg, 1999; Parker, McDonald, Rabbitt & Sutcliffe, 2000; Kontogiannis,
Kossiavelou & Marmaras, 2002; Mesken, Lajunen & Summala, 2002; Sümer, 2003;
Özkan & Lajunen, 2005; Gras et al, 2006; Özkan et al, in press; Bener, Özkan &
Lajunen, in press). Only Blockey and Hartley (1995) did not find an effect for any of
the factors. On the other hand, about one third of all DBQ studies have not reported
on accident associations.
coherence than is usually implied by the researchers active in this field, including the
power to predict accidents. Specific concerns with the DBQ include questions such as,
“What is the impact of items about hitting things while driving?” (e.g. Chapman,
Roberts & Underwood, 2000, see also items 12 and 31 in Appendix 2, and item 12 in
Appendix 4). Including an item in the independent variable that seems to measure
partly the same thing as the dependent variable would load the investigation in favour
of finding an association.
One limitation of the present study was the small n in the samples used.
However, it should also be remembered that the mean number of accidents and the
variation in professional driver populations used were much higher than those usually
used for DBQ studies, and any effect should therefore be easier to find.
It could also be claimed that the UK study was flawed, because it used a
DBQ version for car drivers on a population which it was not intended for, and the
dependent variable was bus accidents. However, Sullman, Meadows and Pajo (2002)
did find a significant association between truck drivers' self-reported accidents and the
violation factor of a DBQ-version which was not specifically adapted to truck driving.
Also, this possible problem could not explain the findings in the Swedish sample of
the present study, where self-reported bus driving behaviours were predictive of both
that the items of the DBQ can weakly predict self-reported accidents, but not
company – or state-recorded (i.e. objective) data. These results are in line with the
correlated with self-reported accidents, and could explain why the DBQ has yielded
different accident predictors in different studies. Further, the present findings suggest
that using self-reported data describing behaviours, attitudes, personality, etc. is rather
accident involvement.
In general, the main arguments of those who use self-reported crash data
are that state sources are even worse concerning their validity as a reflection of the
total number, and that significant findings using self-reported accidents are proof that
the real associations must be even stronger, as the dependent variable contains some
error. The problem is that none of the DBQ studies referenced herein has tested this
assumption, and that the present study would seem to indicate that it may be
indicator of validity, in terms of what is actually important to predict. Given that state
records tend to contain the most serious accidents, and those are the ones that are most
important to prevent, a method that is not able to predict this kind of traffic accident
lead to inflated results is to do what has been done here: testing to see if other sources
of the dependent variable yield different results. Unfortunately, few researchers seem
to have used such precaution, with Arthur et al (2001) and Arthur, Bell, Edwards,
Day, Tubre and Tubre (2005) being two of the exceptions. Also, it could be useful to
try to ascertain whether self-reported accidents are actually the same as the ones
found within company/state databases. This too, is very uncommon in the literature,
and so far the evidence points to substantial discrepancies between these sources
question: If the accidents that people report are often not the ones that are found in the
company records, then what accidents are they reporting about? No research
Finally, it is clear from the present study that the DBQ (and other driver
practitioners. Despite its popularity, the evidence for its accident predictive power
appears to be slight. It is a common rule of social interaction and logic that those who
make a claim are those who carry the weight of providing proof in favour of it.
Within science, it is equally common, it would seem, that it is those who dispute a
claim who need to do the research to show the error. The challenge now is for those
who rely on self-reported accident data to provide evidence that validates this measure
crucial to traffic safety research, such as self-reported exposure measures, may also
deserve scrutiny.
The data used in this paper had been generously made available by a major UK bus company and
Gamla Uppsalabuss in Sweden, and by Cynthia Owsley and Gerald McGwin (University of Alabama)
in the US.
Author notes:
Anders af Wåhlberg graduated with a B. A. in history (1994) and an M. A. in
psychology (1996), and thereafter worked as a research assistant at Center for Risk
Research, Stockholm School of Economics 1996-1998. He received his PhD in
psychology 2006, at the Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Main research interests are driver behavior, traffic accidents and research
methodology, most often together.
