Xia Expansion PDF
Xia Expansion PDF
Xia Expansion PDF
1 Economy Board
& Disarmed
[shift]+8 [alt]+[shift] +Y [alt]+[shift] +A [alt]+[shift] +C [alt]+[shift] +F
* Á Å Ç Ï
[alt]+[shift] +H [alt]+[shift] +J
[alt]+[shift] +T
> Price: 8,000%
SkImmer Hold: 15
Price: 1,000%
[alt]+[shift] +L [alt]+[shift] +; [alt]+[shift] +’ [alt]+[shift] +M
Impulse: 2
Hold: 11 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Impulse: 3
0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Price: 5,000%
Hold: 13
Impulse: 3
0 2 4 6 8 10
1 3 5 7 9
pg. 1
Setup Setup is the same as the base game, with one face up to each player. (In a 4 or 5-player game, not everyone will get
a few changes, which are marked in bold: one.) Players take the corresponding NPC miniature and place it on the
1. Find the Sector tile ‘Nyr’, place it NPC Card.
face up in the center of the play area. Shuffle the Sector Tiles and place 7. Place the new Fame Point Track and the Economy Board in the play
them face down in a stack within reach of all players. Deal one Sector tile area. Players now decide the number of Fame Points needed for victory.
per player, placing them face up in the center of the play area adjacent to Place the Victory Marker on the Fame Point Track to indicate the
Nyr, matching up the edge symbols to Nyr’s. winning total. Determine the number of starting cubes for each cube
• If a Sector without a Spawn Point is drawn, re-shuffle it into the deck type on the Economy board by rolling the £ [d6] for each cube type
and draw another tile. and placing that number of cubes on that space.
8. Separate the blue Tier 1$ Ship Mats and matching Ability Cards. (Set
the green Tier 2^ and purple Tier 3& mats and cards aside for now.)
Each player rolls the Ï[d20]. The player with the highest roll chooses a
Tier 1$ Ship Mat and takes the matching Miniature and Ability Card.
This continues counter-clockwise around the table until each player has
chosen. All players then place their Miniatures on the Spawn Point of the
2-Player 3-Player 4-Player 5-Player Sector Tile closest to them.
2. Shuffle the Relic Tokens and Exploration Tokens and place them face 9. Each player now takes an Impulse Token, and a set of Markers.
down within reach of all players. Place an Exploration Token face • The Impulse Token is placed on the Impulse Space of the Ship Mat face
down on any Exploration Spaces on the starting tiles. Use only the new up (yellow side).
Exploration Tokens with this expansion, and none of the base game
• One Marker is placed on the Fame Point Track at 0 (Unknown).
Exploration Tokens.
• One Marker is placed on the highest number of the Ship Mat’s Energy
3. Shuffle the Mission Cards, Title Cards and Event Cards. Place the decks
face down within reach of all players.
• The remaining four Markers are placed on the Ship Mat, filling out the
4. Place the Cargo Cubes, Damage/Ice Damage Markers, Outfits (organized
Armed section.
by shape), Credits, and Dice within reach of all players.
10. In the same order as ship selection, each player may now spend their
5. Give each player one new How To Win Card and 4,000% worth of
Credits to purchase Outfits. The Outfits are placed in their Ship Mat’s
Credits (4 silver coins).
Hold. Players may only purchase what will fit in the Hold. Players are not
6. Place The Kiln’s NPC card in the play area and its miniature on the required to spend all or any of their Credits at this point.
rules space of the Nyr sector tile. Shuffle the three NPC Cards and deal
start! The player who picked
their ship last takes the First
Player token then takes the
first turn.
5 3
9 1 6
2 5
8 6
6 5 1
Setting up the game: Numbers correspond to Setup Steps.
pg. 2
A: Event Deck / Fame Point Track C: Economy
When you collect an Exploration Token, place it face up on your ship mat and Squander: When selling cubes to Loath the cubes are
immediately resolve the token. consumed (returned to supply), but no new cubes are produced.
Cargo Cube: Take a matching Cargo Cube from the supply and place Trade: The planet Kei has a special space that allows you to trade cubes. To
it in your hold - if you do not have space in your hold, the cube is Trade, place any number of cubes in your hold onto the Economy Board, then
placed in your space on the board (as if jettisoned). take an equal number of cubes from the Economy Board, other than types you
Energy: Immediately refill your energy meter to maximum. placed this turn. (e.g. if you placed Cyber onto the Economy Board this turn,
you cannot take any Cyber this turn.) If you place cubes that are in Demand,
Ice Damage: Immediately take 1 ice damage (blockable with a you also gain the 1,000% reward.
Captain In Need: Draw the top mission card and read the Deliver To The 2-Player Variant has the same rules as a
2-Player Rules
mission point ( # ); ignore everything else on the card. To complete normal game except:
Captain in Need, transport the captain to the Deliver To #. On completion, you
earn 1@ and 1,000%. Captain in Need takes up an Active Mission slot; you • NPCs count as players for mission target purposes (just like solo play)
may discard an existing mission to make a slot available. If you do not wish to with the exception of The Kiln. If playing without NPCs, the opposing
accept the Captain in Need, you may discard the mission card (keep the token player is always your mission target.
on your ship mat either way).
