Basic Principles of Naturopathy
Basic Principles of Naturopathy
Basic Principles of Naturopathy
Naturopathy can be defined as a system that utilizes the inherent healing
forces/energies available within the body and the mind to help person maintain health
and get rid of the diseases. Naturopathy allows use of methods, medicines and
techniques that are in harmony with the natural processes and that support the inherent
healing forces.
The basic principles of naturopathy are as given below,
1. The Morbid Matter Theory:
The basic cause of disease is not bacteria. Bacteria develop after the accumulation of
morbid matter (toxins) when a favourable condition for their growth develops in the
body. Basic cause is morbid matter and not the bacteria.
Toxins and waste products are generated during the process of metabolism. Toxin is
produced due to improper digestion of the food, which does not get absorbed and
assimilated or excreted through normal channels but remains in the G.I. Tract. With
continuing causative factors, toxins accumulate in the body. Accumulation of toxins is
the causes of majority of diseases arising within our body.
The pathogenic agent itself does not directly cause the symptoms accompanying the
disease; rather, they are the result of the organisms attempt to defend and heal itself.
Many diseases of the body are born due to accumulation of such morbid matter
produced during process of digestion. Normally, these toxins are excreted-out as bodys
waste, but due to incorrect diet and lifestyle and negative mental attitude, these toxins
start accumulating in the body and eventually cause the disease. Therefore, the basis of
all treatment in naturopathy is to assist body in removing these accumulated toxins
through normal channels.
Symptoms are the part of constructive phenomenon that is the best choice the
organism can make, given the circumstances at any given time. This is also known as
healing reaction, the ultimate aim of the process is to maintain Homeostasis.
The process of cure of the any disease consists largely in purifying the body of morbid
materials (detoxification). Detoxification is achieved by Fasting, dietary changes and
external treatments that support the inherent healing forces to detoxify itself.
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2. Acute diseases are friends and not foes/enemies. Chronic diseases are outcome of
wrong treatment and suppression of the acute conditions.
Every acute disease is the result of a purifying and self-healing effort of the body.
Acute disease like fever, cold, diarrhoea and oedema are caused as a result of bodys
efforts to remove these toxins. If these symptoms are not serious, by letting these
bodily cleansing processes do its job patiently, we can help the body heal itself.
Normally, these diseases get cured on their own.
Role of the doctor is to remain vigilant and to see that the patient does not end up
with physiological complication like dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and so forth.
Continued accumulation of toxins in the body over a long period of time and their
suppression through medicines eventually leads to chronic conditions such as
asthma, kidney problems, rheumatism, diabetes, etc.
Patients suffering from chronic diseases are also treated successfully in relatively
less time in naturopathy. Chronic conditions can be treated depending upon,
3. All the diseases, their cause and their treatment are one.
In other words, all the diseases are similar in nature. They have a common cause and
therefore, can be cured through a common treatment.
According to Henry Lindlahr, the cause of all diseases could be attributed to,
Lowered vitality
Abnormal composition of vital fluids (i.e., blood, lymph, cytoplasm) and
Accumulation of toxins
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4. The diagnosis, as understood in allopathic and other treatments is not required for
treatment. Naturopathy diagnosis is simple.
5. After emerging, supressed diseases can be cured by naturopathy.
6. It is believed that nature is the greatest healer. Body has the capacity to prevent
itself from diseases and regain health if unhealthy, if appropriate environment is
7. The patient is treated as a whole and not just the disease or the affected organ/s.
In allopathy the method of treating diseases is SYMPTOMATIC and COMBATIVE while
in naturopathy it is HOLISTIC and PREVENTIVE.
Nature cure treats physical, mental, social (moral) and spiritual, all four aspects of
health at the same time.
Thus the Holistic approach involves healing the mind, body and soul by attaining
physical and mental balance. Along with conventional naturopathic treatments,
developing spiritual awareness is an essential aspect of naturopathy. Therefore,
practices according to individual faith to eradicate mental impurities and quietening
and balancing the mind is encouraged.
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Philosophy and practice of Nature Cure by Henry Lindlahr
Kudarati Upachar Jitendre Prasad
Publications of Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN)
E-mail: [email protected]
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Yoga classes
I am offering a variety of yoga
programs this year. There are
programs for beginners and firsttimers, as well as for more
experienced practitioners. A program
can also be developed according to
your specific needs and condition/s. Pl
contact me to discuss your specific
needs and which yoga program would
suit you the best!
Nimesh Shah
Lifestyle Consultations
Living a Healthy Lifestyle Naturally!
Through these consultations, the patient is given a better
understanding of various factors contributing to a naturally
healthy lifestyle. If presented with any condition, we may be
able to identify the causative factors behind the illness or the
imbalances. The patient is explained about things to be
avoided, which could be contributing to his/her current
discomforts and given advice on changes which would help
his/her live a healthy lifestyle naturally. S/he is also explained
the benefits of various lifestyle factors.
For an appointment, please contact me through e-mail
or mobile
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