Lncompressive Cake Filtration: Mechanism, Parameters, and Modeling
Lncompressive Cake Filtration: Mechanism, Parameters, and Modeling
Lncompressive Cake Filtration: Mechanism, Parameters, and Modeling
Many industrial filtration processes facilitate plate and However, the model is also valid for the reverse operation.
drum filters for slurry filtration. Instruments used for various Consider incompressible particles, carrier fluid, and filter
purposes may utilize porous plate, tube, and hollow disk type cake, no small particle invasion and deposition within the fil-
filters. Linear and radial filtration models are needed for ter cake, and a particle free filtrate. The inner and outer radii
prediction, simulation, and optimization of the various filtra- (cm) of the hollow cylindrical filter are denoted, respectively,
tion processes, and analysis and interpretation of experimen- by rw and re. The radius of the slurry side cake surface is
tal data. Simple models, such as those presented in this study, denoted by rc. The thickness and width (cm) of the cake are
are preferred in many applications, because of their conve- denoted by S and h, respectively. The cross-flow (or tangen-
nience and the reduced computational effort. tial) velocity of the slurry flowing over the inner filter surface
The applicability of the majority of the previously reported (cm/s> is denoted by v and the filtration velocity of the parti-
simple analytical models, such as by Collins (19611, Hermia cle free carrier fluid normal to the inner filter surface (cm/s)
(19821, and de Nevers (19921, are usually limited to linear by u. The filtration conditions are referred to as the static
and constant rate filtration. However, models for constant when v = 0 and the dynamic when v > 0.
pressure filtration are also required for certain applications. The volumetric balance of the cake forming particles is
When the filter cake and the filter thicknesses are small rela- given by (Civan, 1994, 1996)
tive to the radius of the filter surface exposed to slurry, linear
filtration models can sufficiently approximate radial filtra-
tion. Otherwise, radial filtration processes can be better de-
scribed in radial geometry. in which the volume fraction of the cake forming particles eS
In the following, improved simple filtration models for ra- in terms of the cake porosity +c is given by
dial and linear incompressible cake filtration processes, with
additional features such as considering variable rate, effect of
filter thickness, and static and dynamic filtration conditions,
are presented and verified by means of the simplified analyti-
t is time(s), p, is the particle density (g/cm3), and R,, de-
cal models and the reported experimental data.
notes the net rate of particle deposition over the progressing
cake surface (gm/s/cm2).
Formulation The present problem deals with a forced filtration during
For the derivation of the radial filtration model, consider the flow of slurry over the filter surface at a sufficiently rapid
that the slurry is applied to the inner surface and the filtrate rate, such as in the case of the filtration of the drilling mud
leaves from the outer surface of a hollow cylindrical filter. slurry in wells. In this case, deposition of particles is directly
where k' and n' are the consistency constant (dyne/cm2/s"') where q is the particle free carrier fluid filtrate flow rate
and flow index (dimensionless), respectively. For Newtonian (cm3/s).
slurry fluids, k' = p where p is the slurry viscosity (cp) and Applying Eq. 9, Eq. 7 can be written as
n' = 1. k , and k, are the particle deposition (dimensionless)
and erosion rate constants (s/cm), and T~~ is the minimum
critical fluid shear stress necessary to dislocate the particles (10)
from the cake surface (dyne/cm2). Therefore, set k , = 0 for
T < T ~ For~ . static filter cake formation v = 0, and, therefore,
T = 0. Hence, the second term on the right of Eq. 3 drops where
The deposition and erosion rate constants depend on the (11)
properties of the particles and carrier fluid, and the condi-
tions of the slurry, such as particle concentration, flow rate,
and pressure. and
Ravi et al. (1992) have determined that the following equa-
tion proposed by Potanin and Uriev (1991) predicts the criti-
cal shear stress with the same order of magnitude accuracy of
their experimental measurements
T~~ = H/(24di2) The volumetric flux of the particle free filtrate is given by
Darcy's law
where H = 3.0X lo-" erg is the Hamaker coefficient (erg), rl
is the average particle diameter, and 1 is the separation dis- (13)
tance (cm) between the particle surfaces in the filter cake.
However, the values calculated from Eq. 5 can only be used
as a first-order accurate estimate because Eq. 5 has been de- Note that the volumetric ratcs of fluids flowing through the
rived from an ideal theory. The actual value can be different, filter cake and filter media in series are the same, irrespec-
because the ideal theory does not take into account the effect tive of whether it is a constant rate or a constant pressure
of the other factors, such as aging (Ravi et al., 1992), surface filtration. In constant pressure filtration, the rate varies but
where p , and p, are the pressures of the slurry and the filter where a is the cross-sectional area of the filter (cm').
outlet (atm), respectively. qo and q are the flow rates before Equating Eqs. 24 and 25 and rearranging, the filter cake
and during the filter cake buildup (cm3/s). K , and K f are thickness is given by
the filter cake and filter permeabilities (darcy).