Lisa Dorn graduated with a BSc in Human Psychology in 1987 and was awarded a
PhD on 'Individual and Group Difference in Driving Behaviour' in 1992, both from
Aston University, UK. After several post-doctoral positions, Lisa was appointed as
Director of the Driving Research Group at Cranfield University in 2001. Her research
interests are driver training and education especially in the use of self-assessment
A&M University.
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Appendix 1: The items included in the U.S. Study Error factor.
Component loadings from a principal components analysis with varimax rotation.
Item (numbers from original) Loading
14. Miss your exit on an interstate and have to make a lengthy detour -0.52
20. Try to change lanes without first checking your mirror, and then be honked at by the car -0.47
behind you which is already in the lane
24. In a line of vehicles turning left on to a main road, pay such close attention to the -0.54
oncoming traffic that you nearly hit the car in front of you
27. Lost in thought or distracted, you fail to notice someone on the side waiting to cross in a -0.53
pedestrian crossing and you drive through the crosswalk
29. Misjudge the speed of the oncoming vehicle when passing a car -0.65
31. Fail to notice someone stepping out from behind a bus or parked car until it is nearly too -0.56
33. Pass a single line of stationary or slow-moving vehicles, only to discover that they were -0.49
in a line to get through one-lane construction zone
35. Cut the corner on a left-hand turn and have to swerve to avoid an oncoming vehicle -0.62
37. Fail to read the signs correctly at an intersection and turn onto the wrong road -0.57
39. Ignore the yield signs and narrowly avoid colliding with traffic that has the right of way -0.64
41. Attempt to pass a vehicle that you hadn‟t noticed was signaling its‟ intention to turn left -0.62
45. Fail to notice pedestrians crossing when turning into a side-street from a main road -0.67
48. Brake too quickly on a slippery road and skid -0.56
49. Misjudge your turning space when turning left and narrowly miss collision -0.72
Appendix 2: The items of the UK sample
Component loadings from a principal components analysis with varimax rotation. N=238.
Item Component Component Component
1 loadings 2 loadings 3 loadings
1. Attempt to drive away from traffic lights in third gear 0.48
2. Check your speedometer and discover that you are 0.33
unknowingly travelling faster that the legal limit
3. Lock yourself out of your car with the keys still inside 0.37
4. Become impatient with a slow driver in the outer lane and 0.72
overtake on the inside
5. Drive as fast along country roads at night on dipped lights 0.48
as on full beam
6. Attempt to drive away without first having switched on the 0.50
7. Drive especially close or „flash‟ the car in front as a signal 0.68
for that driver to go faster or get out of your way
8. Forget where you left your car in a multi-level car park 0.34
9. Distracted or preoccupied, realise belatedly that the vehicle 0.53
ahead has slowed, and have to slam on the brakes to avoid a
10. Intend to switch on the windscreen wipers, but switch on 0.49
the lights instead, or vice versa
11. Turn left on to a main road into the path of an oncoming 0.45
vehicle that you hadn‟t seen, or whose speed you had
12. Misjudge your gap in a car park and nearly (or actually) 0.46
hit adjoining vehicle
13.‟Wake up‟ to realise that you have no clear recollection of 0.54
the road along which you have just travelled
14. Miss your exit on a motorway and have to make a lengthy 0.44
15. Forget which gear you are currently in and have to check 0.59
with your hand
16. Stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle on a two-lane 0.51
highway, you are driven by frustration to try to overtake in
risky circumstances
17. Intending to drive to destination A, you „wake up‟ to find 0.50
yourself en route to B, where the latter is the more usual
18. Take a chance and cross on lights that have turned red 0.54
19. Angered by another driver's behaviour, you give chase 0.40
with the intention of giving him/her a piece of your mind
20. Try to overtake without first checking your mirror, and 0.57
then get hooted at by the car behind which has already begun
it‟s overtaking manoeuvre
21. Deliberately disregard the speed limits late at night or 0.49
very early in the morning
22. Forget when your road tax/insurance expires and discover 0.40
that you are driving illegally
23. Lost in thought, you forget that your lights are on full 0.56
beam until „flashed‟ by other motorists
24. On turning left, nearly hit a cyclist who has come up on 0.56
your inside
25. In a queue of vehicles turning left on to a main road, pay 0.60
such close attention to the traffic approaching from the right
that you nearly hit the car in front
26. Drive back from a party, restaurant, or pub, even though 0.36
