BASIX Thermal Comfort Protocols Mar09

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28 March 2009

Copyright © 2009 NSW Department of Planning

Sydney, NSW

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BASIX Thermal Comfort Protocol

1 Introduction 4
1.1 What is BASIX? 4
1.2 About the Thermal Comfort Index of the BASIX tool 4
1.3 About this Protocol 4
1.4 Definitions 4
2 Accreditation of organisations and Assessors 6
2.1 Aim 6
2.2 Scope 6
2.3 Application to be an Accrediting Organisation 6
2.4 Accreditation of assessors by Accrediting Organisations 6
2.5 Training to be provided 7
2.6 Auditing 7
2.7 Quality assurance 7
2.8 Accredited Assessor support 7
2.9 Expert Referral system for circumstances outside software limitations 7
2.10 Other Rules and Guidelines 8
2.11 Notification of operational changes 8
3 Software used to conduct Simulations 9
3.1 Aim 9
3.2 Applications to have software approved 9
3.3 Support for Approved Software 9
3.4 Updates to Approved Software 9
3.5 Criteria for Approved Software 9
3.6 Current list of Approved Software 10
4 Conducting Simulations 11
4.1 Aim 11
4.2 Accredited Assessors eligible to conduct Simulations 11
4.3 Simulation procedures 11
4.4 Software use 11
4.5 Spaces to be included in conditioned and unconditioned zones 11
4.6 Modification of Approved Software outputs 12
4.7 Climate zone 12
4.8 Multi-Unit Dwellings 12
4.9 Ground reflectance 12
4.10 Construction 12
4.11 Colours 13
4.12 Insulation 14

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4.13 Glazing 14
4.14 Zoning 14
4.15 Adjacent buildings 16
4.16 Trees and vegetation 16
4.17 Building sealing 16
4.18 Heating and cooling appliances 16
4.19 Building Code of Australia Energy Efficiency requirements 16
5 Limitations of Approved Software 16
5.1 General 16
5.2 Circumstances outside software limitations 16
6 Documentation required for Assessments 17
6.1 Assessor Certificate 17
6.2 Information required on drawings and specifications 17
Appendix: 2 Generation Software Maximum Loads 1

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1 Introduction

1.1 What is BASIX?

BASIX is the Building Sustainability Index. It is a web-based planning tool designed to assess the
potential performance of new homes against a range of sustainability indices: Water, Thermal Comfort
and Energy. BASIX aims to reduce the environmental impact of new development and to produce
homes that are more comfortable and cheaper to run than most existing homes.
BASIX was introduced into the development approval process in NSW on 1 July 2004 under the
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
More information about BASIX, including the requirements for completing a BASIX assessment, is
available on the BASIX website,

1.2 About the Thermal Comfort Index of the BASIX tool

The Thermal Comfort Index of the BASIX tool assesses the heating and cooling loads placed on a
dwelling by its fabric. It does not assess the heating and cooling appliance or fuel type – these are
assessed in the Energy Index. The Thermal Comfort Index of BASIX aims to:

1. To ensure thermal comfort for a dwelling's occupants appropriate to the climate and season.
2. To provide the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from artificial cooling and heating
through good building design and use of appropriate construction materials.
3. To reduce the demand for new, or upgraded, energy infrastructure by managing peak demand for
energy required for cooling and heating.

1.3 About this Protocol

To complete the Thermal Comfort Index of a BASIX assessment, applicants can choose between a Rapid
method which sets simple non-flexible standards for the dwelling, a DIY method which has minimum
insulation and a flexible glazing assessment, or the ‘Simulation’ method for a more detailed
The Rapid and DIY methods are completed within the BASIX assessment framework, whereas the
Simulation method involves the assessment of the thermal performance of a proposal by an Accredited
This Protocol applies to the Simulation method for the Thermal Comfort Index of BASIX, and ensures
that thermal performance assessments under the Simulation method are carried out consistently and
accurately. This Protocol establishes requirements for:
 the accreditation of organisations that may accredit assessors to conduct Simulations, and the
accreditation of assessors by such organisations;
 the software which can be used by Accredited Assessors to conduct Simulations; and
 the manner in which Simulations are to be conducted by Accredited Assessors.

1.4 Definitions
Terms used in this document have the meaning given to them below.
Accredited Assessor means a person accredited by the Association of Building Sustainability Assessors
(ABSA) or by another organisation accredited by DoP to issue certificates in relation to a building’s
thermal performance.
Accrediting Organisation means an organisation approved by DoP to accredit assessors for the
purposes of conducting Simulations.

