You Can Create Heaven-You Can Make It A Hell: December 2014
You Can Create Heaven-You Can Make It A Hell: December 2014
You Can Create Heaven-You Can Make It A Hell: December 2014
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1 author:
Abhijit Mitra
University of Calcutta
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Stored carbon in phytoplankton from East Kolkata Wetlands Kolkata View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Abhijit Mitra on 14 December 2014.
See the beautiful one Earth made by God ,see how human divided the earth ,every thing
has three sides , three point of view , my point of view ,other‟s point of view and reality
or truth . see the photos, for knowing the truth ,we have to change mind , change our
thinking , we have to be broad minded ,not narrow minded , if you are under direct sun ,at
noon ,we can see our self without any image or shadow, other times we can see our
image or shadows, for knowing the truth, I am giving some thoughts , please go through
it , Jesus told truth shall set you free , world crucified the truth ,but on the third day truth
rise again from dead ,we can‟t hide the truth forever , what a beautiful message we are
getting , after suffering ,there is resurrection, as everybody knows “ sathyameva jayatha “
– may truth ever wins ,which is written in “ashoka sthambam” – a three faced lion ,
which we can see in all Indian currencies
Jesus‟ message ,repent ,means change mind , change like children‟s mind ,He told
greatest two commandment is love God first with full heart,then love others as you
love yourself Bible Mark (12: 28-34) ,Jesus Messages are clearly written in Bible
New testament , He told share the message of love –God is the father –creator of all
,all are brothers and sisters and consider world as a family ,then the world become
heaven . there is a writing in UN Head Quarters gate In New York “ on that days
,they shall beat their swords into plowshares,nations shall not lift up sword against
nation,neither shall they learn war any more Bible Isiah (2:4 , 11:6-9 ) ,if you are reading
Bible Levictus (26) , it is clearly telling , if humans are obeying laws , everything will be
blessed , persons, properties ,lands, agriculture ,nature ,all will be blessed ,
Jesus the Son of God ,told God the Father is giving rain to good people and bad people
,sun also for good and bad people , for God there is no separation ,but we human being
created all separation ,make high cast ,low cast people ,make untouchable people ,make
white people ,black people , make countries ,we all creature breathing same air ,living in
one earth,created by one God ( area ,language ,religion wise name is different , it is
God , Daivam,Kadavul,Devudu, Kudha , Eswar ,Bhagawan ,Param Atma ,Arabic
or Islam it is Allah –in Arabic world both Muslims and Christians using the word
Allah,) , Jesus is the revelation of God ,Jesus is clearly telling anybody has seen me
has see my father , commonly we are telling about some children that they are the
original or photocopy of their father , yes Jesus is the original of God the Father
All religion books are telling God is Spirit , no shape , shouldn‟t worship statues ,
Bible ,Qran , and Indian Holy Books ( Upanishats – if we you are going through all
Upansihats, it is clearly telling ,God is spirit ,should not worship statues ), if you are
going through Swamy Dayananda Saraswathy‟s” Sathyartha Prakasham “ Swamy is
very clearly criticizing statue worship , he is telling statue can‟t talk ,walk ,smell ,eat
,priests and thieves knows very well about it , statues made of stones they are keeping
outside , everybody can see , but statues made of costly metals they will keep in locked
condition , if it is open for one day without any protection , within hours ,thieves will take
the statue,he is again telling God is not a big beggar for receive money ,
If you are reading Bible , you will come to know that Abraham is the father of Jews
,Christians and Muslims , if you are comparing old customs in Japan ,Korea ,Ghana
,China , India , Afghanistan you can come to know that Abraham is the father of so
many nations , ( please refer books about lost tribes of Israel, 10 lost tribes ,all are
available in google ) ,so many nation‟s root is same , father is same , so we all nations
,people can be one without any boundaries
One famous Indian Ravindra Nath Tagore ,who is the author of Indian National anthem
in his famous book Geethanjali ,there is one good prayer ,” o father please raise my
country to a level where humans are living without fear in mind ,where humans can raise
their head with proud , where there is freedom of getting knowledge “ this is the
condition of heaven
In India there is a thinking about Ram Rajya , Christians are telling about kingdom of
heaven ,Muslims also telling about heaven ,in all religions ,all types of people,there is an
idea about heaven ,communist thinking also ,they are telling about socialisam ,all are
thinking about well being ,goodness of everybody ,everything , so many people came ,so
many books are written , so many revolutions ,changes happened , how to implement the
condition of heaven or socialisam or ram rajya on earth ? if you are looking around ,you
can see some people are very rich ,some are very poor , some of them are middle class
,Countries also like that .
Due to the positive side of religion ,so many millions of people are getting help, religion
means a group of people or gathering having the same way of thinking , there is limit for
an individual person to help others , but if there are some people are getting united , they
can help others very effectively , they can help poor people, make houses for them ,make
schools hospitals,for them ,everything is possible if people are getting united ,ready to
share what they have( money ,time ,love ,knowledge ,power ) with others (family
members ,neighbours, panchayat ,district ,state ,country ,world ),we can make the
condition of heaven on earth very soon,
Due to the negative side of religion I mean misuse ( a knife we can use for cutting
vegetables,same knife we can use for killing a person ),mis quoting ,mis interpretation of
,twisting of Holy Books for making power and money , religion leaders are making
heavens for them on earth ( I am not telling all are like these ,there are so many millions
of good religion leaders , but only one drop of poison can make whole body poisonous)
,telling ordinary believers that , you will get heaven after death .,you can see in India ,so
many human gods made heavens for them, poor ordinary believers live in slums
,huts .so many millions of people getting killed in the name of religion
Due to the positive side of science ,so many developments ,inventions ,discoveries
happened ,in world , in all areas of life
Due to misuse of science ,so many bad things happened ,science put atom bomb in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wars between countries ,between groups ,individuals by using
scientifically developed weapons is the misuse of science only ,for agriculture ,using very
dangerous chemicals , over pollution by factories , making atomic explosion under earth
,most rivers are polluted ,misuse of science and technology destroyed each and every area
of life
Science and religion should try to reduce their ego , both are thinking I am right ,
both should co-ordinate each other co-operate each other for the better future of
everything ,everybody on earth ,
In India ,there is one famous prayer “ Loka samastha sukhino bhavantoo “ it means ,in
this world ,let every thing ,every creation be alright ,bless total world ,if we can
implement ,practically this prayer in all areas of our life ,we can make heaven ,in this
world ,every creature has the right to exist ,every creature is the owner of this universe,
this world is not only for human beings but also for all creation , if we can think the
world as one body ,or as a family ,different creations are different parts of body ,
different parts of body have different functions to do ,if all parts are doing their duty
properly ,everything is alright , if some part is feeling pain ,the whole body is feeling pain
,if some part is having problem all body is getting affected , in one family itself ,different
members having different thinking, in our body itself, eye have its own function, hand,
heart , all parts have its own function, all parts should co-ordinate for better health of
body, otherwise body will suffer, all parts can‟t become eye, if all are eye how we can
eat? if my hand got injured my whole body feel pain, will you cut your hand from body,
no we will do some treatment, same way consider all world, nature, humans, animals as
part of one family, one world, we have only one sun, one earth, God created men not as
robot, He has given men freedom to select good or bad ,misuse of man for this
freedom is the root of all problems, I will tell one example , Einsten discovered the
formula for Atom bomb, in his mind , he thought only about development , progress
of this Humanity, but other man found negative side , he put bomb in Hiroshima
,Nagasaki, same thing happening in all parts of the world, why God has given freedom
to human is for his total development , example in broiler chicken , there is no
development at all , just a living thing without any freedom , but if you are looking
a hen living outside , with freedom , you can see the difference , same case with all
types of animals , if there is freedom ,there is more development . we have to learn so
many things from nature also, that is wonderfully maintained by God, but we humans
made unbalance to animals, nature also , we are destroying forests like anything, so many
atom bomb explosions under earth, so many beautiful animals are no more in this world,
animals are killing other animals only for their survival, but men killing man for
religions, money, philosophy. See every religion, philosophy there is some good things
and bad things, we can’t blame God for all these things, ,In one family ,if father is a
drunkard , even though his children are innocent, they are suffering, if one country ruled
by dictator all his country, people are suffering, hatred towards Jews in the mind of Hitler
,killed more than 6 million Jews( Israel people).men is doing wars, conducting nuclear
tests underground, there is remedy for this solution , individual has to change , clear
their mind, If I am wearing yellow spectacles I will see everything yellow, if I am
wearing clear spectacles I will everything clear, If I am clear, my mind is clear , I
can make my friends , family's mind clear, then neighbors then village, country,
world like that
In Bible ,Jesus the Son of God taught one prayer ,if we can implement that prayer ,the
earth will be heaven very soon ,prayer is “ Our Father in Heaven holy be your name ,your
kingdom come, your will ,will be done on earth as it is in heaven ,give as today our daily
bread , forgive our sins as we forgive to others ,do not bring temptation ,but deliver us
from evil ,amen “ in this prayer ,Jesus is telling ,God as the Father of all, if God is the
Father,we all are brothers are sisters only , so love one another as a family, Jesus clearly
told ,love towards God and love towards others are both sides of the same coin, forgiving
our sin ,Jesus set one condition ,forgive other‟s sin ,then only He forgive our sins. Jesus is
