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Relativity - Configuration Table Guide - 9.2

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Configuration Table Guide

February 4, 2019 - Version 9.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For the most recent version of this document, visit our documentation website.
Table of Contents
1 Configuration table overview 3
1.1 Accessing the configuration table 3
2 Configuration table values 5
2.1 Configuration values and UI display for Document Skip 100

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 2

1 Configuration table overview
This guide provides a description of each entry in the configuration table, along with each entry’s default

1.1 Accessing the configuration table

To access the configuration table, perform the following steps:

1. Access the primary server environment containing all databases, including EDDS.Configuration.
2. Connect to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
3. In the Object Explorer tree, expand Databases > EDDS > Tables.

4. Right-click the eddsdbo.Configuration table, and select the option Select Top 1000 Rows.

The eddsdbo.Configuration table opens. It displays the Section, Name, Value, MachineName, and

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 3

Description for all the entries in the table.

Note: If the MachineName field is empty, this is the default value for all machines in the Relativity
instance. Otherwise, this value for the setting only applies to the specified machine, overwriting
the default value.

5. Locate the configuration value you want to change and update the Value column. Note that doing so
could have a significant effect on the performance and functionality of your Relativity environment.

Note: Relativity provides several instance settings that enable you to customize email notifications, for
example, user invitation and password reset emails. These instance settings include system variables
enclosed in braces, such as {EMAIL}, {LINKTEXT}, {LOGINLINK}, {LOGINTEXT}, {PASSWORD}, and
{URL}. The values of these variables are generated by Relativity and cannot be changed. For more
information, contact kCura Client Services.

Refer to Configuration table values on page 5 for a complete list of Relativity configuration values.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 4

2 Configuration table values
This table provides an alphabetical list of all the configuration values related to Relativity.

Note: A number of the configuration table entries listed below should never be modified in your environment, despite the fact that they
appear in the EDDS.Configuration table in the database. For these entries, we've included a "Do not modify" statement at the beginning of
the description.

Name Section Value Description

AboutBoxPortalLink kCura.EDDS.Web https://na3.salesforce.com/ The location to which the
secur/login_portal.jsp? Relativity Icon Box redir-
orgId=00D5000000072uY ects.
AboutBoxSupportLink Relativ- http://relativity.com/relativity/ The location to which the
ity.Authentication support/technical-support Support link redirects.
AccessTokenExtraLifeTime Relativ- 240 The number of additional
ity.Authentication minutes that the authen-
tication token remains valid
after the authentication
cookie has expired. Since
this token has a longer life-
time than a session cookie,
you can use it to access
Relativity APIs, which may
execute long running pro-
cesses requiring tokens.
This configuration value
supports a maximum set-
ting of 600 minutes (or 10
hours), and a minimum set-
ting of 0 minutes. You must
reset the IIS for these
changes to take effect.
Account kCur- UNSETACCOUNT This value populates the
a.LicenseManager Account column in the

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 5

Name Section Value Description
Case Statistics Rollup
AdvancedImagingTimeout Relativity.Core 600 The amount of time, in
seconds, that an advanced
imaging process can act-
ively run until it times out
(does not include waiting
AdvancedSearchDefault kCura.EDDS.Web False Determines the default set-
ting for Advanced Search
Default when creating new
users. “False” is private,
and “true” is public.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 6

Name Section Value Description
AgentOffHourEndTime kCura.EDDS.Agents 5:00:00 Used in conjunction with
value to specify a valid time
range when off hour agents
should run. Currently, this
only applies to the File Dele-
tion manager, Case Stat-
istics Manager, Case
Manager, and Cache Man-
ager. The File Deletion
manager immediately stops
deleting documents once
the time of day passes the
The Case Statistics man-
ager and Case Manager
continue to process until

To enter a setting, use 24-

hour time notation with the
format of hh:mm:ss.

Note that if the start time is

before midnight, then you
must also set the end time
before midnight. For
example, a start time of
23:00:00 might have an
end time of 23:59:00. If the
start time is midnight or
later, then you can set the
end time to any value after

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 7

Name Section Value Description
the start time. For example,
a start time of midnight that
is between 00:00:00 and
03:00:00 can have any end
AgentOffHourStartTime kCura.EDDS.Agents 00:00:00 Used in conjunction with
the AgentOffHourEndTime
value to specify a valid time
range when off hour agents
should run. Currently, this
applies only to the File Dele-
tion manager, Case Stat-
istics Manager, Case
Manager, and Cache Man-

To enter a setting, use 24-

hour time notation with the
format of hh:mm:ss. See
the description for the
configuration value.
AllowChangesToOver- kCura.EDDS.Web False Determines if the Overwrite
writeProtection Protection drop-down
menu is editable when edit-
ing or creating a layout. If
set to true, the user can set
this property to Disabled
and then save a document
even if another process has
modified the document
since loading.
AllowHtmlVisible Relativity.Core False This controls the access-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 8

Name Section Value Description
ibility of the Allow HTML
property on Field objects.
When this configuration
value is set to False, the
Allow HTML property is hid-
den from the New Field
page and its value is defaul-
ted to No, and the Edit Field
page will display the prop-
erty only if the field being
edited already has the prop-
erty's value set to Yes.
When this configuration
value is set to True, there is
unrestricted access to the
Allow HTML field property.
AllowNativeRedactions kCura.EDDS.Web True Determines whether users
can perform redactions
within the Native Viewer.
AnalyticsCategorizationBatchSize Relativity.Core 100000 The size of the batch of doc-
uments submitted to the
Analytics engine to be cat-
Ana- Relativity.Core 1000 The size of the batch of Cat-
lyt- egoryResult objects cre-
icsCat- ated within Relativity once
egorizationCreationBatchSize the Analytics engine has
categorized them.
Ana- kCur- 30000 Time in milliseconds that
lyticsCategorizationDeadlockWait a.Data.RowDataGat- determines how long the
eway query should wait to retry
when deadlock occurs dur-
ing run of categorization

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 9

Name Section Value Description
Ana- Relativity.Core 1000 The size of the batch of Cat-
lyt- egoryResult objects
icsCat- deleted within Relativity
egorizationDeletionBatchSize when the user chooses to
run a full categorization
against a set that has been
previously categorized.
AncestorCountWarningLevel kCura.EDDS.Web 50000 A warning is displayed in
the Security page when the
item's security being
changed has more than this
number of ancestors. The
warning displays because
the database will be locked
for a substantial period of

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 10

Name Section Value Description
APIAl- Relativity.Core True Controls whether users can
waysAllowFormsAuthentication log in using forms authen-
tication when configured to
use two-factor authen-
tication. If set to True, users
can log in to Relativity APIs
using forms authentication
even when the users are
configured for an authen-
tication model that the API
does not support, for
example: RSA, or Send
Code two-factor authen-
tication. If set to False,
users configured to use
two-factor authentication
are prohibited from logging
in to any of the Relativity
APIs, RDC, and Import API
using forms authentication.
APITimeout kCura.Relativity 30 Sets the Relativity API
token expiration in minutes.
ApplicationRestrictedFileTypes Relativity.Core .exe;.com;.pif;.bat;.scr A semicolon(;) delimited list
of file extensions (including
dots) indicating file types
that users should be pro-
hibited from uploading as
custom pages or resource
files. Examples include
.exe, .com, and .bat. Also,
see RestrictedFileTypes.
AuditApplicationUninstallEnabled Relativity.Core True Determines whether
Relativity writes an entry to
the audit log for each com-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 11

Name Section Value Description
ponent edited or deleted
when you uninstall an
application. By default,
auditing is enabled.
AuditBatchSize kCura.Audit 1000 This is the batch size that
the agent uses when read-
ing from SQL and writing to
Data Grid.
AuditCountQueries Relativity.Core False For each list that is gen-
erated, the system initially
runs a "count" query to get
the total number of records
that fulfill the criteria. Set-
ting this value to True
writes the SQL query to the
History record.
AuditDataGridEndPoint kCura.Audit blank This is the end point for
Data Grid. For example:
AuditingEnabled kCura.Audit True Determines if auditing is
enabled throughout Relativ-
AuditFullQueries Relativity.Core False For each list page that is
generated, the system ini-
tially runs a query to get the
data to fill the rows on the
current page. Setting this
value to TRUE would write
the SQL query to the His-
tory record.
AuditIdQueries Relativity.Core True The system will get a batch
of Artifact IDs that fulfill the

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 12

Name Section Value Description
criteria and are needed to
populate the current page
in the list. Setting this value
to TRUE would write the
SQL query to the History
AuditPayloadByteThreshold kCura.Audit 1048576 This is the maximum pay-
load size for the Data Grid
data store.
AuditPivotColum- Relativity.Core True For each Pivot list and
nRetrievalQueries chart, a query is run to get
the unique columns needed
to display the data. Setting
this value to True writes the
SQL query to the History
AuditPivotFullQueries Relativity.Core True For each Pivot list and
chart, a query runs to get
the data for the rows and
columns. Setting this value
to True writes the SQL
query to the History record.
AuditQueueMaxDocumentErrors kCura.Audit 100 The maximum number of
errors allowed for a single
batch in the Audit Migration
Agent before the job is ter-
AuthenticationEmailFrom kCura.Notification [email protected] This email address appears
in the From field of email
messages that contain
authentication information
for users.
AuthenticationTag Relativity.Telemetry Internal use only Do not modify. The authen-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 13

Name Section Value Description
tication tag used for Relativ-
ity ODA LLC data trans-
mission. This configuration
value is available only when
you install telemetry in your
Authentic- Relativity.Core 5 When an application other
ationTokenLifetimeInMinutes than Relativity is authen-
ticated using Relativity’s
internal mechanism, a
token is received. This
token is valid for this period
of time.
AutoCreateRate kCura.EDDS.Web 60 How often the system
attempts to create batches,
in minutes.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 14

Name Section Value Description
AutoE- kCura.Billing True If True, the Case Statistics
mailWithCaseStatisticsManager Manager agent generates
a text file with client billing
information which is sent to
Relativity ODA LLC auto-
matically through the
SMTP server. Each time
the agent runs, the new text
file is sent to Relativity ODA
LLC through the SMTP
server. If false, the Case
Statistics Manager agent
generates a zip file with cli-
ent billing information,
which is stored in the loc-
ation specified in the
EDDSFileShare value.
Each time the agent runs, a
new date-stamped file is
created and stored in this
folder. Zip files stored in this
location can be manually
sent to kCura.
AutoGenPasswordLength kCura.EDDS.Web 8 The number of characters
that an auto-generated
password contains.
BackupDirectory kCura.EDDS.SqlSer During Relativity installation The path to the backup dir-
ver ectory used by SQL Server.
This value should be rel-
ative to the server where
SQL Server is installed.
BaseApplicationPath kCura.EDDS.Procur During Relativity installation The root path where the
o Procuro looks for required
Relativity applications.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 15

Name Section Value Description
BaseRelativityScriptPath kCur- During Relativity installation The root path where the
a.EDDS.Procuro Procuro looks for its SQL
BasicImagingTimeout Relativity.Core 300 The amount of time, in
seconds, that the basic ima-
ging process waits for a
single document to be
imaged before killing the
export process and moving
to the next document.
BcpShareFolderName kCura.Chicago BCPPath The name of the share
used for Bulk Inserts and
the Case Statistics Man-
BCryptWorkFactor Relativity.Core 11 This is a bCrypt work factor
constant that controls the
strength of the encryption
used for password hashing.
Any value lower than 10
defaults to 10. Incre-
menting by 1 doubles the
time it takes to hash the
BrandingManagerBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 The number of files the
Branding Manager brands
in a single batch.
Brand- Relativity.Core 1000 The maximum number of
ingRecordCreationBatchSize records inserted into the
BrandingQueue table in a
single batch. This is used
by both the Production Man-
ager and when attempting
to resolve errors in the web.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 16

Name Section Value Description
Buffer- kCura.EDDS.Web.D 5000 The amount of time the Dis-
AcquisitionTimeoutInMilliseconds istributed tributed site waits to
acquire a free buffer to use
for downloading before
throwing an error.
BufferCount kCura.EDDS.Web.D 1000 The number of buffers that
istributed the Distributed site alloc-
ates to servicing download
BufferSize kCura.EDDS.Web.D 81920 The maximum size, in
istributed bytes, of the buffer used by
Distributed. Increasing this
may improve file download
performance but increases
the risk of running the Dis-
tributed server out of
BulkLoadFileFieldDelimiter Relativity.Data þþKþþ The value used to separate
fields when loading bulk
files into the SQL database.
Line delimiters are this
value plus a new line.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 17

Name Section Value Description
CacheLocationLowerThreshold Relativity.Core 30 Specifies the lower limit of
the cache size as a per-
centage of the total space
available on the drive
where the cache is stored.
After the Cache Manager
agent runs, the size of the
cache table is below its
lower limit.

