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CALANASAN, REPRESENTED BY TEODORA On March 8, 2006, the CA rejected the petitioner’s motion for
The petitioner filed the present petition for review
on certiorari with this Court to challenge the CA rulings. The
BRION, J.: petitioner insists that Evelyn committed acts of ingratitude against
her. She argues that, if the donation was indeed onerous and was
subject to the rules of contracts, then greater reason exists to revoke
Through a petition for review on certiorari,[1] filed under it. According to the petitioner, Evelyn violated all the terms of the
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, petitioner Cerila J. Calanasan seeks contract, especially the provision enjoining the latter from
the reversal of the decision[2] dated September 29, 2005, and the acquiring ownership over the property during the lifetime of the
resolution[3] dated March 8, 2006 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in donor.
CA-G.R. CV No. 84031.
The respondents, for their part, point out that the petitioner raises
THE FACTS factual issues that a petition under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
does not allow. Furthermore, the petitioner misleads the Court in
The petitioner, Cerila J. Calanasan (Cerila), took care of her claiming that the deed of donation prohibited Evelyn from
orphan niece, respondent Evelyn C. Dolorito, since the latter was a acquiring ownership of the land. In fact, the deed of donation
child. In 1982, when Evelyn was already married to respondent confined the donation to only two conditions: 1) redemption of the
Virgilio Dolorito, the petitioner donated to Evelyn a parcel of land mortgage; and 2) the petitioner’s usufruct over the land as long as
which had earlier been mortgaged for P15,000.00. The donation she lived. The respondents complied with these conditions. The
was conditional: Evelyn must redeem the land and the petitioner respondents likewise remind the Court that issues not advanced
was entitled to possess and enjoy the property as long as she lived. before the lower courts should not be entertained – the objective
Evelyn signified her acceptance of the donation and its terms in the that Teodora is now trying to accomplish. Finally, the respondents
same deed. Soon thereafter, Evelyn redeemed the property, had the applaud the CA in finding that the donation, being inter vivos and
title of the land transferred to her name, and granted the petitioner onerous, is irrevocable under Article 765 of the New Civil Code.
usufructuary rights over the donated land.
On August 15, 2002, the petitioner, assisted by her sister Teodora
J. Calanasan, complained with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) that We resolve to deny the petition for lack of merit.
Evelyn had committed acts of ingratitude against her. She prayed
that her donation in favor of her niece be revoked; in their answer, The petitioner may not raise factual issues;
the respondents denied the commission of any act of ingratitude. arguments not raised before the lower courts
may not be introduced on appeal.
The petitioner died while the case was pending with the RTC. Her
sisters, Teodora and Dolores J. Calanasan, substituted for her. Teodora insists that Evelyn perpetrated ungrateful acts against the
petitioner. Moreover, the donation never materialized because
After the petitioner had rested her case, the respondents filed a Evelyn violated a suspensive condition of the donation when she
demurrer to evidence. According to them, the petitioner failed to had the property title transferred to her name during the petitioner’s
prove that it was Evelyn who committed acts of ingratitude against lifetime.
the petitioner; thus, Article 765[4] of the New Civil Code found no
application in the case. As correctly raised by the respondents, these allegations are factual
issues which are not proper for the present action. The Court is not
THE RTC’S RULING a trier of facts.[7] The Court cannot re-examine, review or re-
evaluate the evidence and the factual review made by the lower
In its September 3, 2004 order,[5] the RTC granted the courts.[8] In the absence of compelling reasons, the Court will not
demurrer to evidence and dismissed the complaint. Article 765 deviate from the rule that factual findings of the lower tribunals are
of the New Civil Code did not apply because the ungrateful acts final and binding on this Court.
were committed against Teodora, the donor’s sister, and not against
the donor, the petitioner. Equally important, the perpetrator of the It has not escaped the Court’s attention that this is the only time the
ungrateful acts was not Evelyn, but her husband Virgilio. petitioner raised the arguments that donation never materialized
because the donee violated a condition of the donation when she
THE CA’S RULING had the title of the property transferred to her name. The petitioner
never raised this issue before the lower courts. It can’t be
The petitioner challenged the RTC’s ruling before the CA. emphasized enough that the Court will not revisit the evidence
presented below as well as any evidence introduced for the first
In its September 29, 2005 decision,[6] the CA affirmed the RTC time on appeal.[9] Aside from being a factual issue that is not
ruling but on a different legal ground. The CA, after legal proper for the present action, the Court dismisses this new
analysis, found that the donation was inter vivos and onerous. argument for being procedurally infirm and violative of due
Therefore, the deed of donation must be treated as an ordinary process. As we have held in the past: “points of law, theories,
contract and Article 765 of the New Civil Code finds no relevance. issues and arguments not brought to the attention of the trial court
will not be and ought not to be considered by a reviewing court, as
these cannot be raised for the first time on appeal. Basic Attorney-in-Fact.
consideration of due process impels this rule.”[10]
Rules of contract govern the
onerous portion of donation; rules of CONCHITA LIGUEZ, PETITIONER, VS. THE
donation only apply to the excess, if any. HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, MARIA NGO VDA.