• ‘Lone Drifter’ Auto-Pilot Ability: In 2-Player: Add +2 movement to
After resolving an Exploration Token, keep it face up on your ship mat. successful rolls.
Whenever you have 2 Exploration Tokens face up on your ship mat, after
resolving the one you just collected, discard both tokens (remove from the
game) and gain either 1@ OR 2,000%.
pg. 3
Relic Tokens Relic Tokens take up
E: Sectors + Missions 2 cargo spaces in your
hold. While in your
Nyr / The Kiln The Kiln: The Kiln hold they act similar to Cargo Cubes (can be stored inside of Cargo Pods), and
is a space station can be removed by the Jettison Cargo (Minor) Action, and if a space holding
NPC that orbits a Relic Token is damaged, that token is automatically jettisoned. If a Relic
the star Nyr. Ships can dock with The Kiln (similar to Token is jettisoned (either by taking the Action, or by damage - that token is
landing on a planet). destroyed (remove from game).
Setup: During setup, The Kiln is placed on the special Sift: While docked with The Kiln, as an action, you may Sift any Relic Tokens
rules space of the Nyr sector tile. in your hold. When you Sift a token, it is removed from your hold, flipped face
Docking: You may dock with The Kiln from any space adjacent to The Kiln up, and you must choose to receive 1@ OR the rewards shown. Any rewards
miniature, at the cost of 1 movement. Place your that will not fit in your hold (cubes/mods) are ignored.
ship on any space on the NPC card.
Orbit: When a player’s ship docks with The Sifted Relic Tokens are worth:
Kiln, it will orbit the star Nyr. Immediately roll ● 1@ OR 3,000%
the £[d6] and move the station along its path a
number of spaces equal to the roll. The Kiln cannot
● 1@ OR 2,000% + 2 Specified Cubes
end movement in an occupied space; it will instead
reduce its move by 1 until it ends in an unoccupied
space. ● 1@ OR 2,000% + Specified Mod
Sift Action: While docked with the station with
a Relic Token in your hold, you may take the “Sift” Action. When you Sift
a token, it is removed from your hold and revealed, at which point you pick Gravity Paths (Purple/orange dashed
which reward to receive, either 1@ or some financial gain.
glowing paths).
Embers: The white Cargo Cube, Ember, can be sold on the Sell space here at Anomaly sectors have
a rate of 2,000% per cube. Selling all your cargo of Ember (minimum 2 cubes) very concentrated gravity, represented by dashed/glowing
will award 1@, the same as selling cargo on a planet. paths. Some Anomaly sectors have multiple paths (either
Inside: Similar to being “on” a planet, players outside of The Kiln cannot orange, or purple).
interact with players inside of The Kiln. When two or three ships are inside Entering: Whenever a player (not NPC) enters a gravity
The Kiln, they are considered adjacent. NPCs can enter The Kiln, just as they path (on any space of that path) they must roll the die
can with a Neutral planet. When inside The Kiln you can move by spending specified on the rules space for that path. Their ship then
movement, same as if you were on a planet. You may exit The Kiln from any moves along that path the number of spaces rolled. You
space inside the station, this costs 1 movement, and you’ll place your ship on must roll for entering any space of the gravity path, including the special rules
the game board in any space adjacent to The Kiln. space.
Business Phase: Ships that end their action phase docked with the station may Moving: After making the roll for entering the path, if your ship is still on
take their normal business phase actions (as if on a planet). that gravity path, you may move along the path (with the arrows or against
Station’s Turn: The Kiln does not take turns like normal NPCs (it moves the arrows) or exit the path without rolling again for that path. You retain any
when activated by a ship Docking with it). The Kiln cannot be affected, surplus movement you had before you entered the path, and can use it after
attacked, or damaged by other ships. In the unlikely event that The Kiln is you finish your forced path movement. Once you move off the path, if you re-
destroyed (e.g. if struck by Rikishi), all ships currently docked are destroyed enter it later, you’ll need to roll again.
as well. The Kiln respawns on the special rules space of Nyr at the start of the Pushed off: Most paths will push you through a negative border if you are
next player’s turn. pushed all the way to the end of that path. If you roll any number that would
push you off of the end of the path, your ship is pushed all the way off the
path, and any excess “path movement” is discarded. You must apply the effects
Excavate / Relic Tokens of the space that you move into, as if you had moved there normally.
Dead Worlds
Players can take Actions: Players may not take any actions (minor or otherwise) while the
an Excavate action gravity forced movement is being resolved. After the forced movement is
on Excavate spaces of Dead Worlds. You must have 2 resolved, the players can take actions normally (and perhaps backtrack along
orthogonally adjacent empty spaces in your cargo hold to the path to take desired actions).
take an Excavate action. Example: A ship moves onto the outer path (purple) of
Ferren’s Call with 4 movement left over.
When excavating roll the Ï[d20]:
The ship immediately rolls for the purple gravity path, rolling
• On a 1-10, take the number rolled as Ice Damage. the d12 (specified on the rule space for that path). The roll is a
• On 11-20 you gain 1 Relic Token placed in your hold, 8, moving the ship 5 spaces along the path, the 6th movement
face down, without looking at the contents. causes the ship to move off of the end of the path, the extra 2
movement from the gravity path is discarded.
Relic Token Space: When a Dead World is discovered, place
The ship has now entered the inner (orange) ring and must
the number of Relic Tokens specified on this space (3 or
immediately roll the d6 and move along that path.
4). Each time a player succeeds at an Excavate action on After the d6 forced movement is resolved, the player
this sector, they take the top Relic Token from the stack. can still use the 4 movement they had left over when
When there are no more tokens in the stack - that site has entering the path in the first place (that is, assuming
collapsed and cannot be Excavated any more this game. they weren’t just destroyed by the black hole at the
These spaces otherwise act as normal space that is center!).
occupied while tokens are present (you can fly through
it, but cannot end movement there.) The tokens here cannot be interacted with
and merely act as a timer for the Relic site.
No Business Phase: You cannot take a Buisiness Phase on a Dead World like
you can on normal planets.
pg. 4
Ice Asteroids / Comets Comets and Comet * Ember A new type of Cargo Cube -
Paths (Light blue Ember. Ember can be quarried
dashed glowing paths). from special Quarry spaces on
Comets move along a specific path. Each Ice Asteroid select Ice Asteroid sectors.
sector contains 1 Comet. When the sector is first revealed, To take the Quarry action, you must be on the Quarry Space of the sector tile
place a comet on the special rules space. and have at least one free space in your Hold.
Whenever any player (not NPC) moves onto any space on the path of a To take the Quarry action, roll the Ï[d20]:
Comet, immediately roll the £ [d6] and move that Comet • 1-10: Ice Damage equal to the number rolled (blockable by
the number of spaces rolled along the path. If a ship shields).
enters a space containing a Comet, or if a Comet ends
movement on a space with a ship/Cargo Cube, that ship/ • 11-20: Receive 1 Ember Cargo Cube placed in your hold.
cube is instantly destroyed (same rules as a Star border). Ember can be sold at The Kiln’s “Sell” space, when docked with the station
Assuming the ship wasn’t destroyed by the comet’s for 2,000% per cube. If you sell all of your Ember, and sell at least 2, you will
movement, the ship may continue moving normally. gain 1@ (same as other cubes).
After the initial comet movement, the comet won’t move again until the ship
moves off the path and back onto it, or a 2nd ship enters the path.
Actions: Players may not take any actions (minor or otherwise) after triggering Mission Cards New Mission Types
the comet movement, until the comet movement is resolved. There are four new mission types - two
Example: A ship moves onto the comet path with lawful and two outlaw.
5 movement remaining. The player immediately Cargo (Lawful)
rolls for the comet, rolling a 5, so the comet moves 1. Collect Mission Cubes (by any means)..
5 along the path. The player continues movement, 2. As an Action: Deliver cubes to Delivery #; payment is
and can continue safely along the path without
determined by the Cargo Cubes you deliver.
triggering the comet again. If the ship moves off
3. Receive Payment on Mission Card.
the path and back on it, the comet will move again.
Private Eye (Lawful)
Example 2: A ship moves onto a comet path,
directly in front of the comet and rolls a 2. The
1. Fly to specified Mission Point.
comet moves two spaces, passing through the 2. As an Action: Reveal Mission Card and collect intel by
ship’s space and ending on the space just past the drawing and discarding the top three mission cards off the
ship. The ship is not harmed by the comet. deck.
In the unlikely event that a comet is destroyed, the comet respawns on the 3. Payment is determined by number of Outlaw missions discarded. Place
special rules space at the start of the next player’s turn. Credits equal to the specified Payment on Mission Card.
4. As an Action: Deliver intel to Delivery #.
Ice Asteroids 5. Receive Payment on Mission Card.
Ice Asteroid spaces have solid white borders and blue ice
asteroid artwork inside. Ice Asteroids block line of sight. Arms Dealer (Outlaw)
Players must roll Ï[d20] when entering an Ice border: 1. Pickup Outfit type (or use Outfit currently in hold).
2. As an Action: Deliver (undamaged) Outfit to Delivery #; payment is
• 1-10 take that number as Ice Damage (blockable with determined by Outfit delivered. (Remove Outfit from Hold and place back in
shields) supply, any markers on it go to Disarmed.)
• 11-20 nothing happens 3. Receive Payment on Mission Card.
Coerce (Outlaw)
1. Fly within range of target ship.
Ice Damage Ice Damage (blue gems) 2. As an Action: Declare Mission and make an attack as
Ice damage counts as normal normal.
damage with the following exceptions: 3. Payment is determined by total damage dealt to target.
Place Payment on Mission Card.
Melting: During your business phase you may remove all ice damage for free 4. As an Action: Deliver goods to Delivery #.
(must be on a planet or docked to space station to take a business phase). 5. Receive Payment on Mission Card.
Freezing: During your status phase: Place 1 Ice damage in every space that is
orthogonally adjacent to ice damage. If, due to Freezing, your hold is entirely
full of damage (ice damage, and/or regular damage) your ship is destroyed.
When Freezing, spaces with normal damage should be ignored; Ice damage
does not spread into spaces containing normal damage.
Example: Persistent Memory has 5 ice During the status phase, place ice
damage. damage in every space orthogonally
adjacent to existing ice damage.
pg. 5
M-Comp (Mission Computer)
F: Outfits / Mods
Placed in the cargo hold.
Outfits Cargo Pod / Armor Plating Every undamaged M-Comp in your hold allows you to carry +2
These outfits are unique because only one Active Missions. If your M-Comp is damaged you must discard active
space of the outfit actually sits inside the missions down to your current available number of active missions.
cargo hold (the green space with the white arrow on it) – the rest of the outfit Example: You take the Draw Missions action while having 1 undamaged M-Comp in
sits outside the hold, adding additional your hold, you’ll draw 3 missions (same as normal). When choosing to keep missions
spaces to your ship. Multiple of these (which has been moved to after your turn, see the “Mission Drawing / Discarding”
special outfits cannot overlap outside the section), you’d be able to keep up to 3 missions (1 normal + 2 for the M-Comp).
ship’s hold. Enviro-Shld (Environmental Shield)
Cargo Pod Placed over a Use Space on a Shield Outfit. This
All 4 spaces of the cargo pod space continues to be a Use Space for that Shield
can only hold Cargo Cubes Outfit, but also gains the following:
and Relic Tokens. Only Activate: When you activate an Enviro-Shield, the Shield
the space that connects to the ship’s hold may be damaged. The three spaces Outfit automatically rolls it’s maximum value vs. non-
outside of the ship’s hold cannot hold damage markers. If the connecting space combat damage or energy loss (e.g. damage or energy
is damaged, all spaces within the cargo pod are also treated as damaged (and loss from borders or actions like Mine, Harvest, Quarry,
any cargo there is jettisoned). The cargo pod won’t be able to hold any cargo etc.) Enviro-Shields do not affect combat damage (roll normally).
until the damage is repaired. Relic Tokens must be stored entirely inside the
Example: You take a Mining action and roll an 8 - you are about to take 8 Non-
cargo pod (you cannot have half in the hold half in the pod). Combat Damage. You spend an Armed Marker on an Enviro-Shield on top of your d6
Armor Plating Shield Outfit. You automatically roll 6 for that shield. 8 Non-Combat Damage - 6 Shields
Each space on the armor plating outfit can hold 1 damage (and = 2 Total Damage taken.
only damage). This outfit increases your ship’s durability and
allows you to take more damage than normal before your ship
is destroyed. Ice damage will only spread via the green connection space to/
from the armor plating.
Mods are special 1x1 sized outfits that have G: Rule Streamlines / Tweaks
Mods special abilities. As with normal outfits, if
the Mod takes damage, it stops functioning
Rule Changes Mission Drawing / Discarding
until the damage is repaired. Mods can be
When taking the “Draw Missions” (Minor)
stored in the hold at any time, (though some are only usable when attached
Action, you draw the top 3 cards off the
to, or on top of an Outfit) and can be rearranged, sold and transferred to a new
mission deck and place them face down in front of you without looking at
ship as per the base game rules.
them. You may take this (Minor) Action once per Mission Point per turn. After
Piercer (Shield Piercer) your turn ends (during other players’ turns), you may look at all the mission
Placed over a Use Space on a Blaster/Missile Outfit, cards you drew and decide which to keep before the start of your next turn.
this space continues to be a Use Space for that As normal, you can only take the draw action if you have capacity for at least
Outfit, but also gains the following: one active mission, and you can only keep as many missions as your capacity
Activate: When you make an attack using a Shield Piercer, (default 1) You may discard active missions at any time.
shields rolled against it are reduced by -4. This ability can • Dying with drawn missions: If your ship is destroyed, discard all
stack with multiple Piercers, but cannot reduce defensive value below 0. drawn missions without looking at them.
Example: You make an attack by placing two markers: one on the normal Use Space Example: You don’t have any missions. You fly over 2 Mission points, drawing 3 twice,
of a d6 blaster, and one on a Piercer attached to the same d6 blaster, and your opponent for a total of 6 cards (looking at none of them). After your turn ends, you look at all 6
defends with 1d8 shield. You roll a 1 and a 3, your opponent rolls a 3. Your Piercer cards and keep 1. If you had a M-Comp mod, you could keep up to 3 instead.
reduces your opponent’s shield defense: 3 - 4 = 0 (cannot go below 0) total defense
value. You now assign combat damage as normal (4 attack - 0 defense = 4 damage).
