in Your Opinion, What Would Be The Long Term Impact of CPEC On Pakistan's Economy?
in Your Opinion, What Would Be The Long Term Impact of CPEC On Pakistan's Economy?
in Your Opinion, What Would Be The Long Term Impact of CPEC On Pakistan's Economy?
CPEC is one of the great project and both nations have many expectation from it. The main
importance of this corridor is to boost the economy of Pakistan and give social and
infrastructural development to Pakistan while the other hand it will boom the Chinese trade with
Pakistan and the rest of the world and save a lot of transportation and shipment cost with a safe
and shorter route replacing the strait of Malacca
Sino investment can improve the GDP up to 6% with a direct influence in the FY 2016-18. He
further added that a part of investment about US$ 18 billion undertake a great investment on
Gawadar port, Railways and Hydro power plants 50-80% and less for the other machines goods
for power plant of Coal 20% which added 2.1% GDP growth annually in the era of FY 2016-18
and rise the GDP growth up to 6% in the FY 2016-18 based on FY 2014. While indirect impacts
are too much which add 15000 plus MW in the national grad station and power network that is
74% of Pakistan current energy. This would affect the investment of the private sector
investment activities and productivity. An average of 9.6% GDP are correlate to private
investment during the era of last five year as opposing to 12.7% during preceding five time,
during the same time private sector credit to GDP fallen from 28.8% to 12.6%, Pakistan growth
can left up to 6% while the last year GDP rate of Pakistan was 4.1%. Moreover the author added
that energy shortfall covering can pick the economy of Pakistan by providing 10GW and due
new power project the coal consumption and their contribution toward energy increase up to
16% in 2018 which is 1% in 2014. He further added that extra demand of cement 1.3 to 2.3
million tons show a great investment in infrastructure of Pakistan
CPEC will generate trade opportunities and improve the current trade in Pakistan and in
neighboring countries directly or indirectly which enhance the economic condition of Pakistani
people. Mr. Ahsan Minister of Planning, Development and reform said in the third JCC meeting
of China Pakistan economic corridor in Beijing that in ―vision 2025 seeks to increase exports
from the present $25 billion to 150$ billion This Project will improve the bilateral trade to many
billion in the coming years. These existing situations translate that the trade balance is in the
favor of China and however export of Pakistani commodities to China and neighboring countries
are increasing day by day, and with CPEC establishment these opportunities will boost and
improve the economy of Pakistan.
CPEC is multibillion projects and it is expected that CPEC will generate two millions of jobs not
only in Pakistan but for the entire region as it is also beneficial for the Central Asian countries
and Afghanistan. It will also create opportunities in these neighboring countries due to engaging
in many different trade and businesses in the region, which will eradicate poverty from the
country and will improve the living standard of Pakistani people. CPEC is an infrastructural and
developmental project which will provide thousands of opportunities for the local people like
employment and business opportunities which increase their income. Moreover, this project will
provide an easy access to basic amenities of life like banking, market, transportation, education
and health. Specifically, it will provide access to education and health in different rural and
remote areas these factors contribute directly or indirectly toward improvement in the living
standard of the Pakistani people and lead it toward development and prosperity
CPEC will play a significant role in the development and prosperity of Pakistan. CPEC has many
socio economic impact on the local residents of Pakistan as it will cover the current energy crises
in Pakistan and provide millions of jobs opportunities for the local people of Pakistan, it will
increase the trade and business opportunities which will directly improve the income of the
common people and minimize unemployment and poverty in the country and will generate
revenue for Pakistan which strengthen the economy of Pakistan. CPEC will provide access to
basic amenities of life specifically in remote and rural areas of Pakistan like Education health
and banking. These opportunities will directly or indirectly affect the people of Pakistan and will
improve the living standard of Pakistani people. That‘s why CPEC is called the fate changer for