Job Satisfaction Article

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72
Volume 3; Issue 12; December 2016; Page No. 49-54

The impact of leadership model on job satisfaction within SMES in Ndola, Zambia
Ezra Malemuna
Information and Communications University, School of Business, Zambia Research Development Centre (ZRDC), Lusaka,

This study investigated the impact of leadership models with a view to determine if they have a significant relationship on job
satisfaction of employees in Small and Medium Enterprises of Ndola, Zambia. A total number of 100 male and female respondents
took part in the study. Structured questionnaire format was used for data collection with scales that were developed and designed to
measure perceived leadership models on job satisfaction. The study utilized the statistics for data analysis. Specifically, the
STATA version 11, computer software was employed for data analysis.
From human resource management perspective, in order to increase performance in businesses, there should be improvement of
employee job satisfaction. For measuring the employees’ job satisfaction, prior researches emphasized on intrinsic and extrinsic
job satisfaction. Leadership model is one of the important factors that have the potential to improve the organizational
performance. In this study, four types of leadership models are considered including Autocratic, Supportive, Custodial, and
Collegial leadership.
It is therefore concluded that there is no one best way to leadership but as situation arises. The study revealed that high
consideration and initiating Leadership model will lead to achieving Job satisfaction. However, insufficient education, inability to
select qualified workers for the job, low income and job status all affect job satisfaction. It is suggested that mentoring should be
used as a means to develop and motivate employees towards entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in order to achieve
organizational sustainability and employee job satisfaction. So the findings of research prove that leadership is an important
element which highly influences the organisational performance and in turn affects job satisfaction. Based on the results of this
research, it has been recommended which leadership model should be practiced in SMEs to gain satisfied employees. Leaders need
to state their views clearly; they need to consider employee capabilities and needs. This could ultimately lead to a better
performance and a competitive advantage for the organization.

Keywords: Supportive leadership, Autocratic leadership, Custodial leadership, collegial leadership, Job satisfaction, Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

1. Introduction anticipation is thought to become innate and cannot be

Leaders are facing greater challenges than in the past because created in managers.
of the elevated environment complexity and also the altering Organizations attempt to increase job satisfaction in different
character from the organization. When we hint back to organizational levels according to their expectations in order
history, it might be apparent that leaders should be capable of to increase organizational performance (Eslami, 2012) [12]. It
implementing changes With regards to environmental is clear that influential factors on job satisfaction have
demands. Organizations around the globe are deeply worried different levels as well (Janssen, 2004) [16]. Many researches
about thoughtful, examining and evolving leadership. No attempted to identify and measure the impact of different
matter the kind of organization, leadership is discovered to factors on job satisfaction. For example, ethics (Avtgis, 2006)
play an important role in creating an effective organization , (Cranny, 1992) [11]; (Lok P., 1999) [21], cultural values
for the success of the organization. (Galup, 2008) [13], as well as HRM practices (Hilgerman,
Leaders are convened the chance to guide, not since they're 1998) [14] are the important factors that can impact job
hired by senior managers they lead since they're professed satisfaction. However, in order to focus on workforce in
and recognized by fans as leaders (Bosman & Nalla, 2009) [7]. lower organizational levels, the role of leadership style is
Actually an innovator needs to supply the fans precisely what remarkably important (Bogler, R, 2002) [6].
it takes to ensure that they're prolific and advance on the way High job satisfaction enhances employees’ psychological and
to the common vision. But when the leaders neglect to physical wellbeing and positively affects employee
provide that which was guaranteed before, it flourishes a performance. According to (Sergeant, 2000) [27], employee
feeling of disbelief and de-motivation. job satisfaction refers to the attitude of employees towards
Thus leaders must be centered on his followers’ needs both their jobs and the organization which employs them. The
within and outdoors of the organization to ensure that they are researchers pointed out that job satisfaction is influenced by
stirring ahead consistently. Another primary quality of the many organizational contextual factors, ranging from salaries,
leader is “anticipation”. Leaders can anticipate the near future job autonomy, job security, workplace flexibility, to
prospects and plan substitute method to satisfy challenges. leadership. In particular, leaders within organizations can
Such traits are typical in historic leaders. This feeling of
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

