Adobe Framemaker 9 For Beginners Adobe Framemaker 9 For Beginners
Adobe Framemaker 9 For Beginners Adobe Framemaker 9 For Beginners
Adobe Framemaker 9 For Beginners Adobe Framemaker 9 For Beginners
For Beginners
Adobe FrameMaker 9
For Beginners
A Users Guide
Written By:
Laura Sylvester
Rebecca Tarr
Kimberly Taylor
English 381
Spring 2010
Table of Contents
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1.1 What Is Adobe Frame|aker:................................................................ 8
1.2 CustomIzIng Your Workspace................................................................ 9
1.J LookIng at the Toolbars...................................................................... 11
-./0#1$ <=%3 >/?1 @/A%'# /"& B1C)?"******************************************************* DE
2.1 DpenIng a 0ocument......................................................................... 1J
2.2 UsIng the Paragraph 0esIgner............................................................... 15
2.J CreatIng |aster Pages....................................................................... 17
2.4 CreatIng Custom |aster Pages............................................................. 20
2.5 CreatIng Headers and Footers.............................................................. 22
2.6 SavIng a 0ocument........................................................................... 24
-./0#1$ <.$113 F%$9)"? =)#. <1G#*********************************************************** EH
J.1 FormattIng 8ody Text........................................................................ 27
J.2 ApplyIng Paragraph Tags..................................................................... 28
J.J CreatIng Character Tags..................................................................... 29
J.4 ApplyIng Character Tags..................................................................... J0
J.5 CreatIng 8ulleted LIsts....................................................................... J1
J.6 CreatIng Numbered LIsts.................................................................... JJ
J.7 WorkIng WIth Tables.......................................................................... J5
J.8 CreatIng a New Table Style.................................................................. J6
J.9 |odIfyIng Your Table Style................................................................... J7
-./0#1$ 6%'$3 F%$9)"? =)#. !7/?1C********************************************************* IJ
4.1 mportIng mages............................................................................ 41
4.2 FesIzIng and |odIfyIng mages............................................................ 42
4.J PosItIonIng mages.......................................................................... 4J
4.4 0raggIng and 0roppIng mages............................................................ 44
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5.1 What Is a 8ook:.............................................................................. 47
5.2 CreatIng a 8ook FIle........................................................................ 48
5.J AddIng 0ocuments to a 8ook.............................................................. 49
5.4 CreatIng a Table of Contents.............................................................. 50
5.5 CreatIng Page Numbers..................................................................... 52
5.6 CreatIng an ndex............................................................................ 5J
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Chapter One:
An Introduction to Adobe FrameMaker 9
1.1 What is Adobe FrameMaker?
1.2 Customizing Your Workspace
1.3 Looking at the Toolbars
Chapter One: An !ntroduction to Adobe
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1.1 What is Adobe FrameNaker?
f you are just startIng out In the world of technIcal wrItIng you may be wonderIng,
what exactly Is Adobe Frame|aker and what can thIs program do for me: The answers
to these questIons are sImple.
Frame|aker Is an Industrystandard authorIng and publIshIng tool. t allows technIcal
communIcators to desIgn clean and consIstent documentatIon wIthout the hassle of
repeatIng the same steps. Through the use of tools such as the Paragraph 0esIgner, the
Character 0esIgner and |aster Pages, you wIll learn to create long or short documents
and know that your desIgn elements wIll be carrIed throughout your document.
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
1.2 Customizing Your Workspace
There are several dIfferent elements of documentatIon that you may want to work on
whIle usIng Frame|aker 9. The Workspace SwItcher tool allows you to set a workspace
from provIded templates or to customIze one to your specIfIc needs.
To select a workspace template:
1. ClIck the dropdown arrow next to the F%$9C0/(1 Y=)#(.1$
A dropdown menu appears (FIgure 1.1).