you realise that you may be over the legal blood-alcohol limit
27. Have an aversion to a particular class of road user, and 0.41
indicate your hostility by whatever means you can
28. Lost in thought or distracted, you fail to notice someone 0.51
waiting at a zebra crossing, or a pelican crossing light that has
just turned red
29. Park on a double-yellow line and risk a fine 0.42
30. Misjudge speed of oncoming vehicle when overtaking 0.59
31. Hit something when reversing that you had not previously 0.37
32. Fail to notice someone stepping out from behind a bus or 0.31
parked vehicle until it is nearly too late
33. Plan your route badly, so that you meet traffic congestion 0.33
you could have avoided
34. Overtake a single line of stationary or slow-moving 0.35
vehicles, only to discover that they were queuing to get
through a one-lane gap or roadwork lights
35. Overtake a slow-moving vehicle on the inside lane or hard 0.28
shoulder of a motorway
36. Cut the corner on a right-hand turn and have to swerve 0.62
violently to avoid an oncoming vehicle
37. Get into the wrong lane at a roundabout or approaching a 0.61
road junction
38. Fail to read the signs correctly, and exit from a 0.56
roundabout on the wrong road
39. Fail to give way when a bus is signalling its intention to 0.36
pull out
40. Ignore „give way‟ signs, and narrowly avoid colliding 0.63
with traffic having right of way
41. Fail to check your mirror before pulling out, 0.67
changing lanes, turning, etc
42. Attempt to overtake a vehicle that you hadn't noticed was 0.51
signalling its intention to turn right
43. Deliberately drive the wrong way down a deserted one- 0.57
way street
44. Disregard red lights when driving late at night along 0.56
empty roads
45. Drive with only „half-an-eye‟ on the road while looking at 0.47
a map, changing a cassette or radio channel, etc
46. Fail to notice pedestrians crossing when turning into a 0.46
side-street from a main road
47. Get involved in unofficial „races‟ with other drivers 0.57
48. „Race‟ oncoming vehicles for a one-car gap on a narrow 0.54
or obstructed road
49. Brake too quickly on a slippery road and/or steer the 0.56
wrong way in a skid
50. Misjudge your crossing interval when turning right and 0.64
narrowly miss collision
Appendix 3: The Swedish sample Bus Driver Behaviour Questionnaire
New, bus-specific, items are marked with *.
Component loadings from principal components analysis with varimax rotation.
Estimate how often you do the following when driving a bus, on a six-point scale from 'Never' to
'Very often'.
C: When I drive a bus, it happens that I... Type of behavior Component Component
1 2
loadings loadings
1. Deliberately exceed speed limit on main roads during low traffic Violation 0.76
2. Queuing, you pay such close attention to the mainstream of traffic Slip 0.56
that you nearly hit the car in front.
3. Exceed the speed limit to catch up or avoid being late * Violation 0.76
4. Fail to notice "green arrow" at traffic signal allowing you to turn Slip 0.68
5. Fail to check your rear-view mirror before pulling out from a bus stop Mistake 0.58
6. Fail to see passengers at a stop and have to brake strongly * Slip? 0.59
7. Deliberately turn onto a main road just in front of oncoming vehicle Violation 0.64
although no other traffic is approaching
8. Turning just in front of pedestrian although he's got "walk now" Violation? 0.54
D: When I drive a bus, it happens that I... Type of behavior Component 1 Component 2
loadings loadings
1. Deliberately disregard speed limit to follow traffic flow Violation 0.72
2. Take more passengers than allowed * Violation 0.49
3. Forget to loosen the parking brake when driving off Lapse 0.64
4. Forget to stop at a bus stop when a passenger want to leave * Lapse 0.56
5. Talk to passengers or colleagues while driving * Violation 0.47
6. Sell tickets while the bus is moving * Violation 0.42
7. Fail to notice when a traffic-signal turns green Slip 0.61
8. Drive over the curb with your rear wheels * Slip 0.63
9. Drive to the wrong terminus in the morning * Lapse 0.44
10. Take a wrong turn en route * Lapse 0.67
11. Try to drive away despite the back doors being open * Lapse 0.68
12. Read the time table wrong and start at the wrong time * Mistake 0.65
13. Feel unsure about the route you are driving * Lapse 0.58
14. Force a cyclist, who has come up along the bus, sideways * Violation? 0.67
15. Drive especially close to the car in front as a signal to its Violation 0.63
driver to go faster or get out of the way
16. Forget to dip the lights when driving during dark hours and is Lapse 0.49
reminded by other drivers flashing their lights
17. Speed up at traffic lights at a green /yellow phase Violation 0.68
18. Turn left onto a main road into the path of an oncoming Mistake 0.54
vehicle that you hadn't seen, or whose speed you misjudged
19. Intend to reverse and find that the bus is moving forward Slip 0.39
because it's in the wrong gear.