Note: If you leave this

value blank, then Relativity
uses the default value of
CacheLocationUpperThreshold Relativity.Core 70 Specifies the upper limit of
the cache size as a per-
centage of the total space
available on the drive
where the cache is stored.
The cache table must equal
or exceed this upper limit
before the Cache Manager
clears entries from it.

Note: If you leave this

value blank, then Relativity
uses the default value of
CacheManagerFileDeletionRetry Relativity.Core 3 The number of attempts
made by the Cache Man-
ager to delete a specific file.
CacheManagerFileDeletionWait Relativity.Core 1000 The number of milliseconds
that the Cache Manager
should wait before retrying

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 18

Name Section Value Description
to delete a file.
CancelRequestEnabled Relativity.Core True This determines whether
the option to cancel
requests is available to
Relativity users. When it is
set to True, users can see
an overlay window with the
option to cancel the request
and a message indicating
that items are loading.
When set to False, this func-
tionality is not available.
CancelRequestIni- Relativity.Core 100 msec This configuration setting
tialPollingInterval indicates the initial time
interval (in milliseconds)
used for polling the cache
on the web server during
the first second of a cancel
query request. After the
first second, the time inter-
val increases to 450 msec.
CancelRequestTimeDelay Relativity.Core 3 seconds This value controls the time
delay (in seconds) between
the initiation of a search
request and the display of
an overlay window with the
option to cancel the
CasesForGroupsViewID kCura.EDDS.Web 900 The ArtifactID of the view
used to display the work-
spaces at the bottom of a
group page.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 19

Name Section Value Description
CaseStatisticsBasedLockout kCura.LicenseManag blank Used to determine if the
er Case Statistics-based lock-
out is active.
CaseS- kCura.LicenseManag True Expects either True or
tatisticsNotificationIncludeEmails er False. If True, the email
and original email address
fields in the Case Statistics
and User Rollup reports
are populated. If False,
those fields are retrieved as
CaseStatisticsNotificationList kCura.LicenseManag empty Distribution list for Case
er Statistics reports. It expects
a semicolon-delimited list of
emails to send the report to.
If empty, emails aren't sent.
ChoiceLimitForUI Relativity.Core 200 For choices and single
objects, the maximum num-
ber that can appear in a
checkbox, drop-down
menu, or radio button list
before switching to a pop-
up picker; we recommend
setting this value to 15. If it's
not set, lists automatically
render as pop-up pickers.
ChunkEnabledQueryChunkSize Relativity.Data 10000 Allows the Desktop Client
to pull down a potentially
large set of artifacts
(choices and folders, spe-
ClientBatchSize Relativity.Telemetry 500 The size of batches used
for flushing non-aggreg-
ated metrics in the client-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 20

Name Section Value Description
side queues. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
ClientConfigUpdateInterval Relativity.Telemetry 15 The interval in seconds
between updates to the
configuration of the client-
side metrics queues. This
configuration value is avail-
able only when you install
telemetry in your envir-
ClientFlushTimeout Relativity.Telemetry 5 The number of seconds
between each flush of the
client-side queue. When
the queue is flushed, the
service bulk posts any con-
tent that it contained to the
Kepler endpoint. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
CompareWebAPIPath kCura.EDDS.Web During Relativity installation The defined Compare Web
API path.
ConcurrentLogin kCura.LicenseManag per system The setting for requiring the
er Concurrent User Login
restriction. This value must
be changed by a tool that
the dev teams owns;
defaults to disallowed.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 21

Name Section Value Description
Con- Relativity.Core 0.95 The default minimum coher-
tentAnalystDefaultMinCoherence ence score to use when
submitting a similar doc-
uments job to Content Ana-
Con- Relativity.Core 2 This value indicates the
tentAna- number of processors that
lystDefaultNumberOfProcessors a single Analytics index
uses for a build. Increasing
the number of processors
to a value greater than 2
may slow the performance
of the Analytics server. You
must adjust any setting
modifications to the require-
ments of your environment.
Con- Relativity.Core 524288000 This was deprecated in
tentAnalystFileMaxByteThreshold Relativity 8.1. Changing
this value has no effect on
the environment.
Con- Relativity.Core 1000 This is the number of doc-
tentAnalystMaximumBatchSize uments sent to the Ana-
lytics server by each JDBC
connector at once during
index population. This
value should not be
lowered from 1000, as this
would slow down pop-
ulations environment-wide.
Con- Relativity.Core 4 The default maximum num-
tentAna- ber of connections allowed
lys- between the Analytics
tMaxConnectorsPerIndexDefault server and SQL for each
index that uses this server.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 22

Name Section Value Description
Con- Relativity.Core 50 The default maximum num-
tentAna- ber of connections allowed
lystMaxTotalConnectorsDefault between the Analytics
server and SQL across all
indexes using this server.
Con- Relativity.Core False Determines whether
tentAna- Identify Similar Documents
lys- functionality is available for
tShowIdentifySimilarDocuments Analytics indexes created
after Relativity 8.0.
Con- Relativity.Core False Determines whether Integ-
tentAna- rated dtSearch functionality
lystShowIntegratedDtSearch is available for Analytics
indexes created after
Relativity 8.0.
Con- Relativity.Core 0 This is the default similar
tentAnalystSimilarDocsJobType documents job type to sub-
mit to Content Analyst
Con- Relativity.Core 31457280 This was deprecated in
tentAna- Relativity 8.1. Changing
lys- this value has no effect on
tSingleRecordMaxByteThreshold the environment.
Content Ana- Relativity.Core True Determines whether Ana-
lystSmartTrain®OnByDefault lytics indexes are enabled
by default to use the Optim-
ize training set functionality,
which automatically
excludes conceptually-irrel-
evant documents from an
index’s training set.
Con- Relativity.Core blank This was deprecated in
tentAnalystTemporaryDirectory Relativity 8.1. Changing
this value has no effect on

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 23

Name Section Value Description
the environment.
ContentAnalystTemporaryDirecto Relativ- blank This was deprecated in
ry ity.Struc- Relativity
turedAnalytics Changing this value has no
effect on the environment.
ContentAnalystUpdateBatchSize Relativity.Core 50000 The batch size to update
the non-similar documents
in the documents table.
Con- Relativity.Core 31457280 This was deprecated in
tentAna- Relativity 8.1. Changing
lys- this value has no effect on
tWebServicesMaxByteThreshold the environment.
Con- Relativity.Core 300000 The timeout value, in mil-
tentAnalystWebServicesTimeout liseconds, when connecting
to Analytics Web Services.
CookieHttpOnly Relativ- True Prevents access to cookies
ity.Authentication by JavaScript and other cli-
ent-side elements when set
to True. This flag is
designed to attach to sens-
itive cookies such as the
session cookie ASP.NET_
CookieSecure Relativ- True Forces a web browser to
ity.Authentication send session information
over HTTPS only when set
to True. This flag is
designed to attach to sens-
itive cookies such as the
session cookie ASP.NET_
SessionId. When set to
True, users cannot log into
Relativity over HTTP.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 24

Name Section Value Description
ConversionBatchSize Relativity.Conversion 1,000 The maximum number of
documents to submit for
conversion at a time when
running an imaging set.
Con- Relativity.Conversion 30 The amount of time, in
versionOverallRequestTimeout minutes, before Relativity
abandons a conversion
request sent to Invariant
and then sends a can-
cellation request.
ConversionRequestTimeout Relativity.Conversion 1 The amount of time, in
minutes, before Relativity
checks to see if Invariant
has started working on a
conversion job that Relativ-
ity sent to it.
CookieDuration Relativ- 600 The number of minutes that
ity.Authentication the authentication cookie is
valid. This value controls
the length of time that the
users are logged in to
Relativity before the system
automatically logs them off
and requires them to re-
authenticate. This con-
figuration value supports a
maximum setting of 1440
minutes (or 24 hours), and
a minimum setting of 240
(or 4 hours). You must
reset the IIS for these
changes to take effect.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 25

Name Section Value Description
CopyFilesToRepository kCura.EDDS.Winfor True The default value that
m appears in all import and
export forms within the
Relativity Desktop Client
for the “copy files to repos-
itory” value.
CreateCaseTimeoutValue Relativity.Data 1800 The timeout value, in
seconds, associated with
running queries related to
case creation.
CreateZSRTablesForSTRs Relativity.Core True Controls whether ZSR
tables are created by
search terms reports. If
True, search terms reports
create ZSR tables, caching
the results for future use.
This improves per-
formance, but may make
rebuilding and deleting
indexes take longer. If
False, building search
terms reports may take
longer. Fewer tables are
left in the database, poten-
tially resulting in faster
dtSearch index builds.
Cus- kCura.EDDS.Agents False This value controls whether
tomPageManagerIsOffHourAgent the Application Manager
agent behaves as an off
hour agent. If set to True,
applications containing cus-
tom components only
deploy between the hours

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 26

Name Section Value Description
set in the
AgentOffHourEndTime val-
ues. If an application
deploys when the
passes, the current deploy-
ment completes and no
new deployments occur
until the next
set to False, the Application
Manager agent runs nor-
mally, and applications con-
taining custom pages are
identified and deployed in
the typical process.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 27