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Approved Software means software that has been approved by DoP for conducting Simulations.
Assessor Certificate means a certificate issued by an Accredited Assessor.
Attached dwelling house means a dwelling which is attached to, or less than 0.5m from, any other
dwelling or building (excluding a garage or carpark), but which does not have another dwelling or
building (excluding a garage or carpark) above or below it, such as a semi-detached house, terrace
house, row house or townhouse.
DoP means the NSW Department of Planning.
Conditioned floor area in relation to a dwelling, means the total floor area of the dwelling, excluding:
a) floor area that is not fully enclosed;
b) bathrooms (but not ensuites) and laundries, with a ventilation opening; and
c) voids, store rooms, garages and carparks.
Separate dwelling house means a dwelling which is separated from all other dwellings and other
buildings (excluding a garage or carpark) by at least 0.5m.
Simulation means the modelling of a dwelling using Approved Software for the purposes of
demonstrating compliance with the BASIX Thermal Comfort Index.
Software Provider means a provider and/or distributor of thermal modelling software.
Unconditioned floor area in relation to a dwelling, means the total floor area of all bathrooms (not
including ensuites) and laundries, with a ventilation opening.

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2 Accreditation of organisations and Assessors

2.1 Aim
The aim of this section of the Protocol is to establish requirements for the accreditation of
organisations that may accredit assessors to conduct Simulations, and the accreditation of assessors by
such organisations.

2.2 Scope
This section only applies to activities of Accrediting Organisations and Accredited Assessors that relate
to conducting Simulations for the purposes of compliance with the Thermal Comfort Index of BASIX.

2.3 Application to be an Accrediting Organisation

Organisations must apply to DoP for accreditation to accredit assessors to conduct thermal
performance Simulations for BASIX. Only organisations can apply: DoP will not directly accredit
individual assessors.
Applications to DoP by an organisation seeking accreditation must include the following information
(additional information may be requested):
 an outline of the processes that will be undertaken by the organisation in accrediting, training,
supporting and auditing Accredited Assessors in relation to conducting Simulations;
 a list of Accredited Assessors considered eligible to conduct Simulations at the time of application
(access to an up-to-date list must be provided to DoP as requested). Accredited Assessors with part
or limited accreditation must be identified to DoP;
 explanatory material provided to Accredited Assessors such as guidelines and procedures for
conducting Simulations;
 material used to train Accredited Assessors, including a description of the learning outcomes;
 examination material used in the accreditation of assessors to conduct Simulations;
 details of referral systems available for circumstances beyond the capability of the Approved
Software, for example an expert referral system.
 the criteria by which accreditation of assessors may be withdrawn.

DoP will assess applications for the accreditation of an Accrediting Organisation and determine whether
an organisation will be accredited. DoP may rely on expert advice when assessing applications.
Following determination, DoP will notify the applying organisation in writing of the outcome of the
The contact details of approved Accrediting Organisations will be listed on the BASIX website,

2.4 Accreditation of assessors by Accrediting Organisations

An Accrediting Organisation may accredit qualified individuals as Accredited Assessors for the purposes
of conducting Simulations to determine the heating and cooling loads of buildings for use in BASIX

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2.5 Training to be provided

An Accrediting Organisation is responsible for ensuring that prospective assessors hold the national
qualification Short Course in Building Performance (Residential). Training may be provided by the
Accrediting Organisation or other registered training providers.
An Accrediting Organisation must examine Accredited Assessors in the use of the Approved Software
and their understanding of the training material. The examination must cover the types of dwellings,
construction systems and materials that the Accredited Assessors is likely to simulate for the purposes
of demonstrating compliance with BASIX.
An Accrediting Organisation must provide Accredited Assessors with training in BASIX in relation to the
o understanding how a Simulation relates to the completion of a BASIX assessment;
o understanding the way Approved Software outputs are handled by BASIX;
o determining whether a Simulation concession is applicable and adequately documenting
evidence to support the concession;
o issuing Assessor Certificates in an appropriate form;
o ongoing training to ensure Accredited Assessors have an up-to-date understanding in
relation to the above.

2.6 Auditing
An Accrediting Organisation must have a system in place for auditing Accredited Assessors in their role
of conducting Simulations. An auditing report must be provided to DoP at suitable intervals. Accrediting
Organisations must take steps to resolve serious and recurring issues that arise as a result of auditing.

2.7 Quality assurance

An Accrediting Organisation must have a quality assurance system in place (such as a code of practice
and/or standardised procedures) to ensure Simulations are conducted in a uniform manner.

2.8 Accredited Assessor support

An Accrediting Organisation must provide Accredited Assessors with sufficient support in relation to
their role of conducting Simulations and obligations under this Protocol. Accrediting Organisations
must provide assistance to Accredited Assessors in their role of advising clients on compliance with the
BASIX Thermal Comfort requirements.