Thus, equating Eqs. 14 and 15 and rearranging leads to 6 = C/q -D (26)
r,/r,=exp(-C/q+ D) (17)
The filter cake volumetric balance leads to
t=-- - In
Q = /'qdt (37)
0 Equation 45 is similar to Eq. 12 of de Nevers (1992) and Eq.
21 of Hermia (1982).
Eliminating q between Eqs. 26 and 36 yields another expres- As can be seen by these exercises, the present improved
sion as model can be simplified to reproduce the models given by
Collins (19611, Hermia (1982), and de Nevers (1992) when
1"' B
1 B - C
the inherent simplifying assumptions of these models are in-
troduced into the present model
Equation 41 expresses that the filtrate rate declines by time In dynamic filtration, the filter cake thickness attains a cer-
due to static filter cake buildup. Donaldson and Chernoglazov tain limit value 8, when the particle deposition and erosion
(1987) represented such rate declines by an empirical decay rates equate. Simultaneously, the filtration rate also reaches
function a limiting value, determined by Eq. 30 as
*Data assumed.
**Data from Fisk et al. (1991).
'Data from Jiao and Sharma (1994)
'Data from Willis et al. (1983).
and k,, if the cake porosity +c and the critical shear stress 7cr
are known. += can be measured. rcr can be estimated by Eq.
5, but the ideal theory may not yield a correct value as ex-
plained previously by Ravi et al. (1992) and in this article.
Equation 34 can be rearranged in a linear form as Therefore, Ravi et al. (1992) suggested that 7,, should be
measured directly.
Radial filtration
Given the filter cake thickness 6, the progressing surface
cake radius r, can be calculated by Eq. 6. Then a straight
Thus, the intercept ( B / C ) and slope ( - A / C ) of the line plot of ln(rc/rw) vs. (l/q) data according to Eq. 17 yields
straight-line plot of Eq. 52 can be used with Eqs. 27, 28, 31, the values of C and D as the slope and intercept of this line,
and 32 to obtain the following expressions respectively. A straightline plot of [ - d/dt(rJr,,,)] vs.
[q/frc/rw)]data according to Eq. 10 yields the values of A
and B as the slope and intercept of this line, respectively. At
(53) static filtration conditions, v = 0 and T = 0 according to Eq.
4. Therefore, B = 0 according to Eq. 12. Consequently, sub-
stituting B = 0 and Eq. 18, Eq. 20 can be expressed in the
following linear form
0 002
02 I I I I /
c v
1 . 1 I I , 0
0 0 02 0 04 0 06 0 08 01
04 I I I
0 015 0 02 0 025 0 03 0 035 0 04 Filtrate Flow Rate, q, mllmin
Filtrate Flow Rate. q, mUmin
Figure 3. Correlation of Jiao and Sharma (1994) pre-
Figure 1. Correlation of Jiao and Sharma (1994) experi- dicted filter cake thickness data according to
mental data according to Eq. 52. Eq. 30.
ical differentiation of the filtrate volume data to obtain the Figure 4. Predicted vs. measured filtrate volumes for
filtrate flow rate data used to construct Figure 1. The data linear filtration of fresh water bentonite sus-
necessary for Figure 1 were obtained by a series of numerical pension.
procedures, first to calculate q = dQ/dt from the filtrate vol-
ume Q data, and then (l/q) and [d/dt(l/q)].
The initial filtrate volume rate is obtained as q, = 0.096 data over the period of the filtration process. Then. the +c
mL/min by a three-point forward differentiation of the mea- and T ~ values
, obtained this way were used in Eqs. 46 and 51
sured, initial filtrate volume data. This data is expected to to calculate the k , and k , values.