Name Section Value Description
DatabaseQuery kCur- SELECT CAST(1 AS BIT) AS [ ], The query used by Procuro
a.EDDS.Procuro ' N/A' as ArtifactID, 'EDDS' as to determine the list of data-
[Name], @@SERVERNAME as bases available for upgrad-
[Location], 'N/A' as [CaseStatus], ing.
'' as [UpgradeStatus] UNION
CAST([Case].[ArtifactID] AS
VARCHAR(20)), [Case].[Name],
[ResourceServer].[Name] as
[Location], [Code].Name as Status,
'' as [UpgradeStatus] FROM
[Case] INNER JOIN [Code] ON [Code].
ArtifactID = [Case].StatusCodeArtifactID
INNER JOIN [Artifact] ON
[Artifact].[ArtifactID] = [Case].
[ArtifactID] AND [Artifact].[DeleteFlag]
= 0 INNER JOIN [ResourceServer] ON
[Case].[ServerID] =
DataCenter kCura.Billing Blank string ("") Geographical location of
the facility where a Relativ-
ity instance is housed. The
Case Statistics Manager
agent includes this location
in the RelativityVersion.txt
metadata file that it gen-
DataDirectory kCur- During Relativity installation The path to the data dir-
a.EDDS.SqlServer ectory used by SQL Server.
This value should be rel-
ative to the server where
SQL Server is installed.
DataFocusModeDefault kCura.EDDS.Web Off Default Interface Mode for
users. Types:

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 28

Name Section Value Description
n Data Focus On
n Data Focus Off
DataGridEndPoint Relativity.DataGrid This value defines the end
point for Data Grid con-
nection. Relativity requires
this value toactivate Data
Grid operation for this
Relativity instance (http://cli-
DataGridBufferCount Relativity.DataGrid 10 Do not modify. This is the
number of Data Grid buf-
fers that the Distributed site
will allocate to servicing
download requests.
DataGridBufferSize Relativity.DataGrid 104857600 Do not modify. This is the
size, in bytes, of each Data
Grid buffer allocated by the
Distributed site to service
download requests. The
default value is 104857600
DataGridHttpClientTimeout kCura.Audit 100 This is the default value for
the Http Client timeout for
DataGridHttpClient spe-
cified in seconds.
DataGridHttpClientTimeout Relativity.DataGrid 100 This is the default value for
the Http Client timeout for
DataGridHttpClient spe-
cified in seconds.
DataGridIndexCreationSettings Relativity.DataGrid {    These settings define a tem-
plate to create new indexes
"template": "text_*",
"mappings": {  for Data Grid.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 29

Name Section Value Description
"text": {  "  _id": {
"path": "artifactID"
"childtext": { 
"_parent": { 
"type": "text"
DataGridIndexPrefix Relativity.DataGrid relativity Use this value to construct
index names for Data Grid
to distinguish multiple
Relativity instances that
write to the same Data Grid
DataGridMemoryByteS- Relativity.DataGrid 104857600 The maximum byte size
izeThreshold that the Data Grid Migrator
agent attempts to load a
batch's documents in
memory. This allows the cli-
ent to account for an agent
server's memory capacity.
When set to 0 or less, the
agent attempts to load the
entire batch to memory
regardless of batch size.
DataGridMigratorBatchSize Relativ- 1000 This is the batch size in MB
ity.DataGridMi- that the agent uses when
grator.Agent reading from SQL and writ-
ing to the Data Grid.
DataGridMi- Relativ- 100 The maximum number of
gratorQueueMaxDocumentErrors ity.DataGridMi- errors allowed for a single

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 30

Name Section Value Description
grator.Agent batch in the Data Grid
Migration Agent before the
job is terminated. If this limit
is reached, the respective
agent an exception error
occurs stating that the fail-
ure limit has been reached.
DataGridMultiIn- Relativity.DataGrid 30GB (32212254720 bytes) This configuration value
dexSplitSizeThreshold represents the maximum
size (in bytes) of each
shard in the DataGrid index
before Relativity creates a
new index. Writing to an
index that is over the
threshold causes Relativity
to create a new index. Set
this to 0 to disable the
threshold behavior.
DataGridMultiIn- kCura.Audit 30GB (32212254720 bytes) This configuration value
dexSplitSizeThreshold represents the maximum
size (in bytes) of each
shard in the DataGrid index
before Relativity creates a
new index. Writing to an
index that is over the
threshold causes Relativity
to create a new index. Set
this to 0 to disable the
threshold behavior.
DataGridNumberOfRetries Realtivity.DataGrid 3 Number of attempts made
by the Data Grid to perform
an operation before it
returns a failure.
DataGridPay- Relativity.DataGrid 1048576 This value determines the

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 31

Name Section Value Description
loadByteSizeThreshold internal write batch size for
DataGrid (1MB by default).
DataGridRESTServicePort Relativity.DataGrid 9400 This value defines the port
number that is used to con-
nect JAVA CA connector to
DataGrid REST service.
DataGridRetryWaitTime Relativity.DataGrid 50 The time in milliseconds
that Data Grid waits
between operation retries.
DataGridVerification Relativity.DataGrid true This value enables post
import data verification.
DataGridVerificationTimeout Relativity.DataGrid 30 This value sets the time
span upon which post
import data verification
DefaultCaseDown- kCura.EDDS.Web During Relativity installation The value that populates in
loadHandlerApplicationPath the “Download Handler
URL” field by default for
new cases.
If you enter a full URL for
this value, the protocol
must match what is used in
the browser. If Relativity is
set up to use either HTTP
or HTTPS, but not both,
you can enter a full URL. If
Relativity is set up to use
both HTTP and HTTPS, do
not specify the protocol in
this value.
DefaultOIHiliteStyleID kCura.Code.Data 3 The default OIHiliteStyle
associated with new
choices. Valid values are
defined on the OIHiliteStyle

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 32

Name Section Value Description
table (look within a work-
space database, not the
EDDS database).
DefaultNativeImagingEngineURL Relativity.Core Determined during native The base URL to the web
imaging installation; manually services provided by the
entered in configuration table worker manager server
after native imaging installation (Deprecated in 7.5).
is completed
DefaultQueryTimeout kCur- 30 (seconds) The timeout value, in
a.AssistedReview seconds, used by default
for all AssistedReview quer-
DefaultTextRedactionTextSize kCura.EDDS.Web -1 When a user draws a text
redaction for the first time
that browser session, this is
the font size. -1 is auto
DeveloperMachine kCura.EDDS.Web False Determines whether the
environment should be
treated as a developer
machine. This should
always be set to False for
production environments

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 33

Name Section Value Description
DeveloperMode Relativity.Core False Enables or disables
developer mode options
within an instance of
Relativity. These options
include disabling the cross-
site request forgery
(CSRF) header require-
ment in the API and return-
ing detailed error
messages such as stack
traces. Enable this setting
only in a development envir-
DisabledUserMessage kCura.EDDS.Web Your Relativity Administrator The contact specified within
the message displays when
a user does not have
access to Relativity.
DisplayDisclaimer Relativ- False Determines whether the
ity.Authentication disclaimer should appear
when users log into Relativ-
DisplayHelpLink Relativity.Core True Determines whether
the Help link appears for all
Setting this value to False
removes the Help link from
the UI.
DisplayLogoInTitleBar kCura.EDDS.Web False When set to True, the com-
pany logo appears in the
top action bar.
DistinctBuilderMaxValue Relativity.Data 255 The maximum number of
values allowed in a choice
field before it changes from
a picker in the item list to dis-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 34

Name Section Value Description
Docu- kCura.EDDS.Web True Determines the default
mentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault value displayed in the Skip
Default Preference field on
the Add User form. The UI
displays Skip when this con-
figuration option equals
True, and it displays
Normal when it equals
False. When Docu-
mentSkipEnabledDefault is
set to Disabled or Force
Enabled, this configuration
option is ignored.
DocumentSkipEnabledDefault kCura.EDDS.Web Enabled Determines the default
value displayed in the Docu-
ment Skip field on the Add
User form. Acceptable val-
ues are Enabled, Disabled,
and Force Enabled. When
this option is Enabled, the
value for Docu-
controls the default option
displayed in the Skip
Default Preference field.
When this option is set to
Disabled, or Force
Enabled, the Skip Default
Preference field displays
the read-only value of
Normal or Skip respectively
See Configuration values

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 35

Name Section Value Description
and UI display for Docu-
ment Skip on page 100.
DocumentSkipLookAheadLength kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The progressive number of
documents (starting with
the current + 1) that the sys-
tem evaluates against the
current view/saved search
criteria when Document
Skipping is enabled. Sys-
tem default is 1000 doc-
uments, set to -1 for all
Docu- kCura.EDDS.Web Document Skip is enabled. Notification to user when
mentSkipNoMoreDocu- The remaining documents in Document Skip is enabled,
mentsMessage your queue no longer meet and no more documents fit
the conditions of your view the saved search/view cri-
or search. If you are done with teria.
these records, click \"Return to
document list\".
If you would like to see the
remaining records, change your view
from \"Skip\" to \"Normal\".
DocumentSkipToolTip kCura.EDDS.Web This checkbox will enable you Document skip tooltip mes-
to bypass documents which sage displayed in the doc-
already meet the criteria of this ument profile.
saved search/view.
DocumentTimeout kCura.EDDS.Web 120000 This is the amount of time
(in seconds) until the
Viewer will timeout when
attempting to retrieve a doc-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 36

Name Section Value Description
DomainPars- Relativity.Data 1048576 The Domain Parsing tool
ingSingleRe- doesn't parse records with
cordMaxByteThreshold a value that exceeds this
length (in Bytes).
dtSearchDataGridBufferSize Relativity.Data 16777216 The size of the cache used
to bulk read non-stream-
able documents from Data
Grid to dtSearch. (in
dtSearchDefaultAlphabetFileText Relativity.Core Listed in dtSearch default alphabet file text in the The default value of the text
Searching guide. for the Alphabet file when
creating a new dtSearch
dtSearchDe- Relativity.Core 9 This value is used as the
faultSubIn- default value for the Sub-
dexFragmentationThreshold index fragmentation
threshold field on the
dtSearch Index Information
screen. The value must be
an integer greater than or
equal to 1. When the frag-
mentation level for a sub-
index equals or exceeds
the threshold level, the sys-
tem automatically com-
presses the sub-index
during an incremental build.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 37

Name Section Value Description
dtSearchDefaultSubIndexSize Relativity.Core 250000 This is used by the
dtSearch Index Manager to
determine how many sub-
indexes will make up the
entire index. This value is
the maximum number of
documents to build into
each sub-index and
appears by default in the
Sub-index size field when
creating a dtSearch.
dtSearchEnableMetricsLogging Relativity.Data 0 A bit value to determine if
dtSearch Metrics gathering
should be enabled, for Per-
formance testing or
dtSearchPopulationLogFilePath Relativity.Core blank Set this to point to a file on
disk when diagnosing
dtSearch problems relating
to populating indexes. This
will cause dtSearch to write
debugging information to
disk. This file itself doesn’t
need to exist, but the path
to it does. Make sure that
this value is set back to
nothing when the log file is
no longer needed because
it can grow in size very
dtSearchQueryLogFilePath Relativity.Core blank Set this to point to a file on
disk when diagnosing
dtSearch problems relating

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 38

Name Section Value Description
to performing searches.
This will cause dtSearch to
write debugging inform-
ation to disk. This file itself
doesn’t need to exist, but
the path to it does. Make
sure that this value is set
back to nothing when the
log file is no longer needed
because it can grow in size
very quickly.
dtSearchStreamBufferSize Relativity.Data 1048576 (1 MB) Controls the size, in bytes,
of the buffer used within the
dtSearchStream object.
This buffer is allocated into
memory as soon as the
agent starts. Relativity
checks to see if the value
has changed between jobs
and reallocates the buffer if
a change is detected.
dtSearchStreamThresholdInBytes Relativity.Data 1048576 This is used by the
dtSearch Index Manager
when populating an index.
If the size of all the text
associated with a doc-
ument is larger than this
value, the text is streamed
directly into dtSearch.
Otherwise, the text is con-
verted to bytes and the
bytes are sent to dtSearch.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 39