20. Misjudge the road surface and when braking find the distance Slip 0.45
to stop to be longer than you expected
21. Switch on e.g. wipers, when you meant to switch on Slip 0.50
something else, such as headlights
22. Fail to the read the day communication and drive the wrong Slip 0.58
way at a road work area *
23. Turn left onto a main road into the path of an oncoming Slip 0.50
vehicle that you hadn't seen, or whose speed you misjudged
24. Cut the bends and occasionally drive in your right lane when Violation 0.34
driving in rural areas even though your sight is short
C5: This item was only slightly changed, from pulling out and changing lanes in general, to the more
specific situation of the bus stop.
D8: When driving a long vehicle, like a bus, it is very important not to start turning before the rear
wheels have passed all obstacles on the side that you are turning to, like the corner of the curb, or you
will hit it.
D5: This is not allowed, but very common.
D11: In Sweden, the brakes on buses are automatically on when any door is open. The back doors are
normally on automatic and will close when someone has passed through. However, if, for example,
someone is unloading something, like a baby carrier, the driver will open the doors manually. After
doing this, the driver will often have to attend to other passengers entering through the front door, and
forget that the back door is on manual and therefore still open when he has closed the front door and
tries to move off.
D14: A slight alteration of the original "On turning right, nearly hit a cyclist who come up on your
inside". Also, this item is particularly pertinent in Uppsala, a university town with many cyclists.
D22: The daily communication consists of messages that the drivers are supposed to read before they
start their day. These messages often concern temporary changes in the routes.
Appendix 4: The Canadian sample DBQ (items and factor loadings)
Component loadings from principal components analysis with varimax rotation.
Item Loading
1. Become impatient with a slow driver and pass on the right .239
2. Drive too closely to the car in front as a signal to its driver to go faster or get out of .368
the way
3. Attempt to pass someone on an undivided road that you hadn't noticed to be signaling .435
a left turn (E)
4. Run yellow lights (V) .510
5. Fail to notice pedestrians are crossing .380
6. Angered by another driver's behaviour, you yell or gesture at them (V) .406
7. Choose to exceed the speed limits when the police are not around (V) .420
8. On turning right, nearly hit a cyclist who has come up on your inside .381
9. When merging, you pay such close attention to the main stream of traffic that you .501
nearly hit the car in front of you (E)
10. Drive even though you consumed alcohol .373
11. Underestimate the speed of an oncoming vehicle when passing on an undivided road .613
12. Hit something while backing up that you had not previously seen .374
13. Miss "Yield" or "Stop" signs; narrowly avoiding a collision (E) .598
14. Fail to check your rearview mirror before pulling out, changing lanes, etc. .230
15. Brake too quickly on a slippery road, or steer the wrong way into a skid (E) .647
16. I use the cellular phone while driving .304
Note: Italicised items were used to create the DBQ scale, V = violation, E = error
Table 1: Descriptive data for the four samples; number of drivers, percentage male drivers, percentage
ethnic mix, mean /std for age and experience.
