Boknweruiw PDF
Boknweruiw PDF
Boknweruiw PDF
The use of a small number of chapters, nine in total, that focus on related
material to highlight these system features of the economy achieves this end. There
are some further topics that could also have been included in the text; however,
I followed the view that learning should not be rushed and that understanding
what is here is a solid foundation for further learning. The activity of information
integration requires time and to learn and derive knowledge from that information
is a complex cognitive process.
Another novel perspective is included with references to the ‘Austrian approach’
to economics and to entrepreneurship activity in particular, which is explained and
referred to several times in the text. This presents students with an interesting focus
on the process element of economic analysis as well as the product element provided
in the appropriately comprehensive standard neoclassical analysis.
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:
The main participants and features of an economy are outlined in the chapters that
follow. The study of economics focuses on identifying and trying to understand the
patterns and relationships between these elements.
To begin it is useful to define what a study of the economic system entails. It
involves understanding how:
• land – all natural resources (including minerals and other raw materials);
• labour – all human resources;
• capital – all man-made aids to production that have been produced (e.g.
machines, factories, tools). It is used with labour to produce and/or market
more goods and services;
• entrepreneurship in business organization and willingness to take busi-
ness risks.
Once economic growth is faster than population growth, material living standards
can rise.
Some data on international living standards are presented in Figure 1.1 for 20
countries with the highest living standards in 2002 (as reported by the OECD,
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). To ensure the
data reported in Figure 1.1 can be compared, each country’s output was initially
converted to the same exchange rate – here all values are in dollars.
Because of the different international prices of goods, a further adjustment was
made to the data to take account of these purchasing power differences. This
is called the purchasing power parity adjustment as explained in the text box.
Figure A.1 in Chapter 1 Appendix contains living standards data for 2000 over a
broader selection of counties.
0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50,000
F I G U R E 1 . 1 L I V I N G S TA N D A R D S , T O P 2 0 C O U N T R I E S
2 0 0 2 , ( U S D O L L A R S A N D P P P s∗ )
Source: Main Economic Indicators, OECD, 2002
∗ See the nearby key term box for more on PPPs.
of identical traded goods and services in two countries. PPP is often very different
from the current market exchange rate.
Since 1986 The Economist magazine has published a regular Big Mac Index. It
indicates how many Big Macs dollars buy internationally when exchanged for
local currencies. The Big Mac PPP is the exchange rate that would leave the
Big Mac costing the same in the United States as elsewhere.
The logic underlying conversions using PPPs and not just standard exchange
rates is that prices tend to be lower in poor economies, so a dollar of spending
in a poor country buys more than a dollar in America. Using purchasing power
parities takes account of these price differences. Comparing actual exchange
rates with PPP often reveals differences. Some studies have found that the Big
Mac Index is often a better predictor of currency movements than other more
‘theoretically rigorous’ currency models.
Since January 2004, The Economist also provides a Tall Latte Index where the
focus is not on burgers but a cup of Starbucks coffee, another internationally
available product.
Political economy is the term given to the study of how the rules, regulations,
laws, institutions and practices of a country (or a state, region, province) have an
influence on the economic system and its features.
Rules and laws on how resources and production can be organized and used
influence the incentives for individuals and firms to conduct business and hence
the output of an economy. One example would be rules on setting up new businesses
and the time this takes.
Research indicates time needed for setting up a new business varies consider-
ably internationally, taking only two days in Canada and costing US$280, and
62 days in Italy, costing US$3946 (Djankov, et al., 2001).
Rules and laws on how resources are shared or distributed among citizens also
influence their income and wealth – if only a few receive most of the production
(because of corruption or a caste system, for example) the income and wealth of
the majority suffers.
How the value of output produced is distributed among an economy’s stake-
holders depends on the configuration of each economic system and the choices
on distribution that are made. Stakeholders in the economic system are the indi-
viduals and groups that depend on the system to fulfil their own goals (be it to
meet demands, generate income, create employment, provide wages or salaries,
provide goods and services . . . ) and on whom the economic system depends for its
continued survival.
