Distance From Sea Circular M20 M25 M30

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TECHNTGAL CTRCULAR No.AEE Tto 3356G .o17, dated 27.o4.2o17

Sub : PWD - Buildings -Grade of concrete (M20, M25, M30, M35, M4O)
- Limit of the aerial distance from sea water front- Issued for
Adoption - Regarding

Ref: 1. ChiefEngineer (Buildings), pWD., Chennai Circular No.41 of

1989 No. AEE/TLO/B/L53720/BB-4L, dated 16.05,1989
2. Engineer-in-Chief (Buildings), pWD., Chennai Technical
Circular No. AEE /T1O/33566/2OL7 dated 3L.O3.2Ot7
3. Superintending Engineer, pWD., planning and Designs Circle,
Chepauk, Chennai-S letter No. SE-p&D / EE-BRS I lZOt7,
dated 24.04.2077

1) In this Office Circular cited, the Data evolved for Standardised Concrete Mix for the
Grades M20, M25, M30, M35 and M40 to improve the durability of Reinforced Cement
Concrete in accordance with the IS:456-2000 BIS code has been communicated for
adoption in all works. Besides this, it was also instructed to adhere to all the provisions
stipulated in IS:456-2000 BIS code.

2) Part of the table 5 of IS 456-2000 stipulates the minimum grade of concrete for various
exposure condition as shown below:-

sl. Exposure For Reinforced Concrete

No condition Minimum Grade of Concrete
1 Mitd M20
2 Moderate M25
3 Severe M30
4 Very severe M35
5 Extreme M40

3) Clause 8.2.2 and Table 3 of IS 456:2000 classify, Environmental Exposure Condition as

Five levels of Severity viz., Mild, Moderate, Severe, Very severe and Extreme condition of
Environment to which the concrete will be exposed during its working life and is
reproduced as below:-
sl. Environment
No Exposure conditions
(1) (2) (3)
i) Mild Concrete surfaces protected against weather or aggressive
condition, except those situated in coastal area
ii) Moderate Concrete surfaces sheltered from severe rain or freezing
whilst wet.
Concrete exposed to condensation and rain.
Concrete continuously under water.
Concrete in contact or buried under non-aggressive soil /
ground water.
Concrete surfaces sheltered from saturated salt air in coastal
i ii) Severe Concrete surfaces exposed to severe rain, alternate wetting
and drying or occasional freezing whilst wet or severe
Concrete completely immersed in sea water.
Concrete exposed to coastal environment.
iv) Very severe Concrete surfaces exposed to sea water spray, correction
fumes or severe freezing condition whilst wet.
Concrete in contact with or buried under aggressive sub-oil /
ground water.
v) Extreme Surface of members in tidal zone. Members in direct contact
with liquid / solid aggressive chemicals.

4) IS 456-2000 code does not specify the limit of distance from the seawater front to be
treated as coast. The extent of saline zone would depend on local condition of the
humidity and wind characteristics. It
is difficult to give a clear-cut specification as to the
distance from the sea coast up to which the saline atmosphere would have effect on the
Reinforced Concrete

5) In this connection,during the works review meetings with the Superintending Engineers /
Executive Engineers this subject of limit of distance from sea water front for various
grades were discussed

6) In the letter 3'd cited, the

Superintending Engineer, PWD., Planning & Design Circle,
Chennai has recommended the limit of distance from sea water front for various Grades
of Concrete based on the scrutiny of reports of the various organizations as informed
below :

a) In the Chief Engineer (Buildings), PWD., Chennai Circular No. 41 of 1989 No. AEE /
T7O / B / 153720 / BB-4\, dated 16.05.1989, it was stated that, the extent of saline
zone would depend on local conditions of the humidity and wind characteristics.
However, considering the practice and recommendations of various organizations,
in the above said circular it was fixed a distance of 24 Kms from the sea (crow fly)
treated as Coast.
b) Further, as per Chief Engineer (Buildings), PWD., Chennai Circular No. 41 of 1989
No. AEE / T70 / B / 753720 / BB-41, dated 16.05.1989, the reports received from
various Organisations are mentioned below:

sl. Distance
Name of Department Grade of mix adopted from sea
tqin\stT) of shrpping and Transport, )'tt.2D grade
Government of India - Instruction 24 Km
(R.C.C.1:71/2:3 mix)
2 Madras Port Trust M.20 grade 10 Km
3 Central Public Works Department M.20 grade
4 Military Engineering service M.20 grade
Tamil Nadu High ways Department -
5 M.20 grade 24 Km
High ways Research Station
Indian standard Specification No.
6 13.3 of l.S, 45611978 M.20 grade

Indian institute of Technology
M.20 grade
30 (to)
Madras - suggestion 50 Km
M.20 grade
Superintending Engineer (P & D) (R.C.C.1:11/2:3 mix) 24 Km
Circle - Madras - Recommendation

c) CPWD Specifications state that distances up to 10 km, be treated as coast.

d) Chennai Port Trust also considers 10 km as a distance from the seawater front as

e) Dr. Manu Santhanam, the Eminent Professor of IIT Chennai expresses his views
regarding the grade of concrete to be adopted with respect to the distance from sea
water front in " Indian Concrete Journal (2072) " and stated below:-

"Portion up to 10 km from coast has been classified as D1. Based on CPWD

Specifications, Portion beyond 10 and up to 50 km classified as D2, Portion
beyond 50 km classified as D3.based on A53600 (Distance beyond 50 Km to
be treated as Inland) and suggested various Grades of concrete
M40, M30, M25 for DL, D2 and D3".

f) Considering all the above aspects, with due consideration of Safety, Sustainability as
well as economy and also after having detailed discussions with the experts, the
various grades of Concrete to be adopted normally in coastal and plain areas
(ie.,M20, M25, M30, M35, M40) with respect to the Distance from sea water front is
recommended by the Superintending Engineer, PWD., Planning & Design Circle,
Chennai as below in order to improve the durability of Reinforced Cement Concrete in
accordance with the IS:456-2000 BIS code.

sl, Exposure Grade of

Distance from Sea Water Front
No condition Concrete
1 Mitd M20 Beyond 24 Km
2 Moderate M25 Beyond 10 Km and up to 24 Km
3 Severe M30 Up to 10 Km
4&5 Very severe & Extreme M35 & M40 Offshore Structures
g) The Superintending Engineer, PWD., Planning & Design Circle, Chennai has also
suggested that, as a special case, higher grades of concrete shall be adopted from
structural design point of view and the aggressive soil condition or ground water such
as Sulphate and Chloride conditions irrespective of exposure condition based on the
test reports subject to prior approval of the Superintending Engineer PWD, Planning &
Designs Circle, Chennai-5.

In view of the above aspects and based on the recommendation of Superintending

Engineer PWD, Planning & Designs Circle, Chennai-5 in the letter 3rd cited, the following
circular instructions are issued for adoption.

1) Minimum Grade of Concrete to be adopted for Reinforced Concrete under various

exposure conditions are tabled below for adoption.

sl. Exposure Grade of Aerial Distance from

No condition Concrete Sea Water front
1 MiId M20 Beyond 24Km
2 Moderate M25 Beyond 10 Km and up to 24 Km
3 Severe M30 Up to 10 Km
4&5 Very severe & Extreme M35 & M40 Offshore structures

2) As a special case, higher grades of concrete can be adopted irrespective of the

exposure conditions considering the structural design aspects or aggressive soil or
ground water conditions such as Sulphate and Chloride contents based on the test
reports etc., subject to prior approval of the Superintending Engineer PWD, Planning
& Designs Circle, Chennai-5 and concerned Chief Engineer.

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The Chief Engineer (Buildings), PWD., Madurai Region, Madurai and Trichy Region, Trichy
All the Superintending Engineers of Buildings, PWD.
All the Executive Engineers of Buildings, PWD
Copy to the Principal Secretary to Government, PWD., Secretariat, Chennai

(Buildings) and
) Chennai Region, PWD.,

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