Ib Energeticssl Worksheet
Ib Energeticssl Worksheet
Ib Energeticssl Worksheet
1. Which statementaboutthis reactionis correct?
2Fe(s)+ 3CO,(9 FerO,(s)+ 3CO(g) LHQ = +26.6 kj
A, 26.6 kJof energyare releasedfor everymole of Fe
8. 26.6 kl of energy are absorbeclfor ever1,nrole of Fe
C. 53.2 kl of energy are releasedt,orevery r-noieof Fe
What can be deducedabout the relativestabilityof the
reactantsand productsand the signof Al/e, from the
D. 13.3 kJof energy:rreabsorbedfor everymole of Fe enthalpylevel diagramabove?
Relativestability Sign of AHe
2 , Wh enso lut ionsof HCI and NaO H ar e m ix edt h e A. Productsmore stable
temperature increases.The reaction: B. Productsmore stable
H* (aq )+ O H- ( aq) Hr O ( l) C. Re,rctanls
more stable
D. Reactants
more stable +
A. is en dot her m icwit h a pos it iv eAHo.
B, is endothernric
with a negativeAHe.
C. is exothermicwith a positiveAHe.
D. is exothermicwith a negativeAHe.
lB questions - Energetics 33
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4. Forthe reaction: 6. 2KHCo.(s)--g:- K2co3(s)+Cor(g)+ H2o(l) Ra
2 C(s)+ 2 Hr ( g)- C2Hq( 9 AHI = 152. 3 L 1 +2H C l t a q )
lf LH|=-17 4 . 4k ) f or t he r eac t ion:
C2H2(g)+ Hr(g) -' CrHr(g) 2 K C l ( a q )+ 2 C O , ( g )+ 2 H r O ( l ) che
This cycle may be usedto determineAHe for the eithe
what can lre said aboutthe value of AH] for the reactton
decompositionof potassiumhydrogencarbonate. unit
Which expressioncan be usedto calculateAHe? reac
2C(s)+Hr ( g)
- Cr Hr ( g) The
A. AHe= LHi + LHi C. AH' =+LHi , LH:z
A. AH: nrustbe negative. that
B. AHe= LH? -LHi D . a H o =L H ; - L H i
B. AH: m us tbe a pos it iv enum bers m allert h a n 5 2 . 3 k J . met
C. AH: m us tbe a pos it iv enum berlar gert han 52 . 3 k J . 7. Use the bond energiesfor H-H (436 kJmol-r),
D. No conclusioncan be made aboutAH! without the B r - B r ( 1 9 3 k J m o l r ) a n d H - B r ( 3 6 6 k Jm o l r ) t o
va lue o f H f or Hr ( g) . calculateAHe (in kJ mol r) fbr the reaction:
H r ( g )+B r r ( g ) con
5. The enthalpychangesfor two differenthydrogenation -2HBr(g)
reactionsof CrH, are: A . 263 c. -1 03
B . 103 D . 263 use
CrH, + H, CrH, LHe-
CrH, + 2H., - CrHu LHI B. The averagebond enthalpyfor the C H bond is The
4 1 2 k J m o l - 1. Wh i c h p r o c e s sh a sa n e n t h a l p yc ha ng e use
Which expressionrepresentsthe enthalpychangefor the dep
c l o s e st o t h i s v a l u e ?
reactionbelow? the p
A . C H o ( g ) C ( s )+ 2 H r ( g ) follo
CrH,, + H, CrHu A,He = ?. -
- B. CH4(9 C(8)+ 2Hz(g)
A. AHf + AHre -
C. CHr(g) C(s)+ 4H(g)
B. AHi - AH2o -
D . C H 4 ( g ) - - C H r ( g )+ H ( g )
c. AH2e- AHi
D. -AHi LH? trA
I The
I thes
I mu
I tne
9. Whiclr of the changesbelow occursrvith the greatest 12. At 0 'C, the mixtureformedwhen the following reaction I
increasein entropy? r e a c h e se q u i l i b r i u mc o n s i s t sm o s t l yo f N r O r ( g ) . I As t
I not
A. NarO(s )+ H r O ( l) * 2Na* ( aq)+ 2O H- ( aq ) 2N02(g)-- NrOo(g)
B. NH3(8 )+ HCI ( g)
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