F2-17 Capital Budgeting and Discounted Cash Flows PDF
F2-17 Capital Budgeting and Discounted Cash Flows PDF
F2-17 Capital Budgeting and Discounted Cash Flows PDF
This session covers the following content from the ACCA Study Guide.
C. Budgeting
5. Capital budgeting and discounted cash flows
a) Discuss the importance of capital investment planning and control.
b) Define and distinguish between capital and revenue expenditure.
c) Outline the issues to consider and the steps involved in the preparation of
a capital expenditure budget.
d) Explain and illustrate the difference between simple and compound
interest, and between nominal and effective interest rates.
e) Explain and illustrate compounding and discounting.
f) Explain the distinction between cash flow and profit and the relevance of
cash flow to capital investment appraisal.
g) Identify and evaluate relevant cash flows for individual investment
h) Explain and illustrate the net present value (NPV) and internal rate of
return (IRR) methods of discounted cash flow.
i) Calculate present value using annuity and perpetuity formulae.
j) Calculate NPV, IRR and payback (discounted and non-discounted).
k) Interpret the results of NPV, IRR and payback calculations of investment
Session 17 Guidance
Read section 1, which sets out a basic scenario for this session.
Work Examples 1 and 2 and Illustration 3 to appreciate the mechanics of the computations of simple
interest, compound interest and annuities. Pay attention to formulae used for calculations.
Read carefully sections 2.4 and 2.5 on nominal versus effective rates of interest.
Understand discounting (s.3), which is used to calculate a "present value" of a cash flow, and how to
apply discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques which focus on the time value of money (s.4.1).
• Capital v Revenue Expenditure
• Planning and Control
• Simple
• Compound
• Annuities
• Nominal Rates
• Effective Rates
Session 17 Guidance
Use Illustrations 6 and 7 and Example 4 to test your understanding of the difference between
profit and cash (s.4.2) and the identification of relevant cash flows (s.4.3) when assessing
an investment.
Learn the concepts of net present value (NPV) (s.5) and internal rate of return (IRR) (s.6), and
note how to apply the payback technique (s.7). Work Illustration 13 and Example 11.
Familiarise yourself with the discount factor and annuity tables that will be provided in the exam.
1 Capital Budgeting
2 Interest
If Zarosa placed $100 in the bank today (t0) earning 10% interest
per annum, what would this sum amount to in three years' time?
Calculate the amount on deposit by 31 December 2016 if the
interest rate is:
(a) 7% per annum simple
(b) 7% per annum compound.
FV =
FV = $
(b) Compound interest FV = P (1 + r)n
FV =
FV = $
$1,000 is invested in a fund earning 5% per annum on 1 January 2012. $500 is added to this
fund a year later and a further $700 is added a year after that.
Calculate the amount that will be on deposit on 31 December 2014.
$ $
Amount on deposit =
2.3 Annuities
Many investment-saving schemes involve the same amount being
invested annually.
There are two formulae for the future value of an annuity. Which
to use depends on whether the investment is made at the end of
each year or at the start of each year.
Illustration 4 EAIR
Using FV = P (1 + r)n
= $100 x (1.02)12
= $100 x 1.2682* = $126.82
EAIR = 1.2682 ‒ 1 = 26.82%
3 Discounting
Illustration 5 Discounting
PV = $251.94 x = $200
Always assume that cash flows arise at the end of the year to which
they relate (unless told otherwise).
From the tables: r = 6%, n = 5, discount factor =
Present value =
From the tables: r = 9%, n = 15, discount factor =
Present value =
The main reasons for differences between profit and cash are:
cash items which do not affect profit;
profit items which do not affect cash; and/or
items which affect cash and profit but by differing amounts
(e.g. in different accounting periods).
Cash items which do not Profit items which Items which affect profit
affect profit do not affect cash and cash differently
Bank loans received Allowances for and write-off Prepayments and accruals of
of irrecoverable debts expenses
1. Costs to date
2. Materials
3. Skilled labour
4. Overheads
5. Research staff
6. Equipment
5.1 Procedure
The steps to find a project's net present value are:
1. Forecast the relevant cash flows from the project (see s.4.3).
2. Estimate the required return on the investment (i.e. the
discount rate).*
3. Discount each cash flow (receipt or payment) to its present
value (PV).
*The primary objective
4. Sum all present values to give the NPV of the project. of most companies is to
maximise shareholders'
Once the NPV is found, the decision rule is: wealth and the required
If NPV is positive, then accept the project as it provides a return of its investors
higher return than the firm's cost of capital. (i.e. shareholders)
represents a company’s
If NPV is negative, then reject. cost of finance, also
referred to as its "cost
5.2 Meaning of capital".
NPV shows the theoretical change in the dollar value of the
company as a result of making the investment.
It shows the change in shareholders' wealth arising from
taking on the project.
The assumed key objective of financial management is to
maximise shareholder wealth.
Therefore, NPV must be considered a key technique in
business decision-making.
Time 0 1 2 3
$000 $000 $000 $000
Capital expenditure (x) – – x
Cash from sales – x x x
Materials (x) (x) (x) –
Labour – (x) (x) (x)
Overheads – (x) (x) (x)
Advertising (x) – (x) –
Grant – x – –
Net cash flow (x) x x x
1 1 1
r% discount factor 1
1+r (1 + r) (1 + r)3
Calculate the net present value of the project.