2.9 Expert Referral system for circumstances outside software limitations

An Accrediting Organisation must have a system for referring dwellings, design strategies, construction
systems and materials that are deemed by the Accrediting Organisation and/or the Software Provider
to be beyond the capability of the Approved Software. These projects must be referred to an expert or
experts appointed by the Accrediting Organisation.
The expert is to consider equivalence to the level thermal performance required by BASIX and may not
include any concessions other than those defined by BASIX.
The expert must clearly identify the circumstances in which referral will be required, and it must be
mandatory for Accredited Assessors to refer in these circumstances. The system must require a
response to the applicant to be provided within 21 days of receipt of an application.
Accrediting Organisations must appoint persons to assess dwellings within the referral system. The
credentials and expertise of persons to which developments are referred must be made available to the
public, Accredited Assessors and DoP.

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The referral system must consider the requirements of this Protocol, including Simulation procedures,
and the aims and requirements of the BASIX Thermal Comfort Index (e.g., required shading for cross
ventilated dwellings) when assessing the dwelling.
Where other software simulation results or calculations are submitted as evidence, the software must
have appropriate credentials (eg meets the requirements of BESTEST) and settings used in those
simulations or calculations must be equivalent to the settings used in the Approved Software unless
evidence is provided to support an alternative setting.

2.9.1 Expert Reporting

The expert considering the development must provide a Referral Report to the Accredited Assessor for
submission with the development application or application for a complying development certificate.
The Accrediting Organisation must be provided with a copy for record keeping.
This Referral Report must outline:
 the reason for the referral,
 the features of the development which were assessed,
 the method of alternative assessment,
 the features which ensure equivalent thermal performance to those required by BASIX.
The Referral Report must not be issued until those aspects of the dwelling that support the result are
reflected on the drawings and documentation.

2.10 Other Rules and Guidelines

Accrediting Organisations may have other rules and guidelines relating to the conduct and activities of
an Accredited Assessor. The Accrediting Organisation is responsible for ensuring these are consistent
with this Protocol.

2.11 Notification of operational changes

An Accrediting Organisation must inform DoP of changes to its operations that may affect its status as
an Accrediting Organisation.

Note: The Association of Building Sustainability Assessors (ABSA) is considered an Accrediting


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3 Software used to conduct Simulations

3.1 Aim
The aim of this section of the Protocol is to establish a common and appropriate benchmark for all
software used to conduct Simulations to demonstrate compliance with the Thermal Comfort Index of

3.2 Applications to have software approved

Software Providers must apply to DoP for software to be approved for the purpose of conducting
thermal performance Simulations for the Thermal Comfort Index of BASIX.
These applications must include information demonstrating that the software meets the criteria listed
in section 3.5 of this Protocol.
DoP will assess applications and determine whether approval will be given. DoP may rely on expert
advice when assessing applications. Following determination, DoP will notify the Software Provider in
writing of the outcome of the application.

3.3 Support for Approved Software

Software Providers must provide sufficient support for Accredited Assessors to enable them to conduct
Simulations using Approved Software. Details of support measures, including response times and
communication methods (e.g. via email), must be provided to DoP. Joint support mechanisms between
Software Providers and Accrediting Organisations are permissible.

3.4 Updates to Approved Software

Software Providers must abide by the following procedures when updating software:
Minor Updates (including new construction element options in the Approved Software tool or changes
to thermal performance assumptions relating to existing construction elements):
Software Providers must notify DoP and Accrediting Organisations prior to the change being released
when minor updates to Approved Software tools are made. The changes must be verified by a suitably
qualified person. Approval by DoP to make these changes is not required.
Major Updates (including updates to the version number of Approved Software tools, changes to
settings and assumptions in Approved Software tools, and any changes that may impact on compliance
with section 3.5 below):
Software Providers must submit proposed updates to DoP for approval and notify Accrediting
Organisations of the changes following approval by DoP and prior to the update.

3.5 Criteria for Approved Software

Software must meet the following criteria before it can be used for conducting Simulations:
 It must comply with the Australian Building Codes Board Protocol for House Energy Rating Software
as updated from time to time available at
 Comparisons between the software submitted for approval and AccuRate Australian Edition v1.1.4.1
must indicate that the submitted software has heating and cooling loads that are, on average, within
6% of AccuRate Australian Edition v1.1.4.1 loads for a sample of dwellings. Greater variation may be
acceptable in certain circumstances where the difference is a result of greater accuracy using the
proposed software. The sample of dwellings for comparison will be provided by DoP.
 Limitations of the software must be clearly documented and made available to Accrediting
Organisations, Accredited Assessors and DoP.

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3.6 Current list of Approved Software

Approved Software at the date of this Protocol is listed in Table 1. This table will be updated when new
versions or software packages are approved by DoP.
Note: Approved Software applies only to the version numbers shown.
Software that is Provisionally Approved may be used until further notice from DoP.
‘First generation’ software tools such as NatHERS, First Rate 4 and BERS 3.2 are no longer Approved
Software under this Protocol.

