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Technical Reference & Specifications: Diagnostic Tester

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Appendix D

Technical Reference & Specifications

Diagnostic Tester

Fig. D-1

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-1

Appendix D


Vane Air Flow Meter (Vs)
Circuit The vane air flow meter is located in the intake air duct between the air
Description cleaner housing and the engine throttle body. It provides the ECM
information on the amount of load placed on the engine by directly
measuring intake air volume.

During engine operation, intake air flow reacts against the meter’s
measuring plate, which causes it to deflect in proportion to the volume
of air flow. This movement is transferred through a shaft to a movable
arm on the meter’s potentiometer (variable resistor). The Vs signal to
ECM varies according to the potentiometer’s position.

The vane air flow meter also houses the intake air temperature sensor
and a fuel pump switch. The fuel pump switch is used to maintain fuel
pump operation after start-up (when sufficient air flow exists to open
the measuring plate).

As shown in the graph, Vs
Air Flow Meter
signal voltage decreases with
The Vs signal represents Vc E2 higher air flow (larger
the amount of load measuring plate opening). The
Voltage (V)

placed on the engine. Vc - E2 line represents the 5V

The potentiometer Vs E2 reference source.
provides a variable
voltage signal back to 0
NOTE: The 22R-E and 4A-GE
the Vs terminal of the Measuring Plate Opening engines use an air flow meter
ECM. with opposite voltage logic.

Air Flow Meter ECM

Vc Vc 5V Vc
r1 R1
Vs Microcomputer
E2 E2 R2

Pump Switch E1 E1

Fig. D-2

D-2 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications

Troubleshooting • The air flow meter is provided a regulated 5V reference at Vc terminal.

• As indicated in the graph, the voltage reading at Vs terminal with
Ignition ON, Engine OFF should be between 3.7V - 4.3V.

• Once the engine is started, Vs signal voltage should decrease to

indicate initial measuring plate opening.

• The r2 resistor (which is connected in parallel to the r1) allows the

meter to continue to provide a Vs signal in the event an open occurs
in the main potentiometer (r1).

• The R1 and R2 resistors provide the ECM with self-diagnostic

capabilities and also provides a fail-safe voltage in the event of an
open circuit.

OBD Diagnostic DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition
Trouble Codes
31 Vs Circuit Open or Short (Vc) in Air Flow Meter Circuit for Specified Time

Open or Short (Vc – Vs) in Air Flow Meter Circuit

32 Vs Circuit
for Specified Time

OBD II DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition

Trouble Codes Air Flow Meter
P0100 Air Flow Meter Circuit Malfunction

Air Flow Meter

P0101 Air Flow Meter Circuit Range/Performance Problem

Typical Serial
Data Data Source Name Units Warm Idle

OBD Vs volts 2.5V ± 0.5V1

OBD II ____________ ____________ ____________

V-BoB Vs volts 2.5V ± 0.5V1

1. 3VZ-FE = 2.8V ± 0.6V

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-3

Appendix D


Karman Vortex Air Flow Meter (Ks)
Circuit Like the vane air flow meter, the Karman Vortex Air Flow Meter is
Description located between the air cleaner housing and the engine's throttle body.
It also provides the ECM with the same type of information; an intake
air volume signal that is used to determine the amount of load placed
on the engine.

The operation of the Karman Vortex Air Flow Meter differs from that of
the vane type. During engine operation, a swirling effect is created in
the intake air stream when it reacts against the meter's vortex
generator. A sample of this pulsating air is then applied to a movable
metal foil mirror, which causes it to flutter. The oscillating mirror causes
light from the photo coupler's LED to be alternately applied and diverted
from a phototransistor.

As a result, the phototransistor rapidly switches the 5V Ks signal to the

ECM. As shown in the diagram, the frequency of the Ks signal increases
proportionally with intake air flow.

Karman Vortex
As shown in the
Air Flow Meter diagram, the Ks
High 5V square wave
Inside the Karman
Voltage signal increases in
Vortex air flow meter, Signal (Ks)
intake airflow oscillates frequency with
a movable mirror which Low higher intake air
turns a light sensitive volume.
Low High
photo transistor
on and off.

Air Flow Meter ECU

5V Vc
Vc Vc

Ks Ks

E2 E2

Fig. D-3

D-4 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications

Troubleshooting • Remember a 5V signal operating at a 50% duty cycle will read

Hints approximately 2.5V. Since Ks operates at approximately 50% duty
cycle during engine operation, Ks signal voltage will provide little
useful information during diagnosis.

