Neuron Modeling Rattay-Greenberg-Resatz
Neuron Modeling Rattay-Greenberg-Resatz
Neuron Modeling Rattay-Greenberg-Resatz
chapter three
Neuron modeling
Frank Rattay, Robert J. Greenberg, and Susanne Resatz
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Models for the cell membrane
3.2.1 Axon models of the Hodgkin–Huxley type
3.2.2 Influence of temperature
3.2.3 Compartment models
3.2.4 Activating function
3.2.5 Activating function for long fibers
3.2.6 Membrane current fluctuations
3.3 The electrically stimulated retina
3.4 Concluding remarks
3.1 Introduction
A breakthrough in our understanding of the physics of neural signals, which
propagate as membrane voltage along a nerve fiber (axon), was achieved by
the ingenious work of Hodgkin and Huxley1 on the nonmyelinated squid
axon. This work helped explain the action potential or “spike” that conveys
the all-or-none response of neurons. To explore the complicated gating mech-
anism of the ion channels, the stimulating electrode was a long uninsulated
wire, thus every part of the neural membrane had to react in the same way;
that is, propagation of signals was prevented (Figure 3.1A). Refinements of
their method as well as the application of patch clamp techniques have
supplied us with models for different neural cell membranes. Reliable pre-
diction of membrane voltage V as a function of time is possible for arbitrary
stimulating currents Istimulus with proper membrane models.
Ve Vi
Figure 3.1 Stimulation without signal propagation (space clamp). A stimulating elec-
trode in the form of an uninsulated wire inserted along an unmyelinated nerve fiber
(A) or current injection in a spherical cell (B) causes the same inside voltage, Vi, for
every part of the cell membrane. (C) In the first subthreshold phase, the voltage
across the cell membrane follows the simple constant membrane conductance model
(dashed line). Figure shows simulation of a 30-µm spherical cell sheltered by a
membrane with squid axon ion channel distribution (i.e., by solving the
Hodgkin–Huxley model with original data). Membrane voltage V is the difference
between internal and external voltage: V = Vi – Ve; Ve = 0.
The main equation for internal stimulation of the soma, or any other
compartment where current flow to other processes or neighbored compart-
ments is prevented, always has the same form: One part of the stimulating
current is used to load the capacity Cm (in Farads) of the cell membrane and
the other part passes through the ion channels; that is,
I stimulus = Cm + I ion (3.1)
[ ]
= − I ion + I stimulus / Cm (3.2)
where the ion currents Iion are calculated from appropriate membrane mod-
els. Usually, the membrane models are formulated for 1 cm2 of cell membrane
and the currents in Eq. (3.1) become current densities.
Figure 3.2 Simulation of the natural excitation of a human cochlear neuron by stim-
ulation with a 50-pA, 250-µsec current pulse injected at the peripheral end. This
bipolar cell is a non-typical neuron: (1) the dendrite is myelinated and often called
peripheral axon; (2) in contrast to animal cochlear neurons, the soma and the pre-
and post-somatic regions are unmyelinated; (3) a single synaptic input from the
auditory receptor cell (inner hair cell) generates a spike that propagates with a
remarkable delay across the current consuming somatic region. Note the decay of
the action potential in every internode that again is amplified in the next node of
Ranvier. Simulation uses internode with constant membrane conductance, a “warm”
Hodgkin–Huxley model (k = 12) in the active membranes of the soma, and a 10-fold
ion channel density in the peripheral terminal (node 0), all nodes, and pre- and post-
somatic compartments. The lines are vertically shifted according to their real location
of the rectified neuron. For details, see Rattay et al.35
RT c e
Em = ln (3.3)
zF ci
where [K] is the potassium concentration and the suffixes i and e stand for
inside and external, respectively. PK, PNa, and PCl are permeabilities measured
in centimeters per second (cm/sec). Note that sodium and potassium are
anions, but chloride is cathodic, therefore, [Cl]i appears in the numerator in
contrast to the anionic concentrations. In the resting state, the membrane is
most permeable to potassium ions, and the resting membrane voltage of
about –70 mV (i.e., the inside is more negative compared to the extracellular
fluid) is close to the potassium Nernst potential.
