Once Up A Time There Were Three Monkeys
Once Up A Time There Were Three Monkeys
Once Up A Time There Were Three Monkeys
Daddy monkey,
Mummy monkey and Baby monkey. They lived in a tree on the
plains in Africa. There was not much to do in their tree, they were
“Don’t be stupid," said Daddy monkey, “we’ve not got any cash."
“Get the bus of course. How else. We can’t drive a car," replied
The monkeys wandered over to the bus top avoiding the lions who
were looking very hungry that morning and waited for a bus.
The monkeys just ignored the driver as they didn’t have the
correct change, because they didn’t have pockets because they
were monkeys.
Have you ever noticed the handles on straps on buses that hang
down from the rails on buses? That’s in case the bus ever stops in
Africa and monkeys want to get on. Or South America, there are
monkeys there and they have prehensile tails which means they
can hang from them using their tails. However I have digressed.
The monkeys being monkeys just ignored the driver, after all they
never do anything a human tells them. That’s why they don’t
make good pets. So children never ask your mummy or daddy for
a pet monkey. It will just wreck your house. Oops I’ve digressed
The driver stopped the bus, they were still in the middle of the
savannah. “Right monkeys, off the bus," the driver shouted.
The three monkeys then went and sat on the roof. The driver
didn’t notice what the monkeys had done and soon the bus
started off again. The monkeys could hear the driver mutter ruse
words like ‘poo’ under his breath.
“Well we don’t want the giraffes coming and eating our leaves do
Soon they reached the city centre and spotted a particularly large
“Shoes and a dress, I’m a lady monkey. What else do ladies get in
the shops?
“What are you going to get?" she asked.
“Such as?"
“I don’t know what they’re called but some of the gazelles have
taken to kicking some stones about."
“We’ll have to record it," Daddy monkey said and went and hung
from a light fitting.
“I want a comic and an ice cream ‘cause I’m hot and I want a
radio controlled helicopter to annoy the lions with and a lot of
lego to build a tree just like our, so we can live in a lego tree and
I want car and a train set and a Barbie doll."
“What do you want a Barbie for?" Daddy asked from his light.
“Cause she’s a monkey doctor, that’s her new job." Baby added,
“Monkey doctor.
“Of course dear," Daddy monkey replied looking round the shop
for some football tops and televisions.
Mummy monkey ran over and grabbed the shoes, but she was a
monkey and had size one feet, whereas the shoes were size four
and they didn’t fit so as soon as she tried them on they just fell
Bouncing off the counters the three monkeys jumped and grabbed
perfume bottles from the orange faced women. Each one was
hastily applied by Mummy monkey and so Britney Spears’ latest
concoction soon mingled with parfum de monkey in an
everincreasing assault to the nose.
The monkeys ran out of the store and onto the top of a number
27 bus going past.
Baby Monkey had got a rubbish comic that wasn’t what he really
wanted. Mummy Monkey had got a nice black dress, a pair of
shoes that don’t quite fit and some perfume.