Lesson Lesson 10 10 Course Conducted by Indranil Course Conducted by Indranil Ray Ray

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Lesson 10

Course Conducted By Indranil

• Natural Benefics and Natural Malefics
• The nature of the influence or aspect of a
planet is good or bad according to whether
the planet is good or bad.
• The planets Saturn, Mars, Sun and Rahu
are considered in astrology as "Natural
• The aspect .the influence of these planets
on any sign, house or the planet that they
may be aspecting, harms the prospects
denoted by the aspected sign, house or
the planet.
• Similarly astrology holds, Jupiter and
Venus as "Natural Benefics" .

• The aspect of these two planets on any

house etc boosts and enhances the
prospects for which that house etc stands.
• Moon acts in both ways i.e. as a malefic
and a benefic planet.
• The nearer it is to the Sun the less strong
it becomes.

• Until about 72 degree from the Sun it

become weak.
• It's weakness continues to increase until it
has no power left when it is with the Sun
i.e. when it has the same longitude as the
• A sit leaves the Sun and moves forward in
the bright half of it's month it gathers
strength, although it remains weak till
about 72 degrees ahead of the Sun.
• It is considered strong thereafter until it is
in maximum strength when at a maximum
distance from the Sun i.e. when 180
degrees away from it.
• It's strength then starts declining until it
reaches about 72 degrees from the Sun,
where after it again starts becoming weak.
• planet Mercury when situated with any
planet does not act independently.

• It assumes the role of the planet with

which it is situated.
• That is to say it acts as a. benefic when
located with a benefic planet and acts
as a malefic when located with a
malefic planet.
• The aspect of Rahu and Ketu is always
Malefic in nature.
• It is, however, not so severe when these
shadowy planets are located with benefic
• Continued…

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