Discussion Question 2
Discussion Question 2
Discussion Question 2
1. Would you rather be known as a person of modest means with an impeccable ethical character
or as an unscrupulous person of wealth? Why?
2. Do laws provide a complete guide to ethical behavior? Can an activity be legal but not ethical?
3. Does charging by the hour encourage unethical behavior on the part of contract workers and
4. Should all IT workers be either licensed or certified? Why or why not?
5. You are caught in the middle of a dilemma. You have been subpoenaed to be a witness in a
work-related sexual harassment case involving your boss and a coworker. On many occasions,
you heard your boss make statements to this employee that could be interpreted as sexual
advancements. Your boss has made it clear that he will make things difficult for you at work if
you testify in favor of the employee. You could choose to testify in a manner that would make it
appear that your boss was not serious and that the employee was overreacting. On the other
hand, it was clear to you that your boss was not joking with the employee and that he was
harassing her. What kind of repercussions could there be if you testify in favor of your
coworker? Would you be willing to risk those repercussions? Does it really matter if the case is
dismissed because of your testimony?
1. You are a new salesperson at a large software manufacturing firm. It is three weeks from the
end of the sales quarter and you and your sales manager are sitting pretty—you have both
already met your sales quota for the quarter. In addition, you just closed another deal with a
new customer for $100,000 of software and customer service. This order would put you way
over your sales quota for the current quarter. Your manager suggests that you hold this new
order so it gets recorded against next quarter. She explains that because sales during the next
three months tend to slow down, salespeople frequently miss their quotas and associated sales
bonuses for that quarter. Holding this large order to next quarter would help you get an
excellent start and almost guarantee that you meet your quota. What would you do?