Name Section Value Description
dtSearchWork- Relativity.Data 1000 Controls the number of doc-
erProgressThreshold uments a worker agent
sends to the dtSearch
engine before reporting pro-
gress back to the database.
Changing this value may
have an impact on per-
EDDSFileShare Relativity.Data During Relativity installation The location used for the
master-level file share. If
you change the location,
make sure that the new dir-
ectory is shared.
EmailFrom kCura.Notification blank The email address pop-
ulated in the “from” field
when sending email noti-
fications. The email
address must be valid.
Email aliases can be
entered in this format: Alias
Name user-
[email protected]
EmailLinkURLOverride kCura.EDDS.Web https://relativity.relativity.com You need to set this item
only when the URL used to
access Relativity by end
users is not the actual URL
of the Relativity web server.
This can happen under cer-
tain conditions:
n Your Relativity IIS
server is part of a
server farm and/or
behind a load bal-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 40

Name Section Value Description
ancer. In this case,
the URL used to
access Relativity is
the URL of the load
balancer or the farm,
not the URL of a spe-
cific server.
n You have a security
certificate installed
on a load balancer or
firewall, and the
device is doing URL
rewriting when
passing requests on
to the Relativity
server. In this case,
you use HTTPS to
access Relativity, but
the actual Relativity
server doesn't use
EmailTo kCura.Notification blank The email address pop-
ulated in the “to” field when
sending email notifications.
The email address must be
valid. Separate multiple
email addresses with a
EnableNativeRedactions kCura.EDDS.Web True To enable native high-
lighting, redactions, links,
and tagging, this must be
manually added and set to
True. This allows for redac-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 41

Name Section Value Description
tions and highlighting on
transcripts from Relativity
6.10 and prior.
EnableTransactionalImports Relativity.Core True You can set this value to
False to turn off the SQL
transactions that occur on
import. This could speed up
performance in the data-
base. However, it's dan-
gerous because it can
cause invalid records in the
EncryptedSMTPPassword kCura.Notification blank The password for the user-
name associated with the
credentials of the SMTP
server. This password val-
idates against the SMTP
EnvironmentData kCura.LicenseManag xxxx Encrypted data about your
er environment. Changing this
will shut down Relativity.
EnvironmentName kCura.Notification DefaultRelativityEnvironmentName The name of the envir-
onment. This value is used
when sending notifications.
You should update the
default value to a setting
appropriate for use in your
EnvironmentPubToken kCura.LicenseManag xxxx kCura’s public key. Do not
er change.
ESIndexCreationSettings kCura.Audit Click here to view default Data Grid template These are ES settings for
index creation.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 42

Name Section Value Description
"template": "audit_*",
"aliases": {
"{index}_read": {},
"{index}_write": {}
"settings": {
"index": {
"number_of_shards": 12,
"number_of_replicas": 2
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"str_search_analyzer": {
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": [
"str_index_analyzer": {
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": [
"lwhitespace": {
"tokenizer": "whitespace",
"filter": [
"filter": {
"substring": {
"type": "nGram",
"min_gram": 1,
"max_gram": 20

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 43

Name Section Value Description
"mappings": {
"audit": {
"dynamic_templates": [
"raw": {
"path_match": "Details\\.auditEle-
"match_pattern": "regex",
"match_mapping_type" : "string",
"mapping": {
"type": "string",
"fields": {
"Raw": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "lwhitespace"
"_timestamp": {
"enabled": true
"_size": {
"enabled": true,
"store": true
"properties": {
"ActionName": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"UserName": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 44

Name Section Value Description

ESIndexPrefix kCura.Audit This prefix used for naming

and referencing of all ES
ESPayloadSettings kCura.Audit These are ES settings
attached to every payload.
ExplicitBrowserWhitelist Relativ- Mozilla/[0-9].[0-9] \(Windows.+; .+; Trident/[7-9].[0- Do not modify. This is a list
ity.Authentication 9]; rv:[0-9][0-9].[0-9]\) like Gecko\nMozilla/[0-9].[0-9] of regular expressions
\(Windows.+; .+; Trident/[7-9].[0-9]; .+; rv:[0-9][0-9]. which are always allowed
[0-9]\) to access Relativity even if
unsupported. Correct func-
tion of browsers added to
this list by users is not guar-
anteed. List separated by \n
ExportBatchSize Relativ- 1000 The batch size used by
ity.Struc- Structured Analytics agents
turedAnalytics when pulling document
information out of Relativity
and pushing it to Content
Analyst staging web ser-
vice. Changing this value
will impact performance.
ExportSubdirectoryDigitPadding kCur- 3 The default value that
a.EDDS.Winform appears in the Relativity
Desktop Client export form
for the “volume sub-
directory digit padding”
ExportVolumeDigitPadding kCur- 2 The default value that
a.EDDS.Winform appears in the Relativity
Desktop Client export form
for the ”export volume digit
padding” value.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 45

Name Section Value Description
ExternalStylesheetUrls Relativity.Conversion blank The external stylesheets
used to include in every con-
verted document. These
entries are separated by
semicolons. By default this
is empty
FavoritesEnabled Relativity.Core TRUE Determines if Favorites
appear in the UI.
FileDe- Relativity.Data 1000 Determines the number of
leteChunkS- records deleted at once
izeOnDocumentDelete from associated tables
when documents are
deleted in mass.
FileDe- kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 The number of documents
letionManagerBatchAmount that the File Deletion Man-
ager or Cache Manager
deletes in a single batch.
FileTypesToDown- kCur- txt;vsd;vsdx;xls;xlsx;doc;docx; A semicolon(;) delimited list
loadAsAttachments a.EDDS.We- of file extensions (not includ-
b.Distributed ing dots) users would like to
download as attachments
rather than inline from the
native viewer. For example
ForceWebClientManagerUpgrade kCura.EDDS.Web False When set to True, Internet
Explorer checks to make
sure the user's web client
manager version matches
the version of Relativity
exactly. If it doesn't, it auto-
matically prompts the user
to install a new web client

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 46

Name Section Value Description
ForgotPasswordRequestBody Relativ- <HTML><BODY> <P>We received a request The text in the body of the
ity.ForgotPassword to reset the password associated with this email forgotten password request
address. email message.
Click the link below to reset your password.
This link will expire after 15 minutes
We recommend opening this link in Internet
<BR/><BR/> You can also copy and paste the
following text into your address bar:
If you did not request this change, contact your sys-
tem admin.<BR/><BR/> Please do not reply to this
For- Relativ- <HTML><BODY> <P>The password associated The text in the body of the
gotPass- ity.ForgotPassword with this email address has been successfully reset. forgotten password request
wordRequestCompletedBody Click the link below to login.<BR/><BR/> email message when the
{LOGINLINK}<BR/><BR/> We recommend request has been com-
opening this link in Internet Explorer. pleted.
<BR/><BR/> You can also copy and paste
the following text into your address
If you did not request this change, contact your sys-
tem admin.<BR/><BR/>
Please do not reply to this email.<BR/><BR/></P>
For- Relativ- [email protected] The value in the From field
gotPasswordRequestEmailFrom ity.ForgotPassword for the forgotten password
request email message.
For- Relativ- <HTML><BODY> <P>We received a request The text in the body of the
gotPasswordRequestInvalidBody ity.ForgotPassword to reset the password associated forgotten password request
with this email address. email message if the user is
<BR/><BR/> Your password can't be locked out.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 47

Name Section Value Description
reset due to a problem with your account.
Contact your system admin for assistance.
<BR/><BR/> If you did not request this change,
contact your system admin.
<BR/><BR/> Please do not reply to this
ForgotPasswordRequestSubject Relativ- Password reset request The value in the Subject
ity.ForgotPassword field for the forgotten pass-
word request email mes-
FTDirectory kCur- During Relativity installation The path to the full-text dir-
a.EDDS.SqlServer ectory used by the SQL
Server. This value should
be relative to the server
where SQL Server is
GlobalWorkspaceUpgradeLimit Relativity.Data 4 The global limit on the max-
imum number of Work-
space Upgrade Worker
agents that can access any
of the SQL servers in your
Relativity environment.
Each SQL server can have
a different number of these
agents accessing it, but the
maximum number access-
ing a single server can’t
exceed the global limit set
in this configuration value.
To set the number of
agents on a specific server,
see Servers on the Docu-
mentation site.
HeaderLogo kCura.EDDS.Web kcura_blue.png The name of the image file

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 48

Name Section Value Description
used for the header. This
file must be located within
the Images folder.
HeaderLogoLarge kCura.EDDS.Web kcura_blue_50.png The name of the large
image file used for the
header. This file must be
located within the Images
HelpLinkURL kCura.EEDS.Web http://relativity.com/relativity/ The URL for the help link in
Portals/0/Documents/<RELEASE NUMBER> the user drop-down menu.
#Relativity Online Help/Documentation
HTMLEditorToolbar kCur- [[ 'fontname', 'space','fontsize', Sets the Relativity API
a.We- 'space','formatblock', token expiration in minutes.
b.UI.WebControls 'space','bold', 'italic', 'underline',
'subscript', 'superscript',
'separator','copy', 'cut', 'paste',
'space', 'undo', 'redo' ],
[ 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter',
'justifyright', 'justifyfull',
'separator', 'orderedlist',
'unorderedlist', 'outdent', 'indent',
'hilitecolor', 'textindicator',
'createlink', 'insertimage',
IdentityCertificateThumbprint Relativ- CF8D71DB6278106766361271CD8159FC2AC8A- The thumbprint of the cer-
ity.Authentication 562 tificate used to sign identity
tokens. This certificate is

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 49

Name Section Value Description
installed in the certificate
store of the primary data-
base server. If you want to
use your own certificate for
identity tokens, you must
specify it during the install-
ation of your Relativity
instance. You must also
update this value with the
certificate’s thumbprint, and
then reset the IIS so the
configuration changes take
effect. For more inform-
ation, see Pre-installation in
the Relativity 9.2 Docu-
mentation site.