We now come to the appreciation of the legal incidents of the
donation vis-à-vis the alleged ungrateful acts. DECISION
On this proof, the defendant being a part owner of the vessel, "En rcsumen: el marido solo puede donar los bienes gananciales
would have defeated the action for its exclusive possession by the dentro de los limites marcados en el art. 1.415. Sin embargo,
plaintiff. The burden would then be east upon the plaintiff to show solo la mujer o sus hercderos pueden reelamar contra la valides
the illegality of the arrangement, which under the cases cited ho de la donacion, pues solo en su interes se establece la
would not be allowed to do." prohibicion. La mujer o sus herederos, para poder dejar sin efecto
el acto, han de sufrir verdadero perjuicio, entendiendose que no
The rule was reaffirmed in Lima vs. Lim Chu Kao, 51 Phil. 477. le hay hasta, tanto que, terminada por cualquier causa la
sociedad de gananciales, y hecha su liquidacion, no pueda
The situation confronting us is exactly analogous. The appellant imputarse lo donado al habcr por cualquier concepto del marido,
seeks recovery of the disputed land on the strength of a m obtener en su consccucncia ]a mujer la dibida
donation regular on its face. To defeat its effect, the appellees indemniKacion. La donacion reviste por tanto legalmente, una
must plead and prove that the same is illegal. But such plea on eficaeia condicional, y en armonia con esto caracter, deben fijarse
the part of the Lopez heirs is not receivable, since Lopez himself, log efeetos de la misma con relacion a los adquirentes y a los
if living, would be barred from setting up that plea; and his heirs, terceros poseedores, leniendo, en. su caso, en cuenta lo
as his privies and successors in interest, can have no better dispueato en la Icy Hipotecaria. Para prevenir todo perjuicio,
rights than Lopez himself. puede la mujer, durante el matrimonio inmediatamente al acto,
haeer constar ante los Tribunales su existencia y soicitar meclidas
Appellees, as successors of the late donor", being thus de precaucion, como ya se ha dicho. Para evitarlo en lo sucesivo,
precluded from pleading the defense of immorality or y cuando las eircunstancias lo rcquieran, puede instar la declaration
illegal causa of the donation, the total or partial ineffectiveness do prodigalidad."
of the same must be decided by different legal principles. In this
regard, the Court of Appeals correctly held that Lopez could not To determine the prejudice to the widow, it must be shown that
donate the entirety of the property in litigation, to the prejudice the value of her share in the property donated can not be paid out
of his wife Maria Ngo, because said property was conjugal in of the husband's share of the community profits. The requisite
character, and the right of the husband to donate community data, however, are not available to us and necessitate a remand of
property is strictly limited by law (Civil Code of 1889, Arts. the records to the court of origin that settled the estate of the late
1409, 1415, 1413; Baello vs. Villanueva, 54 Phil. 213). Salvador P. Lopez.
"ART. 1409. The conjugal partnership shall also be chargeable The situation of the children and forced heirs of Lopez
with anything which may have been given or promised by the approximates that of the widow. As privies of their parent,
husband alone to the children born of the marriage in order to they are barred from invoking the illegality of the donation.
obtain employment for them or give them a profession or by But their right to a legitime out of his estate is not thereby
both spouses by common consent, should they not have affected, since the legitime is granted them by the law itself, over
'Stipulated that such expenditures should be borne in whole or and above the wishes of the deceased. Hence, the forced heirs are
in part by the separate property of one of them." entitled to have the donation set aside in so far as inofficious: i.e.,
in excess of the portion of free disposal (Civil Code of 1889,
"ART. 1415. The husband may dispose of the property of the Articles 636, 654), computed as provided in Articles 818 and 819,
conjugal partnership for the purposes mentioned in Article 1409." and bearing in mind that "collationable gifts" under Article 818
should include gifts made not only in favor of the forced heirs, but
"ART. 1413. In addition to his powers as manager the husband even those made in favor of strangers, as decided by the Supreme
may for a valuable consideration alienate and encumber the Court of Spain in its decisions of 4 May 1899 and 16 June 1902.
property of the conjugal partnership without the consent of the So that in computing the legitimes, the value of the property
wife." donated to herein appellant, Conchita Liguez, should be
considered part of the donor's estate. Once again, only the
court of origin has the requisite date to determine whether the
The text of the articles makes it plain that the donation made by donation is inofficious or not.
the husband in contravention of law is not void in its entirety, but
only in so far as it prejudices the interest of the wife. In this With regard to the improvements in the land in question, the same
regard, as Manresa points out (Commentaries, 5th Ed., pp. should be governed by the rules of accession and possession in
650-651, 652-653), the law makes no distinction between good faith, it being undisputed that the widow and heirs of Lopez
gratuitous transfers and conveyances for a consideration. were unaware of the donation in favor of the appellant when the
improvements were made.
"Puede la mujer como proprietaria hacer aimlar las donaciones
aun durante el matrimonio? Esta es, en suma, la cuestion, reducida The appellees, relying on Galion vs. Garayes, 53 Phil. 43, contend
a dctcrminar si la distinta naturaleza entre los actos a titulo that by her failure to appear at the liquidation proceedings of the
oneroso y los actos a tftulo lucrative, y sus espcciales y diversas estate of Salvador P. Lopez in July 1943, the appellant has
eireunstan- cias, pueden motivar una solucion" diferente en forfeited her right to uphold the donation if the prejudice to the
cuanto a la epoca en que la muj er he de reelamar y obtener la widow Maria Ngo resulting from the donation could be made good
nulidad del acto; cuestian quc no deja de ser interesantisima. out of the husband's share in the conjugal profits. It is also
argued that appellant was guilty of laches in failing to enforce her
El Codigo, a pesar de la variacion que ha introducido en el rights as. donee until 1951. This line of argument overlooks the
prooycoto do 1851, poniendo corooosegundo parrafo del articulo capital fact that in 1943, appellant was still a minor of sixteen; and
1.413, como limitation de las enajenaciones u obligaciones a tftulo she did not reach the age of majority until 1948. Hence, her
oneroso, lo que era una Iimitaci6n general de todos los actos del action in 1951 was only delayed three years. Nor could she be
marido, muestra, sin embargo, que no ha variado de criterio, y properly expected to intervene in the settlement of the estate of
que para el las donaciones deben en todo equipararse a Lopez: first, because she was a minor during the great part of
cualquier otro acto ilegal o fraudulento de caructer oneroso, al the proceedings; second, because she was not given notice thereof;
decir en el art. 1.419: 'Tambicn se traera a colacion' en el and third, because the donation did not make her a creditor of the
inventario de la sociedad—el importe de las dotiacio7ies y estate. As we have ruled in Lopez vs. Olbes, 15 Phil. 547-548:
"The prima facie donation inter vivos and its acceptance by the defendant Salomon Ramas. Prior to July 30, 1917, the plaintiffs,
donees having been proved by means of a public instrument, and Teodoro Velez and wife, were the owners of a pawnshop and had
the donor having been duly notified of said acceptance, the employed Restituta Quirante in some capacity or other therein.
contract is perfect and obligatory and it is perfectly in. order to
While thus employed, Restituta Quirante abstracted various sums
demand its fulfillment, unless an exception is proved whicn is
based on some legal reason opportunely alleged by the donor or of money belonging to the plaintiffs, amounting altogether to
her heirg. P2,363.60, under conditions which Supposedly constituted the
offense of estafa. When this fact was discovered by the plaintiffs
So long as the donation in question has not been judicially they threatened to prosecute her, and in order to prevent this
proved and declared to be null, inefficacious, or irregular, the eventuality the contract in question was executed by the
land donated is of the absolute ownership of the donees and defendants.
consequently, does not form a part of thre property of the estate of
the deceased Martina, Lopez; wherefore the action instituted
demanding' compliance with the contract, the delivery by the The preliminary recitals and the principal obligatory clause of this
deforciant of the land donated, or that it be prohibited to disturb contract are expressed in the following terms:
the right of the donees, should not be considered as incidental to "Whereas, it was discovered that Restituta Quirante,
the probate proceedings aforementioned." being an employee of Teodoro Velez and Hermenegilda Ch.
Veloso, has illegally abstracted various sums of money entrusted to
The ease of Gallon vs. Gayares, supra, is not in point. First, her for safe-keeping, amounting altogether to P2,303.60 (two
because that case involved a simulated transfer that can have no thousand three hundred and three pesos and sixty centavos).
effect, while a donation with illegal causa may produce effects
under certain circumstances where the parties are not of equal
"Whereas, in order to prevent said woman from being brought
guilt; and again, because the transferee in the Gallon case took
the property subject to lis pendens notice, that in this case does before the courts for the unlawful act She has executed, the persons
not exist. subscribing this document have guaranteed to the said Teodoro
Velez and Hermenegilda Ch. Veloso the payment of the aforesaid
In view of the foregoing, the decisions appealed from are sum plus an interest of 12 per cent per annum until fully paid.
reversed and set aside, and the appellant Conchita Liguez
declared entitled to so much of the donated property as may be "Whereas, by virtue of the foregoing obligation, said Velez and
found, upon proper liquidation, not to prejudice the share of the
Hermenegilda Ch. Veloso agree to suspend the action they intend
widow Maria Ngo in the conjugal partnership with Salvador P.