The nonlinear conductance of the neural cell membrane depends on
different classes of ion channels25 (1 through 3, below) and on the activity
of ion pumps (4, below):
[ ]
= − g Na m 3 h(V − VNa ) − g K n 4 (V − VK ) − g L (V − VL ) + istimulus / c (3.5)
= −(α m + β m )m + α m k ] (3.6)
= −( α h + β h ) h + α h k ] (3.7)
= −(α n + β n )n + α n k ] (3.8)
= [−iNa − iK − iP − iL + istimulus ]/ c (3.10)
EF 2 [K ]o − [K ]i exp(EF / RT )
iK = PK n 2 (3.12)
RT 1 − exp(EF / RT )
Table 3.1 Expressions and Constants for Axon Membrane Models
HH Model FH Model CRRSS Model SE Model SRB Model
αm 0.36(V − 22) 97 + 0.363V 1.87(V − 25.41) 4.6(V − 65.6)
2.5 − 0.1V
22 − V 31 − V 25.41 − V −V + 65.6
exp(2.5 − 0.1V ) − 1 1 − exp 1 + exp 1 − exp 1 − exp
3 5.3 6.06 10.3
βm 0.4(13 − V ) αm 3.97(21 − V ) 0.33(61.3 − V )
4.exp − V − 13 V − 23.8 V − 21 V − 61.3
18 1 − exp exp 1 − exp 1 − exp
20 4.17 9.41 9.16
αn 0.02(V − 35) 0.13(V − 35) 0.0517(V + 9.2)
0.1 − 0.01V
35 − V 35 − V −V − 9.2
exp(1 − 0.1V ) − 1 1 − exp 1 − exp 1 − exp
10 10 1.1
βn 0.05(10 − V ) 0.32(10 − V ) 0.092(8 − V )
0.125.exp − V − 10 V − 10 V − 8
80 1 − exp 1 − exp 1 − exp
10 10 10.5
αh 0.1(V + 10) βh 0.55(V + 27.74) 0.21(V + 27 )
Note: HH model = Hodgkin–Huxley model; FH model = Frankenhaeuser–Huxley; CRRSS model = Chiu, Ritchie, Rogert, Stagg, and Sweeney model;
SE model = Schwarz–Eikhof model; and SRB model = Schwarz, Reid, and Bostock model. Faraday constant F = 96485 C/mol; gas constant R =
8314.4 mJ/(mol.K).
iL = g L (V − VL ) (3.14)
E = V + Vrest (3.15)
= −(α m + β m )m + α m (3.16)
= −(α n + β n )n + α n (3.17)
= −( α h + β h ) h + α h (3.18)
= −( α p + β p ) p + α p (3.19)
[ ]
= − g Na m 2 h(V − VNa ) − g L (V − VL ) + istimulus / c (3.20)
= −(α m + β m )m + α m k ] (3.21)
= −( α h + β h ) h + α h k ] (3.22)
Note that the temperature factor k = 1 for T = 37°C. Parameter values and
further expressions of the CRRSS model are listed in Table 3.1.
Schwarz and Eikhof obtained a model of FH type from voltage clamp
experiments on rat nodes.29 From the original data, the Schwarz–Eikhof (SE)
model results by assuming a nodal area of 50 µm2.14,31
= [−iNa − iK − iL + istimulus ]/ c (3.24)
EF 2 [K ]o − [K ]i exp(EF / RT )
iK = PK n 2 (3.26)
RT 1 − exp(EF / RT )
iL = g L (V − VL ) (3.27)
E = V + Vrest (3.28)
= −(α m + β m )m + α m (3.29)
= −(α n + β n )n + α n (3.30)
= −( α h + β h ) h + α h (3.31)
= [−iNa − iK , fast − iK ,slow − iL + istimulus ]/ c (3.32)
iK , fast = g K n 4 (V − VK ) (3.34)
iL = g L (V − VL ) (3.36)
E = V + Vrest (3.37)
= −(α m + β m )m + α m (3.38)
= −(α n + β n )n + α n (3.39)
= −( α h + β h ) h + α h (3.40)
= −( α p + β p ) p + α p (3.41)
Additional SRB model data for 37°C are listed in Table 3.1. (Axon mem-
brane models for biomedical applications are further discussed in References
14 and 31 through 36.)