According to the above description of what an economy is, it is possible to inter-
pret individual countries as economic systems, each with its individual economy,
but it may also be useful, depending on some issues of interest to economists, to
consider provinces, regions or cities as economies in their own right.
It is also often useful to examine an economy by focusing on sub-sections of
organized resources within an economy, which are described as markets, e.g. the
market for cars, apples, or labour. Knowledge of how the economic system func-
tions based on analysis of markets, production and expenditure decisions and how
economies grow will help to enhance understanding of why economies perform so
Markets: situations where exchange occurs between buyers and sellers or where
a potential for exchange exists. Markets cover the full spectrum from physical
locations where buyers and sellers meet to electronic markets (such as auction
websites) facilitated by the Internet.
The familiar notion of a market where people come together in a particular location
to buy and sell goods or services is the most straightforward definition of a market.
The economist’s definition is broader and does not limit a market to a specific time
and place.
For example, we can refer to the market for apples, which covers the opportunities
that exist for buying and selling apples between individuals and firms. Markets for
products or services can usually be examined by considering the price at which
producers or sellers are willing to supply and sell – the supply or production side of a
market – and the price buyers are willing to pay – the demand or consumption side
of a market. Depending on the price of a product (amongst other factors) sellers
and buyers make their economic decisions about which products to produce/buy
and the quantities to produce/buy. The model of demand and supply presented
in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 and again in Chapter 6 develop these two elements of the
economic system further.
The basic elements of the economic system therefore, involve, the organization
of production and supply, consumption and demand, markets, exchange, prices,
and the rules or laws that facilitate and govern decisions by individuals, households
and firms relating to all of these elements.
TA B L E 1 . 1 E C O N O M I C T H E O RY A N D T H E P R O C E S S O F
1. Identify a question/issue for analysis, e.g. the factors that explain why Luxembourg has
relatively high living standards at a point/period in time.
2. Identify theory (and/or concepts and/or models) relevant to this issue, e.g. theory of
economic growth that relates output and living standards to the quantity and quality of
available factors of production.
3. From theory, formulate hypotheses about possible relationships between high living stan-
dards and high levels of education (affecting labour), investment (affecting capital) etc., e.g.
one hypothesis would be that high living standards are caused by high levels of education.
4. Test the hypotheses against evidence (information/data) on high living standards in
Luxembourg and competing potential explanations. From alternative explanations – e.g.
education, investment, luck! – the economist must attempt to choose the most appropriate
and convincing, given available evidence. To get to the root of the analysis it may also be
necessary to focus on the causes of high levels of education or investment, which is not
straightforward. If the cause of high levels of education (or investment) is high levels of
income/living standards then the explanation is circular and is not very useful. Evidence used
to test an hypothesis might be quantitative (numerical), or qualitative or a mixture of both,
and might be published or might be collected by the economist themselves in interviews or
surveys, for example.
5. Draw valid conclusions.
the essence of the issue is whether living standards in Luxembourg would be higher
or lower at a particular time with different levels of education (or investment).
Models are sometimes criticized because of how they simplify reality but they
are constructed in order to take into account the most important features of the
economic system relevant to analysing a specific issue. For example, the standard
economic model of supply and demand abstracts from all the various factors that
feed into the determination of supply and demand to focus on the relationship
between the price of a product and
Supply: the quantity of output sellers are willing to sell over a range of poss-
ible prices.
Demand: the quantity of output buyers are willing to buy over a range of
possible prices.
The ceteris paribus assumption: from the Latin the direct meaning of this term is
all things being equal or unchanged.
This could be rephrased as the ‘economists are not stupid’ assumption!
Economists know all things do not remain equal or unchanged. The power of
the assumption allows them to construct models that highlight the fundamental
nature of a relationship they are trying to describe and understand. Subsequently
they use their models to incorporate other factors of most relevance to that