2. Select your desIred workspace from the templates provIded.
To create a custom workspace:
1. ClIck Z)1=*
A dropdown menu appears (FIgure 1.2).
2. Select your desIred Pods and Toolbars.
FIgure 1.1
FIgure 1.2
34)56%( 71%8 !1 916(#":;60#1 6# !"#$% '()*%+),%( -
J.ClIck the Workspace SwItcher (FIgure 1.J).
4. Choose Save Workspace.
5. Enter a name for your workspace.
6. ClIck Y/K1*
FIgure 1.J
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
1.3 Looking at the Toolbars
8efore you start typIng away, lets take a look at Frame|aker's Interface and the num
ber of panels and toolbars rIght at your fIngertIps In the default workspace.
<.1 [')(9 4((1CC M/$3
ThIs toolbar offers the basIcs necessItIes of any wordproccessIng program IncludIng
Dpen, Save, and PrInt (FIgure 1.4).
<1G# 6%$7/##)"? M/$3
ThIs toolbar contaIns all of the basIcs for formattIng text IncludIng font, sIze, bold Ital
lIcs, and underlIne (FIgure 1.5).
</5N1 6%$7/##)"? M/$3
ThIs toolbar gIves you the basIcs for creatIng and formattIng tables IncludIng addIng
rows and columns and allIgnment (FIgure 1.6).
>/$/?$/0. 6%$7/##)"? M/$3
ThIs toolbar Includes buttons that allow for quIck paragraph formattIng IncludIng tabs
and allIgnment (FIgure 1.7).
FIgure 1.4
FIgure 1.5
FIgure 1.6
FIgure 1.7
34)56%( <=#8 >)/% ?)@#:6 )1" A%20/1
Chapter Two:
Page Layout and Design
2.1 Opening a Document
2.2 Using the Paragraph Designer
2.3 Creating Master Pages
2.4 Creating Custom Master Pages
2.5 Creating Headers and Footers
2.6 Saving a Document
Chapter Two: Page Layout and Design
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
2.1 Opening a Document
Now that you've been Introduced to Adobe Frame|aker 9, let's get started!
Any project starts wIth openIng a new or exIstIng document.
To open a new document from the F1N(%71 Y($11":
1. Choose B%('71"# under the -$1/#1 \1= headIng.
A menu appears. (FIgure 2.1)
2. Select desIred page orIentatIon.
A blank document appears.
FIgure 2.1
34)56%( <=#8 >)/% ?)@#:6 )1" A%20/1
To open an exIstIng document from the F1N(%71 Y($11":
1. Choose 201" under the ]1(1"# !#17C headIng.
A menu appears (FIgure 2.2).
2. NavIgate to your desIred fIle.
J. ClIck 201".
Your desIred fIle appears.
FIgure 2.2
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
2.2 Using the Paragraph Designer
Frame|aker's Paragraph 0esIgner allows you to format text throughout your
documents. You can apply separate formattIng to body text, headlInes, tables, and
footnotes. You can set Indents and spacIng, alIgnment, numberIng, word spacIng, and
table cells. Frame|aker comes wIth default formattIng for all paragraph tags.
To create your own settIngs:
1. Select the text you want to format.
2. ClIck 6%$7/# ^ >/$/?$/0.C ^ B1C)?"1$ (FIgure 2.J).
FIgure 2.J
34)56%( <=#8 >)/% ?)@#:6 )1" A%20/1
J. ClIck the down arrow next to the word -%77/"&C In the bottom left corner of the
Paragraph 0esIgner dIaglogue box (FIgure 2.4).
4. ClIck \1= 6%$7/#.
5. Enter a name for your tag In the pop up box (FIgure 2.5).
6. ClIck -$1/#1.
7. Choose the font, sIze, and other optIons for your text.
8. ClIck the 400NA button.
FIgure 2.4
FIgure 2.5
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
2.3 Creating Naster Pages
Frame|aker documents have two kInds of pages body pages and master pages. 8ody
pages contaIn background text and graphIcs from theIr correspondIng master page text
and Images that make up the document. |aster pages contaIn page layout InformatIon
and background text for any element that repeats throughout the document, IncludIng
headers and footers.