Table 1: Approved Software as at date of this Protocol

Approved Software
AccuRate Australian Edition v1.1.4.1 All dwellings

Provisionally Approved Software

First Rate5 - version 5.0.215 Separate dwelling houses and attached dwelling
houses only
BERS Pro - version current at All dwellings

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4 Conducting Simulations

4.1 Aim
The aim of this section of the Protocol is to establish procedures to be followed by Accredited Assessors
when conducting Simulations of dwellings using Approved Software to demonstrate compliance with
the Thermal Comfort Index of BASIX.

4.2 Accredited Assessors eligible to conduct Simulations

Accredited Assessors are only eligible to conduct Simulations if they are accredited to do so with an
Accrediting Organisation under this Protocol.
Accredited Assessors must only conduct Simulations for those dwelling types or circumstances allowed
by their accreditation.

4.3 Simulation procedures

When conducting Simulations, Accredited Assessors may only use Approved Software under this
Accredited Assessors must follow the Accrediting Organisation’s rules and guidelines in addition to the
rules set out below.
Accredited Assessors must abide by the following procedures when conducting Simulations.

4.4 Software use

Software must be operated in accordance with:
a. these Assessment Procedures (which prevail over other procedures);
b. the user manual or help files provided with the software;
c. any training material received while completing the required qualification; and
d. other procedures issued by an Accrediting Organisation.
Software must only be used within any declared limitations. The Expert Referral system must be used
where the dwelling is beyond the limitations of the software.

4.5 Spaces to be included in conditioned and unconditioned zones

The Approved Software definitions for conditioned and unconditioned zones may differ from the BASIX
definitions for conditioned and unconditioned floor areas. When conducting Simulations:
 All spaces that fall under the BASIX definition of conditioned floor area must be included in a
conditioned zone. Ensuites must be included in a conditioned zone whether or not they have a
ventilation opening.
 All spaces that fall under the BASIX definition of unconditioned floor area must be included in an
unconditioned zone.
Spaces that cannot be fully enclosed such as balconies, or rooms with mesh or open screens, are
considered external space and should not be included in either a conditioned or unconditioned zone.
BASIX Definition - Conditioned floor area, in relation to a dwelling, means the total floor area of the
dwelling, excluding:
a) floor area that is not fully enclosed;
b) bathrooms (but not ensuites) and laundries, with a ventilation opening; and
c) voids, store rooms, garages and carparks.

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BASIX Definition - Unconditioned floor area, in relation to a dwelling, means the total floor area of all
bathrooms (not including ensuites) and laundries, with a ventilation opening.

These definitions have the following effects:

 Separate bathrooms and toilets and laundries with a ventilation opening (e.g. operable window)
must be included in an unconditioned zone.
 Separate bathrooms and toilets and laundries without a ventilation opening (e.g. operable window)
must be included in a conditioned zone as they will be required to have mechanical ventilation
which will generally draw conditioned air in from an adjacent conditioned zone.

4.6 Modification of Approved Software outputs

Only where directed to do so through the Expert Referral System described in the Thermal Comfort
Protocol are modifications to the loads calculated by the Approved Software permitted.

4.7 Climate zone

Assessors must use the correct postcode for the site. If the Approved Software lists more than two
climate zones for a postcode, the Assessor must use the first climate zone. Alternative climate zones for
a postcode can only be used with the permission of the DoP.

4.8 Multi-Unit Dwellings

Results for a given dwelling may be used for another similar dwelling where there is less than 5%
variation in any of the following:
• Orientation (azimuth, not orientation sector)
• Areas of any external wall, glazing, floor or ceiling
• Areas of any wall, floor or ceiling adjacent to a neighbouring building or dwelling
• Areas of roof colour/solar absorptance
• Dimensions of adjacent buildings or structures

4.9 Ground reflectance

The default setting in the Approved Software for ground reflectance must be used regardless of the
surfaces surrounding of the building.

4.10 Construction

4.10.1 General

Construction of the assessed building must be modelled as indicated on the drawings and specifications
produced for the building control authority. Unusual construction systems must be clearly described
with details.

4.10.2 Construction materials and systems

Assessors must only model construction systems (i.e. combinations of construction materials) that are
embedded into Approved Software or have been issued by the software provider (or its support
agency). When developing construction systems, software providers (or their support agencies) must
give consideration to installation practices.

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4.10.3 Sub-floor ventilation

Sub-floor spaces must be modelled as shown on the drawings. Enclosed sub-floor spaces include those
with enclosing walls with the minimum ventilation openings required by the BCA.

4.10.4 Floor coverings

Floor coverings must be modelled as shown on the drawings and specifications. If no floor covering or
finish is specified, wet areas and kitchens are to be modelled with tiles and all other habitable rooms
modelled with carpet.
Where a floor covering is nominated on the drawings and specifications, the floor covering must be
nominated on the Assessor Certificate. If no floor covering or finish is specified on the drawings and
specifications, the Assessor Certificate must nominate ‘not specified’ for the relevant floor covering.