adopt appropriate leadership styles to affect employee job manager. Employees are tightly controlled. Employees may
satisfaction, commitment and productivity. obey managers but employees may not respect management.
Typically, employees receive minimum pay for minimum
1.2 Statement of the Problem expected performance. Employees may have lower skills.
Leadership and job satisfaction are recognized as fundamental Often, employees work in the authority model because they
components influencing the overall effectiveness of an have to provide subsistence for themselves and their families
organization (Allen, 2002) [2]. In addition, (Bushra, 2011) [9] (Hilgerman, 1998) [14].
mentioned that a leader’s style has a definite influence on an Its weakness is that it leads to “micro management”. With
employee's job satisfaction. However, employees are no micro management, managers control all details of daily
longer satisfied with traditional leadership practices (Chen, operations. Managers control time and processes, they put
2008) [10]. Therefore recognizing, adopting and practicing the their needs above those of employees; they insist on
appropriate leadership styles are vital for future leaders as it complicated approval processes for even the smallest things
effects on employees job satisfaction. and closely monitor all results (Bushra, 2011) [9]. The problem
Thus, for SMEs in Zambia to continue as an important with the autocratic model and micro management is that it
contributor to the country’s economy, the most significant leads to low employee morale, poor decision-making (no one
leadership model which has the highest impact on the job will make a decision because he/ she is afraid of the decision
satisfaction of employees in SMEs has to be identified. being over turned) and high turnover. As well, employees
In view of the research gap concerning leaders and leadership kept quiet about hating the workplace, they certainly made
models and job satisfaction in SMEs more studies are needed their feelings known at home and in the community (Lee. H.
to determine the types of leadership styles adopted in these Y., 2009) [20].
organizations in the Zambian context. Following the views This model can get things done but it has high human costs. It
presented, this study strived to examine the correlation can be useful in crisis situations, within armies or with short-
between leadership styles and job satisfaction among term employees. The autocratic model was acceptable 100
employees in small and medium enterprises and to determine years ago. However, today’s understanding of people’s needs
the leadership styles that are commonly used by the leaders in as well as changing society values show better ways to
the organization. organize behavior.

1.3 Significance of the study 1.5.2 Custodial Model

This study is significant because it contributes to an The custodial approach depends on economic resources –
expansion of the knowledge base related to the relationships money for wages and benefits - to motivate employees. The
between job satisfaction and perceived leadership styles company has to have enough money to cover these costs. By
within the SMEs in Zambia. More specifically, this study has the 1930’s most employers were offering welfare
the potential to identify which leadership style has an impact programs…for example, housing, medical care and insurance,
on employees’ satisfaction in relation to their job. fewer working hours, sick pay, pensions and paid vacation
Consequently, if employees are satisfied, it reduces time off (Yukl, 2002) [31].
absenteeism, excessive employment turnover, lack of The problem with the custodial model is that it leads to
initiative and lack of support. Therefore, it encourages dependence on the organization by the employee because of
motivation, innovative culture, productivity and ultimately the security offered. Employees do not want to leave the
growth and profitability. This research also contributes organization, not so much because they like the job, but
towards understanding, that type of leadership model plays an because they like or depend on the benefits that go with it.
important role towards organizational performance via-a-via (Yeh, 2013) [30]. They cannot afford to quit. In this model,
job satisfaction. This study will contribute to a better employees may focus on economic rewards. They may be
understanding of the leadership styles currently being used by reasonable content, but may not be highly motivated – just
leaders with specific information provided on what leaders passively cooperative. Companies that adopt the custodial
are doing well so these practices can be reinforced. approach normally have a lower staff turnover. However,
Furthermore, this study could identify the gaps which may employees do not produce their best work and are not
produce opportunities for future improvements. motivated to grow to their full potential. The custodial model
is a good foundation for organizations to grow to the next
1.4 Study Site approach.
Participants of this research paper were the employees of
different organizations. My targets were the employees of 1.5.3 Supportive Model
different SMEs on the Copperbelt part of Zambia. The supportive model came from research done in the 1920’s
and 1930’s. It depends on leadership, not authority or money.
1.5 Literature Review Through leadership, managers provide a work situation in
1.5.1 Autocratic Model which employees can develop. The supportive model assumes
This model depends on power the manager has the power to that employees want to work and will take responsibility.
demand “you do this or else” – and an employee who does Employees are encouraged to be involved in the organization.
not follow orders is punished. The manager has formal, Employees are more strongly motivated because their status
official, authority over employees. and recognition needs are better met than with earlier models.
This model assumes that employees have to be directed and The supportive approach is not about money, but about the
pushed into doing the work. In this model, management does way people are treated at work. A supportive manager helps
the thinking; employees obey orders and depend on the employees solve problems and accomplish their work.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