going to come again for Judging the world, judgment is based on how we act or react
with other‟s needs, “I feel hungry ,you give me food, I am refugee ,you give me shelter, I
was in jail ,you visited , I was naked ,you gave me dress, when you helped others ,you
helped me only “Bible .Mathew 25 (30-45 ) ,best example is Mother Theresa ,one press
reporter asked mother “ how she can kiss leprosy people “ she replied ,while kissing
,I am kissing Jesus ,
In Bible it is clearly telling give one tenth to God , this is the beginning of charity
works,God ,who is creator ,giver ,owner of everything don‟t want our money , to
God means, to others who having nothing ,having less ,not only money ,time ,health
,knowledge ( share with others,with family ,) then ,within few years ,there will not be
any poverty on earth ,present world ,there is huge difference between rich and poor,these
rich people shifting their loyalty who is in power, nobody is there for hearing common
man‟s voice , Now India is divided into so many casts , religions, there is huge
difference between rich and poor people, that is why Maoists are getting strength in
different parts of India , while making independent strike , we all united , we got
freedom, same way , if we can get united we can make revolution and change India
While shifting of power from to India , only thing happened is power came to
educated people of India , that time most of the educated are form upper class only ,
only Dr, Ambedkar was an excemption, this upper class people were not knowing the
real Indian village situation ,real India , Gandhiji‟s dream still remain as a dream ,
each village should be self sufficient ,All landlords , local leaders shift their loyalty to
ruling party , for pleasing them , ruling party didn‟t make any strong policy changes ,that
situation still continue throughout India ( only Kerala , West Bengal and Tripura is
excemption, due to communisam in this states , zemindary -landlord system ended
in this states ), now only difference is new businessman and industrialists emerged in
India after Independence ,Only one real ordinary man , who was really knowing the
pains of ordinary man in First Ministry was Dr. Ambedkar , He suffered a lot from
his childhood by upperclass people , so naturally he want to lift the status of lower
class people , so he made reservation status in constitution , that time he clearly told ,
this reservation is not for ,forever , after some years we have look , then make changes ,
now what happened is , if one family from lower class is getting government job , in
reservation status , even though his family become good position , then also his
generation keep on getting government job in reservation status , majority of lower class
people remain with poverty , only rich are getting more rich , poor are getting poor only,
Olden days , only source for income is Government Jobs , now lots of opportunities
outside also , so this reservation policy should be checked and changed according to
present reality Our political parties don‟t want people‟s unity , they want divide and
rule policy only , that why until now no rethinking about reservation policy , we didn‟t
get leaders with long vision , all are short sighted people only , only thinking about next
election , not about next generation, , all are using either cast , religion, money , muscle
power for getting power ,after getting power , repaying the helped people , this give and
take policy is continuing until now , only rich are getting rich , poor ordinary man and
poor farmers are getting more poor , nobody is here to hear their voice ,
what I mean to say is whole world is controlled by very few rich people ,may be less
than 1 % of the population, and total wealth is with less than 10 % of people,if rich
countries ,rich people ready to share ,initial stages of Christianity ,there was heaven on
earth, first communism of sharing ,not by force but by love , love revolution taught
by Jesus ,there was no poverty among them ,if you want to know how they lived
,just read Bible ,Acts ( 4 : 32-35 , 2: 43-44 ),Jesus told ,it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God , Bible
;Mathew (19:24 )Jesus clearly told we can‟t serve both money and God in the equal
manner , our rich is right of others also, we should share with others ,please read Bible
Luke (12,16,19) Jesus explained each and every areas of life with simple stories , He
mingled with all sections of people ,He didn‟t keep boundaries ,Jesus was not against
rich people , but against misuse , His policy is love sinners but hate sin ,He stayed in
a rich man Sakkevus house ,after that Sakkavuse totally changed ,Sakavus is ready to
share his wealth with others .
Human being is made in the image and likeness of God . that is trinity –trimurthi
image of human being that is human being having physical body , soul –mind and
spiritual body ,out of this three , spirit is eternal ,by using this spirit ,man is able to
communicate with Superior Spirit –God (like satellite- receiver
communication),where animals or natural things have only two things body (
physical-material ) and energy ( soul) ,one example is sugar ,sugar is a matter or body
and it‟s soul is sweetness , same case with all type of matters , consider the case of
animals ,it‟s physical body is matter ,and it‟s soul is mind or we can say it‟s character ( I
mean cat have it‟s own character or behavior , each animal having it‟s own character and
behavior ), consider the case of plants , each having ,it‟s physical body is matter , it‟s soul
is it‟s character ( grape tree produces grapes only , orange tree produces orange only )
,human being is the special creation of God , God made human being to share His love ,
(love means give and forgive ,if my child is doing some wrong ,if I really love him ,I
will forgive him ) God made human to look after everything on earth , God has given
him freedom also , ( if I have freedom ,then only I can do things ,I can develop myself
,otherwise I will be just like robot , if I am keeping a bird in our house , it can‟t develop
it‟s abilities ) ,by his spirit human developed everything , making changes , making new
inventions, discoveries , controlling everything ,where animals don‟t have spirit ,just
living , living in the same lifestyle , same houses ,
But when man started misusing his freedom ,all problems started in this world , by
using God‟s given spirit man is able to find laws in nature (law of gravity, attraction of
electrons towards the nucleus , like so many laws in science ) ,but by using the same
spirit ,man is not able to find the law of love by God ( love God first ,then love others -
including nature also, as you love yourself ) in his own soul ,it is like keeping lighted
candle in his hand and searching for light , man want to get freedom from God , get
freedom from the commandments , man is making millions of money for proving that ,
there is no God , everything is created by itself by gradual changes happened in millions
of years, when men started disobeying God‟s commandment in his own mind ,all
problems started in this world , over freedom of human destroyed everything ,one
example I can say ,if I have driving license , I should obey traffic rules , otherwise it may
danger for me , for others also .same way God the loving father given authority to human
being for looking after everything in good condition , not to destroy things but we can use
,but should not destroy things , for maintaining everything in good condition God has
given laws in every creature‟s soul- mind , in human being it is love commandment in his
soul, in matter ,or material it is law of attraction towards nucleus ,or low of gravity ,
animals or materials don‟t have spirit to take it‟s own decision to change laws , they are
just like robots , initially God set program or laws for them , they are just following that
laws , if any of planet is changing laws ,solar system collapse , same case with animals
,thank God ,they don‟t have spirit to take their own decision
But what human being is doing , of course there are so many good people are there , so
many bad people also there , good people making science ,religion for helping others,
themselves , developing others, bad people making science and religion for destroying
themselves ,others ,destroying nature also , man is polluting air ,water , all are due over
usage ,polluting our own body by over food ,over liquor consumption , less food or no
food ( poverty –due to unequal distribution of wealth or concentration of wealth with
very few rich people or countries ) so many deceases , drug consumption, over sex ,sex
channels ,sex movies ,adultery ,homo sex all are making so many diseases , killing
,mainly abortion ( it is killing innocent child only –so many innocent children are getting
killed in each day throughout the world , now most of the developed countries became
the countries of aged people only , there is no work force , no younger generation , so
they are all allowing third world country people to settle in their countries , in some poor
countries always killing each other , mainly in fighting , man are getting killed , so
women are more in that countries , there is very much unbalance causing problems in
society , some country like India ,due the cruel dowry system –it means lady‟ s parent
have to give huge amount of money to man‟s house for marriage , poor people can‟t give
that much money ,so what they are doing ,they are doing abortion ,if child is girl ,due to
this cruel killing ,in so many parts of India , there very un balance ratio of man and
women , a house become family ,if it is having parents ,children ,grandparents other wise
it is just a building only ,if I am having one child ,I will try to make him doctor or
engineer , If I have more than one child ,he will try for other field also , we need not only
doctors, engineers ,but also farmers , scientists , singers ,merchants , priests , we need
people in all areas of life , if more one child , there is quarrel , then compromise ,
adjustment everything is happening , but if one child , he is just like broiler chicken , his
parents are giving everything to him , he will be very selfish , he doesn‟t know how to
compromise in life , for very simple seasons they are committing suicide , divorce cases
are increasing like anything ) abortion should be banned ,it is just killing an innocent
child ,
due to misuse of humans so many types of animals are no more in this earth ,there is
global warming , earth‟s climate is getting changed , earthquake is increasing more ,
there is problem in ozone layer , sun‟s heat is increasing in every year , floods are more
,there is famine , as per Newton‟s law ,every action there is equal and opposite reaction ,
for bringing back the nature to normal , nature is reacting like earthquakes ,floods, what
is the solution , man should rethink , change his mind , purify his mind , start to obey
God‟s commandments ,read Bible Exodus 20 (1-17 ) ,you can see 10 commandments ,
then earth will become heaven ,
In our mind also there are two opposing forces, goodness-presence of God(spirit)
bad( evil spirit),If we are doing good God's presence will increase in our mind , if we
Are doing bad evilspirit-satan , his presence will increase in our mind.,when men loves
men God will take birth in his mind, when men started hating men God will die in his
