Q2-FY19 Result Update: CMP: 125 Target: 263

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BLS International Services Limited (BLS)

26 November 2018 CMP: ₹125

Q2-FY19 Result Update Target: ₹263

 BLS International has reported a de-growth of 2.4% in its consolidated revenue at Rs.1821 million in Q2-FY19 as against Rs.1865 million in Q2-FY18. On
profitability front, the company has reported operating margins of 19.9% at Rs.363 million in Q2-FY19 as against 23.2% at Rs.433 million in Q2-FY18,
compression of 330 basis points due to lower revenue contribution from high margin value added services (Spain). The Company’s profit after tax (PAT)
margins for the quarter stood 18.1% at Rs.330 million in Q2-FY19 as against 14.4% at Rs.268 million in Q2-FY18, improvement of 376 basis points.

 BLS International marks the second quarter of FY-19 with a number of contracts and awards. It commenced servicing the French Embassy in Jordan from
August 2018. Under this project, BLS International will provide key deliverables, which will compose of approximately 25,000 France visa application in
Jordan in strategic alliance of its partner. The strategic association linked strengthened the company’s presence in Europe and Middle East.

 BLS International Services also signed an agreement with Vision Box in this quarter to cooperate in connection with specific projects or opportunities in
the territory of Portugal. An agreement was signed with premium security printing company, a company existing under the laws of Hungary in which BLS
will engage them in providing of continuous support in further operations to collaborate and pursue the tender of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hungary

 The company also signed an agreement with Speed Identity AB to cooperate in connection with a specific project or opportunity for the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. Speed Identity is a company existing under the laws of Sweden, which is expert service provider
of biometric hardware and software products and services.

 The UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) contract has also started from 12th Nov 2018. The company is expecting around 200,000 to 500,000 applications
annually in this contract. The company also introduced value added services including brand new ’Premium Lounge’ Service in London and Mobile
Biometric enrolment services across the United Kingdom for UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) on 12th Nov 2018. This will add to the incremental
revenues from H2 of FY19.

 Management has commented positive outlook for FY19 as the existing contract is in mature stage. Along with this yield per application and services
provided to customer is also increasing. We continue to believe that long term growth prospects of the company remains intact. We continue to remain
positive on the stock and maintain BUY rating with target price of Rs.263.

1 Analyst: Saurabh Joshi, CA Anand Rathi Research

[email protected]
BLS International Services Limited (BLS)

Quarterly Results

Financial Results (₹ Mn.)

(In ₹ mn) Q2-FY19 Q2-FY18 Chg
Net Sales 1,821 1,865 -2.4%
Operating Expense 1,458 1,432 1.8%
EBITDA 363 433 -16.3%
Other Income 91 8
Depreciation 46 102
EBIT 408 339 20.2%
Interest 29 28
PBT 379 311 21.7%
Tax 49 43
Exceptional Items - -
PAT 330 268 23.1%

Margins Q2-FY19 Q2-FY18 Chg BPS
Operating Margin % 19.9% 23.2% -330
Net Margin % 18.1% 14.4% 376

Source: Company, Anand Rathi Research

2 Anand Rathi Research

BLS International Services Limited (BLS)


(In ₹ mn) FY-17 FY-18 FY-19E FY-20E (In ₹ mn) FY-17 FY-18 FY-19E FY-20E
Net Sales 6,349 7,891 9,903 12,636 Equity Share Capital 102 102 102 102
Reserve & Surplus 1,543 2,503 3,849 5,670
Operating Expense 5,526 6,303 7,783 9,805
Totat Shareholder's Funds 1,645 2,605 3,951 5,772
EBITDA 823 1,587 2,119 2,830
Minority Interest 1 1 1 1
Other Income 25 41 54 69
Long-Term Liabilities 487 390 390 390
Depreciation 260 396 493 651
Other Long-term Liabilities 12 15 15 15
EBIT 588 1,232 1,680 2,249
Deferred Tax Liability 14 (33) (33) (33)
Interest 55 124 136 159 Short-term Liabilities 824 1,686 2,074 2,647
Total 2,984 4,665 6,399 8,793
Misc. items - - - -
PBT 533 1,108 1,545 2,090 Net Fixed Assets 784 495 327 204
Long-Term L&A 6 6 6 6
Tax 32 143 199 269 Non Current Investments 305 278 278 278
Minority Interest (0) - - - Other Non-Current Assets - 21 21 21
Current Asset 1,888 3,866 5,768 8,284
PAT 501 965 1,346 1,821 Total 2,984 4,665 6,399 8,793

Margins FY-17 FY-18 FY-19E FY-20E (In ₹ mn) FY-17 FY-18 FY-19E FY-20E
EPS (₹) 4.9 9.4 13.1 17.7
Sales Growth % 25.7% 24.3% 25.5% 27.6% P/E (x) 25.6 13.3 9.5 7.1
P/B (x) 7.8 4.9 3.2 2.2
Operating Margin % 13.0% 20.1% 21.4% 22.4%
ROE 30.4% 37.1% 34.1% 31.5%
Net Margin % 7.9% 12.2% 13.6% 14.4% ROCE 27.2% 41.4% 38.9% 36.6%

3 Anand Rathi Research

BLS International Services Limited (BLS)

Rating and Target Price history:

BLS rating history & price chart BLS rating details

Target Price Share Price
Date Rating
(`) (`)
28-Sept-17 BUY 310 245
80 16-Nov-17 BUY 310 244
16-Feb-18 BUY 263 189
29-May-18 BUY 263 200

27-Aug-18 BUY 263 163
26-Nov-18 BUY 263 125

Source: Ace Equity, Anand Rathi Research

Source: Ace Equity, Anand Rathi Research

NOTE: Prices are as on 26th Nov, 2018 close.

4 Anand Rathi Research

BLS International Services Limited (BLS)


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BLS International Services Limited (BLS)



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BLS International Services Limited (BLS)



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