4.10.5 Curtains, pelmets and other internal window/glazed door treatments

Regardless of the internal window or glazed door treatments nominated on the drawings and
specifications, all windows must be modelled as having low performance Holland blinds. Internal
window treatments must not be listed on the Assessor Certificate.
Insect screens must be modelled if nominated on the drawings or specifications.

4.10.6 External shading

External shading devices must not be modelled unless they are of exterior grade construction materials.

4.11 Colours

4.11.1 Roof colours

The external roof colour or shade (e.g. light) must be modelled as nominated on the drawings and
specifications. If a specific colour is to be modelled, its solar absorptance must be nominated,
otherwise the solar absorptance in Table 2 must be modelled. If the external roof colour is not
specified, ‘medium’ must be modelled and nominated on the Assessor Certificate.
The internal roof colour must be set to ‘not specified’ regardless of the colour nominated.
Table 2: Roof colour/shade and corresponding solar absorptance

Roof colour/shade Solar absorptance

Light < 0.475
Medium 0.475 to 0.70
Dark > 0.70

4.11.2 Wall colours

The external wall colour or shade must be modelled as nominated on the drawings and specifications or
set to ‘not specified’ if not specified.
The internal wall colour must be set to ‘not specified’ regardless of the colour nominated.

4.11.3 External window and door frames

The colour of external window and door frames must be set to ‘not specified’ regardless of the colour

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4.12 Insulation
Insulation must be nominated as either:

a. Specifically nominate bulk insulation as being used and the R-value of the insulation only
nominated on the Assessor Certificate and on the drawings and specifications, or
b. Specifically nominate foil insulation:
I. in walls and nominate either the total system R-value of the wall including the product,
or a clear description that identifies product or type including emissivities of foil surfaces
and air gaps.
II. in ceilings and the total system R-value in both directions of heat flow, or a clear
description that identifies product or type including emissivities of foil surfaces and air
III. In roofs and the total system R-value in both directions of heat flow, or a clear
description that identifies product or type including emissivities of foil surfaces and air
Note that insulation installation must comply with of the Building Code of Australia. Assessors
must ensure that the insulation type and thickness specified is appropriate for installation with the
specified wall type.

4.13 Glazing

4.13.1 General

Windows, glazed doors, skylights and glazed roofs must be modelled according to the drawings and
specifications. The drawings and specifications must have the detail required by Table 6.

4.13.2 Openable proportion of windows

The openable proportion of windows, doors and other openings entered into the Approved Software must not
exceed the software recommended values unless the openable panes are clearly detailed on the drawings.

Any window not clearly identified as being openable with either a label or showing openable panes must be
modelled with 0% openable area. Garage doors, windows in garages and windows and doors to storage rooms
must be modelled with 0% openable area.

4.14 Zoning

4.14.1 General

All parts of the building capable of being fully enclosed, including storage spaces, must be included in a
zone. This includes spaces with openings required for the safe operation of a gas appliance.
All spaces are to be included in separate zones, except for spaces which do not have an operable
window/door or skylight (e.g. bathroom, storeroom). These spaces must be included in the zone from
which they are accessed.
Spaces with different usage patterns must be modelled as separate zones even if there is no physical
separation e.g. bedsits or open plan studio apartments.
Adjoining spaces separated by apertures that are not capable of being controlled, such as an open
doorway or the like, must be modelled as different zones if the aperture is less than 3 m . For larger
apertures, the adjoining spaces must be separately zoned if it means that the heat flows and ventilation
flows will be modelled more accurately.
Open spaces, such as courtyards, verandahs, gazebos and the like, are not required to be included in a
zone, except where it would improve the modelling of ventilation flows.

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4.14.2 Spaces, zoning and heating/cooling

Table 3 sets out the requirements for zoning each part of a dwelling. It also details the circumstances
in which they are to be nominated as ‘heated’ or ‘cooled’. Zone types are based on AccuRate and BERS
software labels, however, for other software, an equivalent zone type should be selected.
Table 3: Space names, zoning and nomination of heated and cooled
Space Name Zone Type - Accurate Zone Type – BERS Pro Zone Type- FirstRate5 Heated & Cooled*

Living, rumpus, family Maximum of two living Living Two largest living spaces Yes
rooms etc. spaces (usually the two described as Living zone,
largest) described as subsequent spaces
Living zone, subsequent described as Other (day
described as Other cond)
Bedrooms Bedroom Sleeping Bedroom Yes
Kitchens Living/kitchen. Either a Living/kitchen. Either a Yes
Kitchen. Either a
separate kitchen or a separate kitchen or a separate kitchen or a
combined living/kitchen combined living/kitchen combined living/kitchen
zone with assumed zone with assumed zone with assumed
kitchen loads. (There kitchen loads. (There kitchen loads. (There
must be only one of must be only one of must be only one of
these zones) these zones) these zones)