Present education is only for physical body or material or matter or science ,not for
soul or spirit , teaching about science ,teaching about skills ,all are good , but not
teaching about soul and spirit , there is a vacuum in soul and spirit need to be filled , for
getting satisfaction of physical body man is looking for wealth ,sex ,and so many ways ,
for purifying or satisfying soul and spirit , we need to study spiritual things , lifes of good
people , moral stories , study the teachings of Jesus , teachings of Sree Buddha
,Confucius ,Aristotle ,Plato ,Upanishats ( Indian Holy Book ), Sufism ,good quotes from
Quran , good quotes from Tirukural ( famous Tamil Book ) if you are going through this ,
then our selfishness will go , our ego will go , we all start thinking to help others in need,
share ,knowledge , time with others, we will start thinking ,man ,animals ,birds, trees ,
nature ,rivers ,oceans ,earth ,planets,stars,galaxies all are connected ,all are parts of the
earth, universe ,all having the right to exist, all creatures are breathing the same air ,living
the same earth , having the same sun ,created by one God , if mind ,spirit is purified ,then
automatically, body also will be purified ,.then earth will become heaven very soon
,when light will come ,automatically darkness will go , like sun rays coming in day
For escaping from God , for escaping from God‟s law ,(by the God given spirit
,man knows that ,there is God , they have to obey laws by God ) ,by misusing God‟s
given freedom ( select good or bad ,God or Satan , light or darkness dev or asur ,life or
death ,freedom or slavery ) man started telling , there is no God , no need to obey
any laws ,there is no sin , whatever I am doing ,all are right only , man started
thinking ,I am God ( aham brahma Asmi –it is a Sankrit language word ) ,no need
to depend on God or others , I am self sufficient , this over freedom destroyed
everything , if I am considering money more than anything ,money is my God , same
way ,what is my main thing in life ,that is my God ,wife started thinking ,why to depend
on husband ,husband started thinking why to depend on husband , children also started
thinking the same , gradually all societies having the same mentality ,all want freedom
from God , freedom from others , nobody want to share or sacrifice anything , due to this
over freedom ,most developed countries lost faith in God , lost family life , main reason
for this is there is no common platform for gathering all sections of people together , first
centuries ,church was the common platform, Due to all revolutions and conflict between
church and science , common people stopped going to church , now in Europe less than
10 % people are going to church on Sundays, what happened is due to this gathering
there was prayer , social gathering , people used to share their views, share money for
charity , everything was happening , but when ordinary man stopped this gathering ,
people became selfish , church is having wealth , people having wealth , science having
wealth ,why to depend on others , wealth replaced God,
Some people are telling that God is every where like sunrays are everywhere ,that is
correct , in me ,in you , so I am God ( Aham Brahma Asmi- Sanskrit language ),that
is wrong , sun rays are every where , every creature needs sun rays also , but is it
possible for human or any tree to say that , I am having sun rays , so I am sun? , one
more example we can say , all electrical instruments need current for that instrument to
work , is it possible for that instrument to say that ,I am getting current , so I am current ?
God Created everything as per religion ,As per science view everything is formed from
nature , there is natural changes and conversions are happening , it may take little time or
may take millions of years for conversion, no need of any creator, as per Stephan
Hawking‟s Bigbang theory ,Initially there was a firewall or energy , then explosions or
changes happened to that energy ,then after millions of years everything is formed ,
universe , galaxies, solar system, life ,everything is formed , what was that initial energy
? religion says that is God , God is energy, power ,love ,he is everything ,
As per Einstenes‟s law of conversion of energy , we can‟t create or make energy , but we
can change energy from one form to another , but for converting energy from one form to
another form , and external source is needed , energy itself can‟t change from one form to
another , what is that external source ? religion says that is God , example if I am
burning a paper , it become ash , but paper is not changing it‟s form without external
intervention, somebody has to fire , who is that somebody , that is God, look at the nature
also , every work , now look at computer , we human being are making program , and as
per our programming we are controlling satellites , we are making program for so many
purposes , but somebody has to make program initially , if u are making a car , it will not
drive automatically , somebody has to drive the car , of course science made remote
controlled flight also , but for that somebody has to make program ,
Look at the nature , see oxygen level for our survival is 20.9% , if it is below or above a
particular level we can‟t survive , pregnancy period for human is different , rabbit it is
different, dog it different , cat , elephant , each animals it is different, on earth some
places there is salt water , some places there is without salt water, look at nature , look
our solar system , 9 planets are rotating around the sun for a long time without any
problem in a particular path only , if there is any change in that in any of the planet ,the
solar system will collapse , sun is one of the medium star only , there are so many
galaxies , our milky way galaxy is medium type only , how this are wonderfully
maintained, ? who made program for this one? it is God who made program, God is the
super programmer Michal Anchelo is remembered by his painting, scientists were
remembered by their great discoveries, God is the super painter of this universe , super
discoverer of this universe, look at the nature , hills , valleys , mountains, sky, stars,
sunrise , sunset , sounds ,birds , animals, everything is glorifying God ,we are calling
Michale Anchelo a great painter by his painting , or great scientists by their discoveries ,
or some political leaders great by their works , what is wrong in telling God is great , for
His wonderful Creation of universe , in our daily life we are giving respect to our father ,
mother , grandfather grandmother , sisters , brothers ,teachers , leaders , superiors , but
our respect will vary from person to person , we r giving respect to father , in one way ,
giving respect to our teacher in some other way , friends in another way , so what is
wrong in giving more respect to God who is the creator of everything , prayer is a talking
between God and man , if we know one person is greater than us , he is able to do
something for us , what is wrong in praying to God ,
If you are not worshipping or praising or praying to God , God is not loosing anything
,only you are loosing ,or getting example, if I am talking with a doctor, engineer ,farmer
, scientists , teachers or good friends , I can get some knowledge from them , then what is
wrong in approaching God who is full of knowledge, God is the creator of everything ,
means the Father , if God is father , then we are sons , when father will be happy , if his
sons are doing good, if his sons are doing bad , he will become sad , one more example ,
due to earth‟s rotation we are getting day and night , for that earth has to rotate, same way
if u are turn towards God ,you can get light ,knowledge, or benefits from God , if you are
not turning to God , you are loosing light , knowledge or other benefits ,if you are not
tuning , only you are the loser , like sun is not loosing anything , if earth is turning
towards or away from sun,
Where is God
Like sunrays are falling on us , God‟s presence or spirit is everywhere , in me , in you and
everywhere , few people are realizing that truth, example , one press reporter asked
Mother Theresa , how she can kiss leprosy people , she replied , while kissing them , I am
seeing Jesus in them , I am kissing Jesus,
We human being still don‟t have full knowledge about our own body and mind , so many
physical and mental diseases also , we can‟t understand our own mind , thinking , works
fully , other peoples works , mind , thinking also we can‟t understand fully ? so how can
you say you must understand fully about God , who is creator of all , of course we can get
some knowledge about God through so many ways , through friends , through books,
through electronic media , internet , through personnel experience ,through meditation ,
through retreat centers , if one glass is full of water , we can‟t put more water, same way
if you are thinking I know everything you can‟t get further knowledge about God or
anything , you have to humble like a son before a father, if you are reading Bible
,you can see so many prophets are getting the experience of heaven , (Moses ,Ezekiel
,Daniel ,John ,Saint Paul ) ,so many Indian Priests (rishies) also experience heaven
that is why ,they clearly written in Bhagavatom ( Indian Holy book ) ,the distance
between sun and earth some 1700 -1800 years before , here actually Bible prophets
and Indian rishies went to heaven in spiritual state , their physical body was on
earth, how it happened ??? , can we also do the same thing , of course we also can ,
Our flesh (physical body) can‟t go to heaven, only spirit can go to Heaven , Jesus the
only Son of God clearly told this thing , if we are accepting the kingdom of heaven
like a child , you can enter there , otherwise you can‟t , Indian rishies or Bible
prophet‟s „s attitude towards heaven was like, child like innocence , so they were
able to go to heaven by spirit ,if we want to go to space , we have to get special
training and wear special suite , same way we have to keep away from all type of sin,
then by dress of holiness we can by spirit go to heaven,get the experience of heaven,
Some people are asking how God can interfere in our life , or what is the link or
connection between God and man, God is Spirit , His spirit is everywhere, His presence
is everywhere like sun rays ,every human being having his own spirit also , eg of GPS we
can say God –human relation , or receiver satellite tuning , if we can tune our
spirit(receiver), properly with frequency of satellite we can get clear signal from Satellite
( God), by our own sins we are always out of range with God’s frequency, try to tune our
spirit with God‟s spirit we can experience God
Jesus clearly told to His disciples that after, His going ,He will send Holy Spirit to
us , and He will be with us always , He is comforter ,He is the power , He is the
counselor , He is the advocate ,He is everything ,after receiving Holy Spirit ,Jesus‟s
disciples changed the world , Jesus clearly told ,during last days He will send Holy
Spirit to all people , so many great changes will happen in this world , with this
spirit filled people , they will change the world by the power of God ,by the power
of Holy Spirit , they will renew earth , make a new earth
