Rubble Soling: 50mm Thick Stone Dust/ Sand/ Murum/ Soil Bed
Rubble Soling: 50mm Thick Stone Dust/ Sand/ Murum/ Soil Bed
Rubble Soling: 50mm Thick Stone Dust/ Sand/ Murum/ Soil Bed
The rubble stone generally used are of best variety of black trap / granite / basalt or other variety of
stone available locally. The stone should be hard, durable free from defects and of required size as
required at site or as per specification.
1) Over the prepared surface, the stone should be set as closely as possible, well packed and
firmly set. Soling should be laid in layer of thickness 300mm with a tolerance of 25mm.
2) Single stone size should be maximum 150mm all-around with fractured and rough surface.
3) Round Stone/ Burnt Brick/ Brick should be avoided.
4) After packing the stones and aggregates properly in position, the interstices between them
should be carefully filled with Stone Dust/ Sand/ Murum/ Soil as possible to obtain a compact
5) Simply spreading of loose spoils or stone chips is prohibited.
6) After filling each layer of 300mm the area should adequately watered (ponding). Water
should be allowed to seep in and then the layer should be rammed with hand rammer to get
a properly compacted surface.
7) A bed of Stone Dust/ Sand/ Murum/ Soil having thickness 50mm should be laid between two
stone layers of thickness 300mm each.