involve a larger error because of the possibility of relatively Using the slurry tangential velocity of v = 8.61 cm/s, the
larger errors involved in the early filtrate volume data. The typical particle diameter of d = 2.5 X lo-‘ cm and the parti-
noisy data had to be smoothed prior to numerical differentia- ’
cle separation distance of 1 = 2. X 10 cm in Eq. 5, the criti-
tion, which may have introduced further errors. Because of cal shear stress for particle detachment is estimated to be
the propagation of the significantly larger measurement er- T,, = 1.25 x lo3 dyne/cm2, whereas, the prevailing shear stress
rors involved in the early filtrate volume data, the first two of calculated by Eq. 33 is T = 16 dyne/cm2. Under these condi-
the [ d / d t ( l / y ) ] values degenerated and deviated significantly tions, theoretically, the cake erosion should not occur, be-
from the expected straightline trend. Therefore, these two cause T << T ~ Therefore,
~ . the value of the coefficient B
data points formed the outliers for linear regression and had should be zero. In contrast, as indicated by Eq. 62, the pre-
to be discarded. sent analysis of the data has led to a small, but nonzero value
Substituting the values given in Eq. 60 into Eq. 55 yields of B = 3 . x 1 0 p 4 cm/min. Recall that we used this value in
the limiting filtrate flow rate as qx = 0.014 mL/min. On the Eq. 48 to calculate the limiting flow rate of q, = 0.013
other hand, substituting the values given in Eq. 62 into Eq. mL/min. This value was shown to be very close to the qa=
48 yields 9%= 0.013 mL/min. These two values obtained from 0.014 mL/min value calculated by Eq. 55 and the approxi-
the filtrate flow rate and cake thickness data, respectively, mate value of q- = 0.017 mL/min obtained by extrapolating
are very close to each other. The limiting filtrate volume rate the filtrate flow rate data beyond the range of the experimen-
q, estimated by an extrapolation of the derivatives of the fil- tal data. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that B = 3.X l o p 4
trate volume data beyond the range of the experimental data cm/min is a meaningful value and not just a numerical result
is qx = 0.017 mL/min and close to the values obtained by the of the least-squares regression of Eq. 30 to data, because the
present regression method. This is an indication of the valid- coefficient of regression R2 = 0.9873 is very close to one.
ity of the present filtration model. Hence, it can be inferred that T > T , and the cake erosion
Using q x = 0.014 mL/min in Eq. 26 yields the limiting fil- occurred in the actual experimental conditions of Jiao and
ter cake thickness as 6, = 0.24 cm. The predicted cake thick- Sharma (1994). In view of this discussion, it becomes appar-
ness data presented in Figure 10 of Jiao and Sharma (1994) ent that the theoretical value obtained by Eq. 5 is not realis-
indicates a value of approximately 0.17 cm. Therefore, their tic.
prediction of ths limiting filter cake thickness appears to be The Jiao and Sharma (1994) data and the missing parame-
an underestimation compared to the 0.24 cm value obtained ter values which have been approximated by fitting the exper-
by the present analysis. imental data are given in Table 1. The results presented in
The above obtained values can now be used to determine Figure 4 indicate that the model represents the measured fil-
the values o f the model parameters as follows. The filter cake trate volumes over the complete range of 600 min of filtra-
permeability can be calculated by Eq. 50. Equations 46, 47, tion time as closely a5 the quality of their experimental data
51, 53 and 54 form a set of alternative equations to deter- permits. However, they did not measure the cake thickness,
mine the deposition and erosion rate constants k , and k,. but predicted it using a simple algebraic model. As shown in
Here, Eqs. 46 and 51 were selected for this purpose. How- Figure 5, the cake thicknesses predicted by Jiao and Sharma
ever, Jiao and Sharma (1994) d o not offer any data on the (1994) and the present study are close to each other.
cake porosity +<, and the critical shear stress T,, necessary Willis et al. (1983) conducted linear filtration experiments
for detachment of the particles from the progressing cake using a suspension of l u c k in water. As shown in Table 1,
surface. Thercforc, the 4c and T,, parameters had to be esti- they reported only a few parameter values. They only provide
mated and used with Eqs. 46 and 51 to match the filtration some measured filtrate flow rate and cake thickness data in
ui u 04
f 1
+ <5 0 3
0.5 li
0 s 1 I I I I 0
0 1W 200 300 400 500 600 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
FiltrationTime, 1. min FiltrationTime, t, min
Figure 5. Predicted cake thicknesses for linear filtration Figure 7. Predicted vs. measured filtrate volumes for
of fresh water bentonite suspension. radial filtration of a sea-water based partially
hydrolyzed polyacrylamide drilling mud.
The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the School of
Petroleum and Geological Engineering at the University of Okla-
Y a =cross-sectional area of the filter, cm’
0.05 A , B , C , D =parameters defined by Eqs. 11, 12, 18 and 19 for the
radial model and by Eqs.21, 32, 27 and 28 for the linear
model, respectively, cm--, cm/s, cm4/s, cm
h =filter width, cm
0 d =particle diameter, cm
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 L -filter length, cm
Reciprocal Filtrate Flow Rate, l l q , 104s/m3 ni =flow
r =radial distance, cm
Figure 6. Correlation of Willis et al. (1983) measured fil- p =viscosity of fluids, cp
ter cake thickness data according to Eq. 26. x =linear distance, cm