However, some managers may agree with the model but not Job satisfaction has been defined as a self-reported, positive
actually practice it at work (Awamleh, 1999) [4]. This model is emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or
followed widely, especially in the West, because it responds from job experiences (Chen, 2008) [10]. Judge (2001)
to employee drives for complex needs. It is especially useful described job satisfaction as the “overall affective orientation
in production work places. Employees in developing on the part of individuals toward work roles which they are
countries are aware of management practices around the presently occupying”. Lok P., (1999) [21] defined job
world and are demanding more modern approaches. satisfaction as a positive or pleasing emotional state from the
Management orientation, therefore, is to support the appraisal of one’s job or experience. This definition suggests
employee's job performance rather than to simply support that employees form their attitude towards their jobs by
employee benefit payments as in the custodial approach. taking into account their feelings, beliefs and behaviors.
Since management supports employees in their work, the Satisfaction on the job reflects important employee attitude
psychological result is a feeling of participation and task towards their job (Spector, 1997) [28], indicating what makes a
involvement in the organization. Employees may say "we", job enjoyable and a satisfying working environment
instead of "they" when referring to their organization. (Robbins, 2009) [26].
Employees are more strongly motivated than by earlier Thus, job satisfaction is often considered to be an indicator of
models because their status and recognition needs are better employee emotional well-being or psychological health
met (Lund, 2003) [23]. Thus they have awakened drives for leading to indicate behavior that could affect organizational
work. functioning. Job satisfaction is often considered to be the
most interesting variable in industrial and organizational
1.5.4 Collegial Model psychology research (Akehurst, 2009) [1].
The term “collegial” relates to a body of people working In the past, some researchers approached the study of job
together cooperatively. The collegial model depends on satisfaction from the perspective of needs fulfillment,
management’s building a feeling of partnership with meaning if the job meets the subordinates physical and
employees. The result is that employees feel needed and psychological needs for the things provided by job, such as
useful. They feel that managers are contributing also, so it is pay, employees were satisfied (Avtgis, 2006) [3]. Spector,
easy to accept and respect their roles in their organization. (1997) [28] found that if the employees find their job fulfilling
Managers are seen as joint contributors rather than as bosses. and rewarding, they tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.
The managerial orientation is toward teamwork. Management Voon, (2011) [29].
is the coach that builds a better team. The employee’s believed that job satisfaction generally refers to the feeling or
response to this situation is responsibility. For example emotional reaction associated with a role in an organization
employees produce quality work not because management (Hwang, 2005) [15].
tells them to do so or because the inspector will catch them if Job satisfaction was identified as an important element which
they do not, but because they feel inside themselves an impacts employee behavior positively. The positive behavior
obligation to provide others with high quality. They also feel of employee is the context in which staffs have job
an obligation to uphold quality standards that will bring credit satisfaction and they have the feeling of more responsibility,
to their jobs and company. The psychological result of the commitment and accountability to stay inside the organization
collegial approach for the employee is self-discipline. Feeling for a long time (Sergeant, 2000) [27].
responsible, employees discipline themselves for performance Job satisfaction is considered as the most familiar work
on the team in the same way that the members of a football attitude indicator and a reliable feature to asses an
team discipline themselves to training standards and the rules individual’s judgment regarding her/his job experience in an
of the game (Lok, 2001) [22]. organization (Janssen, 2004) [16]. It can positively impact
This model began about 50 years ago. Many employees feel commitment and performance of the employees and decreases
satisfied that they are making a worthwhile contribution. This their turnover and absenteeism (Chen, 2008) [10]. The positive
leads to self-actualization and moderate enthusiasm in the job satisfaction results to goal achievement and organizational
way they perform. The collegial model is especially useful for effectiveness. Usually, high job satisfaction will help the
creative work, like marketing or communications or in employees to deal with obstacles for obtaining defined
thinking environments, like education or planning. In this organizational objectives and goals.
kind of environment employees normally feel some degree of
fulfillment, worthwhile contribution, and self-actualization, 2. Research Methodology
even though the amount may be modest in some situations. The nature of this research can be categorized as positivism.
This self-actualization will lead to moderate enthusiasm in In this type of research a theory is developed, data is collected
performance. which either supports or contests the theory, necessary
revision is done and the theory is tested again. Positivism is
1.5.5 Job Satisfaction when the researcher adopts the position of a philosopher,
(Janssen, 2004) [16 defined job satisfaction as “any works with available data and the observable reality (de
combination of psychological, physiological and Bono, 2012).
environmental circumstances that cause a person to truthfully
say, “I am satisfied with my job”. (Hilgerman, 1998) [14] 2.1 Research Design
stated that job satisfaction is “the feelings a worker has about A descriptive and quantitative research approach was deemed
his or her job experiences in relation to previous experiences, appropriate to gather the primary data and attend to the
current expectation, or available alternatives”. research questions. Descriptive research determines and
reports the way things are. This choice was made because this
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