Some authors neglect the weak K currents in the mammalian axon
totally because of their small amounts, but up to five types of K ion
channels are shown to have notable influences on axonal signaling, espe-
cially in the internode, an element often modeled as perfect insulator with
capacity C = 0. Curious effects such as spontaneous switching between
high and low threshold states in motor axons are suggested to be a
consequence of K+ loading within small internodal spaces.37 Phenomena
such as different excitability fluctuations after action potentials in sensory
and motor neurons require far more sophisticated modeling. This means
that for many applications the modeler’s work is not finished by selecting
the SRB model (as it is based on human data) or by fitting its parameters
according to the shape and propagation velocity of a measured action
The dendrite and especially the soma region is more difficult to simulate
because a variety of ion channel types are involved.37 Some membrane mod-
els are available,39–45 but even in these models we cannot rely on a precise
individual measurement of all the ion components that vary in channel
density and open/close kinetics. Repetitive firing (bursting) may occur as
response to stimulation or in pacemaker neurons without any input.
( T −T0 )/10
k = Q10 (3.42)
Ielectrode /d
Ve,1 Ve,2
Vi,0 Vi,1 Vi,2
Figure 3.4 Scheme of a neuron with subunits and part of the simplified equivalent
electrical network (batteries resulting from different ion concentrations on both sides
of the membrane are not shown).
where n indicates the nth compartment, C is its membrane capacity, and R/2
is the internal resistance between the center and the border of the compart-
ment. Introducing the reduced membrane voltage V = Vi – Ve – Vrest leads
to the following system of differential equations for calculating the time
courses of Vn in every compartment:
Vn − 1 − Vn Vn + 1 − Vn
= − Iion , n + +
Rn − 1 / 2 + Rn / 2 Rn + 1 / 2 + Rn / 2
+ ...
Ve , n − 1 − Ve , n Ve , n + 1 − Ve , n
+ +
Rn − 1 / 2 + Rn / 2 Rn + 1 / 2 + Rn / 2
+ ... + Iinjected , n ]/C n
The dots in Eq. (3.44) stand for terms that have to be added in cases of
more than two neighbor elements (e.g., at the cell body [soma] or at branch-
ing regions). For the first and last compartments, Eq. (3.44) has a reduced
form. The membrane surface, An, of every compartment has to be calculated
to find Cn = Ancn (cn is the specific membrane capacitance) and Iion = Aniion.
The ionic membrane current density, iion, is computed with an appropriate
membrane model; for cylinder elements (d, diameter; ∆x, length), we obtain
An = dnπ∆xn, R / 2 = 2ρi ∆xn / (dn2 π) , where the internal resistivity ρi is often
assumed as ρi = 0.1 kΩcm.
In a spherical cell body with several processes (as in Figure 3.4), the
internal resistances to the neighbor compartments depend on the compart-
ment diameters; that is, Rsoma→dendrite1/2 < Rsoma→axon/2 if ddendrite1 > daxon. In more
detail, Asoma = 4rsoma2π − Σ (2rsomaπhj), with subscript j indicating the jth process)
such that hj = rsoma – zj, where zj = rsoma 2 − (dprocess , j / 2) . The somatic resis-
Rsoma , j ρ rsoma + zj
= i ln (3.45)
2 2rπ rsoma − zj
− Ve , n Ve , n + 1 − Ve , n
fn = [RV e, n − 1
n − 1 / 2 + Rn / 2
Rn + 1 / 2 + Rn / 2
+ ... ]/C
n (3.46)
ρ e .I electrode
Ve = (3.47)
4 πr
where Ve is measured at a point with distance r from the point source and
ρe is the extracellular resistivity.
The insert of Figure 3.5A shows the values of Ve and f along a cochlear
neuron when stimulated with 1 mA from a monopolar electrode. The alter-
nating sequence of positive and negative activating function values indicates
first spike initiation at peripheral node P2 (Figure 3.5B) and a second spike
initiation region in the central axon for stronger positive monophasic stimuli
(Figure 3.5C). Cathodic stimulation also generates two regions of spike ini-
tiation — first, excitation in P1 (Figure 3.5D), then excitation in P4 (Figure
3.5E). The activating function predicts easier excitation with cathodic cur-
rents with values of –3890 V/sec vs. 2860 V/sec in P1 and P2, respectively.