As an example, a doublesIded document would contaIn at least two
master pages, one for left hand pages and one for rIght.
You can create a new master page or one that Is based on an exIstIng
To create a master page:
1. ClIck Z)1= 8/C#1$ >/?1 (FIgure 2.6).
FIgure 2.6
34)56%( <=#8 >)/% ?)@#:6 )1" A%20/1
2. ClIck Y01()/N ^ 4&& 8/C#1$ >/?1 (FIgure 2.7).
J. Enter the name of your master page In the dIalogue box (FIgure 2.8).
4. Choose whether to copy from an exIstIng master page or create a new one by
clIckIng _70#A*
5. ClIck Y/K1*
FIgure 2.7
FIgure 2.8
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
To create a master page based on an exIstIng body page:
1. |ake any changes or adjustments to the body page.
2. ClIck 6%$7/# >/?1 @/A%'# \1= 8/C#1$ >/?1*
J. Enter a name for the master page.
4. ClIck -$1/#1*
34)56%( <=#8 >)/% ?)@#:6 )1" A%20/1
2.+ Creating Custom Naster Pages
Frame|aker allows you to have 100 master pages per document, so If you need a
custom master page, for say, a chapter page, or If you want to turn page numberIng off
on certaIn pages, Frame|aker lets you do that.
To create a custom master page:
1. ClIck Z)1= 8/C#1$ >/?1C*
2. ClIck Y01()/N 4&& 8/C#1$ >/?1*
J. Enter the name of your master page In the dIalogue box (FIgure 2.9).
4. Choose whether to copy from an exIstIng master page or create a new one by
clIckIng _70#A.
5. ClIck Y/K1.
6. Dpen your new master page by clIckIng Z)1= 8/C#1$ >/?1C*
FIgure 2.9
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
7. Use the tools In the graphIcs toolbar to desIgn the look of your page (FIgure 2.10).
8. Set the columns, and add any background text or graphIcs.
9. ClIck Z)1= M%&A >/?1C*
Your master page Is saved and applIed to each page of your document.
FIgure 2.10
34)56%( <=#8 >)/% ?)@#:6 )1" A%20/1
2.5 Creating Headers and Footers
n Frame|aker, headers and footers are created In master pages. You can have
separate headers and footers for dIfferent parts of your document. You can also set a
varIable for InformatIon that changes from page to page, lIke page numbers or the
current date.
To create a statIc (unchangIng) header or footer:
1. ClIck Z)1= 8/C#1$ >/?1C*
2. ClIck InsIde the header or footer and add any text or graphIcs you want.
J. ClIck Z)1= M%&A >/?1C*
Your header or footer Is saved and applIed to each page of your document.
To create a dynamIc (changIng) header or footer:
1. ClIck Z)1= 8/C#1$ >/?1C*
2. ClIck InsIde the header or footer.
J. ClIck 6%$7/# U1/&1$C ` 6%%#1$C !"C1$# 2#.1$ (FIgure 2.11).
FIgure 2.11
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
4. From the 7arIables menu, choose whIch optIons you want In your header or footer
(FIgure 2.12).
5. ClIck Z)1= M%&A >/?1C.
Your header or footer Is saved and applIed to the relevant pages of your document.
FIgure 2.12
34)56%( <=#8 >)/% ?)@#:6 )1" A%20/1
2.6 Saving a Document
Just as wIth any text edItIng or word processIng software, It Is vItal to freuqently save
your work. Frame|aker gIves you three dIfferent savIng optIons.
To save a document:
1. ClIck 6)N1 ^ Y/K1 (FIgure 2.1J).
2. Enter fIle name and specIfy the locatIon where the document wIll be saved, If you
haven't done so prevIously.