Jesus clearly told ,if you are not taking birth a second time ,you can‟t enter the
kingdom of heaven , Bible John (3) ,you have to take birth by spirit , first we are
taking birth from mother‟s womb ,that is normal birth , birth by body ,physical
body , then by spirit we have to take birth again , it is like removing old unclean cloths
then wearing new clothes , removing old bad characters , taking new decision to become
good in character , it is not a one time process ,it is continuous process ,like our breathing
, for that we have to be bapticized by the Holy Spirit , this change can happen any
time in our life , it is like wind flow , when it comes we don‟t know, where it goes
also we don‟t know
Please read Bible John (14 ,15,16,) Acts (1,2 ), Rom (7,8) 1 corinthos (6, 12,13,14,15)
galathians (5,6 ),Ephesus (4,5) 1 john (4)
From the beginning of Bible to the end of Bible ,we can see Holy Spirit‟s works ,
God‟s Spirit is using ,inspiring , all types of people ( farmers , fisherman, ordinary
house wives , strong people , weak people , prophets , shepherds , rulers , priests
,educated people ,non educated people ,) to change the world , David was shepherd he
became the king , Moses told God ,he can‟t talk correctly , God told ,I am with you , I am
your strength , Moses liberated Jews from Paraho of Egypt , by the power of God , Moses
is doing so many miracles , dividing the Red Sea also ,King Solomon is the wisest king –
we can see God‟s Spirit is giving him wisdom , so many examples in Bible , after Jesus „s
crucifixion , Jeus‟s disciples were very much afraid , but when Holy Spirit came upon
them on the first Pentacosta day , they become courageous , they bravely tell about Jesus
, In the name of the Jesus they are doing so many miracles , now also so many miracles
,so many other types of good works are happening throughout the world in the
name of Jesus
Secondly ,there are namely Christians , by name they are Christians , but actions they are
not , their parents are Christians ,that‟s why they are also Christians ,by seeing this types
of Christians ,Gandhiji ,-Father of Nation –India ,told ,I like Christ ,but I hate
Christians ,because they are not following the teaching of Christ
Third types of Christians are misusing the name of Jesus for making money
Divisions is Christians are not based on any ideology ,all are believing in Jesus only ,
they are keeping division is purely politics only , if more than division ,there will be
more power centers , power ,money is the main problem , dispute only in high income
churches , nobody want to loose the existing facilities , if they are ready to forget their
ego ,they all can be one in Jesus , then it will be a good witness to world
It is a communication between God and man , normally how we are doing ,just give
complaints , prayer is a two way communication , but we don‟t have the patience to hear
God‟s reply , God‟s reply in so many ways , directly , through friends ,through nature ,
through some incidents ,some times there is delay also ,if a child is asking for a knife ,if
the parents really love the child , will not give the knife ,at that time child may feel pain ,
same way ,sometimes God is not giving answer to our prayer , if somebody is helping us
,we are giving thanks to him , but we are forgetting to give thanks God who is the
provider of everything ,if we are talking with a good friend we will share our happiness
,our pain , our family‟s pain , our close people‟s problems also , same way we have to
pray for others also , pray for the nations , pray for the leaders( so that they can lead the
countries in a right direction ), pray for the working places , pray for the families ,pray
for the vehicles , pray for the nature , pray for all ,
Holy Book comparison
I AM THE WAY, TRUTH & LIFE, John(14:6)
.Naamaavaly – The liturgy of the Temple extolling the deity in Tamil temples
This is approx 2000 year old , famous Tamil book , written by Thiruvalluvar , who was a
christian , who was a disciple of St. Thomas , only one difference between this and Bible
book Proverb is one is in Hebrew other is in Tamil , anybody can read and make
comparison, word to word comparison done by 3 people in Tamil people , anybody can
read this 3 books also
1, Comparative study of Bible and Thirukural by Dr. M. Deivanayagam
2, Thoughts of Bible in Thirukuaral by Prof , R Dhanaraj
3, Christianity is the basis of Thirukural by M . Christopher
Thirukural first sentence is like this , A is the beginning of all letters , same way God is
the beginning of all
As per Indian belief everything is formed from the word OM.Bible says John1(1-14), in
the beginning the word already existed, the word was with God and the word was God,
through him God made all things----the word became a human being-the Father‟s
only son –Jesus,If we can go through Indian Holy Books like Reg-Veda, Yajur –Veda, &
Bhavishya Maha Puran, picture of Jesus will come into mind, all are pointing to
Jesus.There is only one truth-Reg-Veda(1;164;46)= Bible 1corinthos(8;4,6),Reg-
Veda(10;121;1) they are praising first born is telling Prajapati is is the first
born son before all creations,and through him, for him everything is created = Bible
Colosos(1;15-17) ,John(1;1-14)says the same thing about Jesus.First born Prajapati‟s birh
it is telling clearly‟” He will be son of a Virgin & He is the Son of God, Reg-
Veda(10:90:2). Bhavishya Maha Puran(3:2:23), = Bible Isiah(7:14),Mathew(1;21). Reg-
Veda(10:90;7) (10: 90:16) It is telling about the sacrifice of first born Prajapathi for the
salvation of mankind,it is telling clearly He will be sacrified by rulers and priests= Bible ,
is telling Jesus is sacrifid for the salvation of mankind,and He is sacrified by rulers and
priests.Yajur-Veda (31:18) is clearly telling that only through the sacrifice of First born
Prajapati mankind can get salvation.= Bible . Acts(4:12) there is only one name given for
the salvation of mankind-Jesus.Yes Jesus is the first born Prajapathi,
if you are reading Bible , acts of appastole (2; 5-12 ) , you will come to know that , first
pentacost day , when Peter was preaching about Jesus , there was huge gathering of Jews
from whole world with different languages gathered there , so many people accepted
Christianity , when this people came back to India , surely they will spread Christianity to
Proof that there was Trading between India and Israel in BC time
1. Indian people are giving training to elephants for war in Israel Read Catholic Bible 1
Macabes (6; 28-38 , 1; 31-54 ) ,this war happened when Israel was under Greek ( BC 100
2.It is clearly telling , every three year ,by water ,things like peacock , tungs, used to come to King Solomon‟s ( BC 900 )Palace , India is the origin of
peacock , from India only , it reached to other places ,1 Kings(10;22) , 2Cronicles(9;21)
3, if you are reading Catholic Bible you can see , India‟s name is continuously mentioned
in Esther ,(1;1 , 16;1 ) ,1Macabes(8:8)
Solid proof for Jew people in India during BC time is Empeor Ashoka‟s stone
writing , it was written in Aramaya, Greek and Pali Langauge ,it was not written in
Sanskrit , why ??? , because that time , there was no Sanskrit ,not a single book of
Budha was written in Sankrit , all written in Pali Language only , Sankrit is
developed in Approx AD 150 ,if you have any doubt regarding this , you can refer
this book “ ANTI SANSKRIT SCRIPTURE “ BY SHYAM RAO , he is written with
clear evidence , anybody can get it from google
When upper cast and their friends were enjoying all facilities , for long centuries ,
suddenly a threat came from Budhisam , people accepted this religion , this religion told
people to think scientifically , Budhisam has given very less importance to God , when
King Ashoka received Budhisam , it spreads up to Sreelanka , ,so many books written in
Pali Landauges about Budhisam,after Emperor Ashoka , there was no strong leadership
for Budhisam , so again upper cast recapture control
,he told call God as your father ,consider all as brothers and love them ,love your enemies
also , love towards God and towards humans are both sides of the same coin,no need of
any sacrifice now , Jesus already made sacrifice for the salvation of mankind by his
crucifixion on cross, if anybody is believing this sacrifice and accepting Jesus as
personell savior , he will get forgiveness of sins at the same time , just believe , no need
to pay anything , Jesus is giving salvation freely , only one condition , just believe and
then follow His teaching of love ,people were fed up with upper cast animal sacrifice and
prayer customs and expenses , so all people started accepting Christianity ,animal
sacrifices stopped, other prayer functions stopped ,upper cast lost their supremacy
Thomas first came to North India , he visited King Gontafur ( AD 20- 55) , it was an
Indo Parthian Kingdom , place Taxila , now this place is in Punjab province of
Pakistan , already coins recovered from this area mentioning this King‟s name ,this
king accepted Christianity and made all help to spread Christianity , but this kingdom
conquered by others , so by sea route St. Thomas landed in Kerala in AD 52 , all section
of the people , including Brahmins accepted Christianity ,upper cast lost their supremacy
in Kerala, not only St. Thomas but also so many other people came to India for spreading
Christianity ,if you are reading Bible , acts of appastole (2; 5-12 ) , you will come to
know that , first pentacost day , when Peter was preaching about Jesus , there was huge
gathering of jews from whole world with different languages gathered there , so many
people accepted Christianity , when this people came back to India , surely they will
spread Christianity to others , In Mumbai , Vasai area , there is strong presence of
Christians , they are claiming 2000 year old tradition , it is telling there was an old port
near Mumbai area
,After St.Thomas‟s coming , Animal sacrifice completely stopped, the only one book
written before Christianity was Rig – Veda ( except 2 & 10 books ) , this two books were
written in sankrit after making of sankrit in around AD 150 , Rig veda mainly telling
about Agni-fire, Vayu- air , like 33 nature related God‟s only ,this 33 natuaral Gods
disappeared from worshipping list ,supreme God Idea came , Thrimurthi belief came,
in Christianity they are believing trinity – Father ,Son and Holy Spirit 3 in one God , in
place of that in new hindu religion thrimurthi came Brahma , Vishnu and Shiv came ,then
gradually Brahma disappeared from worshipping list , later natural God Shiv get
dominance , then gradually super natural God Vishnu become dominated by 10
Avathars (incarnations) ,you can see Shiv and Vishnu wars in our books, and people also
become two groups Shivites and Vaishnavites , Before there was no concept about
divine birth , so many divine births came , before there was no idea of son of God or birth
from Virgin , so many son of God and births from virgin came , Christians after prayer ,
they are telling Amen , in place of that new hindu religion made om word before
prayer, After the coming of Budhisam and books written in Pali language about
Budhisam , and coming of Christianity in India , Brahmin people started thinking how to
counter this , they tried physically and intellectually , up to that time only Rig _ Veda (
except 2 & 10 Mandal ) was written in Avesta language ,only mentioning about 33