Hallways accessed from Other (daytime usage) Corridor Other (day cond) Yes if they cannot
living spaces be completely closed
off from heated and
cooled zones. Either
Yes or No if closed
Hallways accessed only Other (night-time usage) Corridor Other (night-cond) Yes if they cannot
from bedroom spaces be completely closed
off from heated and
cooled zones. Either
Yes or No if closed
Bathrooms, laundries, Other (daytime usage) Wet Area Other (day cond) No if no heating or
WC with natural cooling. Yes if
ventilation opening heated or cooled.
Bathrooms, laundries, Other (daytime usage) Wet Area Other (day cond) Yes
WC without natural
ventilation opening
Store rooms, large Other (daytime usage) or Depending on zone Other (day cond) or No
pantries, ensuites etc Other (night-time usage) adjacency: Other (night cond)
with natural ventilation dependent on zoning of Living, Living/Kitchen, dependent on zoning of
opening space from which Sleeping, Corridor, Wet space from which
accessed Area accessed
Store rooms, large Other (daytime usage) or Include in zone from Other (day cond) or Dependent on
pantries, ensuites etc Other (night-time usage) which accessed Other (night cond) heating
without natural dependent on zoning of dependent on zoning of
ventilation opening space from which space from which
accessed accessed
Walk-in wardrobes Other (night-time usage) Sleeping Other (night-cond) No if isolated from
access from bedrooms Bedroom
Yes if not isolated
from bedroom
Spaces containing a Other (daytime usage) Living Other (day cond) Yes or No depending
pool on the system to be
Garage Garage Garage Garage No
Sub-floor Sub-floor zone Defined by software Defined by software No
Roof space (other than Roof space zone Defined by software Defined by software Defined by software
skillion, raked or flat
*If ‘Yes’ note that both heating and cooling boxes must be checked.

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4.15 Adjacent buildings

Walls shared with adjoining conditioned buildings shall be described as internal walls adjacent to
Walls, floors and ceiling/roof shared with adjoining non-conditioned buildings (e.g. enclosed carparks,
plant rooms) shall be described as external walls, floors and ceiling/roof with zero solar absorptance
and an additional R0.5 insulation.
Where adjacent structures are existing or have development approval as indicated on the drawings,
they must be modelled.

4.16 Trees and vegetation

Only existing trees and vegetation protected by a planning instrument may be considered in a
Simulation. Such trees (including canopy) and vegetation must be indicated on the drawings to scale or
dimensioned. Vines or other vegetation intended to be grown over time cannot be modelled.

4.17 Building sealing

Assessors must model the dwelling in accordance with the NSW BCA Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for
building sealing.

4.18 Heating and cooling appliances

Mechanical heating and cooling appliances or systems (e.g. ceiling fans, air-conditioning systems and
the like) cannot be considered in an Assessment. Systems that form part of the building fabric and
provide some heating and cooling benefit (e.g. trombe walls and the like) may be considered through
the Expert Referral System.

4.19 Building Code of Australia Energy Efficiency requirements

Accredited Assessors should note that BASIX Thermal Comfort (Simulation) does not replace all of the
Building Code of Australia Part 3.12, Energy Efficiency.
Accredited Assessors must ensure that the Simulated dwelling design allows for insulation to be
installed in compliance with the Building Code of Australia Part
Accredited Assessors must ensure that the Simulated dwelling design meets the Building Code of
Australia Part 3.12.5 for the design, location and insulation of services.

5 Limitations of Approved Software

5.1 General
Assessors must conduct Assessments within any published limitations of the Approved Software used.

5.2 Circumstances outside software limitations

For dwellings, design strategies, construction systems or materials that are beyond the capabilities of
the Approved Software, Assessors must refer to the Accrediting Organisation for advice. The
Accrediting Organisation may initiate an expert referral process for the assessment (see 2.10 of the

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6 Documentation required for Assessments

6.1 Assessor Certificate

The Assessor Certificate must indicate the thermal loads derived from the Simulation as described
Accredited assessors must not issue an Assessor Certificate unless:
 The assessor certificate and the plans accompanying the DA or application for a CDC have been
endorsed by the Accredited Assessor. The specification block must be fixed permanently to the front
of one page of the plans, and overstamped with the Accredited Assessor’s stamp;
 The information on the Assessor Certificate is consistent with information entered in the Approved
Software for the purposes of conducting the Simulation, and the details of the DA or application for
a CDC.
Only one Assessor Certificate per DA or CDC is to be issued. The information in Table 3 relating to each
dwelling must be clearly identified.

