Demand Ischemia: Not A Total Occlusion, So If You

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Demand ischemia: Not a total occlusion, so if you

decrease the heart workload, the O2 demand will go

down and the little going perfusion will be sufficient
No ischemia (0) to reverse the damage.
ACS spectrum
Spectrum of CAD Asymptomatic CAD SA UA NSTEMI STEMI
Pain ✖ ✓At exertion ✓Even at rest ✓Even at rest ✓Even at rest
Relived ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
Biomarkers ✖ ✖ ✖  
St changes ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ 
Percent occlusion >50%* 70% 90% 90% 100%
* Don’t stent non occlusive CAD
NSTEMI & STEMI = heart attack (MI) .
Ischemia supply: no matter
STEMI is the highest acuity of CAD
what, the heart will die cause no
It becomes MI when any/some heart damage occurs.
blood supply is going to the
UA requires hospital admission, while SA and Asymp CAD is dealt with in clinic then the patient can
go home, however distinguishing between SA and UA is hard therefore we submit the patient

Substernal/left sided chest pain
Worsened with exertion
Relived with Nitroglycerin

3/3 = Typical Angina
2/3 = Atypical angina
1/3 = non anginal

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