Service Instruction: Selection of Suitable Operating Fluids For Rotax 2-Stroke Ul Engines SI-2ST-008
Service Instruction: Selection of Suitable Operating Fluids For Rotax 2-Stroke Ul Engines SI-2ST-008
Service Instruction: Selection of Suitable Operating Fluids For Rotax 2-Stroke Ul Engines SI-2ST-008
A revision bar outside of the page margin indicates a change to text or graphic.
1) Planning information
1.1) Engines affected
All 2 stroke UL engines
1.2) Concurrent ASB/SB/SI and SL
1.3) Reason
Field experience has shown that additional information about the choice of suitable operating fluids, such as
2-stroke oil, gearbox oil, coolant and fuel for ROTAX 2-stroke engines is necessary.
1.4) Subject
Selection of suitable operating fluids for ROTAX 2-stroke UL engines.
This information should help the aircraft manufacturer and operator to ensure that the operating conditions
and installation are correct and thereby achieve optimum performance and reliability.
1.5) Compliance
According to the Maintenance Manual of 2-stroke engines current issue.
▲ WARNING: Non-compliance with these instructions could result in engine damages, personal injuries
or death.
1.6) Approval
The technical content is approved under the authority of DOA No. EASA.21J.048.
1.7) References
In addition to this technical information refer to current issue of
- Operators Manual (OM)
- Maintenance Manual (MM)
- Installation Manual (IM)
◆ NOTE: The status of Manuals can be determined by checking the table of amendments of the Manual.
The 1 column of this table is the revision status. Compare this number to that listed on the ROTAX
2) Material Information
2.1) Material - cost and availability
3) Lubricants
3.1) Engine lubrication
When the oil in 2-stroke engines is mixed into the fuel system, then the oil and its corrosion protective ingre-
dients are continuously burned and then replaced by new fuel-oil-mixture. The oil is therefore exposed to the
moving parts only for a short time before it is consumed up. Therefore it is important to use oils of high qual-
ity, to ensure that the engine gets the necessary corrosion protection and lubrication.
▲ WARNING: If the engine has no oil injection, then in accordance with the operators manual it is nec-
essary to add to the fuel 2% Super 2-stroke oil (50:1).
◆ NOTE: Oils that are intended for marine (watercooled) 2-stroke engines are not suitable for use
in UL-engines due to their low operating temperatures. Oils formulated for air cooled en-
gines are recommended due to their high temperature properties.
brand description
CASTROL® Active 2T
SHELL® Advance S 2
brand description
The ratio antifreeze/water should not exceed any constraints given by the coolant manufacturer. Mixing ratio
exceeding the limits stated by the manufactuerer may result in thixotropy (jelling) of the antifreeze which se-
riously lowers the coolant systems efficiency.
■ CAUTION: Thixotropy of the coolant can be harmful for components of the cooling system and can
influence the cooling circuit to and from the expansion tank.
◆ NOTE: Coolant should be a low silicate or silicate free formular. Follow coolant manufacturer di-
rections regarding mixture percentages etc.
brand description
582 UL are now approved for use with E10. At an ethanol amount of maximum 10%, higher exhaust
gas temperatures (EGT) may be possible. If the maximum allowable EGT is exceeded, consult an
authorized maintenance facility for relevant checks and for further corrective actions (e.g. other car-
buretor jetting).
◆ NOTE: All other ROTAX 2-stroke UL aircraft engines as e.g. 447 UL, 618 UL etc. were not
tested for E10 and are not approved for it. Even if there is no negative feedback
from field information, these engine types should only be operated with fuels with
max. 5% alcohol.
Fuels that contain more than 10% ethanol blend have not been tested nor are they permitted for use.
5.1.2) Suitability of fuel system components of airframe
ROTAX urges owners to confirm with there airframe manufacturer that ethanol blended fuels of up
MOGAS description
EN 228 Normal 1)
AVGAS description
1) at least RON 90
2) at least RON 95
3) at least AKI* 87
■ CAUTION: Use only the correct fuel for the specific climate zones.
◆ NOTE: There is a risk of vapor lock formation if winter fuel is used for summer operation.