1 Advance Management WHS Assessment 1
1 Advance Management WHS Assessment 1
1 Advance Management WHS Assessment 1
1. What WHS legislation applies to your workplace? Please include in your answer:
● Regulations
Model Work and Safety Regulations, dated 28 Novemeber 2016. This document gives us a
detailed explanation on the different requirements you need to meet and the procedures yu
need to follow in order to play by the rules and by the above mentioned Act (Work Health
and Safety Act 2011). A good example could be demanding a license for specific activities
and keeping records of all of this in the company ́s archive so you can proof it afterwards if
something bad happens.
https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/doc/model-work-health-and-safety-regulations )
(source:https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/law-and-regulation/model-whs-laws#mode l-
whs-regulations )
c. Codes of practice
Victorian codes of practice. If you are the responsible on a construction site where a
demolition work is happening, then you need to act by the Code of Practice: Demolition
Work. There you will find all you need to know to make sure that you and and the employees
under your care are complying with all the Health and Safety Standarsd required.
(source: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/law-and-regulation/model-whs-laws#mode l-
whs-regulations )
legislation) to ensure the workplace ́s safety. Of course, there are certain people in certain
positions within the company whose responsibility is higher than others. It is vital that every
worker within the company know how to identify, assess and when possible remedy a risk.
According to WHS Act 201, section 19 the person conducting the business the primary
responsible for anything that may happen during work hours.
(source: https://www.comcare.gov.au/preventing/hazards )
instance, they keep record of all sick days that every employee asks for. It is important to
keep track of it so then they can analyse the data and act by it.
- Face to face discussions and demonstrations where the employees can not only
theoretically understand all the policies and procedures that they need to follow in case
something bad happens, but they can also see a scenario based demonstrations. Tis way
you are giving them the perfect scenario to raise any questions that they might have and
address any misunderstanding among the staff.
- Apart from this it also useful to provide them a written guideline with all the information so
they have something to go to in case they have any future doubts on how to procede.
(source: https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/207942/ISBN-
Communicat ing-occupational-health-and-safety-across-languages-compliance-code-2008-
09.pdf / WorkSafe Victoria)
3. a. Who is responsible for ensuring that WHS policies are adhered to in your
According to the WHS Act, every person involved somehow in work has a duty (under
legislation) to ensure the workplace ́s safety. Of course, there are certain people in certain
positions within the company whose responsibility is higher than others. It is vital that every
worker within the company know how to identify, assess and when possible remedy a risk.
According to WHS Act 201, section 19 the person conducting the business the primary
responsible for anything that may happen during work hours. Is the employer ́s duty to, as
reasonable, provide and maintain a healthy and safe environment for their employees. As
part of the employer ́s duty they are requested to monitor worker ́s work conditions and
provide appropriate information regarding OHS. Anyone involved in management or control
of the workplace has also the duty to ensure work health and safety. At the same time,
employees are asked to care about their own safety and the ones among them by complying
with all the health and safety requirements.
- Provide and maintain a safe working environment, without risks (as far as is
reasonably practicable)
- Ensure that non-employers remain unexposed to health or safety risks that may
arise from the work their workers are undertaking.
- Make sure that the way in and out of the workplace is safe.
- Identifying hazards and ensuring that the employees are fully aware Worker:
- Comply with all the requirements regarding health and safety matter in the
(Source: http://workplaceohs.com.au/legislation/vic-legislation )
(Source: Advanced Management of WHS Workbook, BSBWHS501 Ensure a Safe
Workplace Young Rabbit Pty Ltd, 6t h edition, February 2016)
If you decide to go with in-house training you may have to use one of your staff to provide
these sessions, this could mean having a person apart from their current job for a while.
Having to meet wih your employees and providing sessions to train them will take work
hours from their schedules that you may need to cover somehow.
(Source: https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/hsr/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/40420/Issue-
resolutio n-MIA-October-2012.pdf / WorkSafe Resolving occupational healt and safety
. This issue must be documented in writing by filling an Incident Report Form where you
need to specify what happened and why, details about the injuries and how they where
treated, it is vital that all details are recorded and documented and communicated to your
employee or to their representative in WHS matters. It is also important to provide a control
measures to be implemented to prevent this to happen again.
(Source: https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/hsr/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/40420/Issue-resol
ution-MIA-October-2012.pdf / WorkSafe Resolving occupational healt and safety issues)
workplace incidents including but not limited to the death of a person or a serious injury or
illness. If something like this happens then you must inmediatly notify your regulator about
the terrible accident. After this, and only if requested by the regulator, you must submit a
written notification within 48 hours. You must also ensure that the incident site is preserved
until an inspector arrives or directs otherwise.
(Source: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/incident-reporting )