Principles of Facial Diagnosis

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The key takeaways are the three fundamental principles of facial diagnosis which are unity of disease and cure, foreign matter theory, and the principle that there is no disease without fever. It also discusses the causes of disease and encumbrances according to nature cure and foreign matter theory.

The three fundamental principles of facial diagnosis are unity of disease and cure, foreign matter theory, and the principle that there is no disease without fever and no fever without disease.

The three causes of diseases according to the nature cure system are abnormal composition of blood and lymph, lowered vitality, and deficiencies of nature’s law through habits, ignorance and laziness leading to disease.

Principles of Facial Diagnosis

 Facial diagnosis is the science of diagnosing the internal
condition of the body from the external appearance.

  It is determine the physical status of a person from external


 The diagnosis is possible, to discover accurately the

amount and location of the foreign matter in the body.

LOUIS KUHNE: Father of Facial Diagnosis


Fundamental Principles of Facial Diagnosis

1. Unity of disease and unity of cure
2. Foreign matter theory 
3. There is no disease without fever and no fever without

Unity of disease and Unity of Cure

It was put forward by Louis Kuhne. Cause for all the diseases –
accumulation of toxins .Cause for all cure-elimination of toxins.
As mentioned, disease and cure are a unity. The former may not
be suppressed lest the latter fail of attainment. In order that a
clear conception of the substance of the text may be obtained, a
short explanation of the meaning of the thought expressed in the
first sentence and of the principles upon which the efficacy of
the fast in the treatment of disease is based is essential. 
It is also necessary, for the purpose of defining the distinction
that exists between fasting and starvation, to discuss later on the
physiological changes developed in the progress of the latter
phenomenon, since, in the popular mind, fasting is invariably
confounded with starvation. 
Causes of Diseases:
Nature cure system says that deposit as retention of metabolites
in the system is disease and it is known as toxemia resulting
from enervation.

Three causes for diseases are:

1. Abnormal composition of blood and lymph.
2. lowered vitality.
 Deficiencies of nature’s law through habits, ignorance and
laziness may lead to disease.
 Germs grow in the baby because of nutrients provide by
 Primary cause of disease is manifestation and a violation to
natures law leads to disease.
Primary requirement of cells are:
1. Innervations:
This is the proper nerve supply to the body. If it is altered,
then it leads to lower vitality and hence the whole organ
system is damaged.
 2. Nutrition :
Depends on the normal composition of blood, lymph etc. an
abnormal composition of these leads to important cause of
 3. Drainage:
Life activities are constant and hence constantly generate end
products which require to be eliminated.

Factor affecting unity of disease:

1. Strain:
Physical, mental, emotional, environmental.
2. Wrong food habits:
Fast food, junk food, steal food , and un time eating habits.
3. Innervations:
Improper nerve supply in the different parts of the body.
4. Insufficient elimination:
After the intake of food there must be proper ex-creation.
Deposition of morbid matter leads to encumbrance.
 All these above mention leads to the retention of waste
products which in turn leads to the retention of toxin then
to chronic diseases. It also leads to degenerative conditions.
Natural methods of treatments:
Natural cure is the system of man building in harmony with the
constructive principle in nature on the physical, mental and
moral planes of being.
The natural methods of treatment must keep the inflammatory
activities below the danger point and within the constructive
The natural methods are:
1. Return to nature:
 Implementation of natural habits to the society is important.
 Proper reasoning, will power and self control should be
 Return to natural habits as in thinking breathing, sleeping,
everything involved in our daily life.
2. Economic of vital forces:
 Needs for prevention of wastes of vital force by excessive
metabolism and wrong habits is associated.
 Scientific relaxation proper rest in sleep proper food habits,
right mental attitude and positive thinking.
3. Elimination:
It requires the proper selection of food and drinks in the right
Regular fasting is required.
Hence unity of cure means, there is only one cure for all
diseases that is elimination of morbid matter.
Natural immunity:
Nature cure philosophy believes that bacteria develop from
microzyma the primal units of living organism, but this occurs
only under morbid, pathogenic conditions. These microzyma
may be the remains of decomposing bacteria entering the system
from without, or microzyma of normal cells may develop into
bacteria under pathogenic conditions within the body.
Thus microzymain theory of disease positively confirms the
claims of nature cure philosophy that bacteria and parasites are
scavengers of pathogenic materials, that inflammation is a
purifying ,healing process and that therefore acute, febrile
disease are as normal and orderly as anything else in nature.
The development of the infectious and contagious diseases
necessitates at certain predisposition, or, as medical science calls
it , “disease diathesis “. This predisposition to infection and
contagion consists in and is explained by the unity of disease.

Foreign Matter Theory

This theory states that disease occurs due to the accumulation of
foreign matter in the body.
Undigested, uneliminated, unexcreted matter which is harmful
for the body is called morbid matter.
It is nothing but the deposition of the fatty or effete material or
morbid matter.
There are 4 types of encumbrances:
1. Front encumbrance
2. Side encumbrance
3. Back encumbrance
4. Mixed encumbrance

Foreign matter is generated in the body through:

Improper diet :-
unnatural foods which cannot be assimilated by the digestive

Wrong habits :-
Improper lifestyle
Poor elimination :-

 The presence of such foreign matter in the system is


 The system seeks to expel this matter through the bowels,

lungs, kidneys and skin and unable to do so deposits it
wherever it can.

 Foreign matter originates in the abdomen.

 Gradually accumulates in other parts of the body 

 Early stage – expelled – small crises – diarrhoea, profuse

perspiration and copius discharge of urine.

 Some residue left – intense heat arises – fermentation and

gases are generated.

 Pain, fever and painful inflammatory disease

 Chronic conditions – Foreign matter remains in body in the
latent form (encumberance)

There is no disease without fever and no

fever without disease
Entrance of foreign matter and the formation of deposit

Struggle between the organism and morbid matter

Cause increased internal activity or friction


A characteristic symptom of acute disease is the fever; it is a

process of combustion of accumulated morbid matter in the
entire system which has transformed in fermentation; it is
therefore a self-healing and self-purifying process of
Nature”.Three cardinal features or symptoms in all acute
diseases: increased temperature, increased heart rate or pulse
and increased respiration”. These symptoms to include
“excitability, heat, rapid pulse, disturbance of the nervous
system, and also digestion, coated tongue, increased
temperature, sometimes as high as 105°F [40.6°C], pulse beating
80-120 per minute, increased respiration and a changeable
feeling of cold and heat. Those who fail to realize that all acute
conditions are natural healing efforts of nature, and are
necessary in order to promote the destruction, oxidation and
elimination of morbid matter from the body, will continue to
look for remedies and measures to counteract these natural
All acute diseases are uniform in their causes, their purpose and
if conditions are favorable, uniform also in their progressive
development”. To understand the fever one could harness its
potential for healing.
Disease is a state in which the body has either taken in more
than it can use and has accumulated more waste than it can
eliminate, or it has been deprived of the elements necessary to
repair the waste of cellular activity and support the life

These were the conditions that were responsible for the chemical
changes in the body that produced an increase in body
temperature (the fever) accompanying acute disease.The fever
found in acute diseases was, in fact, a good sign according to
NDs and not something to be invariably battled.

Chronic diseases are the result of acute diseases suppressed by

medicines, or of acute diseases which have not become properly
developed in consequence of too much accumulation of morbid
matter and therefore very low vitality, or they are the
consequence of vaccination.
1. Philosophy and practice of nature cure; by Henry Lindlahr
2. The facial diagnosis ; by Louis Kuhne  
3. Google search

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