J. ClIck Y/K1.
You can also:
ClIck the Y/K1 con In the toolbar (FIgure 2.14)
ClIck -#$N a Y.
FIgure 2.1J
FIgure 2.14
34)56%( <4(%%8 B#(,01/ =064 <%C6
Chapter Three:
Working with Text
3.1 Formatting Body Text
3.2 Applying Paragraph Tags
3.3 Creating Character Tags
3.4 Applying Character Tags
3.5 Creating Bulleted List
3.6 Creating Numbered Lists
3.7 Working with Tables
3.8 Creating a New Table Style
3.9 Modifying Your Table Style
Chapter Three: Working with Text
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
3.1 Formatting Body Text
You can change how text appears In Frame|aker documents, just lIke you can In other
page desIgn or word processIng programs. UsIng the Paragraph 0esIgner, you can
change the text font, font sIze, color, weIght, and other aspects of Its appearance.
1. Enter text In your Frame|aker document.
2. ClIck 6%$7/# ^ >/$/?$/0.C ^ B1C)?"1$
or select >/$/?$/0. B1C)?"1$ from the panels.
J. Select the text you want to modIfy.
4. Select the 0efault Font Icon on the Paragraph 0esIgner (FIgure J.1).
5. Select the pulldown menus besIde each optIon to make your changes (FIgure J.2).
6. ClIck 400NA to make the changes.
FIgure J.1
FIgure J.2
34)56%( <4(%%8 B#(,01/ =064 <%C6
3.2 Applying Paragraph Tags
You can use paragraph tags to create consIstent text formattIng throughout your docu
ment or book. To learn how to create paragraph tags, see module 2.2.
To apply saved paragraph tags to document elements:
1. ClIck 6%$7/# ^ >/$/?$/0.C ^ B1C)?"1$
or select >/$/?$/0. B1C)?"1$ from the panels.
2. Select the text you want to modIfy.
J. Choose a style from the >/$/?$/0. </? menu (FIgure J.J).
4. ClIck 400NA*
5. Your text changes to the selected paragraph tag's style.
FIgure J.J
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
3.3 Creating Character Tags
You can use character tags to change character styles wIthIn paragraph tags wIthout
affectIng the paragraph styles. ThIs Is very helpful for applyIng bold and ItalIc styles to
a larger paragraph.
To create character tags:
1. ClIck 6%$7/# ^ -./$/(#1$C ^ B1C)?"1$
or select -./$/(#1$ B1C)?"1$ from the panels.
2. ClIck the down arrow next to the word -%77/"&C In the bottom left corner of the
Character 0esIgner dIaglogue box (FIgure J.4).
J. Select \1= 6%$7/#*
4. Enter a tItle for your character tag In the pop up box (FIgure J.5).
FIgure J.5
FIgure J.4
34)56%( <4(%%8 B#(,01/ =064 <%C6
3.+ Applying Character Tags
Dnce you have created character tags, you can apply them wIthIn larger styled para
graphs to make changes to only the selected characters. We have used thIs tool In thIs
module wherever you see bold text.
To apply character tags:
1. ClIck 6%$7/# ^ -./$/(#1$C ^ B1C)?"1$
or select Character 0esIgner from the panels.
2. Select the text you want to modIfy.
J. n the -./$/(#1$ B1C)?"1$ panel, select a character tag from the drop down menu
(FIgure J.6).
4. ClIck 400NA*
Your text changes to the style you selected.
FIgure J.6
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
3.5 Creating Bulleted Lists
8ulleted lIsts are helpful for organIzIng InformatIon In your document so It Is easIer to
read. 8ulleted lIsts work lIke paragraph tags, and are created usIng the Paragraph
To create a bulleted lIst:
1. ClIck 6%$7/# ^ >/$/?$/0. ^ B1C)?"1$
or select Paragraph 0esIgner from the panels.