You do not need to sell all your Cargo Cubes to gain a @; instead, you must
Example 2: You make an attack by placing two markers on 2 shield piercers attached sell at least 2 cubes and all of the cubes in your hold that location will buy.
to a d6 blaster, and your opponent defends with 2d8 shield. You roll a 4 and a 1 for 5 (You may sell less than all the cubes that location will buy, but you will not
total attack, your opponent rolls a 7 and a 4 for 11 total shields. Your 2 Piercers reduce gain a @.)
your opponent’s shield defense: 11 - 8 = 3 total defense value. You now assign combat
damage as normal (5 attack - 3 defense = 2 damage). Assassin Missions
You may complete an Assassin mission if the target ship is destroyed for any
GTS (Gravitational Thrust Stabilizers)
reason, even if were not the one to destroy it.
Placed in the cargo hold.
Each GTS orthogonally adjacent to an Engine Outfit You no longer lose a turn when respawning; instead, you respawn on your
increases that Engine’s rolls by +2 to all rolls with next turn with a set amount of damage (unblockable) depending on your tier
this outfit. However, the outfit roll may never exceed the of ship:
maximum die roll for that outfit.
• Tier 1 ships respawn with 1 damage.
Example: You have a Tier 1 Engine with 1 GTS adjacent in the
• Tier 2 ships respawn with 2 damage.
hold. You activate the engine to take a move action and roll a 2, the GTS makes it a
4. You activate the Engine again and roll a 5 - the GTS makes it a 6 (cannot increase • Tier 3 ships respawn with 3 damage.
beyond the maximum roll for that dice). Tier 3 Ship Re-Balances
Example 2: You have a Tier 1 Engine that has 1 damage on it with 1 GTS adjacent in Three ships from the base game have had their abilities
the hold. You activate the Engine to take a move action and roll a 2, the damage reduces re-balanced: Long Haul, Manchester, and Nightshade.
the roll to a 1, then the GTS increases it to a 3. You activate the Engine again and roll
a 6 - the damage makes it a 5, then the GTS makes it a 6 (cannot increase beyond the
maximum roll for that dice).
pg. 6
Lore: Embers of a Forsaken Star
> Kei The small spectral anomaly near the market world of Kei has
grown to a giant rift in space. Nicknamed the Chasm, most
of the original merchant clientele of Kei have disappeared, forcing the planet to embrace the black
market, just to get by. While not truly a hotbed of crime, Kei is a beautiful planet, forced outside the
Backstory Every once in a cycle, Xia will drift through another star law to survive. The natives cling to hope that the anomaly will dissipate, and their peaceful, law-
system. Usually these brief pairings spur economic growth and abiding lives will return to ‘normal’ - though there’s little sign this will be the case.
prosperity, but this is different; entire planets are radio silent, a strange cold fills the void, tales of
ships freezing up on the edge of space. Out of the mists, a single remnant of civilization appears; a
space station, glowing with rare technologies. You are needed, Captain! Choose your ship, customize The Ruins of Drelmoth Drelmoth, the once bustling manufacturing giant, now lies still
your loadout, and explore the mysteries of this abandoned system, in Xia: Embers of a Forsaken Star! and heavy. Layers of ash and ice intermingle on its scarred
surface. The unions of Drelmoth were locked in an eternal cold war, an ever increasing arms race
Ô Nyr Only a hecto-cycle ago, Nyr was a common white dwarf. The over subsidies, wage gaps, and tax breaks. Many a retired smuggler has Drelmoth to thank for his
sudden cataclysmic change of Nyr is now known as the ‘Turn’.
No one is quite sure what happened, perhaps the polarity of the star changed, or the dynamic horizon
of Ferron’s Call altered its state. All we truly know is the system is drastically different then the
reports we had. Nyr is dying, and taking the entire system with it. * Ember In the deepest pockets of the mysterious cold emitted by the
dying star, a new and powerful compound has been discovered.
Ember is sought by all, and many believe it holds the secret of the Turn. The value of Ember cannot
Ø The Kiln A last bastion of civilization, The Kiln hovers in near-orbit be overstated, and the peril one must endure to obtain it keep it in high demand.
around the dying star. The Kiln was the system’s mobile
government capital. It would make its way between sectors, bringing peace and order, governance
and direction where it was most needed. During the Turn a snap-decision was made to abandon the
rest of the system and move into orbit around Nyr. Those aboard The Kiln have lost friends and Recognition and Thanks
families, but they keep hope alive that the Turn can be reversed, and the system restored.