Lopez or the Iegitimes of the forced heirs of the latter. The records to bring against Restituta Quirante.
are ordered remanded to the court of origin for further
proceedings in accordance with this opinion. Costs against "Therefore, we, Salomon Ramas and Roberto Quirante, the first a
appellees. So ordered. resident of the city of Cebu and the second of the municipality of
Dumanjug of the same province, jointly and severally bind
TEODORO VELEZ ET AL., PLAINTIFFS AND APPELLANTS, ourselves to pay Teodoro Velez and Hermenegilda Ch. Veloso the
VS. SALOMON RAMAS ET AL., DEFENDANTS AND aforementioned sum of two thousand three hundred three pesos and
APPELLEES. sixty centavos (P2,303.60) with interest."
We are of the opinion that the trial court was correct in
the conclusion that an action cannot be maintained upon this
contract. The preliminary recitals clearly disclose the fact that the
purpose of the contracting parties was to prevent a prosecution for
crime; and the injured parties, on their part, agree to suspend the
criminal proceedings which they had intended to promote. As
This action was instituted in the Court of First Instance of regards the defendant Roberto Quirante there was absolutely no
the Province of Cebu by the plaintiff, Teodoro Velez, and his wife, other motive for making the contract than a desire to prevent the
Hermenegilda Chiong Veloso, to recover of the defendants, prosecution of his daughter; and the only consideration in the legal
Salomon Ramas and Roberto Quirante, a sum of money evidenced sense for his promise to pay was the engagement of the plaintiffs
by a written obligation signed by said defendants under date of July whereby they bound themselves to suspend criminal proceedings.
30, 1917, wherein they acknowledged themselves to be jointly and As regards the defendant Salomon Ramafe, it might be supposed
severally bound for the payment to the plaintiff of the Sum of that the act of his wife, Restituta Quirante, in embezzling the
P2,303.60. It is admitted that the defendant Ramas had paid P300 money of her employers created a civil debt which was binding on
upon said obligation prior to the institution of the suit, leaving a him as a member of the community partnership and that he at any
balance due of P2,003.60. Salomon Ramas answered the rate would be liable for that money without reference to the
complaint, admitting in effect the facts alleged therein, and stating contract. But that liability cannot be enforced in an action to which
as his sole ground of defense that the alleged contract was illegal the wife is not a party. It results that, even as against Ramas, this
on its face. This defendant further interposed a counterclaim, case must be decided on the question of the legality, or illegality, of
seeking to recover the P300 which he had already paid. The the contract sued on.
defendant Roberto Quirante did not appear, and no defense was
made for him. When the case was submitted for decision the trial In our opinion the consideration for this agreement is clearly illicit,
court sustained the defense, absolved both the defendants from the which fact is apparent on the face of the contract; and the case is
complaint and gave judgment upon the counterclaim in favor of accordingly governed by article 1275 of the Civil Code.
Salomon Ramas jointly and severally against the plaintiffs for the
sum of P300, with interest at the legal rate from the date the answer There has been no period since contract law reached the stage of
was filed. From this judgment the plaintiffs appealed. consciousness, when the maxim ex turpi causa non oritur
actio was not recognized. A contract based upon an unlawful
It appears in evidence that the defendant Roberto Quirante is the consideration or designed to promote an unlawful object is and
father of Restituta Quirante, who in turn is the wife of the
always has been void ab initio by the common law, by the civil This is an action to recover the sum of P1,777.00, plus
law, moral law, and all laws whatsoever (Collins vs. Bantern, 2 P1,000.00 as moral damages and P500.00 as attorney's fees.
