PHD Final Carriculum
PHD Final Carriculum
PHD Final Carriculum
MAY, 2015
With a population of more than 80 million, Ethiopia is the third most populous state in
Africa after Nigeria and Egypt . in mos recent years the number of insitutions of higher
learning as well as technical and vocational education and training (TVET ) in Ethiopia has
been increasing , as indeed has the rate of student enrollement in those insitutions. During
the middle of the 1970s there stared a government drive to nationalize all private
educational institutions , and by 1990 all tertiary level educational institutions belonged to
govermment . Following the reform of the early 1990s, private educational institutions
began to reappear . Afeature of this development is the rapid increase of private
institutions, which is introducing significant departure from past practice in the mode of
fina ncing education .
Post -1990 devlopments also show that Ethiopa has become a major recipient of both
development and humanitarian assistance from the developed group of countries through
both multilateral and bilateral arrangements. It is evident that the large infusion of
monetary, material and technical resources into the economy has created additional capacity
in government (as evidenced by the full public sector employment and increased levels of
govermment spending ) , led to an expansion of its management , regulatory and
employment functions as well as enhancing the growth and development of the private
Many non- govermmental organizations (NGOs) have been established in Ethiopia in recent
years and existing international organizations and NGOs have also increased the scope of
their activities .
These conditions have created an unprecednted levels of demand for instructors in
institutions of higeher learning as well as experts in Economics in the country. In trying to
fill this demand the department of Economics has been running an MSc pogram in the
field for the past five years. Running the program for the last five years enabled the
Department to develop teaching material , upgrade its training and resarch activites , build
its computer and internet access capacities, improve its program management practice and
forge a network of professinol and institutional contacts.
Moreover, there is the general presupposition that with population growth and economic
development ,the social demand for tertiary education increases over time . It is also
assumed that the rate of return of domestically provided tertiary education is higher than
that of an alternative arrangement that provides for training abroad . Tertiary education in
Ethiopia would also have strong backward and forward linkages to the domestic economy.
The sources of the social demand are both the individual who is prepared to invest in
human capital formation and the collective , which is the state , which would like to have
the same in order to enhance economic growth and development .
Per the GTP II the proportion of the Ph.D holder should be above 30% among the university
lectureres as and this program contrbutes to this goal. As Ethiopia one among the countries
which follow the developemntal state the Ph.D in Economics will have a paparmount
significance for the national goal of poverty reduction and green economy strategy. In the light
of these develoments, the department of Economics belives that it has now reached a
stage where it could offer a PhD in Development Economics and has degined this
4.2. Requirements
There are a number of requirements , which must be met satisfactorly, for a successful
completion of the Ph.D. Program .
4.2.1.Admissions Requrements
Students are admitted into the Ph.D.Program on the basis of achievements in the
Masters program at the recognized higher institutions. Students should also pass the
enterance and interview prepared by the department and he/she should also present and
defend synopsis on a reaserch topic.
The program consists of courses in advanced Economics taken sequentially over a two-
year period . students are expected to pass the examinations of these courses at the
required grade .
The courses are divided into two groups. The first group consists of the core
courses: (i) microeconomics, (ii) macroeconomics ,and (iii) quantitative methods in
Economics .The second group is set up of a couple of seminar courses in specialized
fields ( and are categorized as field courses ), which are normally taken after
completion of the core courses with a minimum grade of B.The students would also
need to pass field seminar courses .
The other major component of the Ph.D. is Dissertation. The third and fourth years of
the program will be devoted to research and it is expected that this process will end
with the completion , production and distribution of the Dissertation .The student is
required to submit a stipulated number of copies of her/his Dissertation(produced as
per standards set by the Departement ) to the DGC through the Departement.The
Dissertation will eventually subjected to a viva , and must be completed with a “pass”
The process of carrying out this aspect of the program reqirements is formalized.First ,
the Department approves the candidate’s proposal.The student is expected to research
into her/his respective research topic and ascertains its originality , pedagogical
relevance , high research standard and timeliness. The Departement’s approval process
includes holding of proposal seminar and appointment of dissertation supervisor
(s).Two options are open in the form of the dissertation.It could either follow the
traditional method of producing a monograph on a specified topic , or consist of 3
(three) articles that are publishable in an international reputable journal.