2. ClIck the down arrow next to the word -%77/"&C In the bottom left corner of the
Paragraph 0esIgner dIaglogue box (FIgure J.7).
J. Select \1= 6%$7/#*
4. Enter a tItle for your bulleted tag In the pop up box (FIgure J.8).
FIgure J.7
FIgure J.8
34)56%( <4(%%8 B#(,01/ =064 <%C6
5. n the Paragraph 0esIgner menu, select the NumberIng Icon (FIgure J.9).
6. Select the name of your new tag In the Paragraph Tag fIeld (FIgure J.10)
7. n the Characer Format fIeld, choose your body text's style
Note: Frame|aker's default font Is TImes New Foman.
8. n the 8uIldIng 8locks fIeld, select the 8ullet Icon (FIgure J.11).
9. ClIck 400NA*
You can now apply your new Paragraph Tag to text to create bulleted lIsts.
FIgure J.9
FIgure J.10
FIgure J.11
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
3.6 Creating Numbered Lists
Numbered lIsts are also very helpful for organIzIng your document's InformatIon. They
are created just lIke bulleted lIsts, but wIth a few changes In the fInal steps.
To create a numbered lIst:
1. ClIck 6%$7/# ^ >/$/?$/0. ^ B1C)?"1$ or select -./$/(#1$ B1C)?"1$ from the panels.
2. ClIck the down arrow next to the word -%77/"&C In the bottom left corner of the
Paragraph 0esIgner dIaglogue box (FIgure J.12).
J. ClIck \1= 6%$7/#*
4. Enter a tItle for your bulleted tag In the pop up box (FIgure J.1J).
5. n the Paragraph 0esIgner menu, select the NumberIng Icon (FIgure J.14).
FIgure J.1J
FIgure J.14
FIgure J.12
34)56%( <4(%%8 B#(,01/ =064 <%C6
6. Select the name of your new tag In the Paragraph Tag fIeld (FIgure J.15).
7. n the Character Format fIeld, choose your body text's style.
8. n the 8uIldIng 8locks fIeld, select the n+ Icon (FIgure J.16).
9. ClIck 400NA*
Note: You can add dIfferent 8uIldIng 8locks to create dIfferent kInds of lIsts:
n+ = 1, 2, J
a+ = a, b, c
A+ = A, 8, C
You can also use 8uIldIng 8locks to format numbered lIsts by addIng punctuatIon and
tabs, for example, b"a^* c# creates a lIst that looks lIke thIs:
FIgure J.15
FIgure J.16
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
3.7 Working With Tables
You can use tables to present a large amount of InformatIon In a clear, organIzed way.
They are a very sImple desIgn element that can add a lot of value to your document.
To Insert a table Into your document:
1. ClIck </5N1 ^ !"C1$# </5N1*
2. Select a Table Format from the nsert Table dIalogue box (FIgure J.17).
J. |odIfy the settIngs In the nsert Table dIalogue box to change the number of rows
and columns for your table.
4. ClIck !"C1$#*
Your table appears In the document (FIgure J.18).
!"#$% '(
FIgure J.17
FIgure J.18
34)56%( <4(%%8 B#(,01/ =064 <%C6
3.8 Creating a New Table Style
The table desIgner Is a tool you can use to modIfy your tables. t works lIke the para
graph and character desIgners, and allows you to save table styles to use In later
tables. 8efore you can create a new style, you must fIrst create a table.
To create a new table style:
1. ClIck </5N1 ^ </5N1 B1C)?"1r or select the Table 0esIgner panel.
2. Select your table.
J. ClIck the down arrow next to the word -%77/"&C In the bottom left corner of the
Table 0esIgner dIaglogue box (FIgure J.19).
4. Enter a tItle for your table In the pop up box (FIgure J.20).
FIgure J.19
FIgure J.20
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
3.9 Nodifying Your Table Style
You can use the table desIgner tool to make changes to a saved table style. WIth the
tool you can make changes to the table's appearance, alIgnment, and sIze.