Æ The Grinder This once harmless sector was home to the misty, unremarkable Credits Cody Miller: Designer / Artist / Publisher
nebula, “GR-11D”. After the Turn, only the most fearless, or Ira Fay: Designer / Developer / Solo Ruleset
suicidal, venture into this glacial death trap. Asteroids collide off one another as comets swirl and ---
orbit the fringes of this deadly sector. Steve “Coolhand” Tyler: Box Art / Ship Models / Ship Art / Gate Art
Peter Wocken: Graphic Design / Layout / Artwork
Ø Tig Tig is a back-world swamp planet on the edge of a high Justin Howlett: Metal Coin Models / Flight Stand Model
density nebular anomaly. Most inhabitants are natives, who’ve
grown up among the toxic-swamps, never knowing life on an un-hostile planet. Natives often see Tess Miller: Photographer
otherworlders as soft, weak, and generally inept. Many born on Tig go on to be mercenaries or Roy Cannaday: Solo Card Design
soldier-kings. As a rite of passage, all who come of age are shunted out to the center of the largest Some icons made by Lorc. Available on http://game-icons.net
swamp and left to find their way back to civilization. Those who make it back are welcomed into ---
Tig society - the less fortunate are welcomed into the belly of a Thurp-Beast, or find themselves the
victim of some other swamp-based misfortune. Creative Advisors: Andrew Ronzino, Nicolas Thériault-Langelier, Shawn Charney.
Lead Testers: Brandon Patton, Brendan Mayhugh, Carlos de Miguel, David Anderson, Erik Brown,
Jacob Williams, Steve Bagnall, Xenothon Stelnicki.
Rikishi Rumors have been circling the local spaceport pubs, tales of an
Testers: James Hoover, Ryan Allen, Drew Buring, Matthew Bayer, Evan Stanfill, Adam Scartozzi, Alex Richard, Alexandrea Eldrige,
ice behemoth, lurking below the blue fires of Nyr. Some say the Alfred Wolfe, Alosia Sellers, Amy Locke, Jordan Runyan, Andrew Civis, Andrew Graves, Andrew Nicolau, Andy Graves, Ashley Miller,
dying star is hiding a deadly secret, a giant comet, only visible in the ebbs of the flames. Others are Barrett Bolivar, Barry Siebenthall, Bartholomew Burcham, Ben Crawford, Ben Harding, Ben Hemler, Beorn Theissen, Brad Blitstein,
quick to deny it, stating the worst is over, and it’s time to focus on the future. Perhaps it’s just a myth, Brad Lewis, Braxton Brown, Brent Lindeburg, Brett Petersen, Brian, Brian Modreski, Bruce Woods, Bryan Beach, Bryan Gustin,
Cam McFarland, Camden Anderson, Candice Domzalski, Canyon Lynn, Carey Fagerstrom, Carlo Gozzi, Charlie Holloway, Chase Curtis,
or a trick of the eye, but the thought of a planet-sized comet gives you space-goose bumps. Chris Cannaday, Chris Iverach-Brereton, Chris Skalicky, Chris Venuti, Christian Krugler, Christian Wakeman, Christian Wilson,
Christopher Hughes, Chuck Polenzani, Claire Rice, Cody Rogers, Cory Cook, Curt Fried, Curtis Wachs, Dakota Noelke, Dan Allbaugh,
Daniel Watson, Darryl Woods, Dave Eaton, David Augason, David Sears, Dean Carter, Dean Folkening, Deanna Bressler, Dennis Adcox,
DerekDyer, Devin Scott, Diana Carrier, Doug Cowell, Edward Jones, Elaine Schertz, Ella and Jeffrey Smaka, Elliot Watson, Emily Anderson,
Tafjur We know that Tafjur was the first casualty of the Turn. Perhaps Eric Lowman, Eva Lo, Evan Coolen, Evan Dude, Garrett Massersmith, Garrison Locke, Gary Rhodes, Georgia Trimmer, Gordon Smoak,
Greg Douglass, Greg Kelley, Ian “Joe” Spears, Ian Anderson, Ian Moor, Ian Saunier, Iris Rohr, Isaah Vincent, Ivan A. Newship,
the core of the planet was inverted, or the grav-well fluctuated, Jacob Stick, James, James Stewart, Jan Pretnar, Jared Demartini, Jared Veazey, Jason Jones, Jason Warmonger, Jeff Bleam, Jen McFarland,
no one is certain. What we do know, is that rotation of the planet was drastically altered and an entire Jennifer Iverach-Brereton, Jeremiah Wamboldt, Jeremy, Jesse Pierce, Jill Greiner, Jim Larson, Jon, Jon Zeigler, Jonathan Carter,
continent was ripped off and thrown into space like some large scab. The continent crumbled to Jon-Michael Porter, Jordan Booth, Jordan Goldfarb, Jordan Hansen, Jordan O’Neill, Josh Bywater, Josh Java, Joshua Ostrander,
Justin Beasley, Justin Cannaday, Justin Schubert, Kathryn Eldrige, Katja Link, Keenan Gore, Keiran Theissen, Keith Otto, Kennan Gore,
