Engineering Metrology: Code: ME5T4

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PVP 14

Code: ME5T4

III B.Tech - I Semester – Supplementary Examinations – May 2017


Duration: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Answer all the questions. All questions carry equal marks
11 x 2 = 22 M

a) What is deviation and nominal size?
b) What is Unilateral and Bilateral tolerance system?
c) Write the applications of slip gauges.
d) Write the limitations of micrometers.
e) Explain the major difference between profile and position
f) What is interferometer and write its applications?
g) What is the difference between Roughness and Waviness?
h) Define Backlash and concentricity.
i) What is ‘Best size’ wire?
j) Write the limitations of Pneumatic comparators.
k) Explain the necessity of alignment test on milling machine.

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Answer any THREE questions. All questions carry equal

marks. 3 x 16 = 48 M

2. a) What is limit and fit? Explain with hole and shaft based
system. 8M

b) Explain clearly the push fit, driving fit, forced

fit and shrinking fit and how they can be achieved? 8M

3. Explain the principle and construction of Angle dekkor &

sine bar. How do you use them in the measurement of angle
and tapers? 16 M

4. a) Explain how to measure the surface roughness by using

Profilograph. 8M

b) In the measurement of surface roughness, height of 20

successive peaks and troughs were measured from a
datum and were :35,25,40,22,32,21,22,18,38,25,45,36,34,
34,45,21,25,22,35,28 Microns. If these measurements were
obtained over a length of 20mm. Determine the C.L.A and
R.M.S VALUE of roughness. 8M

5. Derive the mathematical expression for measuring Effective

diameter of Screw threads using 2 wire and 3 wire methods.
16 M
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6. With a neat sketch, explain any one optical, electrical
and electronic comparators. 16 M

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