Note: If you enter an invalid

thumbprint, an error occurs
when loading Relativity,
which prevents it from run-
ImageExportThreshold Relativity.Core 300 The amount of time, in
seconds, that the TIFNative
manager waits for a single
document to be imaged
before killing the imaging
process and moving to the
next document.
ImageOnTheFlyJobPriorityDefault Relativity.Core 1 The default priority for all
Image-on-the-fly jobs.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 50

Name Section Value Description
ImageQCOnByDefault kCur- False The checkbox that prompts
a.Ima- to Hide Images for QC
gingSetEventHand- Review when imaging doc-
lers uments in an Imaging Set
defaults to checked if this
value is set to True.
ImageViewerBufferSize kCura.EDDS.Web 10485760 The maximum number of
bytes that the ImageViewer
preloads into memory.
ImageView- kCura.EDDS.Web 500 When you view a document
erContinuousPagingThreshold containing more pages
than this value in the Image
Viewer, switch to Single
Paging Mode.
ImagingBatchSubmitMaxRetries Relativ- 3 The maximum number of
ity.Converstion times a user can re-try each
batch of documents for con-
ImagingJobCleanupInterval Relativity.Conversion 1440 The number of minutes
between attempts to clean
up stalled imaging jobs.
The default is 1440
minutes, which is 24 hours.
ImagingJobPriorityDefault Relativity.Core 100 The default priority for all
Imaging jobs, excluding
Image-on-the-fly jobs.
ImagingRequestTimeout Relativity.Conversion 1 The amount of time, in
minutes, before Relativity
checks to see if Invariant
has started working on an
imaging job that Relativity
sent to it. The default is 1

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 51

Name Section Value Description
ImportBatchSize Relativ- 2000 The batch size used by
ity.Struc- Structured Analytics agents
turedAnalytics when pulling document
information from the Ana-
lytics staging web service
and pushing it into Relativ-
ity. Changing this value
impacts performance.
Ini- Relativity.Core 1000 The initial number of view-
tialNumberOfViewableDocuments able items on list pages.
This is the value in the “First
xxx” drop-down menu on
the bottom of list pages.
Instance kCura.LicenseManag UNSETINSTANCE In the Case User Rollup
er report, this value is used as
a prefix for the Case User
ID and Usage ID columns.
In the Case Statistics Rol-
lup report, this value is used
as a prefix in the Usage ID,
Case ID, and name
columns. It's used to pop-
ulate the Instance column
in the Case Statistics Rol-
lup report.

Modifying the instance

name by updating this
value immediately inval-
idates your Relativity and
Processing licenses.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 52

Name Section Value Description
Invari- Relativity.Core 300 The number of seconds
antFileDeletionServiceTimeout that must elapse while
Invariant returns no files for
deletion before the Invari-
ant File Deletion Kepler
Service times out.
InvitationEmailRequestBody Relativ- <HTML><BODY> <P>Your administrator has con- The Invitation Workflow
ity.Authentication figured a Relativity account for you at the following request email message
URL:<BR/><BR/> <a href="{LINKTEXT}">Log in text. The email text must be
to Relativity</a><BR/><BR/> Click this link to formatted as HTML.
access Relativity. You can also copy and paste the
following text into your address bar:<BR/><BR/>
{LINKTEXT}<BR/><BR/> If you were not expecting
this e-mail, please contact your system admin-
istrator.<BR/><BR/> Please do not reply to this
InvitationEmailRequestFrom Relativ- [email protected] The Invitation Workflow
ity.Authentication request email message
InvitationEmailRequestSubject Relativ- Welcome to Relativity The Invitation Workflow
ity.Authentication request email message sub-
InvitationLinkLifetimeInMin Relativ- 10080 The number of minutes the
ity.Authentication link sent in the Invitation
Email remains valid.
IsPerformanceEnabled Relativity.Core.Log False Do not modify. Set this to
True to log performance
KeplerServicesUri Relativity.Core http://localhost/Relativity.Rest/API The URL at which Relativ-
ity custom pages and event
handlers can access the
Services API Kepler ser-
vices using API helpers.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 53

Name Section Value Description
KeplerServicesUriForAgents Relativity.Core The URL at which Relativ-
ity agents can access local
Services API Kepler ser-
vices using API helpers.
The default port number
(8990) can be changed if
there is a port conflict with
some other server applic-
ation. Secure connections
are not supported at this
time, but the services are
still protected by normal
Relativity authentication.
KeyboardShortcutsDefault kCura.EDDS.Web True For new users, this value
determines the default
value for Enabling Key-
board Shortcuts.
LargeExtractedTextMaximumSize Relativ- 157286400 The maximum acceptable
ity.Struc- size, in bytes, of extracted
turedAnalytics text sent to Relativity
Analytics. If extracted text
exceeds this size, the job
fails to run and an error
message appears. You
must remove the flagged
document(s) from your
saved search before
running the job.
This value defaults to
157286400 bytes because
Analytics doesn't reliably
handle extracted text larger
than this size.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 54

Name Section Value Description
LastAccessedBatchTimerInterval Relativity.Conversion 10 seconds Determines the number of
seconds between updates
to the LastAccessed
column on the Con-
vertedCacheFile table asso-
ciated with the cache IDs
for a group of converted
documents. Relativity
tracks the date and time
when a user last viewed a
converted document to
determine how long the
document should be stored
in the cache. To monitor
these time intervals, it
updates the information
stored in this column by
batches based on the time
interval set in this con-
figuration value or on the
number of records set in
cordSizeLimit, depending
on which limit is met first.
For more information, see

Note: You can increase the

setting for this value and
the LastAc-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 55

Name Section Value Description
cordSizeLimit if your SQL
server experiences a high
number of requests for
updates. This change
causes the web server to
retain more data in memory
before sending a database
request. Alternatively, you
can decrease this setting if
the web server is running
out of memory because it is
holding too many doc-
LastAc- Relativity.Conversion 500 Determines the maximum
cessedBatchRecordSizeLimit number of cache IDs added
to a batch before Relativity
updates the date and time
information stored in the
LastAccessed column on
the ConvertedCacheFile
table for these converted
documents. For more
information, see LastAc-
LazyLoadHighlightSets kCura.EDDS.Web True To enable selective loading
of persistent highlight sets,
this must be manually
added and set to True.
LdapTemplateUserID kCura.EDDS.Agents 9 Do not modify. This is the
Relativity User Id to use as
a template when the
LdapUserManager Agent
creates users. This is used
when integrating Relativity

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 56

Name Section Value Description
and Active Directory.
LDFDirectory kCur- C:\Logs\ The path to the log file dir-
a.EDDS.SqlServer ectory used by SQL Server.
This value should be rel-
ative to the server where
SQL Server is installed.
LegacyAuditCutoff kCura.EDDS.Web 7/23/2008 3:16:57 PM The date that the envir-
onment was upgraded to
4.20. It's used within mes-
sages explaining to the
user that audit framework
LoadImportedFullTextFromServer Relativity.Data False Controls whether the
Extracted Text field data is
loaded directly from its file
path during an import,
rather than as part of a
client-generated bulk load
Setting this option to True
will move some IO time
from the Invariant Worker
to the Relativity Processing
WebAPI in addition to
doing less IO overall.
Depending on your
environment setup,
Processing Publish may
take less time with this
option on.
LocalCollectionStorage Relativity.Telemetry SQLServer The medium used to store
statistics on the client
before they are transmitted
to kCura. Supported set-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 57

Name Section Value Description
tings include SQLServer or
Elasticsearch. If you set this
value to Elasticsearch, you
must install Data Grid. This
configuration value is avail-
able only when you install
telemetry in your envir-
LockoutNotificationList kCura.LicenseManag [email protected]; Distribution list for emails
er [email protected] warning of a Case Stat-
istics-based or license-
based lockout
LoggingLevel Relativ- Information Do not modify. This is the
ity.Core.Logging Log Level for Relativity
Application Logging. Poss-
ible values are Verbose,
Debug, Information, Warn-
ing, Error, and Fatal.
LoggingLocation Relativ- None Do not modify. This is the
ity.Core.Logging location for Relativity Applic-
ation Logging. Possible val-
ues are SQLServer,
DataGrid, and None.
LogOutLogo Relativ- relativityLogin.png The name of the image file
ity.Authentication used for the LogOut Page.
This must be located within
the Images folder.
LongRunningQueryTimeout kCur- 3600 (seconds) The timeout value, in
a.AssistedReview seconds, used by the long-
running Assisted Review
LongRunningQueryTimeout kCur- 600 (seconds) This is used in various
a.Data.RowDataGat- places in the system to time

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 58

Name Section Value Description
out queries that run for a
significant length of time,
and potentially lock an asso-
ciated table.
LongRunningQueryTimeout Relativ- 120 The timeout value, in
ity.Struc- seconds, associated with
turedAnalytics running queries related to
structured data analytics.
MassActionUpgradeBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of workspaces
per batch when you run an
Edit Priority, Retry
Upgrade, or Cancel
Upgrade mass operation
on the Workspace Upgrade
MassCleanseBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of documents
per batch for the mass
cleanse process.
MassCon- Relativity.Core 3 The default priority for all
versionJobPriorityDefault Mass Conversion jobs, as
displayed on the worker
manager server. Added in
Relativity Version.
MassCopyBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 100 Defaults to the currently
configured value for
controls the batch amount
when copying Dynamic
MassCreateBatchSize kCura.Relativity 500 The number of artifacts per
batch for the mass create
process of the Services

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 59

Name Section Value Description
MassCustomBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of items per
batch for custom mass
operations. This value con-
trols the batch sizes for all
custom mass operations.
MassDeleteBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 100 The number of documents
per batch for the mass
delete process.
MassDeleteBatchAmount kCura.Relativity 100 The number of documents
per batch for the mass
delete process.
Note: The
RelativityServices API
(RSAPI) does not currently
support the mass delete
operation. This means that
the RSAPI always
performs a deletion one
artifact at a time, regardless
of the value for the
configuration in the
kCura.Relativity section of
the table.
MassEditBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of documents
per batch for the mass edit
process. In processing, this
is the number of errors that
will be marked as ignored
or will be put into retry
tables at a time.
MassExportBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 10000 The number of documents
per batch for the mass
export process.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 60

Name Section Value Description
MassImageBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of documents
per batch for the mass
image process.
MassImportSqlTimeout Relativity.Data 60 The timeout value, in
seconds, associated with
long running queries run by
any form of mass import -
this includes image and nat-
MassMoveBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of documents
per batch for the mass
move process.
MassPro- kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of documents
cessTranscriptBatchAmount per batch for the mass tran-
script process.
MassProduceBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of documents
per batch for the mass pro-
duce process.
MassRedactPopupDelay Relativity.Core 3 Determines the length of
time (in seconds) before
the creating redactions
popup appears.
MassSaveAsPDFJobPri- Relativity.Core 100 The default priority for all
orityDefault Mass Save As PDF jobs,
as displayed on the worker
manager server. Added in
Relativity Version.
MaxAnalyticsIndexIdleDays kCura.EDDS.Agents 30 The number of days that an
Analytics Index can remain
idle before the case man-
ager agent automatically
disables it.
MaxAr- kCura.Relativity 2000 Maximum number of arti-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 61

Name Section Value Description
tifactBatchSizeForExecuteBatch facts that can be submitted
to ExecuteBatch in one
MaxColumnsForMinWidth kCura.EDDS.Web 20 Views with a column count
greater than this number
are assumed to be wider
than the display. This
allows the system to make
optimizations that drastic-
ally reduce lag time when
working with large views.
However, this may result in
a suboptimal user exper-
ience on views with fewer
columns. Reduce this num-
ber if users complain that
their views are freezing
Internet Explorer.
MaxErrorListItems Relativity.Data 50000 The maximum number of
errors that appear on the
Error page.
MaxGridItemsToExport kCura.Audit 5000 Maximum number of audits
that can be exported from
the grid.
MaxFilesPerCacheFolder Relativity.Conversion 1000 The maximum number of
files available to store in a
single cache folder.
MaxNumPagesSaveAsPDF Relativity.Core 25000 The maximum number of
images allowed in one
Save As PDF request.
Max- kCura.EDDS.Web 10 For Relativity scripts, the
imumAc- maximum number of
tionsAllowedForRelativityScript actions that can be included
in the script body; 10 is the

