Brandshoots Ventures - Skeleton Deck
Brandshoots Ventures - Skeleton Deck
Brandshoots Ventures - Skeleton Deck
• Minimum text
• Maximum images/tables
• Why you have entered this business or plan to enter this business?
(Highlight need gap, industry potential in brief)
Pick up from where we left off on the Business Overview slide and
explain products and pipeline.
• Create table with the following indices (add any other relevant points)
– Performance
– Cost
– Ease of use
– Any other relevant indicators
– On each of the parameter, highlight what will be your
Revenue Assumptions and Projections
• Funds
• Skill sets
• Man power
• Technology
• Others
Possible Risks and Ways of Mitigation
• Highlight various risks/challenges that you may face in rolling out and
in the growth stage of your business and how do you plan to mitigate
each of those risks.
Highlight each promoter and add the following information: