Food Hygiene Assignment
Food Hygiene Assignment
Food Hygiene Assignment
Food is material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an
organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy.
Food is a potential source of infection and is liable to contamination by microbes, at any point
during its journey from the producer to the consumer. Food hygiene in its widest sense, implies
hygiene in the production, handling, distribution and serving.
Food hygiene may be defined as the sanitary science which aims to produce food which is safe
for the consumer and of good keeping quality. It covers a wide field and includes the rearing,
feeding, marketing and slaughter of animals as well as the sanitation procedures designed to
prevent bacteria of human origin reaching food stuff.
According to WHO , “Food hygiene as all conditions and measures that are necessary during
production, processing, storage, distribution and preparation of food to ensure that it is safe,
wholesome and fit for human consumption. The primary aim of food hygiene is to prevent food
poisoning and other food borne illness.”
1. Economic
2. Aesthetic
3.Public health
Milk hygiene
Meat hygiene
Fish hygiene
Egg hygiene
Hygiene of vegetables and fruits
Food handlers hygiene
Sanitation of eating place.
1) Milk hygiene
Milk is an efficient vehicle for a great variety of disease agents. • Milk get contaminated by
various sources like udder, utensils, personal hygiene of the handlers, storage environment, water
etc. Off Milk
A joint FAOWHO expert committee(1970) on milk hygiene classified milk borne disease as
under- infections of animals that can be transmitted to man are Tuberculosis ,Streptococcal
infections , Anthrax etc
Infections primary to man that can be transmitted through milk • Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
• Cholera • Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.
Clean and safe milk • First essential is a healthy and clean animal. • Secondly, the premises
where the animal is housed and milked should be sanitary. • Milk vessels must be sterile and
kept covered. • Water supply should be bacteriologically safe.
Milk handlers must be free from communicable diseases. • Milk should be cooled immediately to
10o c after it is drawn to retard bacterial growth.
It is indirect method for detection of microorganisms in milk. • Test is carried out on the milk
accepted for pasteurization. • Definite quantity of methylene blue is added to 10 ml of milk and
sample is held at a uniform temperature of 37 deg.c until the blue colour is disappeared.
This test serves as confirmation of heavy contamination and compared with direct counts of
bacteria , it saves time and money.
Methods of pasteurization
Holder (VAT) method – in this process milk is kept at 63-66 º c for at least 30 min and cooled
to 5 º c .
HTST method – The full form of HTST is High Temperature/ Short time . In this method milk
is rapidly heated to a temperature of nearly 72 º c is held at that temperature for not less than 15
sec and is then rapidly cooled to 4 ºc .
2) Meat hygiene
Tapeworm infestations
Tinea saginata
Trichinella spiralis
Fasciola hepatica
Microbial infections
Food poisoning
1) Meat inspection
Animal intended for slaughter are subjected to proper ante mortem and post mortem inspection
by qualified veterinary staff. Meat inspection is a very important process before being accepted
or rejected.
The term ante -mortem ‘’before death’’. It is the inspection of live animals and birds prior to
being slaughtered.
Elastic to touch
Should not be slimy
Have an agreable odour.
There is a model public health act (1955) in India, which standardizes on the location ,structure
, disposal of wastes, water supply ,examination of animals , storage of meat , transportation of
meat and miscellaneous other activities connected with meat processing.
Structure: Floors and walls up to 3 feet should be impervious and easy to clean.
Disposal of wastes: Blood, offal, etc should not be discharged into public sewers but should be
collected separately.
Examination of animals:
Antemortem and postmortem examination to be arranged. Animals or meat found unfit for
human consumption should be destroyed or denatured.
Others: Animals other than those to be slaughtered should not be allowed inside the shed.
Storage of meat: Meat should be stored in fly-proof and rat-proof rooms; for overnight storage,
the temperature of the room shall be maintained below 5°C.
Fish deteriorates or loses its freshness because of autolysis which sets in after death and because
of the bacteria with which they become infected. Stale fish should be condemned.
Although the majority of freshly laid eggs are sterile inside, the shells become contaminated by
faecal matter from the hen.
Microorganisms including pathogenic Salmonella can penetrate a cracked shell and enter the egg
yolk leading to spoilage . Eggs can also be pasteurized to increase the shelf life.
Vegetables & fruits host many pathogens like bacteria , fungal ,protozoan which can enter the
plant material during or after harvesting. Generally proper washing and sanitization are
employed to increase shelf life and product safety. Freshly harvested products are routinely
washed to remove soils ,pesticide residues ,insects , plant debris , and microbes.
Food sanitation rests directly upon the state of personal hygiene and habits of the person working
in food industries.The infections which are likely to be transmitted by the food handlers are
diarrhoea, dysenteries, typhoid and para-typhoid fevers, entero-viruses, viral hepatitis, protozoa
cysts, eggs of helminthes, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections and salmonellosis.
Medical examination carried out of all food handlers at the time of employment. Any person
with a history of typhoid fever, diphtheria, chronic dysentery, tuberculosis or any other
communicable disease should not be employed.
Persons with wounds, skin infections should not be permitted to handle food or utensils.
The day to day health appraisal of the food handlers is also equally important; those who are ill
should be excluded from food handling.
Any illness which occurs in a food handler's family should at once be notified
Education of food handlers in matters of personal hygiene, food handling, utensils, dishwashing,
and insect and rodent control is the best means of promoting food hygiene.
(a) Hands: The hands should be clean at all times. scrubbed and washed with soap and water
immediately after visiting a lavatory, nails to be kept trimmed and free from dirt.
b) Hair – to provide covering to the head
(d) Habits: Coughing and sneezing in the vicinity of food, licking the fingers before picking up
an article of food, smoking on food premises are to be avoided.
There some minimum standards suggested for restaurants and eating places in India under the
MODEL PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, govt.of India(1955).
Location: Shall not be near filth or open drain, stable, manure pit and other sources of nuisances.
Floors: To be higher than the adjoining land, made with impervious material and easy to keep
(a) Rooms where meals are served shall not be less than 100 sq. feet and shall provide
accommodation for a maximum of 10 persons.
(b) Walls up to 3 feet should be smooth, corners to be rounded; should be impervious and easily
c) Lighting and ventilation – ample natural lighting facilities aided by artificial lighting with
good circulation of air are necessary.
(4) Kitchen: It should be ample floor space , window opening , proper flooring and ventilation.
(5) Storage of cooked food: Separate room to be provided. For long storage, control of
temperature is necessary.
(6) Storage of uncooked foodstuffs. Perishable and non-perishable articles to be kept separately
in rat-proof and vermin-proof space; for storage of perishable articles temperature control should
be adopted. Flies on the Food
(7) Furniture: Should be reasonably strong and easy to keep clean and dry.
(8) Disposal of refuse: To be collected in covered, impervious bins and disposed of twice a day.
(9) Water supply: To be an independent source, adequate, continuous and safe. (10) Washing
facilities: To be provided. Cleaning of utensils and crockery to be done in hot water and followed
by disinfection
Problems Caused by Improper Food Hygiene:
Food Poisoning :
Food poisoning is an acute illness, which usually occurs within 1 to 36 hours of eating
contaminated or poisonous food. Symptoms normally last from 1 to 7 days and include one or
more of the following Abdominal pain diarrhea vomiting fever collapse
Causes :
2. Moulds (mycotoxins)
5. Poisonous plants such as deadly nightshade and toadstools 06. Poisonous fish or shellfish
The Prevention of food poisoning Food poisoning rarely occurs of a single isolated mistake.
Food poisoning results from management failing to identify hazards and /or failing to control
these hazards.
3. The survival of bacteria within the food controlling these hazards breaks the chain and
prevents food poisoning .
“It is the regulatory activity enforce by national or local authorities to provide consumer
protection and ensure that all foods during production, handling, storage, processing, and
distribution are safe, wholesome and fit for human consumption; conform to safety and quality
requirements; and are honestly and accurately labeled as prescribed by law”.
This varies from country to country. The central ,state and local bodies are responsible to enact
laws and implementations.There should be laws to control raw materials , processing foods ,
preservation methods and control of milk or meat hygiene , etc..
1) Definition of food.
3) Appointment of an advisory committee called the central committee for food standards
4) Establishment of the central food laboratory ,Calcutta, in 1955 and later in each state to give a
final option in cases challenged in the court of law.
7) Procedure for food inspectors in drawing and dispatching sample of food to laboratory.
8) Powers to the central govt for defining the standards of quality ,control , over production ,
distribution ,sales , packing , labelling ,etc.
9) Penal provisions provided a maximum imprisonment of one year or a minimum fine of
Rs.2000/- in the first instance and imprisonment of 2 years on the second offence and in the third
instance, imprisonment up to 4 years.
Food standards •
PFA standards based on PFA act 1954 “central committee of food standards” revised
periodically to get minimum level of quality of food stuff attainable under Indian conditions.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) : The HACCP system, which is
science based and systematic, identifies specific hazards and measures for their control to ensure
the safety of food. HACCP is a tool to assess hazards and establish control systems that focus on
prevention rather than relying mainly on end-product testing. Any HACCP system is capable of
accommodating change, such as advances in equipment design, processing procedures or
technological developments.
The successful application of HACCP requires the full commitment and involvement of
management and the work force. It also requires a multidisciplinary approach; this
multidisciplinary approach should include, when appropriate, expertise in agronomy, veterinary
health, production, microbiology, medicine, public health, food technology, environmental
health, chemistry and engineering, according to the particular study.
1. Analyze Hazards
Principal food control options available Approach Components Education and training
Sample and analyze ingredients, components , and finished product. Monitor for pathogens
,indicators, total numbers ,etc. Compare to a standard ,a guideline , a defect action level ,etc. and
advice or regulate accordingly.
New approaches:
Combinations of the above to improve upon the prevention of food borne diseases.
HACCP concept.
Food is a potential source of infection and is liable to contamination by microbes, at any point
during its journey from the producer to the consumer.Food hygiene may be defined as , “the
sanitary science which aims to produce food which is safe for the consumer and of good keeping
quality”.It covers a wide field and includes the rearing, feeding, marketing and slaughter of
animals as well as the sanitation procedures designed to prevent bacteria of human origin
reaching food stuff. To maintain food hygiene certain laws are implemented to protect the people
from different kinds of diseases.