natural related Gods like Vayu- air , agni –fire , and some natural worships only ,so many
good books and very few bad books were written , all Puranas, Rig Veda ( 2 & 10 ),
Bhagavatoms, Upanishats ,Vedas , good moral stories , so many
good classics , and very few bad books also written in Sankrit ( appr- AD 150 – 250) ,
before writing they thought , if they are writing in existing languages , it is easy for
common man to understand , they don‟t want that one , so they mixed all existing
Avestsa and Dravidian , and other available languages and creat a new language , it
is mixed language , so that common man can‟t easly read this one , they thought if
somebody is asking about the similarity with other languages, they made the story
reverse , Sankrit is the mother of all world languages , thatswhy all language words
are coming in Sanskrit ,
you will be wondered , not a single single person in India is claiming Sankrit as their
mother language ,because it is a created language only , by the creation of Sankrit ,
Malayalam –Kerala language gradually lost its importance in Kerala ,because
upper cast mainly taken words from Malayalam , of course they have taken from
other languages also,now Malayalam is recovering it‟s lost glory and history ,all
Indian languages including Malayalam is older than Sanskrit , now Indian Govt
accepted Malayalam as classical language, for maintaining their supremacy forever
this people didn‟t inform truths written in Holy books to ordinary people , they
twisted books and inform false stories to common people ,
After the coming of St. Thomas , there was no strong leadership for christianity in North
India , King Gondafur‟s kingdom also destroyed , there was no strong written documents
about Christianity ( AD 100 only 73 books of Bible made as a single book ) ,Bible New
Testament mainly Gospel which is written about the life of Jesus also written around AD
70-100,higher cast recapture power very soon ,neighbouring countries accepted Islam ,
Christians lost contact with outer Christian world , then coming of Mugals., then coming
of Europeans , hate towards Europeans became hate towards Christians , all this factors
lead to the death of Christainity in North India ,
24, If you are reading Bible Esther (1,2 chapter) , you will be wondered , because same
custom of marriage and celebrations for kings in India
There may be others also , main thing I observed only I have written
Indian history
History is always with winning people, always say good things about victorious people ,
but failed people also have history, nobody will write ,rulers or authorities won‟t allow
also, always write bad things about failed people , In India , not only in India , other
places also , before long centuries back , there may be very less or no people , people
are migrating from one place to other , Abraham the father of Jews ( Israel) migrating
form Messoppotemia - Iraq to Kanan –Israel , from there, they migrated to Indues- Valley
, Japan , and other places , if you want to know very old lifestyle , customs , now only
available source is Bible , it is not only a religious book , but also a historical book ,
Abraham‟s migration starting in approx BC 1900, Bible is not a single book , it is a
combination of 73 books written ( from approx BC 1900 – AD 100 ), in Hebrew, Greek ,
Latin, Aramaya languages , yes Indus – Valley , Dravidian ,Japan civilizations originated
from Iraq-Israel -Jew , I am giving some more evidences
Laxmi Narayana yantra ( Gopal Yantra)
(most Indian prayers ,functions ,it is using ). Star of David in Israel Flag
Jews migrated to India mainly three times , there may be small migration also in
between ,
This is very old history , so I can give some customs only as proof , if you are reading
Bible old Tesatament Genesis ( 25: 1-6 ) , you can see Abraham is sending his third wife
Kethur‟s sons to remote east areas , this areas are Indus valley – Dravidian – Japan areas ,
they might have come through land and through water also , because if you are searching
in Google you can find , there is one very old port Poombukar , near Nagapattinam in
Tamil Nadu , this port had trading with so many countries in BC time , through this port ,
there is chance that , Abraham‟s son‟s entered in Tamil Nadu and made Dravidian
civilization , or they may came and make Mohanjadaro and Harappa civilization , some
historians are telling , due to mass attack and killing happened , in Indus valley , they fled
to Dravidian areas , anyway , their origin is same , there is wonderful similarities between
Indus valley and Dravidian culture , if you are reading Bible you can see Abraham‟s
birth place‟s name as UR in Iraq Genesis (11;28 ) , so naturaly when this Jew people
landed in Tamil Nadu , local people ask them , from where you are , so they replied, they
are from UR , gradually it became the place name in Tamil Nadu , for place , in Tamil
they are telling UR , there was a custom for Jews , if meeting each other , bowing
heads each other Genesis (18; 1-2 ; 19;1 , 23;12 , 33;3-6 , 48; 12 ) , you can see , when
Tamil people are meeting each other , there telling firstly Vanakam means bowing
head , how this came , origin is Jew custom , initially they used to bow each other ,but
later due to practical or some other reasons they left the custom , but still that word they
are using,in India ,different places most of the people are wishing each other like
namaskar, namaskaram namste ,same meaning, you can see when Japan people are
meeting each other , they are bowing heads ,how this custom came , origin is Jew ,
one more custom , you can see with Tamil People , there is one writing in Bible that ,
if the temple is far from them , keep one tenth of their income , and try to go once in
a year in temple and give that money to temple , same custom , still Tamil People
are following ,Deuteronomy (14; 24-25 ) , there is famous temple in Kerala –
Sabarimala , so many Tamil People used to come every year , while coming , they
are bringing this money , they are not counting at all , they are simply giving money
to temple
During this migration all caste system and subcaste system developed in India
,because , after Abraham , then Isac then Jacob , Jacob having 12 son‟s , from this 12
sons, 12 tribes created in Israel , when Jews entered in India , from this 12 tribes all caste
system originated , First migration , only Abaraham‟s sons are migrating , but second
migration all tribes are migrating , that why you can‟t find cast system in first migration
,actually this Jews very cleverly made cast system for maintaining their supremacy
forever over local people , they made society into 4 groups , Levi tribe became
Brahmins, only for priest work s, remaining 11 tribes they allotted Kshatriya – who
became rulers, fighters , Vysya – who became merchants or traders , and poor local
original people got Sudra status – allotted farming works , slaves , all hardworking
jobs , they told this the law made by God ,naturaly all power and money will go to 3
groups , poor Sudra groups became slaves , this very poor situation continued for long
centuries ,that why still we are a developing country , only knowledge and power
concentrated with very few people , this is the beginning of cast system in India , in
between some inter caste marriage happened , then sub caste system also developed
,poor locals became Asuras, Rakshasas, Chandalas , bad people , adivasis
,untouchable people , slaves ,if you are reading Exodus (21 ) , you will come to know
how Jew people were treating slaves , same way they treated local people in India
for centuries,
Jew people are always thinking , they are the selected people of God, if you are
looking the list of scientists , you will be wondered , most of them are Jews , when
they came here , they are wiser than local people , gradually , they controlled full area ,
by so many ways , by force , for maintaining their supremacy forever , some of them , not
all ( you know one drop of poison can make all water poisonous) twisted , diverted laws,
holy books , they made situation like that no ordinary can read our great books or learn
knowledge, this bad situation continued for long centuries ( approx BC 1500 – AD 1900 )
, in this history some break happened when Jainisam , Budhisam and Christianity came to
India ( BC 500 – AD 100 ) , then again , they recapture power , ,most of the historians
visited India in BC time told , India was a rich country, when Europeans came , they
can‟t understand the caste system , so they made some stories like Arya invasion ,
after Europeans coming so many good things and so many bad things happened ,
they looted India , main good thing happened is , they allow all section of people to
get education , get knowledge , before their coming , it was only for high caste
people , then revolution happened , India got freedom ,
Now let us look at history of Kerala , God‟s own country , now most of the historians are
wondering , why no history is written about Kerala or South India from 1st century to 7
or 8th century ,if we are looking Indian or Kerala History , we will come to know that all
historians are Purposely avoided the contribution of Christians to India , this may be due
to hate against Europeans may become hate against christians , one small example ,
recently happened I am going to tell , one priest Chavara Kuriakose Elias from
Mannanam – Kottayam – Kerala , due to his long vision only , Kerala became literate
very soon,his idea was if we are making a church ( in Malayalam it is Palli ) , along with
there should be school ( in Malayalam it is koodam ) , so Kerala for school- name Palli-
koodam came , but it is very shame that , in kerala schools –Pallikoodams , we are
studying history about so many good people like Chattambi swamikal, Sree
Narayana Guru , and so many peoples , ok that is good , but not studying any single
word about this Father, who is Godfather of Schools- Pallikkodams in Kerala ,this is
new history , so no need to tell about 2000 year old history , now catholic church is
going to declare this priest Chavara Kuriakose as Saint .Actually , when St.Thomas a
disciple of Jesus came to India , Total India including Kerala was under cruel cast system
, so when Thomas came with Good News ,whole people of Kerala , including Brahmins
also accepted Christianity , Thomas told , Great – sacrifice ( Malayalam it is Maha
Bali ) happened by the crucifixion of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins , so no need of any
animal or other sacrifice ,Jesus is giving salvation freely , just believe and accept Jesus as
personnel savior and change life style , God is the Father of all , all are brothers ,
common people already suffered with this animal sacrifices ,other offering , its
expenses,and cruel cast system, with very happy mood total people accepted
Christians in kerala are calling Bible as sathya veda pusthakam (true veda book ) , for
Sunday school teaching they are telling veda pada class ( veda teaching class )
By 7 or 8 th centrury ,this high cast again recapture power, , after getting power ,
high cast people made all possible way to wipe out all history and documents from 1
to 7 or 8 th AD history ,they told St. Thomas never come to India, Brahmins came to
kerala after 7 or 8th century like that ,
Christians in Kerala are known as Nazrani, how this name came ???