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 62

Name Section Value Description
recommended value.
Max- kCura.EDDS.Web 7 For Relativity scripts, the
imumColumnsAl- maximum number of
lowedForRelativityScriptReport columns that can be
rendered when the script
runs as a report; 7 is the
recommended value.
Max- kCura.EDDS.Web 10 The maximum number of
imumDisplayCountForMultiPicker items to display while edit-
ing multi-object and multi-
choice fields.
MaximumListPageTextLength kCura.EDDS.Web 500 The maximum number of
characters that the item list
display for a text field.
Max- kCura.EDDS.WebA 1048576 During export, if the length
imumLongTex- PI of a long-text cell (in char-
tSizeForExportInCell acters) exceeds this value,
Relativity pulls down a
token instead of the text for
that cell. When the Desktop
Client comes across that
cell, it knows to make a sep-
arate call to pull down the
text for that cell.
Max- kCura.EDDS.Web 10485760 The maximum size, in
imumNat- bytes, of a native file that
iveSizeForViewerInBytes the Native Viewer attempts
to display. If a native doc-
ument exceeds this size,
the user will instead see a
page explaining that the
document is too large to be
Max- kCura.EDDS.WebA 10000 The maximum number of

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 63

Name Section Value Description
imumNum- PI images, in total bytes, that
berOfImagesForExportChunk export in a single set.
MaximumPasswordAgeDefault kCura.EDDS.Web 0 Determines the default
value for the maximum
password age (in days)
when creating password
authentication providers.
MaximumPasswordLength kCura.EDDS.Web 50 Controls the maximum user
password length allow-
ance. This value cannot be
set to a value greater than
Max- kCura.EDDS.WebA 1048576 The maximum text, in total
imumTex- PI bytes, that export in a single
tVolumeForExportChunk set.
MaxInvalidLoginAttempts Relativ- 10 The maximum number of
ity.Authentication login attempts a user can
make with a given user-
name before Relativity
locks out that username.
MaxListItems Relativity.Data 1000 The maximum number of
items that appear on the
dtSearch/CA error popups,
the batch/linked/search/re-
lational panes in the viewer,
and the error list at Home.
MaxNumDocumentsSave AsPDF Relativity.Core 500000 The maximum number of
documents that can be
added to a Save As PDF
job. Setting this value
above 500,000 may result
in UI performance issues or
failed Save As PDF jobs.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 64

Name Section Value Description
MaxNum- kCura.Relativity 1000000 The maximum number of
berOfArtfactsToMassCreate artifacts that can be sub-
mitted to the MassCreate
API function at a time.
MaxNum- kCura.Relativity 1000000 The maximum number of
berOfArtfactsToMassEdit artifacts that can be sub-
mitted to the MassEdit API
function at a time.
MaxPasswordHistory Relativity.Core 5 Controls how many pass-
word changes that Relativ-
ity checks for duplicate
passwords. Setting this to a
large value could prevent a
user from ever using the
same password twice.
MaxPDVQueryLength Relativity.Core 60 The timeout value, in
seconds, associated with
running queries related to
displaying document lists.
MaxQueryCondi- Relativity.Core 100000 The maximum length of a
tionCharacterLength criterion in the view criteria
MaxTreeviewChildNodes Relativity.Core 1000 The maximum number of
nodes under a single par-
ent node that appear in the
tree view. If the number of
child nodes is exceeded, an
error message appears.
This improves user exper-
ience and avoids memory
issues within the browser.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 65

Name Section Value Description
MinimumExcerptTextLength kCura.AssistedRevie 120 The minimum number of
w characters required for a
text excerpt for designation
and issues.
MinimumPasswordLength kCura.EDDS.Web 8 Controls the minimum user
password length require-
ment. This value cannot be
set to a value less than 8.
MinimumSeedInfluence kCur- 25 The minimum number of
a.AssistedReview documents required to be
categorized by each
example document
returned in an Assisted
Review stratified sample.
This is only available if you
add it locally.
MissedServer- Relativity.Core 3 Number of times that a
CheckInsBeforeAlert server can fail to check in
with Relativity before the
application generates an
alert indicating that the
server is nonresponsive.
The ServerCheckInInterval
configuration value spe-
cifies the time interval indic-
ating how frequently the
server must check in with
Relativity. See Server-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 66

Name Section Value Description
OCRCompilationBatchSize kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 The number of updates to
the document table, with
the OCRed text, that the
OCR Manager makes in a
single transaction.
OCRProcessingBatchSize kCura.EDDS.Agents 1000 The number of items trans-
ferred from OCR_
POP tables into OCR_
TEXT in a single batch.
OCRWorkerBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Agents 100 The number of images a
single OCR worker agent
pulls and OCRs at a time.
OCRWorkerInsertBatchSize kCura.EDDS.Agents 500 The number of inserts to
the OCR Worker table that
the OCR Manager agent
batches into a single trans-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 67

Name Section Value Description
OutputStructure Relativity.Conversion Chunked The data transfer encoding
method that Relativity's
processing engine uses
when converting files into
documents that are
readable in the viewer. By
default, this is set to
Chunked. The possible
values for this entry are:

n Chunked - Relativity
transfers data to the
processing engine in
a series of chunks.
The size of each
chunk is sent directly
before the chunk
itself so that the
engine knows when it
has finished receiv-
ing data for that
chunk. Chunked is
the default value.
Chunked and Flat
get similar con-
version results.
n Flat - Relativity trans-
fers data as a flat file,
which is stored as a
continuous string of
Chunked and Flat
get similar con-
version results.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 68

Name Section Value Description
n Streamed - Relativity
transfers data to the
processing engine in
a steady and con-
tinuous stream. If the
engine receives the
data more quickly
than required, it tem-
porarily saves the
excess data in a buf-
fer until it's ready to
process it. Don't
select Streamed. If
you select Streamed,
you will experience
conversion failures.
OutputUrlPath Relativity.Conversion ./ The relative path to any
other resources needed by
a converted document. The
default value is ./
Pass- kCura.Relativity blank The URL for Relativity used
wordNotificationRelativityURL in a password notification
email (used only by the
PasswordResetMessageBody kCura.EDDS.Web Hello - The following Relativity The password Reset Email
login information has message Text.
been set: - URL = {URL} -
You should now be able to log in.
Remember, the password is
case sensitive. Thanks!
PasswordReset kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity Login Information - {EMAIL} The password Reset Email
MessageSubject Subject Text.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 69

Name Section Value Description
PasswordResetRequestLimit Relativ- 10 Indicates the number (from
ity.Authentication 10-50) of password reset
requests that an individual
email address can gen-
erate. After reaching this
number, the email address
can't receive any additional
Reset Password emails
unless the user clicks the
link provided in the email.
After the Case Manager
agent runs again, the Reset
Password emails resume.
Until the Case Manager
agent runs, no auditing is
logged for the user.
PivotMax- Relativity.Data 100 The maximum number of
imumNumberOfColumns columns that appear in the
PivotMaximumNumberOfRows Relativity.Data 20000 This is the maximum num-
ber of rows that appear in
the pivot.
PivotNumberOfRowsPerPage kCura.EDDS.Web 15 The default number of rows
per page in the pivot.
PivotQueryTimeout Relativity.Data 180 This is the timeout period,
in seconds, on the pivot
PostLibraryScriptUrls Relativity.Conversion blank The Javascript libraries to
load after Oracle libraries in
every converted document.
These entries should be
separated by semicolons.
By default, this is empty.
PostMigrationPersistencePeriod kCura.Audit 90 The number of days that

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 70

Name Section Value Description
audit data remains in SQL
after migration.
PreConvertJobPriorityDefault Relativity.Core 2 The default priority for all
Pre-Convert jobs, as
displayed on the worker
manager server. Added in
Relativity Version.
PreConvertCacheSize kCura.EDDS.Web 3 This value controls how
many documents are pre-
converted when the user
reviews them in the HTML
viewer. Pre-conversion
occurs for the Native,
Image, and Production
PreLibraryScriptUrls Relativity.Conversion blank The Javascript libraries to
load before Oracle libraries
in every converted doc-
ument. These entries
should be separated by
semicolons. By default, this
is empty.
PrintImageWarningThreshold kCura.EDDS.Web 500 If a user attempts to mass
print and the number of
images to be printed
exceeds this threshold, a
warning appears to let the
user know that they're
attempting to print a large
number of documents.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 71

Name Section Value Description
Pro- Relativity.Core 150 Do not modify. This is the
cessingDeleteJobPriorityDefault default priority for all pro-
cessing delete jobs. Note
that deletion jobs will
always take the lowest pri-
ority within a given work-
space. If another job
becomes active while the
delete job is running, the
delete job will be put into a
“paused” state and will
resume once all other jobs
are complete.
Pro- Relativity.Core 100 The default priority for all
cess- Processing Discover jobs.
Pro- Relativity.Core 1000 The initial number of errors
cess- to pull back from the worker
ingErrorRetrievalInitialBatchSize manager server in one call.
If this fails, the number is
halved until it either suc-
ceeds or fails in pulling back
one error.
ProcessingErrorUpdateBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 The batch size used when
updating processing errors.
If this is set to a value
higher than 1,000 and you
attempt to republish a
processing set that
contains 1,000 or more
errors, you will receive an
agent error. Retrying errors
manually on the Errors tab
isn’t affected by this issue.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 72

Name Section Value Description
ProcessingExportBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 The number of documents
per batch when importing
documents during pro-
ProcessingExportMaxThreads Relativity.Core 4 The number of threads
used by the Invariant
worker to run publishing
jobs. This value must be 1
or greater.
Pro- Relativity.Core 100 The default priority for all
cess- Processing Inventory jobs.
Pro- Relativity.Core 90 The default priority for all
cessingPublishJobPriorityDefault Processing Publish jobs.
ProcessingRetryCount Relativity.Core 3 The number of times to
retry a processing job
before flagging the job as
ProcessingRetryTimerDuration Relativity.Core 600 The amount of time, in
seconds, to wait until auto-
matically retrying paused
ProcessingSetStatusUpdateInterv Relativity.Core 5000 (milliseconds) The interval at which the
al processing set console
updates the status of the
processing set.
Pro- Relativity.Core 700 The maximum number of
cess- rows that the Processing
ingStatisticsMaxNumberOfRows Statistics event handler can
return when gathering pro-
cessing usage metrics.
Each row contains a pro-
cessing set.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 73

Name Section Value Description
ProcessingWebAPIPath Relativity.Core <blank> The URL that directs to the
Windows Authenticated
Relativity Web API end-
point used by processing.
This URL is required for
processing and must be
entered by the Relativity
QueryCacheMode Relativity.Core SQLDependency QueryCacheMode controls
the type of SQL caching
Relativity uses.
Configuration value
n SQLDependency –
Uses SQL Service
n TimeBased –
Caches data in the
SQL cache for 30
The preferred configuration
value is SQLDependency,
as this option notifies the
web server in the event
SQL data is updated. Since
the TimeBased option
caches SQL data for 30
seconds, data used by the
web server may be briefly
outdated. You can also
enter a value of None, but
doing so results in no SQL
caching and denies those

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 74

Name Section Value Description
performance increases
allowed by either of the
above values. Because of
this, we recommend that
you don't enter None.
QuickNavEnabled Relativity.Core True Determines if the quick nav
search box displays.
QuickNavMaxResults Relativity.Core 20 Determines the maximum
number of results displayed
in quick nav. The value
must be a number between
2 and 50.
RecentHistoryEnabled Relativity.Core TRUE Determines if recent history
items appear.
RecentHis- Relativity.Core 10 The number of recent his-
toryNumberOfItemsDisplayed tory items stored and dis-
played by the favorites
control if Recent History is

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 75

Name Section Value Description
RelativityInstanceURL Relativity.Core Blank string ("") The URL identifying the
protocol and host name
used for your Relativity
instance. For example, you
might use
vity as the instance URL for
your environment. The
URL in this configuration
value can be used by any
Relativity applications
deployed in your
environment, which need to
provide external links to
users. For example, this
value could be used by an
application that adds a link
to a Relativity application in
an email message.