• Ks signal frequency changes dramatically with engine load changes.

For this reason, observing Ks frequency changes would provide the
most useful diagnostic information. Accurate Ks signal inspection
requires using an oscilloscope or high quality digital multimeter with
frequency capabilities (non-OBD vehicles).

OBD Diagnostic DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition
Trouble Codes
31 Ks Circuit Open or Short in Air Flow Meter Circuit for Specified Time

OBD II DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition

Trouble Codes Air Flow Meter
P0100 Air Flow Meter Circuit Malfunction

Air Flow Meter

P0101 Air Flow Meter Circuit Range/Performance Problem

Typical Serial
Data Data Source Name Units Warm Idle

OBD Ks ms 40ms ± 15ms

OBD II ____________ ____________ ____________

V-BoB Ks ms 40ms ± 15ms

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-5

Appendix D


Mass (Hot-Wire) Air Flow Meter (VG)
Circuit The Mass Air Flow Meter provides some distinct advantages over the
Description "volume" type air flow meters. Since this type of air flow meter directly
measures air mass (and not just volume), any factor affecting the
density of the intake air will influence the output signal. These factors
include air temperature, humidity and altitude.

This type of Mass Air Flow Meter uses a "hot wire" and thermistor
placed in a path of sample intake air flow. It operates on the theory
that the hot wire is cooled by incoming air mass, in proportion to air
flow. The circuit is the hot wire and incoming air flow by regulating bot
wire current flow with the power transistor.

The circuit operates as a "feedback" system to equalize the electrical

potential between points A and B. If a difference exists, the operational
amplifier varies the output of the power transistor to rebalance the
circuit. In this way, a variable DC voltage signal is output to the VG
terminal of the ECM.

As shown in the graph, VG
Air Flow Meter
signal voltage increases with
The Mass Air Flow Meter higher intake air mass. The
signal takes into account ECM interprets higher VG
any factor affecting air voltage as increased load
mass or density, such as: placed on the engine,
air temperature, humidity increasing injection quality
and altitude. and retarding spark.

Incoming air cools the

“hot wire,” lowering its
resistance value and
increasing output voltage
at point B (VG signal). +B

Power Transistor

Platinum Hot Wire

Output Voltage

Fig. D-4

D-6 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications

Troubleshooting • Unlike volume airflow meters, this hot-wire mass air flow meter uses
Hints battery voltage (+B) rather than the 5V-reference voltage source VC.

• A VG signal check may be performed with Ignition ON, Engine OFF:

While blowing towards the hot wire, observe the VG signal changes.

• On OBD II vehicles the following diagnostic rule applies:

 a MAF reading of 0 gm/sec would indicate an open in +B circuit or

open or short in VG circuit.

 a MAF reading of 271 gm/sec or more would indicate an open in

VG- (ground) circuit.

OBD Diagnostic DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition
Trouble Codes
31 VG Circuit Open or Short in Air Flow Meter Circuit for Specified Time

OBD II DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition

Trouble Codes Air Flow Meter
P0100 Air Flow Meter Circuit Malfunction

Air Flow Meter

P0101 Air Flow Meter Circuit Range/Performance Problem

Typical Serial
Data Data Source Name Units Warm Idle

OBD VG gm/sec 3.8 ± 1.2 gm/sec

OBD II VG gm/sec 3.8 ± 1.2 gm/sec

V-BoB VG volts 0.7V to 1.7V

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-7

Appendix D


Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit (ECT)
Circuit The Engine Coolant Temperature sensor circuit is used to monitor
Description engine temperature, supplying the ECM with important information to
determine fuel enrichment, spark angle, idle speed control, and
emissions control system status.

The sensor, which is typically located near the thermostat housing, is a

negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. Sensor resistance
falls as the temperature rises. The sensor is connected in series with a
pull-up resistor in the ECM, which acts as a voltage divider. As
resistance of the sensor falls with increasing coolant temperatures, the
voltage drop across the sensor also falls. The sensor circuit, therefore,
generates an analog voltage signal, which varies inversely with the
temperature of the engine coolant.

Pull-up resistor Rl can have a resistance value of either 2.7KΩ or 5KΩ

depending on engine application The chart below shows the normal
signal voltage characteristics for both resistance values.

Engine Coolant
Sensor Circuit
The Engine Coolant
Temperature sensor
monitors engine
temperature by use of a
voltage divider circuit.
The pull-up resistor in
the ECM is fixed value
while the resistance of
the sensor thermistor
varies inversely with
coolant temperature.