as per history there is so many historical proof that Christianity came to kerala in first
century itself, , if you are reading bible you can come to know , firstly christians were
known as nazrani ,means followers of Jesus of Nazereth , if you are reading bible you
can come to know people are calling Jesus in so many places as Jesus of Nazrath , in
Jeruslaem firstly , people converted to christianity were mostly from Jew community ,
they were worshipping in same Jewish syanagoguge only , in jews there are two groups
,pharisayas and saduces , then Jesus of Nazearth came , so common jew consider this
group as third group in jew and call them nazrane group and allow them to worship in
same synagogues , but later people from other religions , groups converted to christianity
, so jews banned other groups ,religion to enter their synagogues due to untouchability
mentality of Jews , jews were not allowing non Jews to enter their syanagogues , so in
Antiocia -Syria firsly nazrane groups were compelled to put new name as christians , so
there is some years gap between nazrane and Christian name ,
now if you are looking only in kerala, christians are known as nazrane , that means ,
first century itself , means while christians were knowing as nazrane time itself
Christianity came to kerala ,
When Europeans came to Kerala , they wondered by seeing christians here ,their prayer
language was Suriyani = Aramaya ( language is known as suriyani because it is from
Syria )
Upto the coming of Europeans , there was no major division in Kerala christains ,
Europeans wondered by seeing christians in Kerala, then they came to know that ,
christians „s priests have control from Syria , Christians‟ prayer language Suriyani was
very strange to them ,they want to take control of christians in kerala , firstly they started
attacking priests from Syria , secondly , by force try to implement their prayer language
Latin in kerala , first major division started in Kerala for Language , became two
groups , Syrians and Latin
, for taking control of local christians , Portugese people burnt all very old documents of
church , claiming , it all are non Christian documents, Kerala christians lost all historical
documents ,all local christians came together in Mattanchery church near Cochin –
Kerala in AD 1653 , and they tied a big rope on stone cross , because all people can‟t
touch cross at a time , all keep hands on rope , and made an oath , that they are
breaking all relationship with Portugese people , this oath in history is known as
Koonan Kurisu sathyam ( means cross truth ), actually christians in Kerala done
first Independent strike against Europeans
Division in kerala christians happened mainly for 3 reasons , one is shifting of power
from Antiokia – Syria to Rom – Vatican , forcible implementation of Latin language
in prayers by replacing Suriyani language, some local people don‟t want control
from either Syria or Vatican , they want local control only
One group remain loyal with Syria are Jacobite Syrian christians,
second group remain with local control is Orthodox Syrian and Marthoma Syrian
Third group remain loyal with Rom – Vatican are Catholic –( Syro Malabar , Syro
Malankara and Latin group,) syro means suriyani ,
From this 3 groups only Latin groups started using New Latin Langauge by replacing
suriyani in their prayers, all other groups continue with their Suriyani language , then
later when Malayalam language developed all groups changed their prayer to Malayalam
,but still you can see so many suriyani words in their Malayalam prayers , In some old
churches of syro Malabar group ,conducting suriyani Mass ( malayalam it is Kurbana )
on festival times
From 1st centrury to 7 or 8 th century there was no cast system in kerala .proof is
traditional christians in kerala, about division in Christians among traditional
groups is not based on cast , kerala , have relationship with outer world always , so
outside kerala some divisions happened , that is reflected in kerala also , thatswhy
this much division happened in kerala , all christains are believing in Jesus only ,
but why they keeping this division until now is purely politics , power , money , some
groups are fighting each other also ,if more than one group is there , so many can
become leaders , so many power centre will be there ,dispute only for high income
churches not for low income churches , nobody wants to loose the existing facilities
,in AD 350 some merchants and priests from Edessa – Syria under the leadership of
Knayi Thoma came and settle in Kerala , they are now known as Knanaya Christians in
Dutch, Portugese , British people converted local people , that time naturaly cast
system is deep rooted in total India , so you can see cast division in christians
thoughout India except Kerala Traditional christians ,
Let us look the History of Israel briefly. Acts of Apastoles (7),God is calling Abraham
from Mesapotamia(approx BC-1800) (presently Iraq) to promised land (present Israel).
Abraham –Isaac-Jacob-12 sons of Jacob, their settlement in Egypt, their futher
generations were made slaves by Egypt rulers.God select Moses to liberate Jews from
Egypt to Canan(Israel), God used to send Prophets to Israel.Aprrox BC 1000 Jews
demanded for king.Saul was the first king, then David become king,his time they made
Jerusalem as their capital,then king Solomen, he built First Jerusalem Temple. For
pleasing gentile wives King Solemon started making statues for their gods. God told
Solomon after his death, country will be divided for his false worship. 1 King(11: ; 12),
prophecies getting fulfilled, after Solomon‟s death country get divided.During this time,(
appox BC 931)God is sending prophets to Israel people, Approx. BC 587 , when Israel
was ruled by Babylonian Nebukadnezar, they destroyed Jerusalem temple, during
Babilonian( present Iraq) rule prophet Daniel explaining one dream to King
Nebukadnazer, and God is giving one vision to Daniel also,Daniel (2;7;8), Daniel
explaining about one statue to king Nabukanazer, Daniel is telling , about past, present &
future things, most of them are fulfilled, few are remaining, we can see wonderful
similarities between Daniel and last book of Bible Revelation.Daniel is telling Israel will
be ruled by four Kingdoms,that is exactly happened in History,
that time Jews were forced to leave Israel and made like slaves in Babilon.