Note: Don't use localhost

as the host name in this
configuration value.
RelativityScriptPickerViewID kCura.EDDS.Web 902 The View ArtifactID of the
Relativity Script Picker.
RelativityServicesPath Relativity.Core Set during Relativity installation Indicates the URL for the
Services API. This path is
referenced by event hand-
lers and custom pages.
Procuro automatically sets
this value on installation.
RelativityWebAPITimeout kCura.ARM 300,000 The timeout for Relativity
WebAPI calls made by
ARM in milliseconds.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 76

Name Section Value Description
ReplaceCaseNameWithArtifactID kCura.Billing False If True, the Case Name in
the billing statistics report
(generated either by
manual run of the Billing
Statistics - User script or by
automatic run of the Case
Statistics Manager agent)
is replaced with the Case
ArtifactID. By default, this is
False, and the Case Name
ReplaceUser- kCura.Billing False Determines whether the
NameWithHashValue user name portions of user
email addresses are
replaced with hash values
in billing information sent
manually or sent auto-
matically through the
SMTP server. If True, all
text preceding the @ sym-
bol in each user email
address is replaced with a
unique hash value.
Domains remain unen-
crypted. By default, this
value is set to False, and
entire user email addresses
appear. If you manually run
the billing script, the value
you select in the interface
overrides this configuration

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 77

Name Section Value Description
RepositoryVolumeMax Relativity.Core 1000 The maximum number of
files allowed in a repository
case sub-directory.
RestrictedFileTypes Relativity.Core .exe;.html;.htm;.js A semicolon-delimited list
of file extensions, including
dots, that users are pro-
hibited from uploading to
file fields (excluding Cus-
tom Pages). For example:
See also Applic-
ResourceUrlPath Relativity.Conversion /Relativity/CustomPages/{viewer application The Relative path to Oracle
guid}/OracleContent/{version}/ resources for converted
documents. The default
value is /Relativ-
RestrictedNativeFileTypes Relativity.Core HTML;HTM;EXE A semicolon-delimited list
of file types users are pro-
hibited from uploading to
file fields (excluding Cus-
tom Pages). These values
are regular expression
enabled, so custom val-
idation behavior is also sup-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 78

Name Section Value Description
Retries kCura.AssistedRevie 3 Number of times agents
w retry upon failure of a given
operation. After retries are
exhausted, the project has
an error status; retries
occur every 30 seconds by
Retries Relativ- 3 Number of times agents
ity.Struc- retry upon failure of a given
turedAnalytics Structured Analytics oper-
ation. After retries are
exhausted, the project has
an error status; retries
occur every 30 seconds by
RetryWaitTime kCura.AssistedRevie 30 The number of seconds
w between Relativity's
attempt to retry errors.
RSAConfigFilePath Relativ- %RelativityWebInstallDir%\RSA The location of the sdcon-
ity.Authentication f.rec file and optional
sdopts.rec file. These files
initialize the RSA library
when RSA authentication
is configured.
RUMEnable kCura.EDDS.Web True Relativity User Metrics col-
lects click data if this value
is set to True.
RUMEndpoint kCura.EDDS.Web https://rum-cloud.relativity.com:443/ The URL for data sub-
mission for Relativity User
RUMIdentifier kCura.EDDS.Web A000C182-52A6-417D-A279-BC24F365B20D Stores the GUID to identify
an instance for Relativity
User Metrics.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 79

Name Section Value Description
SaveAsPDFExpiration Relativity.Core 7 The maximum length (in
days) that a Mass Save As
PDF document stays in the
cache. The value is ignored
if the file is downloaded in
the popup window. The
value is respected if the file
is downloaded from an
SearchCacheT- Relativity.Core 60 The timeout value, in
ableCreationTimeout seconds, for the creation of
a Search Cache table.
SearchIn- Relativity.Data 1200 The timeout value, in
dexerLongRunningQueryTimeout seconds, associated with
long running queries run by
dtSearch, CA, and Domain
SearchIn- Relativity.Data 5000 The maximum number of
dexerMaxPopulationErrors errors allowed for a single
population process in
dtSearch or CA before the
job is terminated. If this limit
is reached, the respective
agent throws an exception
saying that the failure limit
has been reached.
SearchIn- Relativity.Data 1048576 The size of the text chunks
dex- streamed from SQL to
erTex- either the dtSearch or CA
tFromSQLChunkSizeInBytes agents when they are writ-
ing large files to disk.
Increasing this value may
improve performance when
populating large files. The

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 80

Name Section Value Description
larger this value becomes,
the greater the chance that
either the dtSearch or CA
agent will run out of
SendNo- Relativity.Core False Determines whether an
tificationOnImportCompletion email is sent to the user run-
ning the import upon com-
SendNo- kCur- False The default value for send-
tific- a.EDDS.Winform ing a notification to the user
ationOnIm- uploading data.
ServerBatchSize Relativity.Telemetry 500 The size of batches used
for flushing non-aggreg-
ated metrics in the server-
side queue. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
ServerCheckInInterval Relativity.Core 60000 msec Time interval (in mil-
liseconds) used to indicate
how frequently a server
must check in with Relativ-
ServerConfigUpdateInterval Relativity.Telemetry 15 The interval in seconds
between updates to the
configuration of the server-
side metrics queue. This
configuration value is avail-
able only when you install
telemetry in your envir-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 81

Name Section Value Description
ServerFlushTimeout Relativity.Telemetry 15 The number of seconds
between each flush of the
server-side queue. When
the queue is flushed, the
service bulk writes any con-
tent that it contained to the
storage location specified
by the LocalCol-
lectionStorage con-
figuration value. This
configuration value is avail-
able only when you install
telemetry in your envir-
ServerManagerRetries kCura.EDDS.Agents 3 Number of attempts made
by the Server Manager
agent to connect to a server
before it sets the server
Ser- kCura.Relativity net.pipe://localhost/ Base URI for the self-hos-
vicesAPIBaseUriOnAgentServers ted Services API on agent
servers. Use the following
format: net.pipe://-
Ser- kCura.Relativity SelfHosting Determines how agents
vicesAPIHost- access the Services API in
ingOnAgentServersMode a Relativity environment.
Available Values include
SelfHosting and Pre-
definedURL .
Ser- kCura.Relativity http://localhost:9997/ The URL that agents use to
vicesAPIHost- Relativity.Services/ access the Services API
ingOnA- server when Ser-
gentServersPredefinedURL vicesAPIHost-

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 82

Name Section Value Description
is set to PredefinedURL .
Ser- kCura.Relativity 6867 TCP port used by the
vicesAPIMetadataPortOnA- metadata endpoint of the
gentServers self-hosted Services API
on agent servers.
SessionTimeoutDelay kCura.EDDS.Web 90000 Relativity issues a warning
before a user’s session
expires. This value is the
amount of time, in mil-
liseconds, that the user
receives the warning
before the session expires.
ShowForgotPasswordLink Relativ- False If True, displays the "Forgot
ity.ForgotPassword your password?" link on the
Relativity login screen,
allowing users to reset their
own passwords.
ShowStackTraceOnError kCura.EDDS.Web True If True, full stack traces dis-
play to users when an error
SSLOffloaded kCura.EDDS.Web False When this value is set to
True, the native document
viewer requests downloads
with the protocol that the
web browser uses to com-
municate with Relativity.
This functionality is
designed for use in envir-
onments that include an
SSL Offloading server.
SMTPPort kCura.Notification 25 The port used for SMTP
transactions. The default

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 83

Name Section Value Description
value can be changed to
another port based on the
setup of the SMTP server
in your environment. It must
be an integer value.
SMTPServer kCura.Notification blank The SMTP server used to
send notifications. The
default value should be
updated with a setting
appropriate for your envir-
SMTPUserName kCura.Notification blank The username associated
with the credentials of the
SMTP server. It's validated
against the SMTP authen-
tication. The SMTPUser-
Name must be associated
with the same account as
defined in EmailFrom.
SqlServerLDFDirectory Relativity.Data During Relativity installation The path to the log file dir-
ectory used by SQL Server.
This value should be rel-
ative to the server where
SQL Server is installed.
SQLTimeout kCur- 7200 The SQL timeout value
a.EDDS.Procuro used when executing
Procuro scripts. This value
is set in seconds.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 84

Name Section Value Description
StatisticsOutputFileSizeLimit Relativity.Core 512 The maximum size in kilo-
bytes (KB) for a file aggreg-
ated by a Statistics event
handler. This file size is per
event handler in a given
workspace. For example,
the Case Statistics Man-
ager collects data added to
this type of file.
StatsDHostAddress Relativity.Telemetry blank The host address of the
Application Performance
Monitoring (APM) used to
visualize performance met-
rics. This configuration
value is available only when
you install telemetry in your
environment. For more
information, see Telemetry
on the Relativity Docu-
mentation site.
StatsDPort Relativity.Telemetry 8125 The port number for the
APM used to visualize per-
formance metrics. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
For more information, see
Telemetry on the Relativity
Documentation site.
SupportedVersions kCur- X.X The Relativity versions sup-
a.EDDS.Tem- ported by the template man-
plateManager ager.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 85

Name Section Value Description
SupportLinkHref kCura.EDDS.Web blank The URL for the support
SupportXForwardedFor Relativity.Core False This is used to support the
X-Forwaded-For HTTP
header field when checking
for trusted client IP
addresses on Relativity
user accounts.
SyncExcludes Relativity.Core kCura.Sync.dll; A list of system DLLs that
kCura.Sync.Utility.dll; exist in the sync directory
NullableTypes.dll; that should not be recog-
itextsharp.dll nized as syncs.
SystemArtifactCacheExpiration Relativity.Core 240 (minutes) The number of minutes
before the system artifact
cache for any given work-
space expires and
refreshes the next time it's

If you're restoring archived

databases into newly cre-
ated workspaces, we
recommend that you
reduce this value to 15 or
30 minutes.
TallyBatchAmount kCura.EDDS.Web 1000 The number of documents
per batch for the tally pro-
TelemetryIndexCreationSettings Relativity.Telemetry Click here to view the template code used by Data The template that Data
Grid. Grid uses to insert new val-
ues into the data store at
update.relativity.com. This
configuration value is avail-
able only when you install

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 86

Name Section Value Description
{ telemetry in your envir-
""template"": ""stats_*"",

""aliases"": {

""{index}_read"": {},

""{index}_write"": {}


""settings"": {

""index"": {

""number_of_shards"": 1,

""number_of_replicas"": 0


""mappings"": {

""pointintimelong"": {

""properties"": {

""UtcTimestamp"": {""type"": ""date""},

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 87

Name Section Value Description
""LocalTimestamp"": {""type"":

