Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method For Determination of Atenolol
Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method For Determination of Atenolol
Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method For Determination of Atenolol
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A rapid and sensitive UV spectrophotometric method for routine evaluation of atenolol in tablets was developed
and validated as per ICH guidelines. UV spectrophotometric method was performed at 226.6 nm, and samples
were prepared with a solution of phosphate buffer pH 6.8. The linearity demonstrated a correlation coefficient
of 0.9988, various validation parameters like accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ, recovery study, range were
determined The proposed method was simple, rapid, precise, accurate and sensitive, and can be used for the
routine analysis of atenolol.
Pure drug sample of atenolol was kindly supplied asa Where, S is slope of the calibration curve and σ is the
gift sample by WOCKHARDT LIMITED Waluj Aurangabad. residual standard deviation
Tablet formulation manufactured by Zydus cadilla In-
dustries was purchased from local market containing Recovery Study
ATEN 50 Containing atenolol 50 mg per tablet. Accuracy of the method was studied by recovery exper-
iments. The recovery was performed at three levels,
Preparation of standard stock solution 80,100 and 120% of atenolol standard concentration.
Standard drug solution of Atenolol was prepared by dis- The recovery samples were prepared in a before men-
solving 100 mg in phosphate buffer pH 6.8 and the vol- tioned procedure. Three samples were prepared for
ume was made up to 100 ml to obtain stock solution of each recovery level. The solutions were then analyzed
1000 µg/ml concentration. Ultrasonication was done to and the percentage recoveries were calculated from the
obtain a clear solution. calibration curve.
Determination of analytical wavelength RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
From the standard stock solution, 0.1 ml was pipette
out into 10 ml volumetric flask. The volume was made
up to 10 ml with phosphate buffer solution of pH 6.8. Precision of method was evaluated for atenolol. The
The resulting solution containing 10µg/ml was scanned reproducibility (inter-day precision) of the method and
between 200 and 400 nm. repeatability (intra-day) was evaluated in the same la-
boratory. The relative standard deviation (RSD) values
Preparation of Calibration curve of Atenolol obtained were 0.1973 and 0.2569 respectively (Table
in PBS pH 6.8 1).
Aliquots of 0.1 to 0.6 ml portion of stock solutions were
transferred to a series of 10 ml volumetric flasks, and Table 1: Precision determination
volume made up to the mark with phosphate buffer pH
6.8. The serial dilution of the range of 10, 20, 30, 40, Intra-Day Inter-Day
Sample no.
50, and 60 µg/ml was prepared. The absorbance was Precision* Precision*
measured at λmax 226.6 nm.
1 99.98 98.71
UV Method Validation
2 99.85 98.52
Linearity and range
The linearity of the response of the drug was verified at 3 99.65 98.65
10 to 60 µg/ml concentrations. The calibration graphs
were obtained by plotting the absorbance versus the Mean ± SD 99.68 ± 0.0026 98.62 ± 0.0020
concentration data and were treated by linear regres- %RSD 0.2569 0.1973
sion analysis. The equation of the calibration curve for *mean values of three determination
atenolol obtained. The linearity range of calibration
curve and correlation coefficient (r2) of determination Accuracy (Recovery Study)
was obtained. Accuracy of the method was studied by recovery exper-
iments. The recovery was performed at three levels,
Precision 80,100 and 120% of atenolol standard concentration.
The accuracy of the method was determined by recov- Three samples were prepared for each recovery level.
ery experiments. Each solution was recorded in tripli- The solutions were then analyzed and the percentage
cate and the percentage recovery was calculated. The recoveries were calculated from the calibration curve.
precision of the method was demonstrated by intra-day The recovery value for atenolol is 99.21±0.275 and RSD
and inter-day variation studies. In intra-day studies, is 0.321which is less than 2, which shows that the
three repeated measurements of standard and sample method has good reproducibility (Table 1).
solutions were made in a day and percentage RSD were
calculated. In inter-day studies, three repeated meas- Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quan-
urements of standard and sample solutions were made tification (LOQ)
on three consecutive days and percentage RSD were Limit of detection and Limit of quantification was found
calculated. to be 0.2586 and 0.7788 respectively.
Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quan- Specificity
tification (LOQ):
Specificity is the ability of the method to accurately
LOD and LOQ were calculated by the equations; measure the analyte response in the presence of all
LOD = 3.3σ / S and LOQ = 10σ / S potential sample components (excipients). The results
were compared with the analysis of a standard atenolol