Persia defeated Babilon,that time most of the Jews came back from Babylon to Israel,
they made second time Jerusalem temple
last time of Greek rule rule one king Antiokia Ephiphanus cruely killed so many Jews ,
and there was revolution with Macabes, this king made statue in Jerusalem temple
Jews rejected Jesus‟ „He came to his own country, but his own didn‟t receive
him‟John(1;11).they crucified him,anointed one will be cut off and will have nobody,
Daniel(9;25), Isiah (53;8). Jews are asking for punishment, they told ; let this
responsibility for his death fall on us and on our children, Mathew(27;245).Israel will not
get peace until the times of gentiles ( other religious peoples & all others) are
fulfilled.Jeruselem will be trampled on until the times of gentiles are fullfiiled
Luke(21:24),now this is the time for the gentiles to believe.About the second coming,
Jesus told that time He also don‟t know, only God Father know,but He clearly told , by
seeing signs you can understand
Jews will believe in Jesus and accept Jesus as Messiah,on His second coming ” they
will look on the one they have pierced” Zakaria(12:10-14), Revolution(1:7),
In AD70 Roman emperor Titus destroyed Jerusalem Temple,Jews were again forced to
leave Israel,then Byzentine rule (AD 313-636), then Arab rule ( AD 636-1099) ,some
Jews are believing , during this period Dome of the Rock built on the place of their Old
Jerusalem temple .As per Jewish belief – as per Torah(Holy book of Jews) they have to
make Jerusalem Temple before the coming of Messiah(as per christian belief second
coming of Jesus),fundamentalist Jews are telling to destroy the Dome of the Rock and
make temple, but liberal Jews are telling that they can make temple near to this Dome of
the Rock,the only one sign remaining for the Old Jerusalem temple is the “ wailing
wall “ which is near to this Mosque , where Jews used to pray now , they are keeping
prayer paper on the wall also , fundamentalist Don‟t want want to divide Jerusalem ,
when Yishak Rabin ,Israel Prime Minister made agreement wih PLO chairman Yasser
Arafat for dividing Jerusalem and make East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine , an
younger Jew killed Yishak Rabin , in court that younger Jew told without guilt feeling ,
he can‟t accept Jerusalem division ,First Jerusalem temple is made by King Solomon
,Bible 1 kings ( 5,6,7,8 ), this is destroyed by Babylon king -Iraq Nebukad Nazer ,
Bible Jeremia (52 ) ,then Persia –Iran defeated Iraq ,then by the help of Persian king
Syrus ,Isreal making the Jerusalem temple second time Bible – Ezra – Nehamiya ,when
Greek people defeated Persia , one Greek king ,made killing of Pigs ( which is very
unclean to Jew people ) inside the Temple ,Bible 1 Macabes(1) , 2 Macabes(10 ) ,this
second temple is destroyed by Roman Emperor Titus in AD 70 .Jerusalem is going to be
the Flashpoint for the world.World is going to divide over Jerusalem, Israel AD 1099-
1291 Crusaders came from Europe to capture the Holy Land and massacred non-christian
population. Later Jewish Community in Jerusalem increased by immigration of Jews
from Europe, AD 1291-1516 Mamluk rule. AD1516-1918 Ottoman rule ( Turkey), First
world war Turkey was defeated by allied forces under Britan,they easly win the war by
using Dynamite, formula invented by one Jewish scientist Dr Chame Waysman who
become the first president of Israel.He requested Britan for allowing Jews to migrate to
Palestine, Britan agreed and publish Balfer Decree which allow Jews to come Palestine
and settle there ,Jews suffered very much throughout the world.During British rule
(AD1917-1948) ther were major waves of immigration of Jews back to Israel from whole
world.In 1948 Jewish community in Israel under the leadership of David Ben Gurion
reestablished sovereignty over their ancient homeland.Declaration of independence of
modern state of Israel was announced on the day that the last British forces left
Israel(may 14 1948). A day after the declaration of Indepedence of state of Israel, armies
of five Arab countries, Egypt, Syria, Jordan. Lebanon,& Iraq invaded Israel, This marked
the beginning of the war of Independence, Arab states have jointly waged four full scale
war with Israel. Despite the numerical superiority of the Arab armies Israel defended
itself each time and won, 1967 six day war Israel captured full Jerusalem. Israel made
peace agreement with Jordan & Egypt, rest of the Arab countries not accepting the
existence of Israel. Now Israel having problem with Syria over Golan heights , now only
few prophecies in Bible are remaining ,Antichrist ( dictator in Middles east ) and second
coming of Jesus , upon His second coming, Jews accept Jesus as Messiah.
Now people are trying to remove Jesus and Bible from history , already removed
AD and BC with CE and BCE, but , if we are telling history we can‟t remove Bible
or Jesus ,
Actually Bible is God‟s love letter to mankind, it is mainly divided in to two one is old
testament and another is new testament , old testament is written in B C time means
before the coming of Jesus on earth, new testament is written in AD time means after the
coming of Jesus on earth , old testament God is revealing to people through prophets and
selected people , in new testament God Himself is revealing to people,
Bible is not written by single person, it is written over a period ranging from approx
BC 1900 to AD 100,
Approx BC 1900 God is calling Abraham from present day Iraq to present day Israel God
is inspiring so many people to write Bible , it consists of 46 books in old testaments and
26 books in new testaments, In old testament we can see old lifestyle, old culture , old
history , God”s intervention ,miracles,direct, through prophets, through selected people
,prophecies about present ,future , so many promises philosophies , praising of God,
moral teachings,man‟s sin , repentance , fogivness,God is considering Israel as a son,
when they are obeying his commandments he is blessing them , when they are dis
obeying them he is leaving them , they are getting defeated by their enemies , but when
they are turning back to God , God is giving them victory , blessings,Most of the
prophecies in old testament is about Jesus His coming, His birth, teaching,miracles, his
betrayal for 30 coins, his suffering , crucifixion , resurrection , his second coming
everything is foretold in old testament so many centuries before Jesus‟s coming on
earth,He is the promised Messiah saviour not only for Jews , Jesus is the Messiah saviour
for all ,secondly in Bible is the prophecies about Israel
Old testament- New Testament fulfillment about Jesus
Old testament written before the arrival of Jesus on Earth(BC), New Testament Written
after the arrival of Jesus(AD)
1. Coming of John the Baptist Malaki(3:1)Isiah(40:3) Mark(1:4,7-8)
2. Birth of Jesus from Virgin Isiah(7:14)Mathew(1:25).Luke(1:26-38)
3. From Bethlehem Mika(5:2) Luke(2;1-7)
4. Like Moses Deutro(18:15-18),Acts(3:22)(7:37)
5. Messiah from David”s Heridity Isiah(9:6-7). Luke(1:30-33)
6. Messiah‟s travel on donkey Sakaria(9:9)Mathew(21;6-10)
7. Betrayal of Jesus for 30 coins Sakaria(11:12-13)Mathew(26:14-15)
8. Suffering of Messiah ,beating Sakariah (13:7), Mathew(26:37)
9. Suffering Isiah (52:14),Mathew(26:67)(27:29-30)
10. Salvation through Suffering Isiah(53:5-6),1corinth(15:3),1 Ptr(2:24-25)
11. Suffering taken by Jesus in silent mood.Isiah(52:14),Mathew(26:67)(27:29-30)
12. Messiah counted with sinners.Isiah(53;9),Mathew(27:38, 57-60)
13. Suffering, death all are plan of God, Isiah(53:10-12)Acts(2;23)(13:38-39), 1 Ptr(2:22-
14. God the Father abandon Jesus for a moment Psalm(22:1)Mathew(27:46)
15. Dividing the clothes of Messiah. Psalm(22:14-18).John(19:23-24)
16. Messiah‟s bones will not be broken.Psalm(34;20),John(19:31-37)
17. Drinking of bitter liquid during death time Psalm(69;21),Mathew(27;33)
18. Resurrection of Messiah Psalm(16:8-11)(110;1) Acts (2;29-33)
New testament written after the birth,death, resurrection,ascencion of Jesus to heaven, it
is not a running commentary, first century itself so many false people came same as today
, taught against teaching of Jesus and against Jesus also, so Apostles and real disciple of
Jesus started to write books about Jesus , most of them write about Jesus from their own
personnel experience with Jesus , some of them especially St Paul , who is the most
famous writer in Bible ,not directly contacted Jesus, he got vision from Jesus to write
books , surely if you are writing the same incident , if the same incident is written by
another person , there is chance of little variation , same thing we can see in new
testament also , Mark write from his view, Mathew his view , Luke his view , John his
view , but essence is same Jesus
When time comes God become Human – Jesus ,thinkings, words , works , come
together , united in Jesus , whatever he told , same thing He implemented in His life
, that why it is telling word become flesh that is Jesus ,
God is love , so opposite to love ie, hatred (in mind,words,works) against men and
God is sin.We are getting some diseases, characters, from our forefathers(ancestors).
Sameway we are getting some sinful nature also.we are purposely doing sin also,so we
cannot get salvation(forgiveness of sins) by our own efforts, but sin need punishment
also, so God made a plan for salvation,that is crucifixion of Jesus in Bible and
Prajapatiyagam in Rig veda ,We know people are making medicine against snake‟s an example some people inject poison to horse‟s body, horse‟s body is
producing antivenin against this poison, from this antivenin they are making medicine. In
a similar way God the Father injected all humanity‟s sin (poison) to His only Son Jesus‟s
body and shedding His blood on the wooden cross, we got freedom from sin
(poison).God the Father sacrified His only innocent sinless Son Jesus. Jesus‟s sacrifice
made penalty for our sin.God is giving salvation freely,only one condition that is you
have to believe that Jesus died for my sins,with full repentance accept your sins and
receive Jesus as your personnel saviour and believe that God the Father rise Jesus from
dead you and your family will be saved
Some people are telling that Bible is not telling that Jesus is God . Bible is clearly
telling that Jesus is God.
