Fr. Jaime Bulatao & Filipino Psychology

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Jaime Bulatao & Filipino Psychology

• Most theories are Western - learn Filipino ▪ Nothing out of this world; is
• Possession and poltergeist readings something we all feel
◦ Freud would say it’s the id and neurotic ▪ Mirror neurons - help us feel what
anxiety others are feeling
• Who was Fr. Bu? ▪ Ex - sit beside someone and know
◦ Finished degree in clinical psychology at they feel bad then you start to feel
Fordham, New York bad too
◦ Known for paranormal psychology but trained ▪ Ex - looking at friend crying and your
in experimental psychology chest hurts too
◦ Time when behaviorism was at its peak ▪ Ex - looking at a plain painting and
◦ Head the central guidance office of ADMU you get feelings from it
◦ Established the psychology department ▪ Not literal; is subliminally perceived
◦ One of the founders of the psychological ▪ Like Jung’s personal, or even
association of the Philippines collective unconscious
◦ Known for his work regarding paranormal/folk • Day consciousness - objective mind
phenomena ◦ Usually dominates, easy to understand
• Nature of reality ◦ "Waking consciousness” - the ego
◦ Objective reality - observable, verifiable, • Night consciousness - subjective mind
measurable (like a behavioral perspective) ◦ Not usually apparent; speaks its own
▪ Ex - friend seenzoned you language
◦ Subjective reality - as experienced by the ◦ Doesn’t speak in any language everyone
subject commonly understand
▪ Ex - how you react to friend ◦ That language is difficult to understand and
seenzoning you access with conscious minds
▪ Different from common experience; ◦ Like bad google translate; if try to understand
personal experience w normal consciousness, seems weird
• 2 worlds of consciousness ◦ may come out absurd, distorted, and symbolic
◦ Objective mind - connected to objective reality ◦ May be what happens when we experience
▪ Concerned w/ problem solving, supernatural phenomena
information, surviving in the world of ◦ Borrow images/objects from the objective
objects world to express
▪ Objects/things around me • The subjective mind
▪ For freud and jung, would be the ego ◦ Understanding “possession”
◦ Subjective mind - connected to subjective ◦ Ako = conductor
reality ◦ Sub-selves = orchestra members
▪ This part of us doesn’t operate on ◦ Sub-self = closely associated images,
objective conceptualization (what my thoughts, feelings, and
senses tell me/whats told & literal); ◦ Understanding poltergeist
operates on empathy & feel/intuition • Collective unconscious
▪ Not physical senses and info we ◦ Memories of everyone alive once humans had
gather from them; about underlying consciousness
experience ◦ Nature = zoom in shapes and arteries;
▪ Experiences, empathizes, knows detailed na part of the patterns
Fr. Jaime Bulatao & Filipino Psychology

◦ Archetypes - Made of specific memories of

◦ Zoom out = look at nature - oceans/roots look
like arteries
◦ Collective unconscious bigger
◦ More encompassing patterns/aspects

• Oliver Sacks
◦ Children may feel/experience and
see more cause when they’re
younger, they’re more connected to
collective unconscious; less ego
◦ Children more biologically prone to
feel these things
◦ Ghosts - connected to all the things
that make the patterns; even the
little memories
◦ Not sensitive to paranormal; can
zoom in and access parts of collective
unconscious - tap into memories
related to it via the collective
◦ Someone else’s
◦ People suddenly find God after going
thru major accidents
◦ Eclectic foci (?)
◦ Found across several cases - all had it
in the brain
◦ Visual hallucinations - see little
animals and little people
◦ Sometimes all hallucinations look
the same BUT don’t lose touch of
reality - see them anyway
◦ Some experience “supernatural” for
younger kids - imaginary friend

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