Assignment CEP 02062020 080617am
Assignment CEP 02062020 080617am
Assignment CEP 02062020 080617am
You have to make the following embedded system using 8051 Microcontroller and do the programming in C-Language.
1. Built in test
4 inputs are connected to P1.0 to P1.3 pins of controller. When 8051 will start it will check these lines individually. If
signal is high at any of the pins do the following:
The LCD is connected to Port 0 and remaining pins of P1 (i.e. P1.4 to P1.7)
Use different set of instructions to create a delay of 3 seconds. During this time the display of LCD should be
shown as 3 sec, 2 sec, 1 sec after each passing second. Finally after 3 seconds it should display system ready.
3. Use of Timer/Counter
Now set Timer 0 in counter mode such a way that the program waits for 8 pulses to arrive. Once 8 pulses are
arrived. Send message on LCD “8 Pulses Arrived”.
5A, 6B, 7C , 4 bytes of data gathered in step 5. The last byte will be XOR of all 7 previous bytes.
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Bahria University, Islamabad
Subject: Microprocessor/Microcontroller Based Systems Instructor: Dr. Atif Raza Jafri
Once this block is ready send each byte if the block serially one by one using serial port at a Baud rate of 9600
and a protocol of 1 start bit 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
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