Fig. D-5

D-8 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications

Troubleshooting • The Engine Coolant Temperature sensor signal is represented on a

Hints Diagnostic Tester in °F or °C temperature units. When using the
Vehicle Break-out Box (V-BoB), coolant temperature can be displayed
either in temperature units or as a voltage (by toggling the F7 key.)

• Engine Coolant Temperature sensor information is replaced by a

failsafe value whenever the ECM detects a fault in the circuit. When
troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Tester, using the OBD data stream,
failsafe value is displayed rather than actual value.

• To quick check circuit integrity using the OBD data stream, install
a 1.2KW resistor across the ECT sensor harness terminals. If
temperature displayed on Diagnostic Tester reads between
approximately 35°C (95°F) to 43°C (110°F), the electrical circuit is good.

• To quick check circuit integrity using OBD II or V-BoB data stream:

 Disconnect sensor harness: displayed temperature should go to

approximately -40°C (-40°F) (5V)

 Short sensor harness THW to E2: displayed temperature should go

to approximately 120°C (248°F) (0V)

OBD Diagnostic DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition
Trouble Codes Engine Coolant
Detects an open or short circuit in the Engine Coolant
22 Temperature
Temperature circuit for more than a specified amount of time.
Sensor Circuit

OBD II DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition

Diagnostic Engine Coolant
Trouble Codes Detects an open or short circuit in the Engine Coolant
P0115 Temp. Circuit
Temperature circuit for more than a specified amount of time.
Engine Coolant Detects sensor range or performance problem by monitoring the
P0116 Temp. Circuit time it takes for sensor signal to reach and exceed a specified
Range Problem minimum temperature.

Typical Serial Data

Data Name Units Warm Idle shorted to
Source Open

85°C to 104°C 80°C 80°C

OBD ECT °F or °C
(185°F) to (220°F) (176°F) (176°F)

COOLANT 85°C to 104°C 120°C -40°C

OBD II °F or °C
TEMP. (185°F) to (220°F) (248°F) (-40°F)

85°C to 104°C 120°C -40°C

°F or °C
V-BoB THW (185°F) to (220°F) (248°F) or (-40°F) or
or volts
0.1V to 0.5V 0V 5V

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-9

Appendix D


Throttle Position (TP) and Closed Throttle Position (CTP)
Sensor Circuit
Circuit The Throttle Position sensor is attached to the throttle body. It monitors
Description throttle valve opening angle and closed throttle status.

The sensor generates an analog voltage signal, which varies in

proportion to throttle opening, from low to high as the throttle is
opened. The TP sensor also includes a digital idle contact switch, which
is closed at idle and opens as the throttle is tipped open. Signal
characteristics are represented by the graph shown below.

Information from the this sensor is used by the ECM to make

judgments about power enrichment, deceleration fuel cut, idle air
control, spark advance angle corrections, and the status of emissions
control sub-systems.

(V) TP signal can be easily
and Closed 5-12
measured with a voltmeter or a
Throttle Position scan tool. The voltage signal
Sensor Circuit moves from low to high as the
throttle opens. The CTP signal
Throttle position sensor 3 ut
Outp is low at idle and goes high
uses a potentiometer and 2 VTA when the throttle is opened.
simple switch contact to
monitor throttle angle Scan data is displayed in
and closed throttle Idling Fully Open degrees throttle valve angle or
status. Closed Throttle Valve Open in percentage of opening.

Throttle Position Sensor 5V





Fig. D-6

D-10 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications

Troubleshooting • Throttle Position sensor signal is represented differently on OBD and

Hints OBD II data streams. OBD displays opening angle in degrees ranging
from 0° to 75°. OBD II displays throttle opening as a percentage of
wide-open throttle, ranging from about 5% to 80%.

• On V-BoB, TP sensor signal is represented in degrees opening angle or

as an analog voltage (by toggling the F7 key).

• Throttle angle scan data defaults to a failsafe value when a fault is

detected in the TP sensor circuit. Depending on application, throttle
angle will go to either 30° or 0° when a fault is detected, as long as the
CTP switch remains open. When the CTP switch closes, the signal
defaults to 0° and remains there. If the fault is intermittent, the TP
signal will return to normal only after the vehicle speed sensor
indicates 0 mph.

• To quick check the circuit using a Diagnostic Tester, observe serial

data while depressing the accelerator pedal to wide open. Signal
should increase to near maximum. For intermittent problems, use
V-BoB data or oscilloscope.

• Code 51 for CTP switch contact will only set when an open circuit
fault is detected. Shorted CTP will cause fuel cut to occur above fuel
cut rpm threshold.