6.2 Information required on drawings and specifications

Completed Assessments must be accompanied with drawings and specifications, which define all
features of the building that the Assessment was based on, unless stated otherwise in this appendix.
The information in Table 6 must be included on drawings and/or specifications, unless stated
otherwise. Terms used in Table 6 have the meaning given to them in the BASIX Definitions, available on
the BASIX website at

Table 4: Information required on drawings and specifications and Assessor Certificates

Element Detail required on drawings and/or Detail required on Assessor

specifications Certificate

General drawing quality a. Must be to scale. n/a

b. Must clearly show intended
construction with labels or
industry standard drawing

Specification quality Must clearly identify relevant material n/a

types and any relevant standards.

Project details Yes Yes

Orientation a. True north. Yes

b. Relationship of building to true

Site exposure Wind exposure conditions. Yes

Topography Site contours and/or relative levels n/a

of site and floors.

Overshadowing Location and height of forms which Yes

may be either part of the assessed
building or adjoining the assessed
building. These may include:
a. existing buildings;

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BASIX Thermal Comfort Protocol

Element Detail required on drawings and/or Detail required on Assessor

specifications Certificate

b. approved buildings;
c. fences and screens;
d. landforms;
e. protected trees.

Zones / Room a. Names of rooms or spaces shown n/a

identification on drawings to identify use, e.g.
living, kitchen, bath, etc.
b. Connecting doors, openings, stair
voids, etc.

Typical construction May be indicated with industry Types to be listed as described

standard below.

Unusual construction Must be specifically detailed. Types to be listed as described

a. Drawing to scale. a. Construction types used.
External walls
b. Material. b. For bulk insulation, specify the R-
c. Insulation type, R-value and value.
location. c. For reflective insulation, specify
d. Colour and/or solar absorptance total system R-value, emissivity or
where a specific colour is clear description that identifies
modelled. product or type.
a. Drawing to scale. a. Construction types used.
Internal walls
b. Material. b. For bulk insulation, specify the R-
c. Insulation type, R-value and value.
location. For reflective insulation, specify total
system R-value, emissivity or clear
description that identifies product or
a. Location and orientation. a. Where glass is single clear –
Windows (and other
b. Drawing to scale. description of glass and frame.
glazed elements)
c. Insect screens if modelled. b. Where glass is not single clear -
d. Shading. NFRC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
e. Glass type (including films). (SHGC) and U-value of complete
f. Frame material and type. glazing unit (glass and frame
g. Type (e.g. sliding, double hung) combined). These may be based
or openable panes clearly drawn on generic values.
to determine openable c. Total area of windows and glazed
proportions. doors.
h. Where glass is single clear –
description of glass and frame.
i. Where glass is not single clear -
NFRC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
(SHGC) and U-value of complete
glazing unit (glass and frame
combined). These may be based
on generic values.

Window internal n/a n/a


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Element Detail required on drawings and/or Detail required on Assessor

specifications Certificate
a. Location, type and dimensions
Fixed or adjustable List all shading types used with
shown on drawings.
external shading (eaves, description and projection if
b. Sufficient detail to enable sun
pergolas, verandahs, horizontal such as eaves.
blocking factor of all external
awnings, skylight
shading structures to be
shading devices)
c. A detail for pergolas including
structure and any battens if they
are to be considered as a shading
d. Whether the device is fixed or
e. Material properties such as
shading coefficient for
polycarbonate sheeting or
shading factor for sail cloth.
a. Location, type and dimensions a. Where glass is single clear –
Skylights, glazed roofs
shown on drawings. description of glass and frame.
and polycarbonate roofs
b. Where constructed of moulded b. Where glass is not single clear -
above an enclosed
plastic – description of the NFRC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
construction. (SHGC) and U-value of complete
c. Where glass is single clear – glazing unit (glass and frame
description of glass and frame. combined). These may be based
d. Where glass is not single clear - on generic values.
NFRC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient c. Total area of skylights and glazed
(SHGC) and U-value of complete roofs. Total area of
glazing unit (glass and frame polycarbonate roof.
combined). These may be based
on generic values.
e. Shaft type, insulation and length.
f. Sufficient information or detail to
determine openable proportions.
a. Pitch. a. Colour or shade and solar
b. Ventilation openings (passive and absorptance.
mechanical) b. Construction types used.
c. Material. c. For bulk insulation, specify the R-
d. Insulation type, location and value.
thermal properties For reflective insulation, specify total
e. Specific external colour or shade system R-value in both directions of
(light, medium or dark) and solar heat flow, OR a clear description that
absorptance. identifies product or type including
emissivities of foil surfaces and air gaps.
a. Material. a. Construction types used.
Insulation type, location and b. For bulk insulation, specify the R-
thermal properties. value.
c. For reflective insulation, specify
total system R-value in both
directions of heat flow, OR a clear
description that identifies product
or type including emissivities of
foil surfaces and air gaps.

