R. Valunjkar (Total Load: 209+120 Part-A 329) : (Old 63hrs. & New 63hrs.) 126 Hrs in 4 Months

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Valunjkar (Total Load: 209+120 Part-A=329)

CL. II FG (Old 63hrs. & New 63hrs.) 126 Hrs in 4 Months

MET 3.1 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 12 Hrs )


Three Phase A.C. Motors –

(a) Construction,
(b) principle of operation of 3-phase induction motors,
(c) Design features of star and delta motors,
(d) Starting,
(e) speed controlling and braking methods of 3-phase induction motors,
(f) Load-torque characteristics and protection.

MET 3.2 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 3 Hrs)


Three Phase Synchronous Motors –

(a) Construction.
(b) Principle of operation.
(c) Load characteristics,
(d) Power factor improvement with synchronous motors.

MET 3.3 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 3 Hrs)


Effect of varying frequency and voltage of A.C. Motors –

(a) Speed,
(b) Temperature,
(c) Torque,
(d) Power output and Starting time,
(e) Current.
MET 3.4 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 6 Hrs)


Motor control and protection –

(a) D. C. Motors
(b) A. C. Motors

MET 3.5 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 3 Hrs )


Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) motor speed control –

(a) Gate driving characteristics with high current,

(b) High frequency,
(c) high current switch,
(d) Advantages of IGBT in varying motor speed control.

MET 3.6 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 3 Hrs)


Motor speed control by Thyristors

(a) Application of thyristors in motor speed control

MET 3.7 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 6 Hrs)


Three Phase Generators –

(a) Construction.
(b) Salient and cylindrical rotor types,
(c) Shaft generators,
(d) Excitation methods,
(e) Automatic voltage regulation,
(f) Synchronization,
(g) Parallel operation,
(h) Generator trouble shooting.

MET 3.8 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 6 Hrs)


Three Phase Transformers –

(a) Construction Polarity,

(b) Configurations in Star and Delta combinations,
(c) Open delta configuration.

MET 3.9 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 3 Hrs)


Distribution –

(a) Main switchboard construction and configuration.

(b) Short circuit protection - fuses,
(c) main circuit breakers,
(d) the generator air circuit breaker,
(e) Protection co-ordination,
(f) Distribution configuration,
(g) Electrical equipment for tankers and hazardous areas and safety systems.

MET 3.10 – Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for
electrical motors (Teaching Hours: 3 Hrs )


Emergency Power –

(a) Automatic starting arrangements for the emergency generator,

(b) Emergency power requirements,
(c) Essential and non essential circuits,
(d) Batteries.
MET 4 – Electronics, Power Electronics (Teaching Hours: 9 Hrs)


(a) Semiconductor Devices –

1. Uni-junction transistor, The Bipolar transistor, operation and characteristics, bias

circuits, AC and DC current gain, data sheets.
2. Field Effect Transistors, operation. Thyristors, SCRs, GTOs, DIACs and TRIACs
operation and characteristics.
3. Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), Snubber circuits, commutation, data
4. Device applications in electronic control, surveillance and recording systems, power
supplies, rectification, smoothing circuits, stabilization, switching, amplification,
pulse shaping, clipping and clamping.
5. PMOSFET (Power metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor).
6. Design features of cycloconverter, variable frequency drives and their applications
onboard ships.

MET 5 – High Voltage Systems (Teaching Hours: 6 Hrs)


1. Design features, operational and safety requirements for marine HV system.

2. Mandatory rules for HV system in safe and flammable areas and with/ without earthling.
3. Carrying out switching and isolation procedure.

CL. III – Part -B Total Load: 60 Hrs in 4 Months


MET- 01 – The Electric circuit, Ohm’s Law ,Kirchhoff’s Law ,simple series and parallel
circuits .The Superposition and Thevenin’s theorems. (Teaching Hours: 09 hrs)


1. Conductors, insulators, resistors, voltage and current.

2. Law of resistance, factors affecting resistance of conducting material
3. Ohm’s law, D. C. series and parallel circuits,
4. EMF, electrical potential difference
5. Kirchhoff’s Law
6. Simple series and parallel circuits,
7. Superposition and Thevenin’s theorems

MET - 02 – Electrolytic action and secondary cells (Teaching Hours: 06 hrs)


1. Safe – handling and using batteries.

2. Advantages of batteries and its uses on board ship.
3. Primary and Secondary cell
4. Series and parallel connection of batteries
5. Emergency and essential power fed by batteries
6. Faraday’s law of electrolysis
7. Lead Acid Battery action, construction features, design requirements
8. Polarization of battery
9. Rating of batteries, charging and discharging of batteries
10. Alkaline batteries, Nickel-Cadmium batteries.
11. Battery maintenance and different charging systems.