1. Jews will spread to whole world. And they will suffer a lot, In Germany Hitler killed
more than 4 million Jews, suffering of Jews and their spreading already fullfiilled, see
Bible Levitus(26: 14-33), Deutronomy(28:64)
2. God told through prophets that He will bring back Jews from whole world to Israel.
That is exactly happened. Isiah(43;56)(11;12)Jeremiah(30;3),Deut(32:26)Ezekiel(37:21-
3.Israel will become one country, this is foretold by Isiah prophet Approx 2700 years
before, that is exactly happened in may 14, 1948
First & second world war was the birthpain for Israel, Isiah(66;8)
Amos(9;11-15),Acts(15:16-18), Bible says by seeing Israel world will believe in Jesus, at
that time Jews rejected Jesus,because by knowing about this realities others will turn to
Jesus,Rom(11; 11,12,15,25)
Jesus in Budhisam
If you are reading book written by famous history writer Romila Thapper‟s “A history of
India Volume 1 page (131-134 )” , she is telling , in Mahayana Budhist books it is written
that ,Mithraya Budha , means Budha of Love will come and he will sacrified for
mankind , she is telling this is 100 % matching with teaching of Jesus and His sacrifice ,
If you are reading the book of famous atheist Edamaruk‟s “ Krist and Krishna “ ,he has
made wonderful comparison between both
If you want to know deeply, you can refer one book written by Prof NN NINAN‟s „
Emergence of Hiduisam from Christianity “ it is available in Google , anybody can
Muslims are calling Jesus as Esa , original name is Iesus ,but in middle east area
they will not pronounce s word ,so it became Iesu , but in writing it is Iesus only , in
Malayalam Easho Mishiha ,In Old Latin language there was a common letter j for
both j and i , they translated the same to English , so it became Jesus ,there was a
writing on the cross of Jesus in 3 languages , Hebrew, Greek and Latin , “ iesus of
nazreth rex iuderam, means jesus of nazreth the king of jews , this Esa become Esar
, Param Easr become Paramesar, Maha Esar become Mahesar,
in middle east and English translation ,there are so many words like this, English Joseph
,but in Arabic it is Yusaf , English Abraham ,but in Arabic it is Ebrahim , Syria in
English but Arabs say Suri only, like so many words are there
First book ever written in History ,with title of Jesus-Esa is Esa Vyasa Upanishat
If you are reading this holybook , you can see Esa name continuosly repeating in this
There are so many unknown people , I am just telling some known people , anybody can
search in Google for their witnesses ,Sadhu Sundar Singh , Bilkis Sheikh, Singer Anil
Kant, Actress Nagma, Actor Johny Lever ,Famous Tamil (south india) actor
Islam in India
Islam also came to India in beginning of Islam time , In Kerala ,there is very old Mosque
having the history of beginning of Islam, Mugals ruled India so many centuries , so many
people accepted Islam ,
Rebirth theory – ( Punar ,Janma )
This theory is wrong , as per this theory , if I am doing anything wrong ,I have to go to so
many life cycles for purification or heaven ,if I am doing good I will go to heaven
directly , as per this theory , suppose I am taking rebirth as lion , lion can act as lion‟s
character only , cat can do only cat‟s job only , then I always will be lion only , each
creature has it‟s own character only , there is only one life , if we are doing good ,we are
happy ,others will be happy , we can go to heaven also , if I am doing wrong ,I will not be
happy ,others also will suffer , we can go to hell also ,
All things we can‟t understand fully , we human being can‟t understand our own mind
fully , other‟s mind also , so we can‟t say understand fully about God , why Good God
created satan ,why suffering ,what is the purpose like that , some examples I can give ,
absence of light ,we can say darkness , absence of God we can say satan , when sun rays
are coming day is there ,light is there , otherwise darkness is there , duing night only we
can see the beauty of stars , if we are crying ,and with tears ,if you are looking the
sunrays ,you can see the wonderful seven colours of light , after purifying special sand
only we are getting gold , after so many years in water only so many beautiful stones are
getting formed , from the rock we are making beautiful statues , but getting good ,some
suffering ,purification ,rectification needed , if we are not using knife continuously ,knife
got rusted , but if we are using continuously no problem, always some action , reaction is
required , we know after suffering so many wonderful creations happened , for
overcoming the suffering or deficiency we are thinking how to act ,or react , man‟s speed
is less , so man made vehicles , that speed also less ,then he made flights , in medical
field , all levels of life it is like that , some angels think ,they can be above God , they are
the fallen angels , they are known as satan, they are also having power ,but very less ,they
are also just creation of God , in every body‟s mind there is God and Satan ,good and evil
, light and darkness , if we are keep on doing good , goodness ,God‟s presence will
increase in our mind ,our character will be like God‟s character ,if we are keep on doing
bad things , our character will become like satan‟s character ,you can see condition of
hell in Bhagavathom (26),satan is trying in different ways to make human away from
God , Jesus told ,satan is liar ,satan is the father of liars ,satan told ,no God, then told
,Jesus is a myth , then told Jesus is good human being only , then told Jesus is just like
other prophets , then told Jesus crucifixion not happened , then told Jesus is a bad person
,now telling ,second coming of Jesus already happened ,Jesus clearly told in Bible that so
many false prophets will come , we have to keep our faith , end times satan will act like
angel also , will show some signs for cheating people ,no need to worry ,satan‟s power is
very very less , Jesus clearly told about His second coming , that time only God the
father knows , main aim is we always have to live a good life ,
Even though He is the Son of God , He take birth as human not in palace , lived
with Joseph and Mary up to 30 years ,helped them in their daily works , 3 years
,spend publicly, His body is buried in other‟s land , His each words are still
inspiring world , changing world , in His each word we can make essays , He
explained everything with simple stories , only few I am giving
Jesus told what makes us unclean is ,the things coming from mind ,from inside ,not
the things coming from outside ,Bible ,Mathew (15:13 ), if we can make our mind clear
.everything will be alright , if I am wearing yellow spectacles ,I will see everything
yellow, if plain glass ,I will see everything clear .good tree produces good fruits,bad tree
produces bad fruits .pure in heart people can see God .first we are thinking ,then taking
action ,so make thinking good ,then everything will be good ,then I can see goodness in
myself,my family,neighbours ,work places , and everywhere ,Jesus‟s love
commandment ,love your enemies also,no greater love than is to give life for others
,Jesus Himself sacrified for the salvation of mankind,His greater sacrifice influenced
so many people ,there are so many ,only two example ,I am telling ,Abraham Lincoln and
Father Damien ,Abraham Lincoln is getting killed for giving freedom to African slaves in
America . Father Damien lived with leprosy people ,cured so many leprosy people , then
last die as a leprosy patient
Jesus was against misuse of religion ,He Himself expelled traders from Jerusalem
temple ,He told my house is for all people to pray ,don‟t make it as market , or robbing
place ,Jesus told ,don‟t make prostitution with your eyes ,”if you are looking a lady with
lust ,you already committed mental adultery , don‟t keep angry for tomorrow , it was old
custom to kill lady , if she is held for committing adultery , so for making trouble for
Jesus , some people brought one lady accused of adultery , asked Him , as per their
custom , this lady should be killed , what is His opinion , He replied , “ let the sinless one
among you throw the first stone at her “ everybody left the place , only remaining was
Jesus and that lady , Jesus told her „ I am not judging you , go in peace , sin no more “
Jesus‟s policy is love sinners,hate sin
About leadership
Jesus told , who want to become first , let him be your servant , even the son of man came
to not to be ministered , but to minister , and to give his life as a ransom to many , that
time , servants used to wash the feet of house owner , but before last supper , Jesus wash
the feet of His disciples and told them , follow this method , wash each other‟s feet , I am
your guru and teacher ,
Before accepting Christianity Roman people were very aggressive , their total mentality
changed, then gradually total Europe accepted Christianity , if christians are there , first
thing they are doing is to educate people , if you are looking in India , you can see best
example , states like Kerala , Goa, Mizoram , Nagaland , Meghalaya all are more 85%
literate states , Europe became educated very soon ,Jesus clearly told already wealth and
God can‟t live together , church started forgetting this commandment , rulers having
good relationship with church , misrule of rulers also church started supporting ,due to
educated soil in Europe and America , most of scientific inventions and discoveries
happened in Europe ,French revolution , communisam , and so many revolutions
happened , after industrial revolution , the gap between poor and rich become wider , so
revolution started , wealth became the God of church , so protecting that wealth ,
naturally they remain loyal with ruling authorities , so common people started turning
away from churches , all get energy from Bible Only , as per Bible all are equal
before God , there is no poor , no rich , all are equal before God , Jesus‟s teaching
about distribution of wealth attracted Karl Max very much ,
Failure of Communisam
After the collapse of Soviet Union , world came to know , that it was not a heaven on
earth , after getting power , communist leaders started accumulating wealth , forget the
common people , wealth became leader‟s God instead of communisam , only leaders
became richer, poor people remain with same condition , outer world came to know the
real situation only after the collapse of Soviet union , because during communist rule ,
outside newspapers or press people can‟t get free entry to Soviet union , only
Government news were getting from there , so natural death happened to communisam,
Over freedom also dangerous , Kerala is having highest labour charge in the
world, an ordinary common man in Kerala don‟t have freedom to unload items with his
own wish in Kerala , if items are heavy or quantity is more , if I am bringing people from
my choice ,local trade unions , irrespective of political parties ,won‟t allow me to unload ,
they will allow with one very cruel custom which we can find this system only in kerala
in the world which kerala people are calling as “ Nokukooli “as per this very stupid
system , we can unload our items with our people , we can pay them , but local trade
union people will simply watch ( Malayalam it is Noku , for payment in Malayalam is
kooli that why Noku kooli ) how we are unloading ,we have to pay our employees as
well this local trade unions , not a small amount , very big amount , they already
calculated , this much weight , this much rupees like that ,sometimes this local people ,
won‟t stay in unloading place also , they just made demand , and after getting money ,
they will go ,
Failure of Capitalisam
Recent economic crisis is proving that present system is wrong , Europe , America , and
world is doing gambling –with money , calling name as share market ,their God is wealth
only ,rich are richer , poor people are getting more poor
If like it please share for a change ,for a revolution , renewal , in earth , for a new earth