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© Answer Questions 1-4, Questions 1-4 ‘The Reading Passage has four sections, A-D, Choose the correct heailing for each section from the list of headings below. “List of Headings iA possible explanation 1 Why names of objects are unhelpful iif. Checking out the theory iv A curious state of affairs v The need to look at how words are formed vi How age impacts on learning colours vii_Some unsurprising data 1 Section A 2 Section B 3. Section C 4 Section D Fxam advice Maiching headings + Read each paragraph / section of the passage ‘carefully to idontity the main idee or theme. + Choose the correct heading for each paragraph ‘section. Be careful to match the heading to the ‘main idea, not just similar words. Learning coor words Young children struggle with color concepts, and the reason for this may have something to do with how we use the words that describe them. A Inthe course ofthe fist few years of their lives, children who are brought up in English speaking homes successfully master the use of hundreds of words. Words for objects, actions, ‘emotions, and many other aspect of the physical world quickly become part of their Infant repertoire. For some reason, however, when it comes to learning color words, the same children perform very badly. At the age of four month, babies can distinguish between basic color categories. Yeti turns ‘cut they do this in much the same way 36 blind children. “Blue and “yellow” appear in clder children's expressive language in anewer to questions such as "What color is thi’, but their mapping of objects to individual color is haphazard and interchangeable. If shown 1 blue cup and acked about is color, typical two-year-olds seem ai likely to come up with “ted” ax "blue." Even after hundreds of taining trial, children 2s old ac four may still, lend up being unable to accurately sort objects by color, B Inn effort to work out why this, cognitive scientists at Stanford University in California hypothesized that children’s incompetence at color-word learning may be the way these words are wed in English. While word order for color adjectives varies, they are Used overwhelmingly in pre-nominal position (ez, “blue cup") in other word, the adjective comes before the noun its describing, This isin contrast to post-nominel position (e.g “The cup is blue") where the adjective comes after the noun. Itseems that the difficulty children have may not be causes by any Unique property of color, or indeed, ofthe world, Rather iLmay simply come dawn to the chollenge of having to make predictions Cobar ny vet @from color words to the objects they refer to, instead of being able to make predictions from the world of objects to the color words, To illustrate, the word “chai” has 2 meaning that applies to the somewhat varied set of entities in the world that people use for sitting on. Chairs have features, such as arms and legs and backs, that are combined te some degree in 2 systematic way; they twin up in a ‘ange of chairs of different shapes, sizes, and ages. It could be said that children learn to narrow down the set of cues that make up a chait and in this way they learn the concept sociated with that word. On the other hand, color words tend to be unique and nat bound to other specific co-occunring features; there Is nothing ystematic about color words to help eue their meaning. In the speech that adults direct at children, color adjectives occur pre-nominaly ("blue cup") around 70, percent ofthe time. This suggests that most of ‘what children hear from adults wil, in fact, be Unhelpful in learning shat color words refer te. € To explore vs ideo further, the reeacch team recruited 41 English children aged between 23 and 29 months and carried outa three phase experiment. It consisted of 3 pro-teit, {followed by taining inthe use of color words, and finally» post-test that wos identical te the pre-test The pre-and post-test materials comprised sx object thot were novel to the children. There were three exemples of each object in each of tee colorred, yellow, and blue. The objects were presented on luays, and in both tess, the children were asked to pick out objects in response to requests in which the color word was either 2 prenominel ("Which the ed one?”) ora postnominal ("Which one is red?"). In the training, the children were introduced to.a “magic bucket” containing five sets of ‘tem familiar to 26-month-old (balk, cups, crayons, glasses, and toy bears) in each of the @) nna three colors. The training was set up so that. half the children were presented with the items one by one and heard them labelled with color words used pre-nominally “This isa red crayon’), while the other half were Introduced to the same items described with a post-nominal color ward ("Tht crayon i red”). After the training, the children repeated the selection task on the unknown items in the post-test. To aves the quality of children’s Understanding of the color words, and the effect of each type of training, correct choices Con items that were consistent across the pre~ and post-tests were used to measure children’s color knowledge. Individual analyst of pre-and post-test data, which confirmed parental vocabulary reports, showed the children had at least ome knowledge ofthe three colour words: they averaged two out of three correct choices in response to both pre-and post-nominal question types, which, it has been pointed. ut, is better than chance. When children's responses to the question types were assessed independently, performance was at its most
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