Wils. C. Pl., 341.) It is immaterial whether the illegal character of Defendant, Filomeno Melegrito, filed an answer admitting some
the contract is revealed in the matter of the consideration, in the allegations of the complaint and denying other allegations thereof,
promise as expressed in the agreement, or in the purpose which the and setting up some special defenses and a counterclaim. In due
agreement, though legal in expression, is intended to accomplish. If course, the Court of First Instance of Nueva Ecija rendered a
the illegality lurks in any element, or even subsists exclusively in decision dismissing the case with costs against plaintiff, Miguel
the purpose of the parties, it is fatal to the validity of the contract. Mactal, upon the ground that the consideration of the promissory
(Manresa, Codigo Civil, 2d ed.f vol. 8, p. 686.) note upon which the complaint is based was the dismissal of a
criminal case for estafa against the defendant and, hence, illicit,
By the universal consensus of judicial opinion in all ages it has immoral and contrary to public policy, as well as void ab initio.
been considered contrary to public policy to allow parties to make The case is before us on appeal taken by the plaintiff, who
agreements designed to prevent or stifle prosecutions for crime. It maintains that the lower court erred in holding that this action is
is self-evident that the law cannot sanction an engagement which is based, upon the aforementioned promissory note, and that the
subversive of the law itself or which tends to weaken the consideration thereof was the dismissal of the estafa case against
foundations of human society. The machinery for the the appellee.
administration of justice cannot be used to promote an unlawful
purpose. It appears, and the lower court held, that, on or about February 5,
1953, Mactal delivered P1,770.00 to Melegrito, to be used by him
The case of Arroyo vs. Berwin (36 Phil. Rep., 386), would seem to in the purchase of palay for Mactal, with a ten (10%) per cent
be conclusive, as it is based upon the doctrine above announced, commission in his (Melegrito's) favor, or returned to Mactal, within
and we see no just basis for discriminating between the facts there ten (10) days, should he (Melegrito) fail to buy palay. This
obligation was set forth in a receipt signed by Melegrito, who
involved and those here presented.
neither bought palay nor returned said amount. Hence, Mactal
accused him or estafa in the Justice of the Peace Court of Guimba,
It seems to us that an arguable question might have been raised as Nueva Ecija. When the case was about to be heard, on October 19,
to the propriety of allowing Salomon Ramas to recover the P300 1953, Florencio Paraso, then chief of police of Guimba, acting
which he had in fact paid upon the contract in question; but the upon Melegrito's request, prevailed upon Mactal to move for the
point has not been made the subject of any assignment of error in dismissal of the case and be contented with a promise on the part of
Melegrito to pay, not later than January, 1954, said P1,777.00, plus
this Court and must be passed without discussion.
the sum of P7,000, balance of his account with Mactal in
connection with another transaction. Accordingly, Melegrito signed
The action of the trial court in absolving the defendant Roberto a document Exhibit A (also Exhibit 1), prepared by Paraso in the
Quirante, although he had made no defense, was correct and is Tagalog dialect, which translated into English, reads:
worthy of some comment as embodying a point of practice which
should be called to the attention of courts and practitioners. The "I, Filomeno Melegrito, married, of age, at present residing at
rule is this: Where a complaint states a common cause of action barrio Cabaruan, Guimba, Nueva Ecija, this 15th day of October
against several defendants and some appear to defend the case on 1953, hereby certify to the following:
the merits while others make default, the defense interposed by
those who appear to litigate the case inures to the benefit of those "That I am indebted to Mr. Miguel Mactal in the sum of P1,777.00
who fail to appear; and if the court finds that a good defense has Philippine Currency, which I promise to pay him within the month
been made, all of the defendants must be absolved. The proper of January, 1954,
mode of proceeding where a complaint states a common cause of
action against several defendants, and one of them makes default, "In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my name
is simply to enter a formal default order against him, and proceed and surname in the presence of two (2) witnesses, this 19th day of
with the cause upon the answers of the others. The defaulting October, 1953, in Guimba, Nueva Ecija.
defendant merely loses his standing in court, he not being entitled (Sgd.)
