Knowitall: Haveitall NMR

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Subscription for the

HaveItAll NMR ®

Informatics System

One interface.
Access over 350,000 13C & 17,000 1H NMR spectra.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division, the world leader in NMR Informatics, offers a subscription to the world’s largest
collection of NMR data that you can search and use as a reference in the first, fully integrated environment for NMR.

No switching from program to program.

HaveItAll NMR works within the KnowItAll Informatics System, offering the largest collection of data and state-of-the-art tools for
NMR. So now you can have it all and know it all in one place—make predictions, search, access reference spectra and property
information, build databases with assignments, cross-reference your NMR data with other analytical techniques, such as IR,
UV/Vis, GC, MS, Raman, and Near IR, and generate high-quality reports to share all you know with your colleagues.* See the
KnowItAll Informatics System brochure or visit for more details on the KnowItAll software environment.

Reliable Prediction for 1H and 13C NMR.

More NMR data than ever, with higher quality.
The HaveItAll NMR package has the most fully verified data available
today. HaveItAll NMR includes access to over 350,000 13C NMR and
over 17,000 actual experimental 1H NMR reference spectra.

Solvent-sspecific prediction for accuracy.

KnowItAll offers the first solvent-specific NMR chemical shift
prediction on the market. Choose from a list of common solvents
such as chloroform, acetone, and dimethyl sulfoxide and KnowItAll’s
prediction application will automatically recalculate all chemical shifts
for that solvent.

More than just the spectral data. Predicted peak shifts

aren’t the only piece of information that you need. Not only can you
easily retrieve the real spectral data used to build your prediction,
but you can also access all of the available information related to
the reference spectrum, such as sample source, solvent, conditions
of production, equipment, and properties for the molecule.

The HaveItAll NMR subscription also includes 1H and 13C databases

*Requires KnowItAll’s Database Building Option to build databases and
with direct links to the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
KnowItAll’s AssignItTM Option to add assignments to the 1H and 13C data. from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the
Please contact Bio-Rad to determine which file formats are supported.
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Database Searching and Management.
KnowItAll allows you to import your own data in its native file format and search against the HaveItAll reference databases
as well as your own databases. Search by name, structure, substructure, spectrum, peak, and property fields, such as
manufacturer, technique, boiling point, etc.
Cross-rreference between 1H and 13C data.
There are many compounds available with convenient
cross-references between both the 1H and 13C
HaveItAll data.

Cross-rreference your NMR data with other

techniques. Cross-reference* your NMR data with
analytical data such as XNMR, IR, UV/Vis, GC, MS,
Raman, and Near IR. Simply click on the “Other
Techniques” link while viewing a spectrum, and go
directly to the other analytical techniques available for
that compound!

HaveItAll NMR data covers a wide range of applications.

This database includes high-quality spectra including:
• Sadtler 13C Standards
• Sadtler Proton NMR
• Chemical Concepts CNMR Database of Organic Compounds
• Chemical Concepts CNMR Database of Flavors & Fragrances
• Chemical Concepts CNMR Database of Natural Products
• Chemical Concepts HNMR Database of Organic Compounds
• Wolfgang Robien Database
• NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Compounds-CNMR
• NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Compounds-HNMR

And now the best part...the price!

One price gives you unlimited predictions plus access to the data used for the
predictions—and with your HaveItAll subscription there is no need for
maintenance agreements, as databases and software updates are automatic.

Minimum System Requirements: Windows-compatible PC, CD-ROM Drive, Windows

2000, Windows XP Home, or Windows XP Professional operating systems, Pentium III (or
equivalent) processor, 128 MB of RAM, 100 MB of free hard disk space (Additional disk
space required for HaveItAll® databases.)
*Requires KnowItAll’s Database Building Option to build 1H and 13C databases and
AssignIt Option to add assignments to the 13C data.
When using Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, log on with Local Administrator
privilege when you install KnowItAll. Activation of KnowItAll also requires that you are
logged on with Local Administrator privilege.
If you are setting up to use Citrix or Windows Terminal Server please contact Bio-Rad
Bio-Rad Informatics for further information.
Laboratories, Inc. KnowItAll is not developed for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows ME
or Windows NT 4.0. There is also no Macintosh, Unix or Linux version of this software.

Informatics Division U.S. Sales Phone: +1 215 382 7800 • 1 888 5 BIO-RAD (888-524-6723) • E-mail: [email protected] Europe Phone: +44 20 8328 2555 • Free Phone: 00800 78945000 • E-mail: [email protected]
Japan Phone: +81 03 (5811) 6287 • E-mail: [email protected]
Rest of World Phone: +1 215 382 7800 • E-mail: [email protected]


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