Note, however, that f quantifies the very first response, which is flattened
by the capacity (compare dashed line in Figure 3.1) and is further influenced
by the neighbor elements.
Figure 3.5 Human auditory nerve response evoked by a stimulating impulse from a
cochlear implant. (A) Position of a cochlear neuron relative to a spherical electrode
(same geometry as in Figure 3.2; unmyelinated terminal P0, nodes P1–P5 of periph-
eral myelinated thin process, unmyelinated region around the soma, and a thicker
central axon). Extracellular resistivity ρe = 0.3 kΩcm, and calculation of potential from
a 1-mA point source [Eq. (3.47)] results in 1 V at r = 0.24 mm, which is the electrode
radius. The values of the activating function f shown in insert (A) are proportional
to the slopes of the neural response curves at stimulus onset in (B) and (C). The
largest f value of P2 predicts the place of spike initiation in (B). All slopes of membrane
voltage in the central nodes are positive and strengthen the stimulus current to 1.2
mA, causing additional spike initiation at peripheral node C2 (C). The activating
function value of P0 is also positive, but the much stronger negative activity in P1
compensates the excitation process quickly; insert (C) shows the part of the mem-
brane voltage of the P0 compartment during the stimulus pulse as marked by arrows,
with 5× magnification. In part (D), –800 µA per 100-µsec pulse initiates a spike at P1
which is in accordance with the activating function concept. In part (E), the smaller
intensity of f at P4 allows spike initiation at –1200 µA. The P4 spike develops after
the P1, but nevertheless the P4 spike activates the central axon. Note the different
arrival times at the measuring electrode C5.
with constant fiber diameter d, node-to-node distance ∆x, node length L, and
axoplasma resistivity ρi; both membrane capacity c and nodal ion current iion
are per cm2. The activating function:
d∆x Ve , n − 1 − 2Ve , n + Ve , n + 1
fn = (3.49)
4ρi Lc ∆x 2
d ∂ Ve
f= (3.50)
4ρi c ∂x 2
Equations (3.49) and (3.50) verify the inverse recruitment order; that is,
thick fibers are easier to stimulate3,21 (Figure 3.5) by the linear relation
between d and f.
For a monopolar point source in an infinite homogeneous medium, the
activating function is easy to evaluate. For example, for a straight axon (Eq.
(3.47); Figure 3.6A,B), we obtain:
ρ e .I el
((x − x ) + z )
2 −0.5
Ve = 2
4π el el
dρ e .I el
) (2(x − x ) − z )
(x − xel ) + zel2
2 2
f= 2
16ρi cπ el el
Equation (3.50) implies the relation between the curvature of the Ve graph
and the regions of excitation in a target fiber; solving f(x) = 0 gives the points
of contraflexure of Ve that separate the regions of depolarization (f > 0) from
the hyperpolarized ones (f < 0). In our example, this results in the vertical
dashed lines at x = xel ± 0.707zel. In the excited (f > 0) regions, the Ve graph
is always above its tangents (Figure 3.6B; regions I and III for anodic stim-
ulation). Strong curvature of Ve means large f values; therefore, the central
part of region II becomes extremely hyperpolarized at anodic stimulation
(Figure 3.6C). In relation to the shape of the activating function, the threshold
for cathodic stimulation is about four times weaker (Figure 3.6E and F) which
is in accordance with experimental findings.55
r = (x-xelectrode)2+zelectrode
X 70∞
B 500mV
r eIelectrode
Ve= 2 2
1mm 4p (x-xelectrode) +zelectrode
Ielectrode= 6mA
Ielectrode= 1.5mA
E Ielectrode= -1.5mA
Deviations between the thick lines for f and for Ve at the end of the 100-
µsec pulse (just above threshold) are caused by (1) an inner-axonal current
component resulting from membrane currents at the other compartments,
(2) exponential loading process of the membrane capacity (in the activating
function concept, the dashed line in Figure 3.1 is approximated by the tan-
gent at stimulus onset), and (3) the beginning of the voltage-sensitive ion
channel-gating processes. Compared to the prediction by f, there is a small
enlargement of the hyperpolarized region II seen at the zero-crossings of the
thick line in Figure 3.6C. This is mostly caused by the inner-axonal current,
where the strong hyperpolarized central part has a negative influence at the
borderlines to regions I and III. For the same reason the points of spike
initiation (Figure 3.6C) are lateral to the maximum points of f (Figure 3.6B).