to the service of notices in the cause, nor to appear in the suit in Filomeno
any way. He cannot adduce evidence; nor can he be heard at the Melegrito"
final hearing. If the case is finally decided in the plaintiff's favor, a
final decree is then entered against all the defendants; but if the suit Forthwith, the receipt above mentioned was destroyed and the
should be decided against the plaintiff, the action will be dismissed criminal case was, on the same day, dismissed on motion of
Mactal. Despite, however, repeated demands by the latter,
as to all the defendants alike. (Frow vs. De la Vega, 15 Wall., 552; Melegrito subsequently failed to pay the aforementioned sum of
21 L. ed., 60.) P1,777.00. Hence, this action, which was begun on January 26,
For the reasons stated the judgment must be affirmed; and it is so
ordered, with costs against the appellants. The lower court specifically found that Melegrito had on February
5, 1953, received from Mactal P1,777.00 to be used in the purchase
MIGUEL MACTAL, PLAINTIFF AND APPELLANT, VS. of palay for the latter, with the obligation to return, said amount,
FILOMENO MELEGRITO, DEFENDANT AND APPELLEE. within ten (10) days, if not spent for said purpose. In fact,
Melegrito admitted, on the witness stand, that he is indebted to the
DECISION plaintiff in the aggregate sum of P1,777.00, although he claims that
his liability therefor was merely that of a guarantor, not principal
debtor. So when the chief of police succeeded in persuading Mactal
to withdraw the criminal case for estafa, Melegrito was only too
CONCEPCION, J.: willing to sign Exhibit A, in which he promised to pay the
aforementioned amount in January, 1954. The consideration for
this promise was, therefore, the aforesaid pre-existing debt of
Melegrito, not the dismissal of the estafa case, which merely Jasminia, caused the latter to sign a Deed of Absolute Sale in her
furnished the occasion for the execution of Exhibit A (see favor. Thereafter, Lolita, aided by her brother Wilfredo Mendoza
Garrido vs. Cardenas, L-10631 [promulgated April 25, 1958]; as witness, entered it for registration with the Office of the Registry
Hibberd vs. Rhode and McMillan, 32 Phil., 476; Goodrum vs. of Deeds. Thus, TCT (Torrens [sic] Certificate of Title) No. T-
Merchants & Planters Bank, 102 Ark. 326). 308560 in the name of Jasminia was cancelled and TCT No. T-
1077041 was issued in the name of Lolita.
Wherefore, the decision appealed from is hereby reversed and.
another one shall be entered sentencing defendant Filomeno [Respondents], upon learning from the Office of the Registry of
Melegrito to pay the plaintiff Miguel Mactal the sum of P1,777.00, Deeds that Jasminia's certificate of title has been cancelled,
with interest thereon at the legal rate, from January 26, 1955, as executed an Affidavit of Adverse Claim of their right and interest
well as the costs of the proceedings. It is so ordered. over the property as the only compulsory and legitimate heirs of
Jasminia. However, [petitioner] Lolita, knowing fully well of the
impending suit, made it appear that she mortgaged the property to
LOLITA ESPIRITU SANTO MENDOZA AND SPS. [petitioners] Spouses Gutierrez as a security for a loan amounting
PALUGOD, RESPONDENTS. Thus, [respondents] filed a complaint for Declaration of Nullity of
the Deed of Absolute Sale and the Deed of Real Estate
DECISION Mortgage with the RTC of Bacoor[,] Cavite.
The Facts and Antecedent Proceedings [The dispositive portion of the RTC Decision states:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the judgment is hereby
The CA Decision's brief narration of facts and proceedings before rendered in favor of the [respondents] Sps. Ramon, Sr. and
the RTC follows: Natividad Palugod and against the [petitioners] Lolita Espiritu
[Petitioner] Lolita Espiritu Santo Mendoza (Lolita, for brevity) and Santo Mendoza and Sps. Alexander and Elizabeth Gutierrez as
Jasminia Palugod (Jasminia, for brevity) were close friends. Lolita follows:
was a businesswoman engaged in selling commodities and houses
and lots, while Jasminia was then working as a Supervisor in the 1. That the Deed of Absolute Sale dated May 11, 2004
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT). In 1991, purportedly executed by x x x Jasminia Palugod in favor
Lolita and Jasminia bought the subject lot [with an area of 120 sq. of [petitioner] Lolita Espiritu Santo Mendoza as null and
m.[7]] on installment for one (1) year until they decided to pay the void;
balance in full. [The lot is located in Sagana Remville [8] Homes,
Habay, Bacoor, Cavite.[9] In 1995, Jasminia became afflicted with 2. That the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage dated November
breast cancer. Sometime in 1996, Lolita and Jasminia constructed a 19, 2004 executed by [petitioner] Lolita Espiritu Santo
residential house on the subject lot. Although Lolita has no Mendoza in favor of [petitioners] Spouses Alexander and
receipts, she shared in the cost of the construction of the house Elizabeth Gutierrez as null and void;
from her income in the catering business and selling of various
products. [Jasminia, based on a certification[10], was separated from
3. To cancel the Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-
employment on December 30, 1998, and on January 18, 1999, she
1077041 in the name of [petitioner] Lolita Espiritu Santo
received her retirement pay[11] in the amount of P1,383,773.59.[12]]
Mendoza and to reinstate Transfer Certificate of Title
On May 11, 2004, Jasminia executed a Deed of [Absolute] Sale in
No. 308560 in the name of Jasminia P. Palugod;
favor of Lolita, who eventually mortgaged [on November 19,
2004[13]] the subject property to [petitioner] Elizabeth Gutierrez as a
security for a loan in the amount of Php800,000.00. 4. Declaring [respondents] as the lawful owner[s] of the
subject property by succession as the only and
On the other hand, [respondents spouses Ramon, Sr. and Natividad compulsory heirs of the late Jasminia P. Palugod; and
Palugod] alleged that their daughter, the late Jasminia, acquired the
property located in Sagana Homes, Habay, Bacoor[,] Cavite. Prior 5. Ordering [petitioners], jointly and severally, to pay
to and after the said acquisition of the subject property, Jasminia [respondents] the amount of Php200,000.00 in attorney's
was living with [petitioner] Lolita, a lesbian. Jasminia was an fees.