research involves investigating possible relationships among The 3.07 mean value for overall job satisfaction describes the
two or more variables and collecting data to test hypotheses. satisfaction of employees with different dimensions of their
The variables are measured once through a survey where the job. The results show positive attitudes of employees towards
opinions of the respondents will be illustrated. their work which means employees are to some extent
satisfied with their job. Aggregate mean value of 3.18 for
2.2 Target Population autocratic leadership explains the employees’ views about the
Participants of this research paper were the employees of leadership style of the supervisor. Autocratic leadership style
different organizations. The target population was the has a higher mean value over the other leadership styles.
employees of different SMEs on the Copperbelt part of Results show that employees are not happy with their
Zambia supervisors or leaders. According to employees’ responses,
managers don’t encourage their innovative thinking, and
2.3 Sample Size don’t consider their personal feelings before acting or
The Sample size of research was 100 respondents from which implementing a decision.
we collected data.
Table 2: Correlations
2.4 Sampling Procedure 1 2 3 4
Random sampling design to select sample from population Autocratic 1
was used. The researcher visited all these organizations and Custodial .4586 1
first of all, informed the respondents that all their information Supportive -.5103 -.2043 1
will keep confidential and then got the feedback directly from Collegial -.4604 -.2034 .8313 1
the respondents. Job Satisfaction -.1265 .0015 .2991 .2754
Source: Field Data (2015)
2.5 Data Collection Instruments
The measuring instrument for data collection from the According to the above table we can easily describe the
employees is in the form of questionnaires which consists of relationship among our variables. As we know that
close-ended questions. The questionnaires were preferred correlation exists between +1 to -1. These two extreme points
because they were shows positive and negative correlation. According to the
convenient to most respondents as they responded to the above table our significant level for correlation is 1% (0.01).
questions at their own suitable time and the interview While according to the given table, significant value of Job
provided the best means of getting detailed data for the study Satisfaction (Dependent Variable) is 0.0015 with Custodial
from individuals. Leadership, 0.2991 with Supportive, and 0.2754 with
collegial leadership. So this shows there is positive
2.6 Data Analysis Techniques relationship between job Satisfaction and its dependent
The data was collected and edited for incompleteness and variables. However, Autocratic leadership (β= -.01265,
inconsistence to ensure correctness of the information given <.0.05) was negatively related to job satisfaction.
by the respondents. Variables were coded in Microsoft excel, The objective of this research was to survey if leadership
and a statistical package (STATA Version 11.0) was used for models have a relationship with employee’s job satisfaction in
data entry and analysis. Pearson‟ correlation of coefficient a small and medium scale enterprise in Zambia. Based on
was used to establish the relationships between leadership previous research, many factors have been identified as
models and job satisfaction. Multiple regression analysis was potential factors that fostering a relationship with employee
used to determine how the predictor variable explains the job satisfaction, such as sex, age, competence race and variety
dependent variable. of skills used (Madlock, 2006) [24]. Though, specific scholars
advocate that even all the same other factors are intricate,
3. Findings and Discussion satisfaction of the employee in the organization is possibly
In order to establish whether Leadership models have an most thoughtful of how employees feel about leaders and the
impact on job satisfaction, respondents were asked to give performances they exhibit.
their views of the matter and below is the table showing Investigation in these areas has involved top management
respondents views. (Richmond, 2000) [25]. This study offers additional insight
into how leadership models correlate with employee’s job
Table 1: The impact of leadership models on job satisfaction. satisfaction in small and medium scale enterprises. From the
result of correlation analysis in table 2 above, revealed all the
S. No. of STD.
Variable Mean leadership models sub-scales are statistically significant at the
No Measures Deviation
0.01 level of significance.
1 Autocratic 6 3.18 0.69
The result indicated that supportive and collegial leadership
2 Custodial 6 3.14 0.57
behaviors are important factors that contribute to employees’
3 Supportive 6 2.94 0.86 job satisfaction because they are positive relationship among
4 Collegial 6 3.09 0.83 the variables.
5 Job Satisfaction 20 3.07 0.33
Source: Field Data (2015) 4. Conclusion and Recommendations
Leadership models (Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, and
Table 1 represents the mean values of autocratic, custodial, Collegial) are known and practiced by leaders/managements
supportive, and collegial leadership, overall job satisfaction. as a means of achievement motivation and job satisfaction of
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