MET - 05 – A. C. Circuits. Effect of inductance and capacitance on the circuit Simple

Series and parallel circuits; Relationship between resistance, reactance and
impedance, Power factor, Power in single phase and three phase a. c. circuits

(Teaching Hours: 09)


1. Development of SINE wave.

2. Effective value, average value and RMS value
3. Phase angle, voltage, current and frequency calculation
4. Inductance, Inductive reactance
5. Capacitance and Capacitive reactance
6. Impedance, Impedance in R-L circuits, R-C circuits and R-L-C circuits
7. Power triangle, apparent power, true power, reactive power and power factor
8. Power in single phase and three phase circuits

MET- 06 – A. C. Machines the principles, constructional details and protection of salient

pole, cylindrical and brushless alternators. The emf equation and automatic
voltage regulation for an alternator. A. C. Switch gear, Generator Protection;
Parallel operation of Alternators (Teaching Hours: 12 hrs)

1. Main source of power requirements on ship, power generation of ship
2. Working principle of alternators
3. Construction details of alternators – Salient pole and cylindrical rotors
4. Damper windings,
5. Alternator rating
6. Operational control of synchronous generators
7. Single generator true power, reactive power
1. Parallel operation of generators,
2. Sychroscope, synchro-lamps, synchronizing with voltmeter
3. Speed droop, effect of speed droop on operation of generators in parallel.
4. Multiple generators – true power and reactive power
5. Automatic voltage regulator, error sensing and static AVR
6. EMF equation, coil pitch, distribution factor, voltage regulation
7. Main circuit breaker, arcing phenomenon, methods of interruption of arc.
8. Magnetic circuit breakers, thermal circuit breakers, MCB, MCCB, ACB
9. Alternator protection – over current, short circuit, over/under voltage, over/under
frequency, earth leakage, reverse power

MET - 07 – A.C. Motors: The principles, construction details and protection of induction
motors. Slip, rotor. Slip rotor e.m.f. and frequency, Torque Speed
equations .Wound, slip ring, cage and double wound type motors starting
(Teaching Hours: 12)


1. C. motor – Types of motor

2. Induction motor – advantages and disadvantages comparison with D. C. motors
3. Working principle, rotating magnetic field theory, construction of motors
4. Synchronous speed, frequency, slip, torque, torque speed curve of induction motors
5. Power flow in motors
6. Effect of rotor resistance in motors, double cage induction motor
7. Speed control of induction motors – Pole changing method, Electro- hydraulic drive,
Wound-rotor resistance control of induction motors, Ward-Leonard d.c. motor drive,
By stator voltage control, By keeping voltage by frequency ratio constant (Variable-
frequency induction motor control)
8. Motor starters – DOL, star-delta starter, auto-transformer starter, soft starter
9. Motor protection – temperature, over current, short circuit current, single phasing

MET - 11 Control Systems: Simple Theory of all control systems, location of common faults
and action to prevent damage. Trouble shooting of monitoring system.

(Teaching Hours: 12)


1. Process control, controlled condition, Local and remote control

2. Elements and measurements of a control system
3. Definition and control terminology
4. Open loop and close loop control systems and their operation
5. Types of control actions – two step or on/off control, proportional control, Integral
control and Derivative control
6. Proportional band, effect of change in proportional band, Gain or proportional control
7. PI control, PD control and PID control action.
8. Actuators, Transducers,
9. Ships control systems
10. Location of common faults, actions to prevent damage, trouble shooting of monitoring

CL. III – Part -A Total Load: 120 Hrs in 4 Months


i. TH : 01 - 9
thermodynamics, Heat and work transfer. Laws of conduction and thermal
conductance and application to problems.

ii. TH : 021 - 6
GAS LAWS FOR PERFECT GASES, Characteristics equation. Isothermal,
Adiabatic and Polytropic processes. Relationship between temperature, pressure,
temperature and volume. Work done. Changes in Internal energy. Specific heats Cp
and Cv and relationships between them

iii. TH : 03 - 9
IDEAL GAS CYCLES, Constant pressure, Constant volume and Dual cycle. Air
Standard efficiency. I.C. Engines, elementary principles and cycles of operation,
indicator diagrams mean effective pressure, work done, power developed, indicated
and brake thermal efficiencies, mechanical efficiency, overall efficiency. Fuel
consumption and Heat balance.

iv. TH : 04 - 6
AIR COMPRESSORS, Elementary principles and cycles of operation, Calculation
of work done, Indicator diagrams.

v. TH : 05 - 9
PROPERTIES OF STEAM, Saturated, dry, wet, superheated steam. Dryness
fraction. Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Specific Volume, Steam Tables. Throttling.
Separating and throttling Calorimeters. Use of Steam tables to deal with changes of

vi. TH : 06 - 9
STEAM PLANT, Advantage of using steam expensively. Thermal, mechanical and
overall efficiencies of prime movers. Boiler efficiency, heat balance for engine and
boiler trials. Changes in dissolved solids due to contaminated feed in boilers,
Evaporators and effect of blowing down. Elementary principles of steam turbines

vii. TH : 07 - 6
equations for complete combustion

viii. TH : 08 - 6
REFRIGERATION, Vapour compression cycle. Refrigerating effect. Cooling Load.
Use of Tables of properties of refrigerants. Coefficient of performance.

CL. IV Total Load: 23 Hrs in 4 Months

MET-9: Basic electronics, conductors, insulators, semi conductors, PN – junction & numerical.

(Teaching Hours: 3 hrs)

MET-10: Control engineering – basic concepts. (Teaching Hours: 3 hrs)

MET-11: Transducers for measurements. (Teaching Hours: 3 hrs)

MET-12: Simple automatic controllers for various functions. (Teaching Hours: 3 hrs)

MET-13: Safety requirements for working on electrical systems (Teaching Hours: 3 hrs)

MET-14: Detection of electrical malfunctions and basic troubleshooting including card

replacement etc. (Teaching Hours: 3 hrs)

MET-15: Basic maintenance of electrical system equipments including batteries etc

(Teaching Hours: 3 hrs)

MET-16: Interpretation of simple electrical diagrams. (Teaching Hours: 2 hrs)

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