employee of PLDT who rose to the rank of Traffic Supervisor
before her separation from service. [Petitioner] Lolita has no work SO ORDERED.[15]]
or means of livelihood of her own and was fully dependent on [Petitioners] filed [a] motion for reconsideration, but the RTC, in
Jasminia. Unfortunately, Jasminia was afflicted with Stage IV the assailed Order dated May 8, 2014, denied the same for lack of
breast cancer with multiple bone metastasis. When she was nearing merit.
her death, she told her mother, [respondent] Natividad Palugod,
that her house and lot shall go to her brother Ramonito Palugod, Aggrieved, [petitioners] interposed [an] appeal [before the CA]. [16]
but [petitioner] shall be allowed to stay therein. [Jasminia died on The CA Ruling
September 26, 2004 at the Philippine General Hospital. [14]]
Meanwhile, Lolita, taking advantage of her relationship with
The CA denied petitioners' appeal for lack of merit. The CA ruled Court which has jurisdiction to rule only on questions of law in
that respondents, being the only surviving heirs of Rule 45 petitions to review.[30]
Jasminia[17] Paloma Palugod (Jasminia), have the legal personality
to question the validity of the deed of sale between Jasminia and The Court in Pascual v. Burgos[31] reiterated that:
petitioner Lolita Espiritu Santo Mendoza (petitioner Lolita). [18] The A question of fact requires this [C]ourt to review the truthfulness or
CA found no cogent reason to deviate from the finding of the RTC falsity of the allegations of the parties.[32] This review includes
that the deed of sale is null and void for being absolutely simulated assessment of the "probative value of the evidence
since it did not involve any actual monetary consideration. [19] The presented."[33] There is also a question of fact when the issue
CA likewise agreed with the RTC's finding that the real estate presented before this [C]ourt is the correctness of the lower courts'
mortgage between petitioner Lolita and petitioners spouses appreciation of the evidence presented by the parties. [34]
Alexander and Elizabeth Gutierrez is null and void because the There are, however, recognized exceptions where the Court may
mortgagor was not the absolute owner of the mortgaged property. review questions of fact. These are: (1) when the factual conclusion
The dispositive portion of the CA Decision reads as follows: is a finding grounded entirely on speculations, surmises and
WHEREFORE, the appeal is DENIED for lack of merit. The conjectures; (2) when the inference is manifestly mistaken, absurd
assailed March 14, 2013 Decision and May 8, 2014 Order of the or impossible; (3) when there is abuse of discretion; (4) when the
RTC of Bacoor, Cavite, Branch 19, in Civil Case No. BCV 2004- judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; (5) when the
217, are AFFIRMED. findings of fact are conflicting; (6) when the CA went beyond the
issues of the case in making its findings, which are further contrary
SO ORDERED.[21] to the admissions of both the appellant and the appellee; (7) when
Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied by the CA's findings are contrary to those of the trial court; (8) when
the CA in its Resolution[22] dated September 10, 2015. the conclusions do not cite the specific evidence on which they are
based; (9) when the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the
Hence, the present Petition. The Court in its Resolution [23] dated petitioner's main and reply briefs are not disputed by the
January 13, 2016 denied the Petition for failure to sufficiently show respondents; (10) when the CA's findings of fact, supposedly
any reversible error in the challenged CA Decision and Resolution premised on the absence of evidence, are contradicted by the
as to warrant the exercise of the Court's appellate jurisdiction. evidence on record;[35] or (11) when the CA manifestly overlooked
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration[24] dated March 28, certain relevant facts not disputed by the parties, which, if properly
2016. Respondents opposed the Motion for Reconsideration and considered, would justify a different conclusion.[36]
filed an Opposition/Comment[25] dated April 20, 2016. In its
Resolution[26] dated October 3, 2016, the Court granted petitioners' As will be demonstrated below, the Court's review of the factual
Motion for Reconsideration, reinstated the Petition and required findings of the courts below is justified by the fourth, tenth and
respondents to comment on the Petition. Respondents filed their eleventh exceptions the assailed judgments of the CA and the RTC
Comment[27] dated February 4, 2017. Petitioners filed a are based on a misapprehension of facts; the findings of fact of the
Reply[28] dated July 10, 2017. CA and the RTC, supposedly premised on the absence of evidence,
are contradicted by the evidence on record; and the CA as well as
Issues the RTC manifestly overlooked certain relevant facts not disputed
by the parties, which, if properly considered, would justify a
The Petition raises the following issues: different conclusion.