pieces as it froze, and now remains nearby as an ice asteroid field, looking down upon the decimated Kenyon Noelke, Kevin Berent, Kevin L. Kitchens, Kim Nisenshal, Kimberly Malone, Kortnee Lewis, Kristen Hurlbut, Kristin Gozzi,
remains of Tafjur. Leslie Napora, Lily Johnson, Lisa Bagnall, Lisa Bjornseth, Luc Des Groseillers, Luke Stick, Marc Muehling, Marc R. Furman,
Mark Ellersick, Mark Gartland, Martin Piringer, Marty Strubczewski, Mashelle Kirkman, Matt, Matt Goodwin, Matt Horst, Matt Koelbl,
Matt Rabinowitz, Megan Anderson, Melanie Reeves, Melissa Ellersick, Mia Ellersick, Michael Feeney, Michael Pate, Michael Ruff,
Mike Rittenhouse, Mike Stanton, Monday Nighters and More, Mystik Storm, Natalie Riggins, Nate Johnson, Nate Simons, Nathan Ward-
Ferren’s Call A ‘baby’ black hole, beginning to form. Named for the fearless Tyrrell, Nick Guagliardo, nmgara, Noah Johnson, Owen Bagnall, Paige Watson, Patchen Noelke, Patrick Wood, Paul Chamberland,
reporter, Ferren, who took it upon himself to report from Paul Kellett, Paul Thomas, Pedro Pereira, Peter Steenbeke, Pirate Pete, Prof. Melvin Fenwick, Rich Ramage, Richard Bush, Richard Collins,
Richard Mathis, Rob Ellman, Rob Mesotten, Rob Ross, Rob T, Robert Dijkman Dulkes, Robert Taylor, Rod King, Roger Rigby, Ross Bolivar,
as close as possible as the anomaly began. Ferren’s last transmission was something strange, he Russel Price, Sam Klein, Samuel Gustin, Santiago Alberto, Sarah Stick, Scott Briscoe, Scott Clayton, Scott Lewis, Scott Wennerdahl,
explained that he could feel the horizon calling to him, and then it ended in a high-density burst of Sean Huck, Shantay Cannaday, Shirley Douglass, Stephanie Fisher, Stephen Didon, Steve Cergizan, Steve Chubaty, Steven Freund,
Susan Collins, Susan Stoner, Teresa Daxböck, Terry Bagnall, Terry Sherman, Therron Thomas, Thomas Frede, Thomas J. Behrens Jr.,
code. Most agree he had simply gone mad, but where did the code come from, and why can’t anyone Thomas Stahlie, Tim Wilson, Todd Duggan, Troy Donovan, Wayne Nash, William Cartas, Lena Schroeder, David Tomczyk, Sam Thibault,
decipher it? Mayhew Seavey, Gabe Cohn, Jessica Taft, Andre Pereira, Iolanda Leite.
Proof Readers: Alan Young, Andrew Ronzino, Barry Siebenthall, Brandon Fulco, Brent Buckalew, Charlotte Morriso, chris DeBoe,
Æ Neo Vostok The heavily shielded scientific outpost of Neo Vostok is the last
Chris Lowry, Christopher Grace , Connor Sheehan, Dallon Feldner, Dan Zielinski, Daniel Straitt, Dave NeWaza, David Cooper,
Dominik Badawi, Esben Kyed, Iain Odlin, James Schroder, James Washer, Jason Rodney, Jay Caracappa, Jeremy Soard, Jon Becker,
mainstay of the scientific community here in the Nyr system. Jonas Hartmann, Juha Julkunen, Kent Pritchett, Mario Abad, Michael Montes, Mike Clover, Nathaniel Dalton, Nick Brown, Nick Hart,
Owen Sullivan, Per Holmström, Peter Mulholland, Robert Peoples, Robert Stewart, Rogério De Leon Pereira, Roland Steiner,
Those obsessed with discovering the secrets behind the Turn flock here. The outpost is packed with Rory Fitz-Gerald, Schuyler Eastin, Scott Bowen, Shannon Taylor, Shawn Charney, Steven Rawlins, Timothy Hancock, Tor Sverre Lund,
the brightest minds, spinning, fevered in an attempt to diverge the Turn from their system, and Victor Luchangco, William Hyatt III.
perhaps regain what was lost to them.
Special Thanks
Ò Samara Gate For eons the Samara Gate has lingered, a silent sentinel of
Ira would like to thank his wonderful wife Ruth and his two children
Sam and Sara for their support, love, and enthusiasm. He’d also like
a forgotten age. Unpowered and inoperative, many tried to to thank Marshall, Faye, Alex, Lisa, Brandon, Lena, Gabe, Jess, Dave, and everyone else who played Xia with
salvage its unyielding husk, but not even mil-spec laser drills could cut through the strange metallic him. Finally, he’d like to thank Caleb Grace and the other designers of Lord of the Rings LCG for inspiring solo
plating. As the Xia system drifts closer, the gate slowly blinks to life, an ancient leviathan waking to gameplay, and Cody for so generously sharing his awesome sandbox full of fun toys!
serve once again.