Time Description Cash Flow 8% DF PV
$ $
0 Investment (10,000)
1 Net inflow 3,000
2 Net inflow 3,000
3 Net inflow 3,000
4 Net inflow 5,000
5 Net inflow 1,000
5.4 Annuities
An annuity is a stream of identical cash flows arising each year for
a finite period of time.
The present value of an annuity is given as:
1 1
CF x 1 −
r (1+r)n
where CF is the cash flow received each year commencing
at t1v
The "annuity factor" or "cumulative discount factor" is known
1 1 Both the formula and
as: 1 − tables give an annuity
r (1+r)n
factor for an annuity
It is simply the sum of a geometric progression. which starts at t1.
The formula is given in the exam at the top of the annuity factor
tables as: −n
1 − (1 + r )
Calculate the present value of $1,000 receivable each year for three
years if interest rates are 10%.
1 1
t1–3 Annuity 1,000 1− = 2.487 2.487
0.1 1.13
Note: An annuity received for the next three years is written as t1–3
and its annuity or cumulative discount factor as Cdf1–3.
Example 6 Annuity
Cdf3-12 @ 7% =
5.5 Perpetuities
A perpetuity is a stream of identical cash flows arising each year
to infinity (i.e. "in perpetuity").
As n → ∞ (i.e. infinity)
(1 + r)n → ∞
This formula applies
1 when the first cash
Therefore →0
(1 + r)n flow arises at t1.
1 1 1
Hence 1 − → .
r n r
(1 + r)
This is known as the "perpetuity factor".
The present value of a perpetuity is given as CF x
where CF is the cash flow received each year. r
t1–∞ Perpetuity 1,000 = 10 10,000
Example 7 Perpetuity
Cdf10-∞ @ 7%
Calculate the internal rate of return inherent for the
IRR= =
Cash outflow
Annuity factor =
Cash inflow
Once the annuity factor is known, the discount rate can be
established from the appropriate table.
Year Description CF DF PV
0 Initial investment (6,340) 1 (6,340)
1-4 Annuity 2,000 AF1-4 years 6,340
$6, 340
AF1-4 years = = 3.17
$2, 000
From the annuity table, the rate with a four-year annuity factor closest to 3.17
is 10% and this is therefore the approximate IRR for this investment.
*The formula always works but take care with + and − signs. When
both discount rates used give rise to positive NPVs, the IRR is being
extrapolated rather than interpolated.
64, 237
IRR ~ 10% + (20 – 10)%
64, 237 − (−5, 213)
*The IRR should always
IRR ~ 19%
be shown as a rounded
approximation due to
the inherent inaccuracy
The linear interpolation method of calculating the IRR is based
of this method.
on the simplifying assumption that there is a linear relationship
between NPV of a project and discount rate. However, this is not
so and the following diagram illustrates the true situation.
Discount rate
Actual NPV as
discount rate varies
Actual IRR
at 10% 71,530
at 15% 4,370
Estimate the IRR of the investment.
IRR ~ A+ (B – A)
7 Payback Period
Payback period is the time it takes for the operating cash flows
from a project to pay back the initial investment.
Once the IRR is found, the decision rule is:
If payback period < target period, accept the project
If payback period > target period, reject the project
Investment $1.4m
Annual cash flows (before depreciation, but after tax) $0.3m
Project life 10 yrs
Calculate the payback period.
Payback period = = 4.7 years
(or five years if cash flows are assumed to arise at year ends.)
Example 11 Payback
Evaluate the project using the payback period.
Time Flow Cumulative Flow
0 (88,000)
1 20,000
2 20,000
3 20,000
4 15,000
5 15,000
6 15,000
Payback period =
Session 17 Quiz
Estimated time: 15 minutes
FV = 500 (1 + 0.07)4
$ $
1. Costs to date of $150,000 are sunk—therefore ignore. –
2. Materials—purchase price of $60,000 is also sunk. 5,000
Opportunity benefit is disposal costs saved.
3. Skilled labour—four workers each have 230 × 15% days –
of spare capacity = 138 days available. As there appears
to be a year in which to complete the project, no overtime
working or other incremental cost will be incurred.
4. Overheads—absorption is irrelevant as it is merely an –
apportionment of existing costs.
5. Research staff
Wages for the year (60,000)
Redundancy pay increase ($35,000—$15,000) (20,000)
6. Equipment
Proceeds foregone if used in the project = disposal value (8,000)
Disposal proceeds in one year 6,000
7. General building services
Apportioned costs irrelevant –
Opportunity costs rental forgone (7,000)
Total relevant costs (84,000)
Sales value of project 200,000
Increased contribution from project 116,000
Advice: Proceed with the project.
2 Net inflow 3,000 = 2,572
3 Net inflow 3,000 = 2,381
4 Net inflow 5,000 = 3,675
5 Net inflow 1,000 = 681
NPV = 2,087
*Alternative return he could earn
Solution 7—Perpetuity
Time Description Cash Flow 7% Annuity Factor PV
$ $
t10-∞ Perpetuity 2,000 x 7.771 (W) = 15,542
= 10
From the annuity table the rate with a 15-year annuity factor of
10 lies between 5% and 6%.
Therefore, if $10,000 could be otherwise invested for a return of
6% or more, this annuity is not worthwhile.
IRR ~ A + (B – A)
Actual IRR
Discount rate (%)
10 15
Solution 11—Payback
Time Flow Cumulative Flow
0 (88,000) (88,000)
1 20,000 (68,000)
2 20,000 (48,000)
3 20,000 (28,000)
4 15,000 (13,000)
5 15,000 2,000
6 15,000 17,000
Payback period = 4 13