""Bucket"": {""type"": ""string"",

""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""WorkspaceGuid"": {""type"":
""string"", ""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""WorkflowId"": {""type"": ""string"",

""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""ValueAsNumeric"": {""type"":

""ValueAsText"": {""type"": ""string"",

""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""InstanceName"": {""type"":
""string"", ""index"": ""not_analyzed""}


""pointintimestring"": {

""properties"": {

""UtcTimestamp"": {""type"": ""date""},

""LocalTimestamp"": {""type"":

""Bucket"": {""type"": ""string"",

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 88

Name Section Value Description


""counter"": {

""properties"": {

""UtcTimestamp"": {""type"": ""date""},

""LocalTimestamp"": {""type"":

""Bucket"": {""type"": ""string"",

""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""WorkspaceGuid"": {""type"":
""string"", ""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""WorkflowId"": {""type"": ""string"",

""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""ValueAsNumeric"": {""type"":

""ValueAsText"": {""type"": ""string"",

""index"": ""not_analyzed""},

""InstanceName"": {""type"":
""string"", ""index"": ""not_analyzed""}


""gauge"": {

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 89

Name Section Value Description

TelemetryIndexPrefix Relativity.Telemetry telemetry The prefix for telemetry

indexes in Data Grid when
you use Data Grid for the
local store. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
TelemetryKeplerUri Relativity.Telemetry http://localhost:8195/relativity.rest/api The location of the host for
the Kepler services. The
default value is generally
the correct URI for agent-
hosted Kelper services.
However, you must con-
figure this value for most
applications so that it points
to a Relativity web server or
appropriate host. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
TenancyFeatureAvailable Relativity.Core False Determines the visibility of
the values that allow a cli-
ent to become a tenant.
TermsLinkHref kCura.EDDS.Web blank The URL for the terms link.
If this isn't blank, every user
must agree to the dis-
claimer at least once before
logging into Relativity.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 90

Name Section Value Description
Tex- Relativity.Core blank The temporary directory
tExtractionTemporaryDirectory used by the Text Extraction
Manager. If left blank, the
default document directory
for the case is used.
TextViewerMaxPageSize Relativ- 512000 The maximum size of text
ity.DocumentViewer streamed to the text viewer
at once (in bytes).
TextViewerPageBufferSize Relativ- 102400 The buffer size for text
ity.DocumentViewer allowed to stream to the
text viewer (in bytes).
TreatHtmlAndXmlAsText kCur- True Controls the content-type
a.EDDS.We- header returned by files
b.Distributed with .HTM, .HTML, or .XML
extensions from Relativ-
ity.Distributed. When this
value is set to true, the con-
tent-type is text/plain. Other-
wise, it is set to
text/html/xml. The default
value is true. The net effect
of setting this to true is that
the Native radio button in
the review tool displays the
raw markup of these files
instead of rendering the
TitleText kCura.EDDS.Web Relativity The text of the header title
within Relativity.
TransmissionMetricCount Relativity.Telemetry 15000 The size of the batch used
for sending metric data to
the Transmission Agent. A
batch is a group of metrics,

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 91

Name Section Value Description
and the number of metrics
in a group is determined by
the batch size. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
TransmissionUpdateMetricCount Relativity.Telemetry 5000 The size of the batch used
for transmitting data back to
kCura. A batch is a group of
metrics, and the number of
metrics in a group is determ-
ined by the batch size. This
configuration value is avail-
able only when you install
telemetry in your envir-
TransmissionUrl Relativity.Telemetry https://up- The URL for the Relativity
date.re- ODA LLC collection end-
lativ- point. The Telemetry Met-
ity.- rics Transmission Agent
com/Relativity.Telemetry.MetricsReceiveHost/api uses this endpoint to send
metrics to kCura. This con-
figuration value is available
only when you install tele-
metry in your environment.
TrustedIPsForTokenLogin kCura.EDDS.Web empty The comma-delimited list of
trusted IP addresses for log-
ging into Relativity with an
authentication token.
UseLegacyViewer kCura.EDDS.Web False This determines if, when on
Internet Explorer, Relativity
should default to the legacy
ActiveX Viewer.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 92

Name Section Value Description
UsePermissionsCaching Relativity.Data True Determines the mechanism
for checking user
permissions. If set to true,
Relativity uses a
permissions caching
mechanism to improve
performance by minimizing
calls to the SQL database.
If set to false, Relativity
makes a database call
when permissions need to
be checked.
UsePermissionsCachingSeconds Relativity.Data 30 seconds Indicates the number of
seconds between the pre-
vious and next cache
refresh. If a change
occurred during this inter-
val, the refresh updates the
access rights that a user
has to a Relativity object.
User- kCura.EDSS.Web False The default value on User
CanChangeDocu- Creation for the User Can
mentViewerDefault Change Document Viewer
User- kCura.EDDS.Web True When creating a user, the
CanChangePasswordDefault default value for the User
Can Change Password
UserCanChangeSettingsDefault kCura.EDDS.Web True When creating a user, the
default value for the User
Can Change Settings
UseS- Relativ- "" Lists the text that you want
martCardAuthenticationCaption ity.Authentication displayed on the button

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 93

Name Section Value Description
used for smart card authen-
tication on the Login dialog.
You must enter a caption
for button if you want it dis-
played on the Login dialog.
If you leave this con-
figuration value blank, then
the button won’t be dis-
played. For more inform-
ation, see the Smart Card
Authentication guide.
UseWindowsAuthentication Relativ- False Determines whether
ity.Authentication Relativity uses Windows
Authentication. Set this
value False if you want to
disable WinAuth. Set it to
True if you want to enable
WinAuth and require the
user to log in to Relativity
from the current machine.
You can then use the
Authentication Data field on
the User layout to map user
credentials to a Windows
account. Users can then
enter their Windows pass-
words when logging in to
ValidateAssemblyVersion kCura.EDDS.WebA x.x.*.* Determines which parts of
PI the Relativity version num-
ber validate between the
Desktop Client and the
Relativity | Configuration
Table - 17 WebAPI version.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 94

Name Section Value Description
For example, given the
WebAPI version is
and the Desktop Client is
n *.*.*.* match

n x.x.*.* match
n x.x.x.x do not match
(the last node
between the two is
n x.x.x.* match
n *.*.*.x do not match
ViewQueryOptimization Relativity.Core True If set to True, this populates
the total documents in an
Item List view using one
SQL query to generate the
IDs of all items in the list.
This eliminates the need for
a second SQL query to get
the total count of doc-
ViewStateNumPages kCura.EDDS.Web 5 Do not modify. This defines
the number of entries
cached for use with holding
page viewstates. Requires
an IISReset after you
change the value.
WebAPIPath kCura.EDDS.DBMT http://localhost/RelativityWebAPI/ The Web API path that the
DBMT uses.
WebAPIPath kCura.EDDS.Web During Relativity installation The WebAPI path for

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 95

Name Section Value Description
If you enter a full URL for
this value, the protocol
must match what is used in
the browser. If Relativity is
set up to use either HTTP
or HTTPS, but not both,
you can enter a full URL. If
Relativity is set up to use
both HTTP and HTTPS, do
not specify the protocol in
this value.
WebClientBatchSize Relativity.Core 1000 Determines the batch size
for mass creating and mass
deleting redactions within
the web client
WebClientTimeout kCura.EDDS.Web 3000 The value, in milliseconds,
that the web client com-
ponents will wait for a
response when making a
WebAPI call before assum-
ing the request has timed
WebClientMaximumRetries kCura.EDDS.Web 2 The maximum number of
times the web client
attempts to make a
WebAPI call before throw-
ing an error.
WebCli- kCura.EDDS.Web 52428800 The maximum size, in
entNat- bytes, a file can be to allow
iveView- the Relativity Web Client
erCacheAheadMaxSizeInBytes Native Viewer Cache
Ahead technology to cache

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 96

Name Section Value Description
WebCli- kCura.EDDS.Web 5 The number of latency tests
entPerformanceLatencyTests performed by the Relativity
web client when logging
WebCli- kCura.EDDS.Web 300000 The amount of time, in mil-
entPerformanceLoggingInterval liseconds, between per-
formance logging audits
from the Relativity web cli-
WebClientPopupDelay kCura.EDDS.Web 3000 Determines the length of
time (in milliseconds)
before popups appear
when performing a long run-
ning operation.
WebClientRedaction kCura.EDDS.Web False When set to True, a warn-
Warning ing appears if there is a
25x25 redaction on the
WebClientLongTimeout kCura.EDDS.Web 3000 The value, in milliseconds,
that the web client com-
ponents waits for a
response when making a
potentially long running
WebAPI call before assum-
ing the request has timed
WebCli- kCura.EDDS.Web x.x.x.x This value affects how the
entValidateAssemblyVersion web client manager determ-
ines whether it needs to
download and install a new
version of the web client.
For example, given that
Relativity is version and the web client

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 97

Name Section Value Description
n *.*.*.* will not cause a
n x.x.*.* will not cause a
n x.x.x.x will cause a
download/install (the
last node between
the two is different)
n x.x.x.* will not cause
a download/install
n *.*.*.x will cause a

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 98

Name Section Value Description
WindowsAuthIpRange Relativ- *.*.*.* Set this value if you want to
ity.Authentication specify a list of IP
addresses that Relativity
uses to validate the IP
address of a user during
login. If you don’t enter any
setting for this value, then
the default setting (*.*.*.*)
allows users to log in from
any IP address. When spe-
cifying multiple IP
addresses, enter each on a
separate line, or run a SQL
update statement similar to
the following example,
using the IP addresses for
your environment:

Update [EDDS].[eddsdbo].
Set Value = '172.17.*.*
Where Name = 'Win-

Make sure that you don't

use spaces or tabs in this
SQL statement.
WorkerStatusCacheExpiration Relativity.Core 30 The number of seconds
that Invariant will be cached
in the WorkerStatusAPI ser-
vice before being

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 99

Name Section Value Description
WorkerStatusServiceTimeout Relativity.Core 5 The number of seconds
before calls to Invariant
from the WorkerStatusAPI
service are timed out.

2.1 Configuration values and UI display for Document Skip

The following rules apply to the DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault configuration value and UI display:

DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault (configuration value DocumentSkipDefaultBehaviorDefault Skip Default Preference

and UI display for document skip field) (configuration value) Field (UI display)
Enabled True Skip
Enabled False Normal
Disabled Setting Ignored Normal (Read-only)
Force Enabled Setting Ignored Skip (Read-only)

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 100

Proprietary Rights
This documentation (“Documentation”) and the software to which it relates (“Software”) belongs to
Relativity ODA LLC and/or Relativity’s third party software vendors. Relativity grants written license
agreements which contain restrictions. All parties accessing the Documentation or Software must: respect
proprietary rights of Relativity and third parties; comply with your organization’s license agreement,
including but not limited to license restrictions on use, copying, modifications, reverse engineering, and
derivative products; and refrain from any misuse or misappropriation of this Documentation or Software in
whole or in part. The Software and Documentation is protected by the Copyright Act of 1976, as
amended, and the Software code is protected by the Illinois Trade Secrets Act. Violations can involve
substantial civil liabilities, exemplary damages, and criminal penalties, including fines and possible
©2019. Relativity ODA LLC. All rights reserved. Relativity® are registered trademarks of
Relativity ODA LLC.

Relativity | Configuration Table Guide - 101

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