OBD Diagnostic DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition
Trouble Codes Open or short detected in the VTA line to ECM for more than a
Throttle Position
41 specified amount of time. (NOTE: disconnected sensor will not
Sensor Circuit
set code 41)

Switch Condition Open detected in Closed Throttle Position switch circuit (NOTE: Only displays
51 when TE1 is grounded [code display mode]. Will also display if PNP signal
Signal indicates trans in gear or if A/C input is ON. Code does not store in memory.

OBD II DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition

Diagnostic Open detected in circuit (VTA lower than specified with CTP
Trouble Codes Throttle Position
P0100 switch open)
Sensor Circuit
Short detected in circuit (VTA higher than specified voltage)
Throttle Position
P0121 Sensor Signal With CTP switch closed, VTA is greater than specified voltage
Range Problem

Typical Serial Data Source Name Units

Key ON/Wide
Warm Idle
Data Open Throttle

OBD Throttle ° Open > 70° 0°

OBD II Throttle POS % Open ≈65% to 75% 7% to 11%

V-BoB VTA ° Open or volts >70° or 3.5Vto 4.8V 0° or 0.2V to 0.8V

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-11

Appendix D


Power Distribution Circuit
Circuit The power distribution circuit consists of a Main Relay, the ignition
Description switch, the ECM, and related wiring. There are basically two different
types of power distribution circuits, ECM controlled and ignition switch

ECM controlled power distribution is used on applications with a Step

Motor IAC system. All other applications use the ignition switch
controlled system. In both cases, the power distribution electrical wiring
carries electrical current from the battery, through the Main Relay,
through the ECM, and back to the battery through the E1 ground.


With Step Motor IACV
When the ignition switch
is in the Start or Run
position, current flows to
the ECM IGSW terminal,
signaling the ECM to
turn on the MREL circuit.
The ECM sends current
through the MREL circuit
and Main Relay pull-in WITHOUT STEP TYPE IACV
winding, to ground. This
closes the power contact,
causing current to flow to
the ECM +B terminals.

Without Step Motor IACV

When the Ignition switch
is in the Start or Run
position, current flows
through the main relay
pull-in winding, to
ground, causing the
power contact to close.
This causes current to
flow through the power
contact to the ECM +B

Fig. D-7

D-12 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications


Fuel Pump Control Circuit
Circuit Fuel pump control methods differ between models that use a vane air
Description flow meter and those that do not. On models using a vane air flow meter,
a fuel pump switch located inside the meter is used to maintain fuel
pump operation once the engine has started. During cranking, the STA
signal commands the circuit opening relay to provide power to the fuel
pump. After start-up, intake air flow opens the air flow meter's measuring
plate closing the fuel pump switch. As a result, the circuit opening relay
will maintain fuel pump operation after the engine has started.

On other systems, the circuit opening relay still operates the fuel pump
from the STA command during cranking; however after the engine has
started, the ECM must switch on the Fc circuit to continue pump
operation. On this type of system, the ECM must continue to see an
engine speed signal (NE) in order to continue operating the fuel pump
after the engine has started.

Fuel Pump
Control Circuit As shown in the chart, Fc
control voltage is pulled low
During cranking, the +B Fc Fp (grounded) by either the fuel
Condition pump switch (when intake
circuit opening relay
powers the fuel pump Cranking 12V – 12V air flow is sufficient) or the
based on the STA signal ECM (when Ne signal is
command. Engine 12V above a specified rpm) to
12V < 1V
Running keep the fuel pump
After start-up fuel control operating after start-up.
differs in that systems
using a vane air flow
meter use a fuel pump
switch to maintain pump
operation. All others use
ECM control of the Fc
signal to maintain fuel
pump operation.

Fig. D-8

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-13

Appendix D


Injector Drive Circuit
Circuit The design of the injector drive circuit determines when each injector
Description delivers fuel in relation to the operating cycle of the engine. Depending
on the engine application, the drive circuit design may be either a
Simultaneous, Grouped, or Sequential type. In all designs, voltage is
supplied to the injectors from the ignition switch or EFI main relay and
the ECM controls injector operation by turning on the driver transistor
grounding the injector circuit.

On Simultaneous type drive circuits, all injectors are pulsed at the same
time by a common driver circuit. Injection occurs once per engine
revolution, just prior to TDC No. 1 cylinder. Twice per engine cycle, one-
half of the calculated fuel is delivered by the injectors. With Grouped
drive circuits, injectors are grouped in pairs and a separate driver
controls each group of injectors. Injection is timed to pulse just prior to
TDC for the leading cylinder in the pair. On Sequential drive circuits,
each injector is controlled separately and is timed to pulse just prior to
each intake valve opening.