Cody would like to thank: Abby - my mysterious, enrapturing earth-angel! My love for you burns hotter than Eta
Calakus Below the surface of the vast oceans of Calakus, the Calakai Carinae! My children, Zealan, Judah and Zoey! I love you to the moon and back! Pops & Mum - for all you do
lived in near tranquility. Centuries ago, a colony ship landed and have done! God - I’m humbled to be alive, you hold the stars in your hands!
on the planet, hoping for a better world. However, less than 3% of the surface was land mass, and And thank you, fellow gamer, for purchasing Xia!
the planet was evacuated by all but a few colonists. These few began an under-ocean village in the
Cheers, -Cody
remains of the colony ship. Over the years a slow trickle of pioneers joined the colony, towing old
broken down starships. No longer fit for spacefaring, but still water-tight, these craft were welded on
to the village, like some sort of starship-coral-reef. After the Turn, those on Calakus survived longest,
perhaps there is a flicker of life still beneath the frozen waves. Explorers who have returned to the
frozen shell of a planet have reported hearing noises coming from the depths of the once great city...
For more information, questions, suggestions visit the Far Off Games website at:
Æ Blench The rich metals and precious ores of the Blench system’s
asteroids have been hidden beneath layers of a strange ice. www.faroffgames.com
Ships brave enough to try and harvest the metal at the asteroid’s core have had thrust modules frozen
solid, only to be shattered moments later by passing comets. The mining outpost here has been all but ©2017 Far Off Games, LLC
pg. 7
No special rules Normal Space
Action Phase
Quick Reference Line of Sight
1. Declare
2. Spend / Roll / Draw
3. Resolve Combat
Available Actions 1. Acquire Target Roll for Damage Æ Asteroid
Move • Range
Line of Sight
• Engines • Line of Sight 1-10 =
• Impulse (even if Stranded) 2. Declare Attack
Attack 3. Declare Defense 11-20 =
• Blasters 4. Roll
• Missiles Roll for Energy loss Ú Nebula
• Ram 5. Resolve
Missions 6. Re-arm Line of Sight
• Draw Missions (Minor)
• Mission Objectives
• Complete a Mission
@ Fame Points
1-10 =
11-20 =
Board Spaces Trade in 2 Exploration Tokens for 1@.
• Buy Cargo Cubes
• Collect Cubes (Minor)
Complete Missions
Roll for instant death  Debris
Each Mission you complete is worth
• Mine/Salvage/Harvest/Quarry/Excavate 1@. Line of Sight
• Sell Cargo Cubes Combat
1-3 =
• Trade Cargo Cubes Destroying another ship earns you
• Sift Relic Tokens Fame Points: 4-20 =
Explore $ Tier I Ships are 1@.
• Scan Sector ^ Tier II Ships are 2 @. Instant Death Ô Star
• Blind Jump (Minor) & Tier III Ships are 3 @. Line of Sight
• Collect Exploration Tokens (Minor)
Other Sell all the Cargo Cubes that location
• Special Abilities will buy (minimum 2) - receive 1@.
• Rescue a Stranded Player Ships
• Jettison Cargo (Minor) Purchasing a new ship earns you 1@.
Wealth Shield: Roll for < Ø > Planet
You may purchase 1@ for 5,000%.
Damage, passage, & Line of Sight
Business Phase Kindness
Bounty. 1-10 = +No Move
Rescue a stranded player - By giving
• Recharge Energy - Free
• Repair Damage
Energy to a Stranded player you
receive 1@. 11-17 = = 1,000%
$Tier 1: 1,000% Complete Title Objectives and earn Entrance 18-20 =
^Tier 2: 1,000%
&Tier 3: 2,000%
the @ that accompany it. < Lawful Entrance: If Bounty, can’t enter.
• Buy Outfits Earn 1@ whenever you roll a natural > Outlaw Entrance: If Innocent,
Small: 1,000% 20 on a ¶[d20]. +1,000% Bounty.
Medium: 2,000% Events
Some Event cards grant @ as rewards. Special Movement Ò Gate
Large: 3,000%
Relics Line of Sight
• Sell Outfits
You can choose 1@ as a reward when
Small: 1,000% you Sift Relic Tokens.
Medium: 1,000%
Large: 2,000%
Icon Key
• Rearrange Hold - Free Roll for Ice Damage Æ Ice Asteroid
• Buy New Ship Damage: }
1-10 = Line of Sight
^Tier 2: 5,000% Fame Point: @
&Tier 3: 8,000% Credits: %
• Buy Fame: 5,000% for 1@ 11-20 =
Mission Point: #
Ship Tiers: 1$, 2^, and 3&
Roll for Forced Movement Gravity Path
Status Phase Dice: £[d6] ¢[d8] §[d12] ¶[d20]
Bounty: = Line of Sight
1. Freeze
2. Claim Fame
3. Draw Titles/Events
4. Refresh and Demand on Economy Board
5. Arm Markers
Exploration Token: {
Sector Types: ¥Gate, ªVoid,
ÂDebris, ÆAsteroid, ÚNebula,
ÔStar, <Lawful, >Outlaw,
ØNeutral, Anomaly, Roll for Comet Movement Æ Comet Path
Æ Ice Asteroid, Dead World
Line of Sight
pg. 8