With some computational effort, the linear theory can be improved by
considering the influences of the inner-axonal current and the exponential
loading process of the membrane capacity.56 Especially for close electrode
fiber distances, the subthreshold steady-state membrane voltage will con-
siderably deviate from the first response.57,58 But, the activating function
concept demonstrates the instructive relation between a simple formula and
observed phenomena. For example, Eq. (3.49) indicates that a straight part
of an axon in a constant field region is not stimulated directly; however, the
bending part in a constant-field region will be de- or hyperpolarized,
depending on the orientation of the axon and field. Such effects are studied
in spinal root stimulation (see Figure 3.3 of Reference 59).
Note that the equations of this section require constant data along the
fiber. At a fiber ending, widening or branching the treatment is according
to the description of Eq. (3.44). The fiber-end influence may be modeled
by a boundary field driving term in addition to the activating function.11
In some applications (heart and skeletal muscle, nerve bundle), many
excitable fibers are closely packed and the effects of current redistribution
are handled by the bidomain model. The tissue is not assumed to be a
discrete structure but rather two coupled, continuous domains: one for the
intracellular space and the other for the interstitial space. This space-
averaged model is described with a pair of coupled partial differential
equations that have to be solved simultaneously for the intracellular and
interstitial potentials.7,18,19,60 Despite the complex situation, several stimu-
lation phenomena of the heart muscle are already predicted by the activat-
ing function concept from single-fiber analysis.60
Figure 3.7 Simulation of ion current fluctuations in the cochlear neuron membrane.
(A) Membrane voltage in the resting (left) and activated (right) neuron in a human
and cat. Stimulation by current injection at the lateral end is close to natural spike
initiation by synaptic activation. As a consequence of the RC circuit properties of
the network, the voltage fluctuations become low pass filtered and neighboring
compartment behavior is correlated. The unmyelinated terminals are assumed to
have the same 1-µm diameter with same ion channel density as the peripheral
nodes, but a length relation of 10 to 1.5 µm results in 2.58 times stronger membrane
current fluctuation at the endings. The strong influence of the first compartment
to the network is still seen in the cat soma region (left) but it is lost in the human
case because of the longer peripheral axon (five nodes and a large unmyelinated
soma region). Voltage fluctuations in the soma region are generally smaller than
in the nodes. Loading the large capacity of the unmyelinated human soma requires
the spike about 400 µsec to cross this region, which is three times the value of the
myelinated cat case (right). (B) Responses of the fifth node in the central human
axon (compartment 25 marked as C5 in Figure 3.5) to anodic external stimulation
with 100 µsec pulses (10 runs for every stimulus intensity; situation shown in Figure
3.5). Weak stimuli fail sometimes (600 µA: 8 of 10) and have larger jitter, and their
arrival is more delayed, as they are generated in the periphery. At 900 µA, spikes
are also initiated in the central axon. Note that this experimentally known bimodal
response is a consequence of ion channel current fluctuations. For details, see Rattay
et al.35 and Rattay.70
and spikes can stochastically be lost50,64, (4) during the integration of neural
inputs of an integrate-and-fire neuron.
The elaborate models of single-channel current influences are recom-
mendable for detailed investigations.65–67 Combining this work with a com-
partment model will show most of the noisy behavior in nerve fibers as
where An denotes the membrane area of compartment n (in cm2), and gNa
(mS cm–2) is the maximum sodium conductance. A standard factor knoise =
0.05 µA.mS–1/2 common to all compartments fits the observations of Verveen
and Derksen.66
Simulated voltage fluctuations are compared for cochlear neurons in cats
and humans. Both neurons are assumed to have the same peripheral (1 µm)
and central (2 µm) axon diameters, but in the cat the peripheral axon is
shorter (distance from soma to peripheral terminal in cats is 0.3 mm; in
humans, 2.3 mm), and the cat somatic region is insulated by myelin sheets.