To modIfy your table style:
1. ClIck </5N1 ^ </5N1 B1C)?"1$ or select the Table 0esIgner panel.
2. Select your tag's name from the </5N1 </? menu.
J. Select the M/C)( Icon (FIgure J.21).
4. |odIfy the basIc settIngs to change the table's Indents and spacIng, alIgnment,
margIns, tItle posItIon and so on (FIgure J.22).
5. Select the ]'N)"? Icon (FIgure J.2J).
FIgure J.21
FIgure J.22
FIgure J.2J
34)56%( <4(%%8 B#(,01/ =064 <%C6
6. |odIfy the rulIng settIngs to change the style of your table's lInes (FIgure J.24).
7. Select the Y./&)"? Icon (FIgure J.25).
8. |odIfy the shadIng settIngs to change the color and shadIng of dIfferent elements of
your table (FIgure J.26).
9. ClIck 400NA*
Your changes are saved to the </5N1 </?'s settIngs.
FIgure J.24
FIgure J.26
FIgure J.25
34)56%( '#:(8 B#(,01/ =064 9*)/%2
Chapter Four:
Working with Images
4.1 Importing Images
4.2 Resizing and Modifying Images
4.3 Positioning Images
4.4 Dragging and Dropping Images
Chapter Four: Working with !mages
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
+.1 !mporting !mages
mages are an extremely Important element of desIgn. mportIng the Images you want
to use Into your Frame|aker document can be done In a few sImple steps.
To Import an Image Into a document:
1. ClIck 6)N1 !70%$# 6)N1 (FIgure 4.1).
2. Select the Image fIle you want to Import.
5. ClIck !70%$#*
6. Choose your desIred dpI (FIgure 4.2).
7. ClIck Y1#*
The Image appears In your document.
FIgure 4.1
FIgure 4.2
34)56%( '#:(8 B#(,01/ =064 9*)/%2
+.2 Resizing and Nodifying !mages
Dnce you have Imported your desIred Images, you may want to resIze or change them
In some way to better fIt your desIgn. ThIs can be easIly done wIth Frame|aker's
Tools Palette.
To resIze an Image:
1. Select the Image you want to resIze.
2. WhIle holdIng down the shIft key, clIck and drag the corner of the frame to your
desIred sIze (FIgure 4.J).
To modIfy an Image:
1. Select the Image you want to modIfy
2. ClIck L$/0.)(C.
A dropdown menu appears (FIgure 4.4).
J. Select the modIfIcatIon you wIsh to apply to your Image.
FIgure 4.J
FIgure 4.4
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
+.3 Positioning !mages
Dnce you have Imported and formatted your Images to your lIkIng, you wIll want to
posItIon them effectIvely wIthIn your document.
To posItIon an Image:
1. Select the Image you want to posItIon.
2. ClIck L$/0.)(C 25T1(# >$%01$#)1C.
J. Enter your desIred placement settIngs Into the 2RRC1# 6%$7.
5. ClIck Y1# (FIgure 4.5).
FIgure 4.5
34)56%( '#:(8 B#(,01/ =064 9*)/%2
+.+ Dragging and Dropping !mages
A cool feature of Adobe Frame|aker 9 Is that you can drag and drop Images dIrectly
Into your document. ThIs can be done to Images In a foler, Images on your desktop, or
even Images In another Frame|aker 0ocument.
To drag and drop an Image:
1. Feduce the sIze of your Frame|aker document so that you can see the area where
your Image Is held, be It a folder, document, or the desktop.
