Due 6 - 5
Due 6 - 5
Due 6 - 5
Part 1. Chiasmus vs Synchesis & the placement of Latin words in a poetic line.
In Roman poetry, there are various arrangements of words in the Latin lines. Two arrangements you should know are chiasmus (ABBA) and
synchesis (ABAB).
1. Read each Latin line and determine the pattern of the adjectives and nouns.
2. Highlight the ABBA or ABAB pattern - notice that I color coded the first few for you!
3. Decide if the Latin line has chiasmus or synchesis
These lines are taken from Ovid's Metamorphoses. Notice that I color coded for the first few to help you recognize patterns!
Latin line with highlighting!! (you don’t have to use the same colors as Chiasmus (ABBA) or Synchesis (ABAB)?
These lines are taken from Vergil's Aeneid. How do the arrangement (word order) of the words relate to the translation of the line? Please look at
how the Latin words are placed in the link. How does the Latin line illustrate “King Aeolus is in a huge cave”? How does the Latin line illustrate
“the scattered sleet of Aeneas over the entire sea”?
Aeoliam venit. Hic vasto rex Aeolus antro Using Chiasmus here illustrates how Aeolus is in a huge cave because
Vergil places Aeolus between the words huge and cave to show how he
She comes to Aeolia. Here, King Aeolus is in a huge cave. is in the cave.
Disiectam Aeneae, toto videt aequore classem, Using synchesis displays the scattardness of Aeneas’ fleet of ships
because they place the words for scattered and fleet far apart from one
He sees the scattered fleet o f Aeneas over the entire sea. another.
Part 3. Metonymy
Metonymy: Find the word which references something else, then define what that reference is.
The cups were full with Bacchus and the feast was ready! Bacchus = wine
I sing of weapons and a man (this is the first line of the Aeneid!!) Weapons = war
Vulcan sprouted out of Mt. Vesuvius Vulcan = lava
The boy, Narcissus, refused Ceres as he stared at his reflection. Ceres = food
Despite the truce, the threat of Mars remains intense. Mars = war