The maximaum number of years a student will stay as a Ph.D. candidate is six years.
The student will be awarded the Ph.D. Degree in Development Economics upon
successful completion of the study and when all the above requirements are fully met
4.2.4.Teaching Methods
Much of the course will be delivered in the form of lectures and seminars. There will
also be intensive reading assignments as well as exercises .Computer labs are also
integral parts of the teaching learning process.
The student is expected to take examination at the completion of each course and
obtain a grade of B or better in each such course in order to proceed to the next
course in the sequence .Alternatively, a stay in the program is also possible provided the
student gets a minimum average grade of B or better for the core courses. Students in
this second group are, however, expected to take make –up examinations in those
courses where they had scored less than B grades and clear those grades (i.e.raise the
grades to B or better ). If the student earned in the make –up examinations a grade of
B or better , that better grade will replace his/her less than B grade in the records and
GPA is calculated accoordingly.
Performance evaluation in course work will involve two components (a) a continuous
assessment ( which may involve ac combination of assignments , exercises, in –class
presentations ,mid-term exam,etc) and (b) a final exam . The Continuous assessment
should count for 50 % of the total mark while the final exam takes 50% .
4.2.6. Grading
Examination results of core courses are graded based on the grading system of
graduate programs of the Wollega University. The grading system of the non –credit
courses will be assigned P or F standing for pass and fail, respectively.
4.2.7.Degree Nomenclature
4.3.1 College
Currently , the Department has four PhD holders (1 associate proffessor and 3 Assitant
Professors). In addition, the department has three PhD candidates expected to join in
2015.Detailed staff profile is provided in Appendix a.The University will Provide the
necessary financial resources for engaging examiners.
The Department is planning to have a documentation center with uptodate books and
journals. Most of the Materials in the documentation center will be accumulated over
time from donations of the collaborators and donars. Moreover, the Department will have
two computer centers that cater its undergraduate and grauate programs. Video
conference room with all interanet facilities and infrastructures will be owned by the
department. A moderate vichele that can accommodate four individuals should be owned
by the department/college to accommodate scholars timely and to provide timely
transportation services. Lab top and offices will be provided to individual Ph. D
After student has taken the core courses, she/he can then register for the field
courses,beginning in the first semester of the second year.Each student is expected to
select her/his area of specialization from a growing field of elective courses.The
elective courses are also sequentially arranged and can only be taken in the order
given in the program.A less advanced course in an elective set becomes a prequisite for
and is taken before the more advanced course.Currently , the seminar courses are
focused on the following :
Agricultural Economics
Development Economics
Economic Policy
Public Sector Economics
Resource and Environmental Economics
Financial Economics
Only student who has successfully completed his/her course work (i.e.completed both
core and elective course requirement at grades of B or better ) can seek approval to
register for the Ph.D. research . The Ph.D research takes a minimum of two years to
complete after Dissertation proposal approval. The expectation is that the Ph.D.
student will seek approval of the Dissertation proposal in the first semester of his /her
third year, after completion of the course work.It is quite possible that candidates may
not be ready to develop an independent research program and defend their decision to
do so ,immediately after completion of the course work ,If a student wishes to defer
submission of the Dissertation proposal beyond the first semster of the third year in the
program it is necessary to have the permission of the Department to delay submission .It
must also be understood that re-registration after deferment is not automatic .The
requirements for the (Dissertation) research work may change and new conditions
may be attached to approve any such delayed request for Dissertation approval .
The list of couses offered in the Economics Department are based on current capacity
andcurrent needs.It is quite possible to drop some courses and introduce a new field
list depending on changing circumstances.The list of courses currently offered in the
Ph.D. program at the Economics Department ,Wollega University ,is shown below .The
list includes course titles and course numbers for both core courses and field courses
.Moreover,it shows the sequencing of the courses.Normally, the odd numbered courses
are offered in the first semster,while the even numbered ones are second semester
4.6.1.Core courses
The following presents the list of core courses offered by the Ph.D. Program.
The Seminar courses will increase as new demand arises and as the capacity to offer
new courses is enhanced . The current list of Seminar courses is shown below.
Seminar courses
The Ph.D. student will select a filed of specialization after completing core
courses.The filed course consist of a two –semester seminar .They will review
advanced and recent development ; study the research methouds and techiques applied
;present at least two term papers in their respective fileds.