In their Comment, respondents insist that respondent Arjona could In denying the issuance of the writ of execution, the appellate court
not have accompanied petitioners to the subject land at Torrod, ruled that the contract is null and void for its failure to describe
Labney because he was physically incapacitated and there was no with certainty the object thereof. While we agree that no writ of
motorized vehicle to transport him to the said place. execution may issue, we take exception to the appellate court’s
reason for its denial.
The Civil Code contains salutary provisions that encourage and
favor compromises and do not even require judicial approval. Since an amicable settlement, which partakes of the nature of a
Thus, under Article 2029 of the Civil Code, the courts must contract, is subject to the same legal provisions providing for the
endeavor to persuade the litigants in a civil case to agree upon validity, enforcement, rescission or annulment of ordinary
some fair compromise. Pursuant to Article 2037 of the Civil Code, contracts, there is a need to ascertain whether the Paknaan in
a compromise has upon the parties the effect and authority of res question has sufficiently complied with the requisites of validity in
judicata, and this is true even if the compromise is not judicially accordance with Article 1318 of the Civil Code. [5]
approved. Articles 2039 and 2031 thereof also provide for the
suspension of pending actions and mitigation of damages to the There is no question that there was meeting of the minds between
losing party who has shown a sincere desire for a compromise, in the contracting parties. In executing the Paknaan, the respondent
keeping with the Code’s policy of encouraging amicable undertook to convey 1 hectare of land to petitioners who accepted.
settlements.[3] It appears that while the Paknaan was prepared and signed by
respondent Arjona, petitioners acceded to the terms thereof by not
Cognizant of the beneficial effects of amicable settlements, disputing its contents and are in fact now seeking its enforcement.
the Katarungang Pambarangay Law (P.D. 1508) and later the The object is a 1-hectare parcel of land representing petitioners’
Local Government Code provide for a mechanism for conciliation inheritance from their deceased grandmother. The cause of the
where party-litigants can enter into an agreement in contract is the delivery of petitioners’ share in the inheritance. The
the barangay level to reduce the deterioration of the quality of inability of the municipal court to identify the exact location of the
justice due to indiscriminate filing of court cases. Thus, under inherited property did not negate the principal object of the
Section 416 of the said Code, an amicable settlement shall have the contract. This is an error occasioned by the failure of the parties to
force and effect of a final judgment of the court upon the expiration describe the subject property, which is correctible by reformation
of 10 days from the date thereof, unless repudiation of the and does not indicate the absence of the principal object as to
settlement has been made or a petition to nullify the award has render the contract void. It cannot be disputed that the object is
been filed before the proper court determinable as to its kind, i.e.1 hectare of land as inheritance, and
can be determined without need of a new contract or agreement.
Petitioners submit that since the amicable settlement had not been Clearly, the Paknaan has all the earmarks of a valid contract.
repudiated or impugned before the court within the 10-day
prescriptive period in accordance with Section 416 of the Local Although both parties agreed to transfer one-hectare real property,
Government Code, the enforcement of the same must be done as a they failed to include in the written document a sufficient
matter of course and a writ of execution must accordingly be issued description of the property to convey. This error is not one for
by the court. nullification of the instrument but only for reformation.
Generally, the rule is that where no repudiation was made during Article 1359 of the Civil Code provides:
the 10-day period, the amicable settlement attains the status of When, there having been a meeting of the minds of the
finality and it becomes the ministerial duty of the court to parties to a contract, their true intention is not expressed in the
implement and enforce it. However, such rule is not inflexible for it instrument purporting to embody the agreement by reason of
admits of certain exceptions. In Santos v. Judge Isidro,[4] the Court mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or accident, one of the parties
observed that special and exceptional circumstances, the may ask for the reformation of the instrument to the end that such
imperatives of substantial justice, or facts that may have transpired true intention may be expressed.
after the finality of judgment which would render its execution
If mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident has prevented a
meeting of the minds of the parties, the proper remedy is not
reformation of the instrument but annulment of the contract.
Reformation is a remedy in equity whereby a written
instrument is made or construed so as to express or conform to the
real intention of the parties where some error or mistake has been
committed.[7] In granting reformation, the remedy in equity is not
making a new contract for the parties, but establishing and
perpetuating the real contract between the parties which, under the
technical rules of law, could not be enforced but for such