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Element Detail required on drawings and/or Detail required on Assessor

specifications Certificate
a. Material. a. Construction types used.
b. Covering (optional). b. For bulk insulation, specify the R-
c. Insulation type, location and value.
thermal properties For reflective insulation, specify total
d. Sub-floor ventilation openings. system R-value in both directions of
heat flow, OR a clear description that
identifies product or type including
emissivities of foil surfaces and air gaps.

Cross and stack Dimensions and location of internal n/a

ventilation and ventilation openings that create
air movement paths.

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Thermal Comfort Protocols

Appendix: 2nd Generation Software Maximum Loads

Table A contains the maximum loads for single dwellings. These maximum loads are also used as the maximum average loads allowed in the BASIX multiunit tool.
Table B contains the maximum individual loads for each dwelling in a multi dwelling development.

Note: There is no floor type delineation for units. The mud brick values may be used for any dwelling with primarily (at least 50%) mud brick or rammed earth walls,
regardless of the floor type.

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Table A: Maximum loads for single dwellings and average all dwellings in multi dwelling developments.
heating cooling
Suspended Suspended Floor, Floor, Suspended Floor,
Floor, enclosed open subfloor / Slab on enclosed open subfloor /
zone Region Slab on ground subfloor mudbrick walls Unit ground subfloor mudbrick walls Unit
8 Moree 68 75 80 68 87 96 103 87
9 Amberley 39.6 43.4 48.7 39.6 73.5 80.6 90.4 73.5
10 Byron 33.2 36.8 39.2 33.2 49.8 55.2 58.8 49.8
11 Coffs Harbour 37 41 47.5 37 37 41 47.5 37
14 Armidale 180 192 212.4 180 25 28 30 25
15 Newcastle 76 81 90 76 37 40 43 37
17 Sydney CBD 40 43 46 40 32 35 38 32
18 Nowra 105 112 118 105 30 33 37 30
19 Charleville 39.6 43.4 48.7 39.6 73.5 80.6 90.4 73.5
20 Wagga 150 165 177 150 50 55 59 50
24 Canberra 240 255 265 240 30 35 39 30
25 Cabramurra 580 638 684 580 No Max. No Max No Max No Max
27 Mildura 95 105 112 95 68 75 81 68
28 West Sydney 74 82 80 74 70 77 83 70
46 Cobar 60 66 71 60 76 84 90 76
48 Dubbo 100 110 118 100 50 55 59 50
50 Oakey 60 66 71 60 76 84 90 76
56 East Sydney 51 58 63 51 45 49 53 45
65 Orange 290 319 342 290 16 17.6 19 16
66 Ballarat 240 255 265 240 30 35 39 30
69 Thredbo 499 549 589 499 No Max No Max No Max No Max

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Table B: Maximum loads for individual dwellings in multi dwelling developments.

heating cooling
Suspended Suspended Floor, Floor, Suspended Floor,
Floor, enclosed open subfloor / Slab on enclosed open subfloor /
zone Region Slab on ground subfloor mudbrick walls Unit ground subfloor mudbrick walls Unit
8 Moree 90.7 100 106.7 88 119.8 132.1 141.8 113
9 Amberley 47.8 52.3 58.7 51.5 94.8 103.9 116.6 95.6
10 Byron 37.9 42.1 44.8 43.6 70.6 78.3 83.4 65.4
11 Coffs Harbour 50.7 56.2 65.1 48 48.7 54 62.5 48
14 Armidale 213.6 227.8 252.1 234 28.6 32.1 34.4 33
15 Newcastle 104.1 110.9 123.3 99 47.4 51.2 55 47
17 Sydney CBD 56.6 60.8 65 50 45.2 49.5 53.7 41
18 Nowra 142.1 151.5 159.7 137 38.3 42.2 47.3 39
19 Charleville 47.8 52.3 58.7 51.5 94.8 103.9 116.6 95.6
20 Wagga 180 198 212.4 195 59.5 65.4 70.2 65
24 Canberra 284.8 302.6 314.5 312 34.4 40.1 44.7 39
25 Cabramurra 842.6 926.9 993.7 754 No Max No Max No Max No Max
27 Mildura 116.8 129.1 137.7 124 81.9 90.4 97.6 88
28 West Sydney 92.5 102.5 100 88 87.5 96.3 103.8 91
46 Cobar 72 79.2 85.2 78 90.4 99.9 107 101
48 Dubbo 120 132 141.6 130 59.5 65.4 70.2 65
50 Oakey 72 79.2 85.2 78 90.4 99.9 107 101
56 East Sydney 72.1 82 89.1 66 63.6 69.3 74.9 59
65 Orange 348 382.8 410.4 377 19.0 20.9 22.6 21
66 Ballarat 284.8 302.6 314.5 312 34.4 40.1 44.7 39
69 Thredbo 724.9 797.6 855.7 649 No Max No Max No Max No Max

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