Only the 10-µm-long peripheral terminal and the nodes are without myelin;
additionally, in humans, the soma region is unmyelinated (Figure 3.2). The
following effects are seen in Figure 3.7A:
Figure 3.8 A topographical view of the target cell shown with its axon projecting
upwards. The soma of the retinal ganglion cell is modeled as a 24-µm sphere. This
size was chosen to approximate the diameter of the actual traced mudpuppy soma.
The electrode is modeled as an ideal point source in an infinite homogeneous medium.
For calculation of Ve, see Eq. (3.47); ρe = 1/60 Ωcm, the resistivity of normal (0.9%)
saline, which is similar to the resistivity of the vitreous humor.76 The height of the
electrode was held fixed at 30 µm above the center of the soma, a distance comparable
to that of the retinal ganglion cells to the surface of the retina in our region of interest.
The electrode positions are marked by the letters A through G. The linear distances
from the soma (in µm) are: (A) over the axon ~503, (B) over the axon ~130, (C) opposite
the axon ~334, (D) perpendicular to the axon ~160, (E) directly above the soma, (F)
perpendicular to the axon ~302, and (G) opposite the axon ~121. The vertical distance
(not shown) from the electrode to the center of the nearest compartment is (in µm):
(A) 33.0, (B) 30.0, (C) 34.0, (D) 30.0, (E) 30.0, (F) 29.5, and (G) 38.0.
Cm = − g Na m 3 h(E − ENa ) − g Ca c 3 (E − ECa ) − g K n 4 (E − EK )
dt (3.54)
− g A a hA (E − EK ) − g K ,Ca (E − EK ) − g l (E − El ) + I stimulus
g Na = 50 mS cm 2 , ENa = 35 mV , g Ca = 2.2 mS cm 2 , g K = 12 mS cm 2 ,
g K ,Ca = g K ,Ca
([Ca ] Ca )
2+ 2
1 + ([Ca ] Ca )
2+ 2
where F is the Faraday constant, s/ν is the ratio of surface to volume of the
compartment being studied, and the factor of 2 on ν is the valency. For a
spherical soma with r = 12 µm, Eq. (3.56) becomes:
d[Ca 2+ ]i
= −0.000013 I Ca − 0.666667 ([Ca 2+ ]i − 0.0001) (3.57)
RT [Ca 2+ ]e
ECa = ln (3.58)
2 F [Ca 2+ ]i
= −( α x + β x ) x + α x (3.59)
−0.6(E + 30)
αm = β m = 20e − ( E + 55 ) 18
e −0.1( E + 30 ) − 1
α h = 0.4 e − ( E + 50 ) 20 βh =
e −0.1( E + 20 ) + 1
−0.3(E + 13)
αc = β c = 10e − ( E + 38 ) 18
e −0.1( E +13 ) − 1
−0.02(E + 40)
αn = β n = 0.4 e − ( E + 50 ) 80
e −0.1( E + 40 ) − 1
−0.006(E + 90)
αA = β A = 0.1e − ( E + 30 ) 10
e −0.1( E + 90 ) − 1
α hA = 0.04 e − ( E + 70 ) 20 β hA =
e −0.1( E + 40 ) + 1
Table 3.3 FCM Model Channel Densities at Soma, Dendrite, and Axon
Soma Axon Axon Axon
gmax (mS/cm2) Dendrite (0–3%)a (3–9%)a (9–100%)a
gNa 70 40 150 100 50
gCa 1.5 3.6 1.5 0 0
gK 18 12 18 12 15
gKa 54 36 54 0 0
gK,Ca 0.065 0.065 0.065 0 0
a Percent total axon length from soma; total axon length approximately 1 mm.
2V0 2a
V (r , z) = ⋅ arcsin (3.60)
π (r − a) + z + (r + a)2 + z 2
2 2
where (r, z) is the radial and axial distance from the center of the disk in
cylindrical coordinates z ≠ 0.80 V0 is the potential, and α is the radius of the
disk. In simulation, both 50- and 100-µm-diameter disks required the same
cathodic threshold voltage. In human trials, the current required to reach
threshold also did not vary when a monopolar stimulating electrode was
changed from 50-µm-diameter to 100-µm.71,81
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