Sample Number of Sex (percent Ethnicity Age Experience (years of holding a PCV
drivers male drivers) license)
U.S. 307 49.3% 85.3% (white) 69.6/6.4 -
U.K. 238 90.8% 95.8% (white) 46.7/10.7 12.7/11.7
Sweden 141 84.8% 65.2% (Swedish 45.6/9.9 11.8/8.9
Canada 153 97.0% - 42.6/6.9 --
Table 2: The means and standard deviations of the accident variables and effects on these for the error
component (see Appendix 1) in the U.S. sample. Correlations between variables, and t-values (mean on
the factor scores categorized by accidents dichotomised into none/some).
Variable Self-reported, one year State recorded, ten years
All Crashes, police present All Culpable
crashes crashes crashes
N=291 Mean 0.13/0.55 0.07/0.32 0.29/0.59 0.20/0.49
Error Correlation .07 .07 .03 .01
N=291 t -2.38* -1.61 1.16 -0.01
Violation scale Correlation .04 -.04 .08 .06
N=222 t -0.87 0.57 -1.96 -1.29
„ p<.05, one-tailed test
Table 3: The intercorrelations (Spearman) between the accidents variables of the U.S. study. N=300.
Variable All recorded crashes, Culpable recorded crashes, All self-reported, 1
10 years 10 years year
Culpable recorded crashes, .83*** -
10 years
All self-reported, 1 year -.17** -.14* -
Self-reported police -.14* -.11 .79***
recorded, 1 year
*p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001, one-tailed test
Table 4: The means and standard deviations of the (company-recorded) accident variables and effects
on these for the DBQ components in the U.K. sample. Correlations between variables and t-values
(mean on the component scores categorized by accidents dichotomised into none/some). Bus accidents
for the total time period of employment of each driver, as shown in Table 1. No effects significant at
p<.05 (one-tailed tests).
Variable N=238 All accidents All responsible accidents Solely responsible
Mean/std 2.84/2.62 1.43/1.55 1.27/1.45
Component 1 Correlation -.04 -.02 -.02
t 1.03 -0.95 -0.58
Component 2 Correlation .07 .04 .06
t -0.34 -0.31 -0.58
Component 3 Correlation .04 .00 .01
t -1.27 1.23 1.11
Violation Correlation .06 .03 .05
scale t -0.95 0.34 0.25
Variable N=221 All All responsible Solely responsible
accidents/year accidents/year accidents/year
Mean/std 0.87/.125 0.48/0.90 0.44/0.85
Component 1 Correlation .00 .00 .01
Component 2 Correlation .11 .05 .06
Component 3 Correlation .04 -.02 -.02
Violation Correlation .10 .03 .04
Table 5: The means and standard deviations of the accident variables and effects on these for the DBQ
components in the Swedish sample. Correlations between variables and t-values (mean on the factor
scores categorized by accidents dichotomised into none/some). All accident variables cover three years.
Variable Self-reported bus Recorded bus Self-reported car
accidents (N=141) accidents (N=141) accidents (N=130)
Mean/std 0.71/0.91 0.79/1.06 0.14/0.39
Component 1 Correlation .21* -.05 .13
t -2.47* 0.79 -2.05*
Component 2 Correlation -.07 -.02 -.06
t 0.25 0.90 1.11
Violation Correlation .00 -.01 .01
scale t -1.06 0.44 0.08
* p<.05, one-tailed test
Table 6: The means and standard deviations of the accident variables and effects on these for the DBQ
component and violation scale in the Canadian sample. Correlations between variables and t-values
(mean on the factor score/scale categorized by accidents/violations dichotomised into none/some).
Self-reported Recorded
Variable Accidents, Near Violations, Accident- Accidents, Accident-
two years accidents, two years free km, total free km
one two years
Mean/std 0.09/0.34 0.31/0.74 0.28/0.54 75 0.55/0.70 491 308/251
388/32 551
Component Correlation .10 .11 .18 -.03 -.02 -.12
1 t -1.26 -1.72 -1.86 - 0.44 -
Violation Correlation .16 .04 .19* -.13 .02 -.02
scale t -2.19* -0.63 -1.99* - -0.29 -
* p<.05, one-tailed test