Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Word Study for Beginners in the Letter Name-Alphabetic

Word Study Instruction

 How do we start?

 Analytic Phonics Approach

 Begins with whole words that are broken into letters
and sounds that students can compare and examine.

 Synthetic Phonics Approach

 Students are taught vowel and consonants in isolation
and then are expected to blend those sounds to decode
Reading Instruction
Reading Fluency
Sight word learning

 Word Banks

 Personal Readers
 “It is very important for you to be
mindful and systematic about teaching
students new words in the early
childhood years, as a way to close the
tremendous oral vocabulary gap that
exists between children who come from
literate homes and those who do not.
(Biemiller, 2005)”
Concept Sorts
 Sophisticated Synonyms

 “Weather watcher”
 “meteorologist”
Sequence and Pacing of Word Study
Early Letter Name Alphabetic Stage
Consonant Sounds

 Avoid contrasting letter pairs when you

first teach these sounds:
 b/p
 d/t
 g/k
 z/s
 v/f
 j/ch
Short Vowels

 It is best to start with short a families

(at, an, ad, ap, ag)
Middle Letter Name Stage

 Mixed Vowel Word Families

big dog bag

dig frog wag
pig hog rag
wig log flag
Word Families
 Include words with digraphs and blends once they are

 Supply supplemental reading materials that feature

word families.

 Plan follow-up activities

 Blind sorts, writing sorts, re-sorting

 Set a fast pace

 Students may still make errors in spelling short vowels, but
many understand that words that sound alike share similar
Late Letter Name
Late Letter Name
 The nasal sounds associated with m,n, and
ng are made by air passing through the
nasal cavity in the mouth.
 When they come right before a final
consonant they are preconsonantal nasals.
 PEK for pink
 “Letters that are associated with more than one
sound (c,g, and all the vowels) or letters that share a
sound with another letter (k,c,s,g,j) require more
instructional time and attention.”
Which stage is this example?
Beginning, middle, end

 1- Word sorts with short vowels in CVC words.

 a/o, i/u

 2- Word sorts for R-influenced words.

 a/ar o/or

 3- Picture sorts for initial consonants.

 4- Word sorts for mixed vowel word families.

 at/ot/it
Concept of Word in Text

 Rudimentary
 Students can point to and track the words of a
memorized text using their knowledge of
consonants as clues to word boundaries, but
they may get confused with two-syllable

 Firm
 Students can finger point read accurately, and
if they get off track they can quickly correct
themselves without voice pointing or starting
English Language Learners

Bear, D. R., Invernizzi, M.,

Johnston, F., & Templeton, S.
(2016). Words their way: Word
study for phonics, vocabulary,
and spelling instruction (6th
ed.). Pearson.

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