Euro C1 Exam Guide
Euro C1 Exam Guide
Euro C1 Exam Guide
• Question Paper
• Answer Sheet
• Answer Key
• Question Paper
• Answer Sheet
• Marking Criteria & Model Answers
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Jelen kiadvány teljes egészében szerzői mű, az Euro Nyelvvizsga Kft. szellemi tulajdona. Bárminemű sokszorosítás vagy további
felhasználás kizárólag az Euro Nyelvvizsga Kft. kifejezett írásos hozzájárulásával engedélyezett! Az euroexam az Euro Nyelvvizsga
Kft. Magyarországon és más országokban bejegyzett védjegye.
Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e. Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e.
non-electronic) dictionary throughout this task. non-electronic) dictionary throughout the Reading Test.
Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e. Task 3 – Multiple-Choice Reading
non-electronic) dictionary during the last two minutes of The candidate reads two texts (ca. 400 words each) of
the test after the audio has finished. which one is a formal article. Both texts have a shared
theme. Each text has three multiple-choice questions. The
Dialogue questions test the understanding of detailed information,
a specific lexical item, meaning implied in the text and the
The candidate hears a dialogue of 8 turns including writer’s attitude.
two examples between two participants, a Hungarian
(speaking in Hungarian) and an English speaker (speaking
in English). One of the speakers may be an official. The
candidate writes down the main points of the conversation
in the opposite language to the one s/he hears. Two
examples are given.
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