Injector Drive Signal

Depending on engine application, the
injector drive circuit may be either a
Simultaneous, Grouped or Sequential type.

100ms/Division (Idling)

The horizontal line in the scope pattern

above represents battery voltage applied to
the injector circuit. As the injector driver
turns on (to open the injector) the signal
drops to near 0V. Once the driver opens (to
close the injector) a voltage spike occurs as
a result of the collapsing magnetic field.

Fig. D-9

D-14 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications

Troubleshooting • Diagnostic Trouble Code for injector circuit can set for any misfire,
Hints regardless of cause.

• No Diagnostic Trouble Codes for injector circuit on OBD equipped


OBD II Diagnostic
DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition
Trouble Codes
P0201 Injector Circuit #1 Specified cylinder misfire continuously
(two trip detection logic)
P0202 Injector Circuit #2

P0203 Injector Circuit #3

P0204 Injector Circuit #4

P0205 Injector Circuit #5

P0206 Injector Circuit #6

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-15

Appendix D


Ignition Circuit (IGT & IGF Signals)
Circuit The ignition timing (IGT) and ignition fail (IGF) signals provide crucial
Description information in the control of ignition system timing, injection timing,
and Fail-Safe activation. Based on an initial timing angle calculated
from the NE and G signals, the ECM outputs an IGT signal to the
igniter as a reference point from which it determines ignition dwell
period. A special circuit inside the igniter controls the ignition dwell
period by controlling when the power transistor is switched on. When
the ECM determines the proper time to provide spark, it turns the IGT
signal off, which turns the igniter power transistor off, producing a

The IGF signal is used by the ECM to determine if the ignition system is
working and to protect the catalytic converter. When the ECM does not
detect the IGF signal, the ECM goes into fail-safe mode. With no IGF
signal, the ECM will store a DTC(s), depending on model year and
number of cylinders affected. There are different fail-safe modes
depending on the ignition system, cylinder displacement and model
year. The following is general summary.

IGT & IGF Signal The IGT signal

Relationship trailing edge
indicates the point
The IGT signal triggers IGT
where the power
the igniter power transistor is turned
transistor. Without IGT, 0V 2V/
Division off, firing the coil.
spark will not occur. IGF
The IGF signal is
The IGF signal confirms 0V
generated by the
that an ignition event has igniter each time
occurred. Without IGF, 5ms/Division (Idling)
spark occurs.
the ECM shuts down
injection pules.

Fig. D-10

D-16 TOYOTA Technical Training

Technical Reference & Specifications

If there is no IGF signal on engines before 1998 model year, the ECM will
enter fail-safe and turn off all the fuel injectors.

Beginning with the 1998 model year, V-6 and V-8 engines equipped with
direct ignition system with integrated ignition coil/igniter (1 ignition
coil/lighter per cylinder), the engine will still run without the IGF signal,
but the MIL will be on.

Beginning with the 2001 model year on 1 ignition coil/igniter per cylinder
engines, the ECM fail-safe will turn off the fuel injector if there is no IGF
signal for that cylinder and if engine conditions (such as load and
temperature) are sufficient to damage the catalytic converter. If the IGF
signal returns to normal while the engine is running, the injector may
remain off until the next engine start.

Due to the rapid, high frequency nature of these signals, inspection

should be performed using an oscilloscope or high quality digital
multimeter with frequency capabilities.

Troubleshooting • On older systems, if engine will not start due to missing IGF, injectors
Hints will pulse once or twice during cranking. Use injector test light to
confirm this condition.

• Scan data indicates an injection duration even when injectors are

disabled due to IGF fuel cut fail-safe.

• Regardless of the type of IGF fail-safe mode, the IGF DTCs must be
diagnosed before attempting to diagnose a fuel system/injection
problem. The IGF DTCs are one trip DTCs.

• Use oscilloscope to diagnose IGT and IGF circuits.

OBD Diagnostic DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition
Trouble Codes
14 IGF Circuit ECM does not detect IGF signal for 6 consecutive IGT signals.

OBD II DTC # Effected Circuit Diagnostic Trouble Code Detection Condition

Diagnostic IGF/Igniter
Trouble Codes P1300 ECM does not detect IGF signal for 6 or 8 consecutive IGT
Series signals with engine running.

Engine Control Systems II - Course 874 D-17

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