2. Select the Image you wIsh to add to your document.
J. 0rag and drop the Image dIrectly Into your document. (FIgure 4.6)
4. Style and resIze as desIred.
FIgure 4.6
34)56%( '0D%8 E%1%()601/ .##,2
Chapter Five:
Generating Books
5.1 What is a Book?
5.2 Creating a Book File
5.3 Adding Documents to a Book
5.4 Creating a Table of Contents
5.5 Creating Page Numbers
5.6 Creating an Index
Chapter Five: Generating Books
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
5.1 What is a Book?
Frame|aker allows you to group separate fIles Into a combIned document called a
book. 8ooks can consIst of chapters, folders, tables of contents, IndIces, and
After you generate a book, you can (re)pagInate, and add a table of
contents or an Index.
34)56%( '0D%8 E%1%()601/ .##,2
5.2 Creating a Book File
Dnce you have the fIles that wIll make up your book, you are ready to
create It.
To create a book:
1. Dpen one of the fIles the wIll make up your book.
2. ClIck 6)N1 ^ \1= ^ M%%9 (FIgure 5.1).
J. When asked If you want thIs fIle to be part of the book, clIck X1C.
Your book Is created.
4. Choose 6)N1 Y/K1 M%%9 4C. Your fIle Is saved wIth a .book extensIon.
FIgure 5.1
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
5.3 Adding Documents to a Book
Dnce you have created your book you are ready to add the rest If the
documents It contaIns.
To add documents to a book:
1. WIth the book wIndow open, clIck 4&& 6)N1C (FIgure 5.2) or clIck the add fIle Icon
at the top left of the book wIndow (FIgure 5.J).
2. Select the fIle(s) you wIsh to add to the book and clIck 4&&.
Note: you can clIck one fIle In the wIndow and then Y.)R# -N)(9 a fIle several fIles
below to add multIple fIles at once.
FIgure 5.2
FIgure 5.J
34)56%( '0D%8 E%1%()601/ .##,2
5.+ Creating a Table of Contents
A clear table of contents Is necessary for any large Frame|aker project: It helps your
reader navIgate around your content, and presents an overvIew of your work.
To create a table of contents for your book:
1. Dpen the book menu by clIckIng 6)N1 ^ 201"*** and selectIng your book tItle,
or clIck the 8ook Icon on the panels on the left (FIgure 5.4).
The 8ook menu appears (FIgure 5.5).
2. Select 4&& ^ </5N1 %R -%"#1"#C***
FIgure 5.4
FIgure 5.5
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
The Set Up Table of Contents menu appears (FIgure 5.6)
J. n the Add FIle menu, select where you want your table of contents to go In your
4. n the 0on't nclude lIst, select the tags you want to encorporate In your table of
contents, then clIck the left arrow to move them to the nclude Paragraphs Tagged:
5. ClIck 4&&.
Note: |ake sure your paragraphs are consIstently tagged: If they are not, your table of
contents wIll not format correctly.
FIgure 5.6
34)56%( '0D%8 E%1%()601/ .##,2
5.5 Creating Page Numbers
KeepIng your pages neat and organIzed Is an Important part of creatIng qualIty
documentatIon. Page numbers are In Integrel part of the process.
To create page numbers:
1. ClIck Z)1= 8/C#1$ >/?1C (FIgure 5.7).
2. ClIck you cursor In the header or footer text frame where you wIsh to place your
page numbers.
J.Select 6%$7/# U1/&1$C ` 6%%#1$C !"C1$# >/?1 d (FIgure 5.8)*
FIgure 5.7
FIgure 5.8
!"#$% '()*%+),%( - '#( .%/011%(2 s
5.6 Creating an !ndex
WhIle creatIng a Table of Contents wIll help readers navIgate your work, an Index wIll
help them to fInd more specIfIc key terms and Ideas.
To create an Index:
1. ClIck 6)N1.
2. Choose 201" and select your book fIle.
J. Select the fIle you want the Index to follow.
4. ClIck 4&&.
5. Choose Y#/"&/$& !"&1G.
6. ClIck 4&&. (FIgure 5.9).
7. ClIck e0&/#1.
FIgure 5.9